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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. I Ltd v XN [2023] NZDT 192 (18 April 2023) [PDF, 206 KB]

    Contract / Respondent purchased vehicle from Applicant / Vehicle damaged in collision and Applicant agreed to purchase vehicle from Respondent to go through repair process with insurer / Vehicle has structural damage and is uneconomic to repair / Applicant claimed $30,000 compensation / Held: Respondent entered contract with Applicant on understanding that Applicant would purchase damaged vehicle to receive benefit of insurance claim / Respondent breached contract / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000 / Claim allowed.

  2. LC v NS [2023] NZDT 220 (18 April 2023) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Applicant had agreement with Respondent that she could store second building materials at his house / After a period of time the Respondent asked her to remove them / They were not made available to her / Applicant sought an award of the cost of replacing the building materials / Respondent said the materials were of no value / He texted and asked that she removed the materials but Applicant did not respond / After no response, Respondent then dumped them / Held: Respondent had a duty to take care of the items for a reasonable amount of time / There was insufficient evidence to establish the facts surrounding the removal requests / The materials were used and damaged / The monetary value could not be established / Claim dismissed.

  3. OS & KB Ltd v KS & NS [2023] NZDT 187 (18 April 2023) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Negligence / Car operated by Respondents hit Applicant’s car causing damage / Respondent 1 operated brake and accelerator from passenger seat / Respondent 2 operated steering wheel and directed Respondent 1 / Applicant and insurer sought $3,224.27 in damages / Respondent 2 denied liability / Held: Respondent 2 was in control of the car at the time of the collision and failed to exercise reasonable care / Respondent 1 also owed and breached their duty of care to ensure it operated safely / Both Respondents jointly and severally liable to pay Applicant’s insurer $3,178.40 for car damages and associated costs / Claim granted.

  4. ME v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 213 (17 April 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Contract / Applicant travelled on one of the Respondent’s regional flights to connect with an ongoing international flight / Respondent’s flight arrived seven minutes late / Applicant missed international flight / Applicant sought compensation for costs of new tickets, accommodation and transfers / Held: Applicant’s flight arrived only seven minutes late / If the Applicant’s flight had arrived on time he would have had insufficient time to make transfer to international flight / No breach by Respondent found / Claim dismissed.

  5. KL v DQ & N Ltd [2023] NZDT 505 (14 April 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Money Claims Act 2016  / Applicant contracted Respondent to prepare resource and building consent plans and obtain associated reports for subdivision / Applicant made payments totalling $57,270 / Applicant discovered that no applications had never been lodged with the City Council / Applicant intended to cancel contract and claimed refund of money paid / Claim reduced to $30,000 to fit within Disputes Tribunal limit / Held: Applicant did not receive any value from contract and is entitled to claim / Consultant personally responsible to pay compensation / Respondent liable to pay claim with interest / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $31,207.92 / Claim allowed.

  6. TM v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 228 (14 April 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Contract / Jurisdiction / Applicant travelled to New Zealand with Respondent airline / Respondent charged additional baggage fee for Applicant’s air rifle / Applicant claimed additional charge contradicted Respondent’s baggage policy / Held: matter was a contract dispute / Contract between parties was formed outside New Zealand / Tribunal did not have extra-territorial jurisdiction / No jurisdiction to determine dispute / Claim struck out.

  7. ET v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 223 (14 April 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s trailer was damaged during delivery to Respondent / Applicant claimed damage was result of Respondent’s negligence / Applicant claimed $405 for repair, $1000 for stress and worry, $1000 for Applicant’s time, and $90 for Tribunal filing fee / Held: both parties accepted Respondent had already paid Applicant $405 for repair / Tribunal does not generally award costs for time, stress and worry / Limited circumstances for awarding costs not met / Claim dismissed.

  8. BQ OQ v ET [2023] NZDT 242 (13 April 2023) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant rented Respondent's short-term accommodation / Applicant not satisfied with certain aspects of property and moved out to another accommodation / Applicant claimed full refund of $1,660 / Held: Applicant did not receive what she had contracted to receive / Applicant validly cancelled contract due to Respondent's breach / Respondent ordered to pay $1,367.50 to Applicant / Claim allowed.

  9. O Ltd v NT [2023] NZDT 193 (13 April 2023) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Contract / Respondent signed contract for services as independent contractor with Applicant / Respondent terminated contract leaving balance of advances on commission paid / Applicant claimed payment of weekly advances and insurance premiums incurred on Respondent's behalf / Held: Respondent liable to refund advance commissions received if he did not achieve commission payment / Respondent breached contract by failing to refund Applicant for insurance premiums paid on his behalf / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,109.91 / Claim allowed.

  10. NM v LK [2023] NZDT 216 (13 April 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased horse from Respondent for $13,000 / Before purchase, Applicant inquired about horse’s health / Respondent represented horse as healthy, provided veterinary certificate to this effect / Once obtained, horse discovered by Applicant to have lame gait / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented condition of horse, sought $9,000 compensation / Respondent admitted to altering vet certificate to remove details of lameness, but denied liability for compensation / Held: Applicant was induced to buy horse by reliance on misleading vet certificate / Applicant’s claim for compensation reasonable / Respondent ordered to pay $9,000 / Claim allowed.

  11. UN Ltd v MI [2023] NZDT 205 (13 April 2023) [PDF, 138 KB]

    Contract / Applicant provided estimate of $13,763.64 to Respondent for kitchen renovation building work / Respondent paid $20,670.43 / Applicant claimed $10,078.15 for unpaid invoice / Held: no meeting of parties' minds that Respondent’s payment had been made in full satisfaction of claim / Applicant entitled to pursue claim for further payment / Respondent liable to pay only 15% increase on original estimate as Applicant had no tangible evidence on prices / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,130.56 / Claim allowed in part.

  12. UH Ltd v BI [2023] NZDT 13 (12 April 2023) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Respondent asked whether car required work / Applicant said not aware that car needed work / Afterwards Respondent discovered vehicle required replacement parts / Respondent sought $915.09 for replacement parts / Held: Respondent misrepresented condition of vehicle to Applicant / Applicant  induced to purchase car by misrepresentation / Respondent provided evidence of cost of replacement parts, $915.09 / Respondent ordered to pay $915.09 / Claim granted.

  13. ND v EI and others [2023] NZDT 241 (11 April 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased property owned by trustees of family trust / Applicant said oven and heated towel rail were not in reasonable working order at date of settlement / Applicant claimed $1,225 for breach of warranty / Held: heated towel rail was in reasonable working order at time of settlement but not the oven / Respondent not obliged to have oven inspected by registered electrician / Applicant had already negotiated reduction in price after agreement declared unconditional / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $500 / Claim allowed in part.

  14. TG v ES Ltd [2023] NZDT 11 (6 April 2023) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent to renovate her house / Contract was for estimated costs of $305,211.91, signed in October / By following June, Applicant had paid $305,000 / Applicant cancelled contract because of increased costs / Project was abandoned, not all work was completed / Applicant sought cost of remediation, estimated at $29,933.00 / Respondent counterclaimed $24,890.65 for building work completed before contract was cancelled / Respondent claimed increased costs was due to higher cost of building supplies / Respondent provided evidence of invoices, expenditure and variations / Held: Applicant cannot expect the certainty of a fixed price contract when only estimated costs were agreed / Respondent had completed invoiced work / Applicant liable for the invoiced amount, $24,890.65 / Respondent not liable for any remediated costs / Claim dismissed / Counterclaim granted.

  15. BB v H Ltd [2023] NZDT 10 (5 April 2023) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased CCTV cameras from Respondent via an online auction / Auction automatically sent Applicant's address which was incorrect / Applicant emailed correct address to Respondent before goods were shipped and Respondent replied / Respondent sent cameras to wrong address / Recipient refused to return cameras / Applicant sought refund of $629.95 and costs / Held: CGA provided a guarantee as to delivery / As Applicant updated his address before cameras were sent, liability for undelivered goods remained with seller / Respondent ordered to refund purchase price of $629.95 / Costs claim dismissed / Claim granted in part.

  16. EQ v ND Ltd & DQ [2023] NZDT 9 (5 April 2023) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant engaged into two contracts with Respondents / First contract worth $9,500, Respondent was to provide resource consent plans for building work / Respondent was to complete work within 20 days of receipt of a 50% deposit / Second contract, worth $5,893.75 contained same terms but for consent draughting / Applicant paid requested deposit of $8,770 but did not receive plans by due date / Applicant sought refund of deposit / Held: Respondent breached contract by not supplying plans on time / Respondent misrepresented himself by saying he was licenced and capable of carrying out agreed work when he was not / Respondents were  jointly and severally liable to pay the sum of $8,936.22, deposit and interest, to Applicant / Claim granted.

  17. UD v CE [2023] NZDT 73 (4 April 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rules 2004 / Applicant and Respondent were involved in a car collision / Applicant alleged he pulled up behind Respondent when the Respondent suddenly reversed into him / Applicant and his insurer claimed damages of $10964.91 / Respondent argued he had no option but to reverse as he was threatened by the driver in front of him / Held: combination of other driver’s intimidating driving and threats to Respondent would have made an ordinary person fear for themselves and their physical safety / Respondent’s reaction to the other driver reversing towards his vehicle would have created a real concern for his safety / Respondent not liable for damage to Applicant’s vehicle / Claim dismissed.

  18. ND Ltd v TS Ltd [2023] NZDT 101 (3 April 2023). [PDF, 191 KB]

    Insurance / Applicant hired vehicle from Respondent / Collision involving Applicant and Third Respondent who was driving vehicle owned by Second Respondent / Second and Third Respondents accepted they caused collision / Insurance claim settled between insurers of Respondent and Second Respondent / Applicant claims back $2,040 bond paid to Respondent to cover insurance excess / Alternatively Applicant claims that Second Respondent should pay  / Held: Respondent not entitled to keep bond paid by Applicant / Applicant did not cause crash / Respondent has not proven they paid excess to insurer / Claim against Respondent upheld / Respondent to pay Applicant $2,040 / Claim against Second and Third Respondents dismissed.

  19. BK & BH v FF [2023] NZDT 68 (31 March 2023) [PDF, 210 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants booked first class return fares through Respondent / One of the Applicants had a seat that malfunctioned for part of the return journey / Respondent compensated Applicant with 80,000 award points, $3,800 equivalent / Applicant sought $15,000 in compensation, $11,000 for seat defect and $4000 for loss of enjoyment / Alternatively, Applicant sought $3,800 instead of 80,000 award points / Held: Applicant miscalculated compensation / Correct amount for seat defect is $3,800 / Compensation for loss of enjoyment dismissed as cannot be calculated as objective figure / Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $3,800 for seat defect / Claim granted in part.