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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. AS v EI Ltd [2023] NZDT 2 (24 January 2023) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant ordered a grape plant from the Respondent / Applicant paid $44 for the plant / Respondent provided wrong delivery address to the courier company / Applicant claimed $44 for cost of the plant / Held: delivery of plant was a service provided by the Respondent alongside supplying goods / Respondent mistakenly provided wrong address which was a failure of reasonable care and skill / Respondent liable for refund for the plant / Respondent ordered to pay $44 / Claim granted.

  2. KK & PM v S Ltd & SH Ltd [2023] NZDT 43 (23 January 2023) [PDF, 265 KB]

    Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicants contracted Respondent to provide pre-purchase inspection report for property / Applicants relied on Respondent's report that property was structurally sound and fit for purpose / Applicants bought property that needed repair / Applicants claim Respondents failed to note Dux Quest plumbing and rot on structural supporting beams of balcony / Applicants claim for compensation to repair both issues / Held: Respondent breached statutory guarantee to use reasonable care and skill / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $29,842.10 / Claim allowed.

  3. CQ v DW [2023] NZDT 84 (20 January 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondent own adjoining properties / Applicant served fencing notice on Respondent / Respondent did not respond to notice / Applicant had fence repaired / Applicant claims $5,980.00 for cost of fence / Held: as Respondent did not respond to notice he is deemed to have agreed to the proposals set out in it which is that the Respondent pay the full cost of the fence / Respondent liable to pay / Respondent to pay Applicant balance of $5,980.00, claim allowed.

  4. BP v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 38 (20 January 2023) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contacted Respondent to organise overseas travel / Applicant's luggage did not make it to his destination due to delay of first flight / Applicant is a photographer and his camera charger was in the luggage / Applicant not given necessary information for hiking tour and missed the first day / Applicant claims full refund of amount paid for trip / Held: Respondent is not liable for the delayed flight but failed to meet its duty of care by not ensuring the Applicant received maps for the hiking trip / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $650 / Claim partially allowed.

  5. BF & NF v BN Ltd [2023] NZDT 24 (19 January 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants engaged with Respondent to uplift and transport household items from their property / Applicants witnessed the movers drop the chest of drawers causing damage / Applicant’s insurer claimed $979.00 to recover insured losses / Held: carrier not obliged to pay compensation if the goods are damaged unless it is intentional / No evidence that Respondent intentionally damaged the chest of drawers / Respondent had no liability for the damage to Applicants’ goods / Claim dismissed.

  6. HE v QZ [2023] NZDT 372 (18 January 2023) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent for building work / Parties agreed Respondent’s work to cost $50,000 / Applicant made several payments to Respondent, parties disagreed on total amount / Respondent carried out work, but left site following changes to building plans by Applicant’s architect / Applicant claimed refund of some payments made to Respondent, plus $31,000 cost of having another building company complete job / Held: Applicant’s separate claim against architect likely to reveal further information relevant to these proceedings / Hearing adjourned pending outcome of claim against architect.

  7. HW v BU Ltd [2023] NZDT 3 (18 January 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Towing / Applicant’s car was towed from a carparking building / Applicant had purchased a subscription to park in any unreserved bay in the carparking building / Applicant charged $420.00 for towing charges / Applicant claimed signage was confusing which led him to park in the wrong place / Applicant also claimed tow charge was unreasonable / Whether Respondent had the right to tow Applicant’s car / Whether costs were reasonable / Held: signage was unclear and it created confusion about where the Applicant could park / Respondent provided signage to the carparking building / Respondent had the ability to ensure signage was not confusing for carpark users / Respondent had no right to tow the Applicant’s car / Respondent ordered to pay $420.00 / Claim granted.

  8. DQ v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 61 (17 January 2023).pdf [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act / Applicants bought an umbrella from Respondent / Applicants friends became sunburnt after using umbrella / Respondents agreed to replace umbrella / Respondents changed their mind / Refused to provide a refund or deliver the new umbrella / Applicants claim $1,800 for original price of umbrella / Held: Umbrella applicants originally purchased was not fit for purpose / Respondent’s refusal to replace umbrella after agreeing to constitutes breach of contract / Claim allowed / Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $1,800.

  9. XN v LD & S Ltd [2023] NZDT 62 (17 January) 2023 [PDF, 196 KB]

    Tort / Conversion / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant was in the process of restoring a vehicle when incarcerated / Applicant asked friend to look after the vehicle for him / Friend transferred vehicle into his name and on sold it to the First Respondent for $25,000 / First respondent spend time and money restoring it / Applicant claims the vehicle was converted and wants the car returned to him / Held: vehicle was converted when friend put the car in his name / Applicant cannot have the vehicle returned as the First Respondent was an innocent buyer / Applicant may claim damages to the value of the car when it was converted / First Respondent must pay Applicant $25,000 / Claim partially granted / There is no basis for the claim against the Second Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  10. KM v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 324 (12 January 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Tort / Trespass / Applicant’s wife parked car in private car park for 5 minutes / Respondent sent breach notice to Applicant of $95.00 / Applicant filed declaration of non-liability / Respondent counterclaimed $1000 being $426.51 plus ongoing interest / Applicant willing to pay breach notice but not further collection costs and interest claimed by Respondent / Respondent claims Applicant’s wife liable in contract / Held: law of contract does not apply, this matter should be dealt with under law of trespass / Applicant not liable for costs as he was not person who parked in private car park / Because claim is based in tort and not contract , Tribunal cannot make declaration of non-liability in Applicant’s favour / Claim dismissed / Because there is no contract, Applicant’s wife is therefore not bound by the terms and conditions on Respondent’s website and is not liable for collection costs and interest / Applicant’s wife must pay Respondent $95.00 / Counterclaim partially granted.

  11. TE v QU Ltd [2023] NZDT 53 (12 January 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant took her laptop to the Respondent for repairs / Respondent lost her laptop’s hard drive / Applicant claimed $10,000.00 in compensation / Held: Respondent failed to take reasonable care of the Applicant’s hard drive / No solid evidential basis for the suggestion that the hard drive date could not have been recovered / Compensation amount considered privacy concerns and inadequate approach to secure a device containing personal customer information / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,000.00 in compensation / Claim granted.

  12. KS v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 28 (11 January 2023) [PDF, 225 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant took vintage vehicle to Respondent for work / Respondent agreed to undertake the work / Respondent left Applicant’s vehicle in rain after sandblasting / Applicant claims Respondent did not show the care and skill required under CGA / Applicant claims $6,500.00 in compensation / Held: respondent did not undertake work with due care and skill / Respondent to pay applicant $6,500.00 / Claim upheld.

  13. BX & JD v ML [2022] NZDT 283 (30 December 2022) [PDF, 225 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was driving his truck when he struck a cattle beast /  Animal died and Applicant’s truck was extensively damaged / Applicant filed claim against Respondent, owner of a nearby farm / Applicant filed $10,000 claim for the loss of his vehicle / Held: unable to establish who owned the animal / Evidence indicated Applicant’s vehicle was damaged as a result of collision with the animal / Respondent had a duty of care to ensure all the cattle grazing on his property were not at risk of escaping onto public roads and causing harm or damage to others / Respondent breached his duty of care to road users / Applicant entitled to compensation for damage to his vehicle / Respondent ordered to pay $9,000 to the Applicant, cost of vehicle minus $1,000 for his one month of ownership / Claim granted.

  14. UL v PT [2022] NZDT 276 (23 December 2022) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Property / Applicant rented a room in Respondent’s house / After Applicant left the property the Respondent held onto $400 bond / Applicant sought return of the bond and costs, $600 / Respondent sought $5,420, $4,560 for broken tiles and $120 for cleaning costs / Held: parties did not sign a flatmate agreement before the arrangement started / Applicant had paid all rent up to the point of departure / Applicant had no other recoverable costs / Not possible to prove Respondent’s claim for broken tiles / Cleaning cost of $25 awarded for small amount of dirt under bed / Applicant entitled to receive $375 back, his bond less $25 cleaning cost/ Applicant’s claim granted in part and majority of counterclaim dismissed.  

  15. DO v TC [2022] NZDT 264 (23 December 2022) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Insurance / Applicant and Respondent involved in motor vehicle collision / Settlement of costs delayed because of questions around ownership of Applicant's vehicle / Applicant proven as the owner / Vehicle went missing from Respondent's house / Applicant claims $4,990 which is the amount paid for the car as she suffered total loss / Held: applicant bears loss of ability to sell the wreck for $650 / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,350 / Claim partially allowed.

  16. B Ltd v KS [2022] NZDT 256 (21 December 2022) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Contract / Respondent requested Applicant to quote a price for emptying his septic tank / Applicant estimated $800-$900 to empty a standard 3000L tank / Respondent’s tank was 4500L / Applicant’s employee completed the job over two trips / Applicant charged Respondent $1781.38 / Respondent disputes this amount / Applicant claims $1781.38 / Held: Assumption was on Applicant to check assumption and allow Respondent to make an informed decision / Claim partially allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $1350.00.

  17. SN & FN v U Ltd [2022] NZDT 260 (21 December 2022) [PDF, 121 KB]

    Contract / Consumers Guarantee Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondents to replace roof and install skylights / On-site related issues resulted from a storm which prompted inspection / As a result of the inspection findings Applicant held remaining payment to Respondent / Applicant claims $30,000 for replacement of skylights and flashings / Held: some elements of Respondent’s work not carried out with reasonable skill and care / Parts of roof not fit for purpose / Applicant’s entitled to some remedial costs / Counter claim is offset against Applicant’s costs of bringing claim to tribunal / Applicant to pay Respondent $9739.13.

  18. OT & TT v TD [2022] NZDT 271 (20 December 2022) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Contract / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours / Applicant wanted to place fence on boundary between their properties / Applicant claimed $1,545 from Respondent, half the cost of fencing work completed / Respondent denied agreeing towards fencing cost / Held: Applicant unable to prove there was a concluded agreement with Respondent / No adequate fence between the properties / No appropriate notice given by Applicant to Respondent / Respondent not liable for any costs claimed / Claim dismissed.

  19. H Ltd v KB [2022] NZDT 254 (20 December 2022) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant carried out renovations for Respondent / Applicant and Respondent never had written contract / Renovations carried out / Respondent did not pay for renovations / Applicant claimed $1,769.40 for completed work / Respondent claimed Applicant’s representatives misrepresented contract / Held: Applicant misled Respondent about nature of contract / Not found to be intentional / Claim dismissed.