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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. GL v TT & LT [2022] NZDT 249 (7 December 2022) [PDF, 244 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 (FA) / Property Boundaries / Respondents and Applicant share property boundary / Applicant seeks new fence and seeks Respondents pay half / Applicants claim cost of surveying / Respondents claim new fence unnecessary /Held: FA requires an adequate fence between properties / Cost of fence will be split between parties / FA only covers costs of surveying and cost analyses if both parties consent to it / Applicants unable to recover surveying cost / Respondents to pay Applicant $4,286.63 / Claim partially upheld.

  2. TH v TU [2022] NZDT 237 (7 December 2022) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Jurisdiction / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Residential Tenancies Act 1986 (RTA) / Applicant responded to an ad for a studio room for rent by the Respondent / Parties discussed a draft agreement / Night before Applicant was planning to move in the Respondent said they were unable to come to a mutual agreement / Respondent said the Applicant was not considered to be the right fit for the property / Applicant did not move in / Held: not accepted that the property was being used principally as a place of residence by the Respondent / Studio unit was self-contained / Unit was at a different address from the Respondent’s residence / Not possible to contract out of the RTA / Claim struck out in the Disputes Tribunal / Claim dismissed.

  3. NN v IQ [2022] NZDT 250 (6 December 2022) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a car from Respondent for $3500 / Respondent said car was safe and reliable / Afterwards Respondent discovered car needed significant work / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented car's condition / Applicant claimed $3500 from Respondent / Held: Respondent’s statement that car was safe and reliable was a misrepresentation / Misrepresentation induced Applicant to purchase car / Car needed significant repairs / Respondent ordered to pay $1500 given condition and age of car / Claim granted.

  4. I Ltd v BW [2022] NZDT 246 (6 December 2022) [PDF, 263 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act / Respondent contacted applicant seeking legal advice / The relationship was on and off with interim periods where the Respondent engaged other barristers / Applicants claim $15,988 for legal services performed / Respondent claims she Applicant engaged her as a client against her wishes and carried out unnecessary work / Respondent claims Applicant gave incorrect advice / Held: Where a professional service provider is contacted, reasonable to assume that the service provider will begin charging from the first contact / There is no proven breach of legal duty to exercise “reasonable care and skill” / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to Applicant $15,988.

  5. BL v GG Ltd [2022] NZDT 200 (5 December 2022) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Applicant joined Respondent’s gym and paid $2330 / Applicant joined gym due to particular classes / Classes no longer provided / Applicant sought to cancel membership and obtain a refund / Applicant claimed $1500 / Held: Applicant terminated her contract early and the terms of conditions provided for an early termination fee of $250 / Applicant entitled to cancel her prepaid one-year gym membership without giving reasons / Respondent ordered to pay $1479.95, membership fee with early termination fee deducted and factoring in access to gym for 94 days / Claim granted.  

  6. TH & UH v DM & MT [2022] NZDT 262 (5 December 2022) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Contract / Applicants purchased a puppy for $5000 from Respondents / Applicants returned puppy to Respondents / Respondents found a new owner for the puppy / Applicants claimed $4999 from Respondents / Held: Respondents breached contract as they did not take reasonable endeavours to try and sell the puppy / Factors considered for compensation amount included the puppy was not defective, no guarantee of sale of puppy, likely that older puppies are less expensive, new owner incurred costs and Respondents had incurred expenses / Applicants should be compensated $750 for breach of contract / Claim granted.

  7. DI v NI [2022] NZDT 251 (5 December 2022) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and children invited to live with Respondent during covid lockdown / Applicant sold items and worked on Respondent’s property / Applicant asked to leave following relationship breakdown / Applicant claims $20,000 from Respondents for work completed on the property / Respondents claim Applicant did not add value equitable to the cost of housing Applicant and children / Held: No contract between parties / No evidence Applicant paid rent to Respondent / Applicant’s evidence of work largely illegible / Applicant paid utilities to Respondent / Total rent bill at $250 per week $28,166.00 / Rent amount greatly outweighs possible benefit to Respondent / Respondents not unjustly enriched by Applicant’s work / Claim dismissed.

  8. XB v KI [2022] NZDT 226 (5 December 2022) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Respondent advertised a car online /Applicant purchased the car after test driving it / Applicant was driving the car back to their home when there was an issue with the car / Issue proved to be more expensive than the car was worth / Applicant alleged Respondent misrepresented condition of the car / Applicant claimed refund of $14,250.00 plus $249.80 for road user charges, a total of $ 14,499.80/ Held: Respondent had taken the vehicle to a mechanic prior to the sale/ Respondent supplied the Applicant the service details/ There was no misrepresentation / Claim dismissed.

  9. CI v LI [2022] NZDT 227 (5 December 2022) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Gift / Loan / Dispute between Applicant and Respondent whether monetary amounts were a gift or a loan / Applicant alleged he gifted Respondent $38,000.00 and loaned them $25,000.00 (total $63,000.00) / Respondent alleged that Applicant paid them $13,000.00 in cash and $25,000.00 in direct credit / Respondent claimed both amounts were gifts / Applicant claimed for repayment of $25,000.00 / Respondent claimed no repayment and $1265.00 in compensation for legal fees / Held: evidence of timing of transactions and communication between the parties indicated $38,000.00 was given to Applicant by Respondent as a gift / Disputes Tribunal legislation usually excludes claiming of costs / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.  

  10. KE v TX [2022] NZDT 277 (2 December 2022) [PDF, 91 KB]

    Contract / Applicant listed vehicle for sale online and Respondent bid $120,000 to purchase it / Respondent won bid but Respondent could not contact Applicant / Applicant relisted vehicle and it sold at a lower bid, $108,100 / Applicant claimed $12,100 for loss and cost of relisting / Held: legally binding contract formed when Respondent won bid / Respondent breached contractual obligations by not following through with purchase / Applicant entitled to damages / Respondent ordered to pay 12,100 / Claim allowed.

  11. DD v QX [2022] NZDT 239 (2 December 2022) [PDF, 206 KB]

    Negligence \ Contributory Negligence \ Respondent was sober driver for Applicant and friends in Applicant’s car \ Respondent crashed car into another vehicle \ Applicant’s insurance would not cover the accident \ Applicant claims $6,153.94 from Respondent \ Respondent claims they are not fully liable for damage as they were distracted by the Applicant and friends/ Held: Respondent was negligent in driving the Applicant’s car \ Applicant did not take vehicles depreciation into account / Applicant and friends liable for 40% contribution \ Respondent is to pay Applicant $829.50 (60% fault contribution and depreciation)\ Claim upheld.

  12. GO v HO [2022] NZDT 213 (2 December 2022) [PDF, 138 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport Road User Rule 2004 / Applicant and Respondent collided at an intersection / Applicant’s insurance company sought recovery of repair costs / Respondent claimed Applicant did not keep a proper look out / Held: each party contributed to collision / Primary responsibility lay with Respondent as it was his decision to park in front of a car to one side, away from direction of travel / Applicant also failed to keep a proper look out / Responsibility lies 60% with Respondent and 40% with Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay $1,175.72 to Applicant’s insurer / Claim granted in part.

  13. NX Ltd v BH Ltd [2022] NZDT 238 (1 December 2022) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Applicant ordered metal profiles from Respondents and paid contract price in full / Order too large and was to be sent in two shipping containers / Second part of the order did not leave Respondent’s warehouse and alternative transport arrangements were not made / Respondent could not find order when contacted / Applicant claims they cannot use the product anymore as it has expired / Held: Product is to be made for collection immediately by Respondent / Respondent will need to recoat the metal / Respondent to pay Applicant if product is not available to be collected / Respondent to pay Applicant $4000 if product not available / Claim allowed.

  14. T Ltd v S Ltd [2022] NZDT 219 (30 November 2022) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Contract / Applicant manufactures condiments and sauces and purchased native botanicals from Respondent for several years to use in its products / Applicant paid for product and freight but Respondent failed to supply the  final shipment / Applicant claimed refund $3,783.50 and $21,600 loss of profit / Held: Applicant entitled to refund of amount paid for product not received / Applicant not entitled for compensation for loss of profit / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,783.50 / Claim allowed in part.

  15. LU v CE Ltd [2022] NZDT 235 (30 November 2022) [PDF, 115 KB]

    Contract / Applicant’s vehicle broke down and asked Respondent to tow for inspection / Applicant and Respondent had a miscommunication regarding repair of vehicle / Applicant requested Respondent to tow vehicle back to her home / Applicant financed another vehicle / Applicant claims $1611 in loss of transportation and income / Respondent counter claims $608.35 for spare parts / Held: No agreement had been reached by the Respondent and Applicant about the repair cost of the vehicle / Applicant is liable to pay the towage and inspection fees only / Respondent not liable to pay loss of transportation and income of Applicant / Applicant to pay Respondent $391 / Claim partly dismissed.

  16. L Ltd v N Ltd [2022] NZDT 247 (30 November 2022) [PDF, 236 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant provided Respondent with valuation / Both parties agreed on price / Respondent’s customer decided not to get goods replaced through Applicant / Applicant claims $23,310.00 in lost profits / Applicant claims Respondent is in breach of contract / Held: Respondents in breach of contract / Respondents liable for Applicant’s loss of profit / Respondents to pay Applicant $15,000.00 / Claims for legal costs and filing fees dismissed / Claim partially upheld.

  17. VS v WN [2022] NZDT 221 (30 November 2022) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Contract / Respondent contracted Appellant to supply and install windows and doors for total sum of $30,466.00 / workmen found additional work necessary to fulfil original contract / Respondent and Appellant agreed to extra work being added to contract price / Respondent was unable to get bank loans necessary to fund extra work / Respondent cancelled contract / Appellant claims $3,615.94 for work already done / Respondent claims contract conditional upon financing / Held: Contract is enforceable and is not subject to Respondent’s ability to get financing / Respondent to pay Appellant $3,615.94 / Claim granted.

  18. TQ v WT Ltd & OQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 69 (29 November 2022) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Contract / Bailment / Applicant hired Respondent 1 to perform certification on his vehicle / Respondent 1 discovered minor defects requiring remediation / Respondent 1 delivered the vehicle to Respondent 2's workshop for repair / Respondent 2 was unable to begin working on it immediately / Respondent 2 left the vehicle in the customer parking area / The vehicle was subsequently stolen and remains unrecovered / Applicant claims $30,000. Held: Neither Respondent breached any legal duty owed to the Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  19. KH v KN [2022] NZDT 241 (29 November 2022) [PDF, 266 KB]

    Contract / Applicants purchased property from Respondents / Contractual clause states chattels are to be delivered to purchaser in reasonable working order/ Applicant claims several items fail to meet contractual standard / Applicants claim total of $20,048.02 / Respondents accept two claims totaling $1,597.00 / Nine other claims in dispute / Held: Applicants claims for power reconnection fee, nonworking stoves, lock replacement, damaged light fitting, and hot water cylinder allowed / Respondent to pay Applicants $3,153.40 / Claim partially successful.

  20. SS v SH [2022] NZDT 230 (29 November 2022) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Contract / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent contracted to install flat pack kitchen and quoted $3,500 for installation / Applicant and Respondent discussed extra time taken for installation / Respondent indicated cost would be 30% more than original quote / Applicant claims final invoice was unreasonable / Held: Terms of the contract should have been expressly clear / Respondent should have ensured that he communicated costs to Applicant / Applicant to pay Respondent $3,000 / claim dismissed.

  21. SI v NI & DI [2022] NZDT 218 (29 November 2022) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Contractual and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a vehicle from Respondent / Vehicle switch stopped odometer from working / Respondent acknowledges he was aware of switch’s existence / Applicant claimed for the difference in value for truck with a correct odometer reading without a switch / Held: There was a misrepresentation that induced entry into the contract / Appropriate valuation given of vehicle / Respondent to pay Applicant $6,500 / Claim allowed.

  22. KG v OAU [2022] NZDT 225 (29 November 2022) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant hit pothole in vehicle causing damage to a tyre / Applicant contacted Respondent who sent contractors to fix pothole within 75 minutes / Applicant claimed Respondent knew about the pothole and failed to warn motorists / Applicant claimed compensation for loss that his insurer has not covered / Respondent claimed they had no previous knowledge of the pothole / Held: if the Respondent did owe motorists a duty of care in this instance, then it had not breached that duty as it responded quickly to fix the issue / Claim dismissed.