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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. N Ltd and others v HB YA [2023] NZDT 44 (13 February) 2023.pdf [PDF, 221 KB]

    Contract / Respondent owned property sold to Applicant / Applicant claims multiple issues after settlement involving stove, heat pump, roof leak and fencing dispute / Applicant remedied issues and claims for reimbursement of costs / Held: Applicant entitled to be compensated to reinstate him to the position he would have been in had there been no issues with the stove, heat pump and fence / Applicant could not prove misrepresentation relating to roof and could not be awarded costs claimed for roof leak / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $2,646.91 / claim allowed.

  2. WS v KF [2023] NZDT 37 (13 February 2023).pdf [PDF, 193 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Applicant fixed dents and scratches and asked Respondent to pay / Applicant claim $4,903 for damages and repairs / Held: A misrepresentation claim must be an actual statement and omissions are usually insufficient / Respondent did not misrepresent car to Applicant / Applicant failed to inspect vehicle prior to purchase / Claim dismissed.  

  3. I Ltd v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 71 (10 February 2023) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Sale of goods / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant bought pump from Respondent believing it was bi-rotational / Applicant sold pump to third-party and it damaged the third-party's truck / Applicant claims $5,869.41 covering damages paid to third-party, mechanic fees and truck's mileage / Held: Respondent contracted out ss 9 and 13 of FTA through Warning Notice or Disclaimer given to Appellant / wording of Warranty Policy makes it clear that Respondent's liability is limited to repair or replacing product / Claim dismissed.

  4. E v G [2023] NZDT 32 (10 February 2023).pdf [PDF, 209 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased used boat engine from Respondent / Applicant contacted Respondent / Applicant inspected the engine / Applicant and Respondent agreed on a purchase price of $8,000 / Applicant collected engine from Respondent / Applicant took engine to a motor company where company advised that the engine needed to be rebuilt / Applicant claims $8500 as refund and inspection for the motor company / Held: Transaction between parties was private / Respondent did not misrepresent the engine / Contract was not unconditional / Claim dismissed.

  5. LF & AS v NJ [2023] NZDT 36 (10 February 2023) [PDF, 141 KB]

    Contract / House sharing agreement / Applicants entered into a house sharing agreement with Respondent / Incident occurred between an Applicant and a neighbour / Respondent confronted Applicant and issued notice of termination / Applicants claimed that Respondent had not complied with the Agreement and not was not entitled to issue a notice of termination / Held: Applicant had not breached House Sharing Agreement / Respondent not entitled to issue a notice of termination / Applicants entitled to compensation for breach of quiet enjoyment / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $771.43 / Claim allowed.

  6. L Foundation v OS [2023] NZDT 554 (9 February 2023) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Commercial / Conversion / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant and Respondent engaged in commercial relationship / Respondent sold puppies and off-grid showers on commission basis / Applicant and Respondent dispute commission figures / Applicant claimed for return of two horses, dog and payment of $10,185 / Held: more evidence required to allow parties the opportunity to gather and submit further information / Hearing adjourned.

  7. BS & NS v DL [2023] NZDT 50 (9 February 2023) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1963 / Applicant was walking her dogs at the beach / Respondent was walking her dog down the beach / Respondent’s dog bit Applicants dogs / Applicant claims $,2576.22 vet fees, $65.30 for medical treatment and filling fee / Held: Respondent’s dog attacked Applicant's dog / Respondent liable to pay for vert costs and travel expenses / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,676.22 / Claim allowed in part.

  8. HB- & UB v KN [2023] NZDT 49 (9 February 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract law / Applicant purchased tuktuk vehicle from Respondent on the basis that it had current warrant of fitness and was road legal / Applicant took vehicle to mechanic and expressed concerns about vehicle / Vehicle subsequently failed warrant of fitness / Applicant and Respondent unable to come to final resolution / Applicant claims $13,500 from Respondent / Held: respondent's statement that vehicle had warrant of fitness and was road legal did not amount to misrepresentation as it was true at the time of purchase / claim dismissed.

  9. OE v UC [2023] NZDT 47 (8 February 2023) [PDF, 129 KB]

    Agency / Applicant and Respondent agreed for Respondent to return motorbike if Applicant would pay Respondent $1,700 / Applicant claims Respondent breached agreement as bike has not been returned / Applicant claims he paid Respondent $950 via bank transfer and $750 via third party / Applicant claims $1,640 for value of motorbike less helmet Respondent paid for but did not receive / Respondent claims she did not receive money from third party / Held: third party deemed to be an implied agent as they were on the Applicant’s property / Applicant has therefore paid Respondent as per their agreement / Applicant must pay Respondent $1640.00 / claim allowed.

  10. SB v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 55 (8 February 2023) [PDF, 97 KB]

    Sale of goods / Applicant purchased fireplace from Respondent / Applicant’s cleaner cleaned fireplace using damp cloth causing rust / Applicant claims fireplace not fit for purpose and Respondent engaged in misleading conduct because he was not warned how to clean the fireplace before purchase / Applicant claims $4,205.05 from Respondent / Held: applicant did not read the instruction manual and used the wrong method of cleaning / Fireplace was fit for purpose / Applicant unable to prove Respondent engaged in misleading conduct / claim dismissed.

  11. CL v ND [2023] NZDT 12 (8 February 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent were flatmates / They signed an agreement under which the Applicant was the head tenant / Weekly rent was $200.00 and bond was $4000.00 / Under the agreement, Respondent obliged to give 14 days’ notice if he wished to vacate the property / Applicant claimed the Respondent left without giving the required period of notice, and claimed for unpaid rent / Respondent stated that he informed the Applicant that intended to leave the flat, which he did on that day / Respondent outlined reasons he left the property including lack of cleanliness, noise concerns and flatmates having covid / Applicant said that Respondent had never complained about these issues / Applicant claimed $685.71 for unpaid rent / Held: Respondent lived at the property for six months without complaining about its condition / Flatmates who share a property may have different standards as far as cleanliness and noise are concerned, and some reasonable negotiation would be expected before …

  12. BD v SL [2023] NZDT 6 (7 February 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Respondent purchased horse from Applicant for $6,000 / $500 was to be paid after delivery of horse / Respondent retained final payment on basis of an error made in advised height of horse / Whether misrepresentation was made about height of horse / Whether height information encouraged purchase / Whether loss equalled or exceeded $500 / Held: Applicant inadvertently misrepresented height of horse / Height information encouraged purchase / Misrepresentation absolved Respondent from paying final $500 / Applicant retained bulk of purchase price / Reasonable that neither should owe the other any further sum / Applicant should provide breed material to enable transfer of horse’s certificate / Claim dismissed.

  13. NJ & SE v KN & EN [2023] NZDT 39 (3 February 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 / Applicants served a fencing notice to Respondents / Applicants seek an order for proposed fence to be built at their own expense / Respondents reject any fence and counterclaim $656 for lawyer's fees incurred / Held: Applicants cannot insist for boundary fence to be built without consent of Respondents as Respondents are also owners / Applicants not liable to pay Respondents' lawyer fees / Claim dismissed / Counterclaim dismissed.

  14. M Ltd v KC [2023] NZDT 26 (2 February 2023) [PDF, 145 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Caveat Emptor / Respondent purchased 7 lots at auction from Applicant / Lots 1 through 6 were purchased and delivered for $6,229.20 / Lot 7 yet to be paid / Respondent had lots 1-6 tested and found that they were fake / Respondent believes lot 7 probably fake / Respondent refuses to pay $1,638 for lot 7 and courier fees / Held: Caveat Emptor rule applies / Applicant not responsible for quality of goods unless misrepresented / No misrepresentation found under CGA and FTA / No reason for lot 7 to be presumed fake by Respondent / Respondent to pay applicant $1,638 for lot 7 / Applicant to deliver lot 7 items to Respondent / Respondent’s counterclaim dismissed / Applicant's claim allowed.

  15. UI & II v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 34 (31 January 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants took their vehicle to Respondent to repair car's roof /  Applicants brought car back after work completed as roof continued to leak / Respondent recommended taking car to panelbeater for “adjustment” / “Adjustment" fixed Applicants leaking roof / Applicants claimed Respondent’s assessment incorrect / Applicant claimed $9479 for repairs and related costs / Held: reasonable care and skill was shown by Respondent / Respondent’s response to Applicants' query in line with industry practices / Claim dismissed.

  16. P Ltd v AH & LH [2023] NZDT 51 (31 January 2023) [PDF, 120 KB]

    Contract law / Applicants and Respondents signed agency agreement for sale of launch / Applicants submitted they introduced purchaser to Respondents and ultimately facilitated sale of boat / Applicants claim commission they would have received if contract had been performed / Held: there was a causal link between the introduction of the buyer and Respondents and the eventual purchase / Applicants entitled to commission / Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $15,679.50 / claim allowed.

  17. KQ HN v TC X Ltd [2023] NZDT 41 (31 January 2023) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent entered into a contract to construct fence between their properties / Applicant unhappy with cabbage tree being cut and quality of new fence / Applicant asks for a declaration that they are not liable to pay Respondent $1,500 / Held: cutting down the cabbage tree does not negate the agreement / Applicant liable to pay Respondent for the fence however Applicant is entitled to some compensation / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1,000 / Claim partly allowed.

  18. LG v OE [2023] NZDT 48 (30 January 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought spa pool from Respondent / Spa pool leaking / Applicant wants to return spa pool to Respondent / Applicant claims full refund $12,000 and additional $1,000 for consequential costs relating to leak / Held: spa pool not of acceptable quality and defect not remedied within reasonable time / Respondent ordered to refund $12,000 to Applicant and collect spa pool at Respondent's expense / Consequential costs of $1,000 not granted as no evidence provided / Claim allowed.

  19. KU v KG Ltd [2023] NZDT 18 (27 January 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant was gifted a voucher for a big game charter / Voucher expired on 17 September 2022 / Applicant emailed the Respondent in August seeking to redeem the voucher in October 2022 instead / Respondent replied they were happy to extend it until December / When the Applicant went to book to redeem his voucher Respondent claimed the Applicant had a year to redeem the voucher so declined their request / Whether the Respondent agreed to vary the contract expiry date / If so, whether the Respondent breached the contract by failing to provide it when it promised to / Held: Respondent agreed to vary the contract expiry date in email correspondence / Applicant accepted the extension of time and relied on that when he decided not to use the voucher until a later date / Respondent breached the contract by failing to provide what it agreed to / Loss incurred was the cost of the voucher which was $2,500 / Claim granted.

  20. SI v HD Ltd [2023] NZDT 58 (25 January 2023) [PDF, 225 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (CCCF) / Applicant entered into a secured credit agreement with Respondent for the purchase of a car / Applicant defaulted and believes the loan was oppressive (as defined by s118 CCCF) and in breach of s9(c) CCCF / Applicant is a solo mother on the benefit / Applicant claims Respondent failed to do appropriate credit checks / Respondent should have realised Applicant was not in a position to repay such a loan / Respondent counter claims $14,342.40 being the amount owing plus interest (which at the time of filing was not yet charged) / Held: Respondent carried out necessary credit checks / Applicant was unable to prove that the loan was oppressive and the extra charges were unreasonable / Applicant must pay Respondent $14,145.16 (being the account balance presented as evidence) / Claim dismissed / Counterclaim partially granted.