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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. CN v OQ [2023] NZDT 129 (28 March 2023) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant's property shared boundary with road reserve owned and managed by Respondent / Applicant says trees that fell causing damage to Applicant's property were from Respondent's road reserve / Applicant claimed $1,900 for damages and cost of removing fallen trees and debris / Held: Respondent under duty of care to take reasonable steps to prevent or minimise risk of trees falling during strong winds / Respondent breached duty / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,518 / Claim partially allowed.

  2. KB v OS [2022] NZDT 287 (28 March 2023) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Motor vehicle collision / Contract / Vicarious liability / Applicant involved in collision with Respondent / Applicant states that he was driving down road and was involved in verbal altercation with a pedestrian / Applicant states that pedestrian was the Respondent / Applicant states that Respondent got into his van and followed him and later passed his car and made a u-turn and drove towards Applicant’s car / Applicant states that Respondent’s van drove into the right hand side of his car causing damage / Applicant saw Respondent’s employers name and contacted employer / Respondent claims that he was crossing a pedestrian and saw Applicant’s car driving very towards them / Respondent said that he told Applicant to slow down / Respondent later saw Applicant’s car and pulled up beside it intending to speak to Applicant about his driving  / Respondent states he did not hit Applicant’s car / Applicant claimed damages for his car from Respondent’s employer / Held: Tribunal was unable to d…

  3. BH v MW Ltd [2023] NZDT 35 (28 March 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant and his partner booked Respondent’s venue for their wedding / Contracted price was $5,850 / Applicant paid $600 deposit / Respondent advised Applicant month before wedding date that the venue was no longer available / Applicant and partner had to find an alternative venue at short notice/ Applicant claimed compensation of $3,751.00 from Respondent, cost of alternative venue / Held: Respondent repudiated contract / Respondent breach contractual term to provide premises / Applicant entitled to cancel contract and go elsewhere / Applicant entitled to compensation because of cost, time and inconvenience of changing venues / Applicant’s claim not allowed in full as it would be unjust for him to pay nothing for wedding venue and associated costs / Applicant entitled to 50 percent of costs claim / Respondent ordered to pay $1,875.00 to Applicant/ Claim granted in part.

  4. UC v Council [2023] NZDT 67 (27 March 2023) [PDF, 131 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s garage door damaged after a vehicle lost control turning a corner / Applicant claimed Respondent was liable for repairs due to garden ‘build out’ which obstructed visibility of the corner/ Respondent claimed purpose of ‘build-out’ was to deliberately reduce visibility, so that drivers slow down / Held: Respondent not liable for damage / Negligence was not due to any breach of a duty of care owed by Respondent / Rather, it was through the careless driving of the person operating the motor vehicle / Claim dismissed.

  5. UE & QO v CO Ltd [2023] NZDT 159 (23 March 2023) [PDF, 116 KB]

    Contract / Applicant took out $1.1 million loan with Respondent secured over property / Property damaged by landslip and sold / Loan became unsecured / Parties entered contract for repayment with no interest to be reviewed every 3 months / All payments made on time but Respondent credited some payments to wrong account and referred loan to credit agency / Further contract entered that balance be paid off by lump sum with remainder due to be written off / Applicant claimed Respondent’s actions breached contractual and other obligations / Applicant claimed $43,717.00 compensation for loss / Held: Respondent did not significantly breach any obligations to Applicant / Respondent could have provided better service but admitted highlighted errors / Repayment terms could be described as lenient rather than aggressive / Claim dismissed.

  6. KC v DG [2023] NZDT 108 (22 March 2023) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent engaged Applicant to assist with urgent employment dispute / Applicant attempted to engage Respondent's employer to resolve dispute, without success / Applicant invoiced Respondent and claimed $853.88 with 15% interest per annum / Held: Applicant did not breach duty to carry out work with reasonable care and skill / Applicant entitled to full invoiced amount but not 15% interest per annum / Applicant can claim interest as compensation for delay in payment of money under s 10 of Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $869.43 / Claim partially allowed.

  7. TX & AS v WU and ors [2023] NZDT 88 (22 March 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants purchased house from Respondents and were not informed of any defects / Applicants found several problems which included dampness, sewage overflow, bathroom plumbing issues and leaks in garage roof and lounge window / Applicants claim they were misled into buying the house and are now seeking compensation for repairs / Held: Respondents did not make any misrepresentation about the house / Applicants not entitled to compensation / claim dismissed.  

  8. CF Ltd v UD [2023] NZDT 95 (20 March 2023).pdf [PDF, 174 KB]

    Contract / Personal guarantee / Respondent a long-term customer of Applicant / Applicant notified that a company contracted with them went into liquidation / Respondent signed personal guarantee / Applicant holding Respondent personally liable for outstanding debt and claims $7,322.30 / Held: proven on evidence that Respondent agreed to bring Applicant's account across new business to pay debt / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,000 / claim partially allowed.

  9. SW v L Ltd [2023] NZDT 93 (20 March 2023) [PDF, 246 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased car from Respondents / Applicant started having issues with car / Applicant seeks cancellation of contract, payment of full refund and associated costs, and for Respondent to uplift car / Held: car did not meet the guarantee of acceptable quality / Respondent had been given opportunity to remedy a number of times / Applicant allowed to reject car and obtain full refund / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay $11,911 to Applicant and uplift car.

  10. TT v ST [2023] NZDT 31 (20 March 2023) [PDF, 166 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s car was damaged when he inadvertently drove onto rising bollards on the Respondent’s property / Applicant and Applicant’s insurer claimed $10,858.44 to repair the damage / Held: incident happened because of unfortunate timing / Respondent did everything a reasonable organisation could do when installing the rising bollards, by having lights and an alarm / Respondent cannot be negligently liable when it had done all it could reasonably be expected to do / Claim dismissed.  

  11. BI v K Ltd [2023] NZDT 243 (17 March 2023) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Building Act 2004 / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant entered agreement to purchase house under construction from Respondent / Applicant discovered issues with building work / Applicant claimed $30,000 for remedial works / Held: Respondent failed to provide building work with reasonable care and skill / Respondent breached implied warranties in the Building Act and implied guarantees in the Consumer Guarantees Act / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000 / Claim allowed.

  12. TL v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 90 (17 March 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant ordered garment from Respondent and asked it to be ready by 28 November / Garment not ready for collection until 2 December / Applicant claims refund of $625 deposit / Held: respondent breached contract for the sale and purchase at $1,250 and delivery by 28 November / Breach was of substantial character and Applicant entitled to reject garment / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $625 / Claim allowed.

  13. TC v DG [2023] NZDT 25 (17 March 2023) [PDF, 166 KB]

    Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a wedding archway for $400 from Respondent in a private sale online / Archway snapped during attempted assembly / Applicant sought refund for misrepresentation / Held: no misrepresentation established / Maxim “buyer beware” still largely applies to private sales / By purchasing the archway privately without a proper inspection, the Applicant took the risk that it might not be of good quality or durability / Claim dismissed.  

  14. TC v DG [2023] NZDT 25 (17 March 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased a wedding archway for $400 from Respondent in a private sale online / Archway snapped during attempted assembly / Applicant sought refund for misrepresentation / Held: no misrepresentation established / Maxim “buyer beware” still largely applies to private sales / By purchasing the archway privately without a proper inspection, the Applicant took the risk that it might not be of good quality or durability /Claim dismissed.

  15. UX v J Ltd [2023] NZDT 105 (16 March 2023) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Sale of goods / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant purchased Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) from Respondent for $32,487.50 / Applicant found various faults with UTV / Respondent attempted to repair issues but some faults remain / Applicant claimed $29,239 refund including 10% depreciation and wished to return UTV to Respondent / Held: UTV was not of merchantable quality / UTV was not fit for purpose / CCLA does not allow Tribunal to order Applicant to return UTV to Respondent / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $26,000 / UTV remains property of Applicant to dispose of as he chooses / Claim partially allowed.

  16. KT & MT v HT [2023] NZDT 98 (16 March 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Respondent employed by Applicant's company / Applicant loaned $5,000 to Respondent / Loan reduced to $3,000 reflecting Respondent's work on Applicant's vehicle / Respondent claimed loan be written off due to various considerations / Applicant claimed repayment of loan / Held: no further evidence provided by Respondent / Respondent not entitled to further consideration other than $2,000 discount / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,000 / Claim allowed.

  17. ES v LQ & TQ [2023] NZDT 79 (16 March 2023) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Sale of Goods / Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased tiny house on trailer from Respondent / Piece of cladding fell off en-route to Applicant / Applicant claims cost of repair $9,775 minus cost of installing gutter and downpipes / Respondent counterclaim cost of installing water tank and toilet $4,800 / Held: no evidence that cladding had to be replaced was anything other than minor amount described by Respondent / Applicant not liable to pay for installation of water tank and toilet as they were not express terms of contract / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $342 / claim partially allowed.

  18. HI v HD Ltd [2023] NZDT 85 (15 March 2023) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Electricity supply / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant had an account for supply of electricity with Respondent / Applicant claimed  Respondent disconnected electricity at new address, failed to discount outstanding amount on her invoice and placed a “red flag” on her credit rating / Applicant sought $30,000.00 in compensation from Respondent / Respondent denied liability and claimed there were no credit rating “red flags” as the outstanding bill was settled by a community organisation / Held: disconnection of electricity was the result of Applicant’s instruction to close the account / Respondent acted with reasonable care and skill / Respondent not liable for compensation claimed by Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  19. SG v QG [2023] NZDT 116 (15 March 2023).pdf [PDF, 202 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent met online / Applicant agreed to collect a boat and trailer for Respondent from the port and deliver it to another city / Applicant was expected to pick up boat from port on 31 August / Applicant had vehicle trouble enroute and stopped to fix it causing delay / Respondent claims tyres on trailer were badly worn on delivery as a result of the Applicant’s driving and Applicant breached the contract by not picking up the boat on time / Applicant claims $1300 from Respondent for the cost of delivery / Held: there was no proof the tyres were damaged as a result of applicants driving / The applicant did all he could to ensure he collected the Respondent’s boat as soon as possible / Not a term of contract that boat had to be picked from port on 31 August / Respondent must pay Applicant $1300 for delivery / Claim granted.