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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. SG v UT [2023] NZDT 78 (1 March 2023) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Tort / Trespass / Applicant and Respondent owned adjoining properties / Applicant claimed Respondent trespassed on her land and cut down limbs of two trees / Applicant sought compensation for cost of purchasing security cameras, arborist, Applicant's labour, irreparable damage to property, and distress / Held: Respondent trespassed resulting in damage to property / Applicant entitled to claims in cost of arborist, Applicant's labour, general damages, and cost of replacing fence capping / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,476 / Claim allowed in part.

  2. X Ltd v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 335 (1 March 2023) [PDF, 242 KB]

    Contract /Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant contracted Respondent to provide marketing services / Relationship between parties broke down / Applicant claimed Respondent induced them to enter contract by misrepresenting expertise / Applicant claimed  Respondent breached terms of contract by not bringing expertise / Applicant claimed $30,000.00 / Respondent counterclaimed $10,675.53 for failure to make contracted payments / Held: Applicant failed to prove misrepresentation induced contract / Respondent did not breach terms of contract / Applicant breached contract by failing to make payments / Applicant to pay Respondent $8,418.54 / Counterclaim partially allowed.

  3. TQ v IU [2023] NZDT 117 (1 March 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent in exchange for chainsaw and mobile phone / Applicant spent $983.49 for work to be done on vehicle / Respondent has not given Applicant the vehicle / Applicant claimed return of vehicle / Held: Applicant not the owner of vehicle / No written communication about sale of vehicle / Applicant paid for work on vehicle but has not received benefit / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $983.49 / Claim partially allowed.

  4. NN v FP [2023] NZDT 19 (1 March 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant booked flight from Respondent / Applicant booked business class based on promotional material from Respondent / Applicant found out amenities would not be as advertised / Applicant upgraded to first class for portion of trip / Applicants claim $13,555.07 in damages for misrepresentation of amenities / Held: Applicant misled by Respondent’s promotional material / Breach of CGA and FTA / Respondent to pay Applicant $13,555.07 / Claim granted.

  5. KN v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 106 (28 February 2023) [PDF, 230 KB]

    Contract / Applicant requested Respondent to carry out work in Applicant's property / Respondent issued invoices totaling $70,104 / Respondent engaged solicitor to obtain remaining $30,000 outstanding payment / Applicant lodged claim in Disputes Tribunal stating value of claim to be $30,000 on various matters / Respondent filed counterclaim seeking $30,000 costs and that Applicant's claim was frivolous or vexatious / Applicant withdrew application and this decision deals with counterclaim only / Held: Applicant's claim against Respondent was frivolous and vexatious / Respondent entitled to award of costs but not including full legal costs / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $5,800 / Claim partially allowed.

  6. HH & HT v WT Ltd [2023] NZDT 22 (28 February 2023) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants paid $65 for bottomless brunch at Respondent’s restaurant / Applicants informed after ordering their first round of food that additional food would incur extra charges / Terms and conditions did not specify whether bottomless brunch was limited to drinks / Applicants claimed Respondent breached consumer law / Applicants claimed food portions were too small and drinks did not contain sufficient alcohol / Applicants claimed $1,999.00 toward an apology, costs in preparing for hearing and purchasing food and drink in another restaurant / Held: Applicants did not receive full bargain they thought they had purchased / Applicants suffered loss of being able to order additional food at no extra charge and should get a partial refund / No evidence Respondent made false or misleading statements about the amount of alcohol in drinks / No proof about amount of food served / No receipts presented regarding costs for fo…

  7. RN v UM [2023] NZDT 60 (27 February 2023) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Respondent contracted with Applicant for the education of her child / Respondent agreed to Applicant's terms and conditions including paying fees / Respondent did not pay part of fees due in 2021 / Respondent did not paid fees for withdrawing her child from school without notice / Respondent sought to summon witnesses / Held: Respondent breached contract with Applicant / Outstanding amount for fees was proven Tribunal declined Respondent’s request to summon witnesses as relevance not established / Respondent application declined / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,327.94 in fees and $94.68 in interest / Claim granted.

  8. FH v UO Ltd [2023] NZDT 16 (25 February 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Applicant bought concert tickets for $570 from Respondent  / Concert was postponed due to Covid / Applicant had been informed by the Respondent that she had credit for the new concert date / Applicant tried to get new tickets but the Respondent failed to respond / Date for the concert passed without Applicant receiving her tickets / Applicant claimed $570 for refund  / Whether the Respondent breached a legally binding contract / if so, what compensation could the Applicant claim / Held: clear breach of contract / Respondent agreed to provide tickets / Respondent failed to supply the tickets forcing the Applicant to miss the concert / Applicant’s loss was the amount of the tickets, $570 / Respondent ordered to pay $570 / Claim allowed.

  9. QS v SQ [2023] NZDT 56 (21 February 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

     Contract / Flat arrangement / Applicant agreed to rent a room in Respondent’s property /Applicant paid rent of $320.00 per week with one week paid in advance and bond / Applicant paid $960.00 to Respondent / Parties shook hands on the agreement / After three days Applicant terminated agreement and moved out of the property due to concerns over Respondent’s behaviour / Applicant advised Respondent she could keep one week’s rent payment but requested return of $640 bond / Respondent refused to return bond / Applicant also messaged Respondent for return of some shoes and food, which was refused / Applicant claimed $750.00 for bond refund and compensation for shoes and food / Held: Applicant entitled to terminate agreement with immediate effect due to feeling unsafe / Applicant entitled to refund of full bond and $150 for shoes and food / Respondent ordered to pay $790.00 / Claim granted.

  10. QC v OC [2023] NZDT 59 (21 February 2023) [PDF, 167 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent bought a dog from Applicant / Contract included a “Not to be Bred from” endorsement / Dog gave birth to 8 puppies / Applicant claimed $3800 for breach of contract / Respondent counter-claimed $30,000 for misrepresentation as to dog’s show quality / Held: dog producing puppies was a breach of contract / Respondent has not suffered nor proven monetary loss resulting from the breach of contract / No contractual damages available / No misrepresentation by Respondent / Claim and counter-claim dismissed.

  11. LD Ltd v SQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 57 (21 February 2023) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant and Respondent entered a contract for Applicant to build infinity cove / Respondent paid first two invoices but refused to pay the final two due to poor craftmanship / Respondent cancelled contract / Applicant claims payment of unpaid invoices, which total $11,035.07 / Respondent counterclaims $30,000.00 / Held: work did not meet contractual standard / Respondent justified in cancelling the contract / Respondent could not prove they should be awarded compensation for flooring, materials and rent / Applicant must pay Respondent $4,882.70 / claim dismissed / counterclaim partially granted.

  12. MJ v OM Ltd [2023] NZDT 52 (21 February 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant purchased a robot vacuum from Respondent for $2,399.20 plus $209.99 for an extended warranty / Applicant claimed vacuum started failing to pick up debris and later developed navigation problems / Applicant took vacuum to Respondent for assessment / Vacuum not repaired within promised timeframe / Respondent offered store credit for $2,399.20, which the Applicant rejected / Applicant claimed $6,162.46, for refund and extended warranty cost, $3,047.50 for damage to the skirtings, and $505.77 for damage to her front door / Held: vacuum was not as durable and fit for purpose as a reasonable consumer would have expected / Damage was caused by the vacuum / Applicant entitled to recover cost of repairing damage / Applicant provided quotations to support costs / Respondent ordered to pay $6,162.46 / Claim granted.

  13. CA v DX & OX [2023] NZDT 17 (21 February 2023) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1996/ Parties were neighbours / Respondents’ dog was found in Applicant’s garden / Applicant’s cat suffered injuries that required the cat to be euthanised / Whether Respondents liable for any damage caused by their dog / If yes, whether the Applicant was entitled to amount sought of $4,999,00 / Held: accepted that Respondent’s dog caused damage to the Applicant’s cat / Respondents liable for the damage caused by their dog / Respondents liable for vet bills not covered by insurance, $747.55 / Respondents also liable for cost of having the cat cremated and for the ashes box as it was not covered by insurance, $250 / Respondents also liable for Applicant’s travel costs, $17.60 / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $1,015.15 / Claim granted in part.

  14. OO v QP [2023] NZDT 70 (20 February 2023) [PDF, 226 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant purchased property from Respondent / Applicant found out property could not be used for residential purposes without applying for resource consent / Applicant claims cost converting property for residential use $28,207.75 / Held: no misrepresentation made by Respondent regarding purposes of property / promotional material clear that using property for residential purposes was subject to city council consent /  claim dismissed.

  15. NU v OA [2023] NZDT 748 (19 December 2023) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Tort / After a weather event a large tree crashed over Applicant’s driveway and car shelter completely blocked his access and caused damage to his property / Applicant claims damages against the Respondent for $9567.52 / Tree fell down due to extreme weather event not due to breach of duty of care by the respondent / Respondent liable to pay Applicants the cost for removal of fallen tree and grass seed / Respondent ordered to pay applicant the sum of $590.58 /Claim allowed in part.

  16. TS & BS v KI [2023] NZDT 63 (16 February 2023) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) 2004 / Car accident / Applicant was driving and changed lane to make a left turn / Respondent pulled out of a nearby street into the path of Applicant’s car causing damage / Applicant claimed for recovery of their losses from accident / Respondent counterclaimed for his losses / Held: Respondent was negligent in failing to ensure the way was clear / Respondent required to give way to all traffic already on the road / Respondent liable for all losses incurred in the accident / Assessment of loss and repair account accepted and Respondent liable to pay / Respondent ordered to pay $6037.01 to Applicant’s insurer / Claim granted and counterclaim dismissed.

  17. SG v QN [2022] NZDT 253 (16 December 2023) [PDF, 173 KB]

    Duty of Care / Motor Vehicles / Respondent crashed into parked vehicle belonging to Applicant / Respondent had undergone a medical event during time of crash / Applicant claims Respondent liable for damages to vehicle / Respondent claims due to medical event not liable / Medical evidence states Respondent fit to drive / Medical events can displace normal duty of care / Held: Medical event of Respondent displaced duty of care / Claim Dismissed.