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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. PV v OS & B Ltd [2023] NZDT 172 (3 May 2023) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s car damaged by van driven by First Respondent / First Respondent driving van in course of employment for Second Respondent / First Respondent was on phone to Second Respondent at time of collision / Applicant’s insurer claimed $3,962.53 repair costs / Held: First Respondent owed duty of care to check for cars approaching / Duty did not rest with Applicant who was in own lane / First Respondent breached duty of care / Second Respondent vicariously liable for First Respondent’s negligence / Repair costs were reasonable, excluding COVID-19 cleaning charge as no active cases at time / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant’s insurer $3,922.28 / Claim allowed.

  2. L Foundation v OS [2023] NZDT 555 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 254 KB]

    Commercial / Conversion / Applicant and Respondent purchased two puppies for $6,470 / Respondent took possession of both puppies / Respondent owed debt to Applicant / Applicant and Respondent disagree on amount of debt owing / Applicant claimed return of one dog and payment of debt / Held: possession of one puppy passed to Respondent but ownership did not / Applicant entitled to return of one puppy / Total proven debt is $13,785 / Total commission and payment by Respondent $6,550 / Respondent ordered to deliver dog to Applicant's representative / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $7,235 / Claim allowed.

  3. NT v OX & B Ltd [2023] NZDT 476 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 248 KB]

    Aviation law / Civil Aviation Act 1990 / Contract law / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants booked to fly internationally with the Respondent / Flight was diverted as severe weather was predicted / Applicants claims various costs including cost of transportation, electronic visa, food, hotel stay, and insurance / Held: Respondent not responsible for costs in these circumstances, as the risk of severe weather disruptions is on the customer / However, Respondents were willing to make some good-will payments to the Applicants / Respondent to pay Applicant $1,822.67 in damages.

  4. D Ltd v L Ltd [2023] NZDT 190 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 168 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted by Respondent to provide foundation works for an agreed contract price / Dispute centres around the variation of contract price / Applicant claimed difference between original contract price and amount paid / Respondent counter-claimed and sought refund of overpayment / Held: both parties contributed equally to loss of any ability to charge client for additional supplied but unused and non-returnable steel / Respondent liable to pay 50% of original contract price plus undisputed amounts plus minor variation / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $13,479.63 / Claim allowed in part.

  5. BI & SI v BA [2023] NZDT 142 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 154 KB]

    Contract / Applicant claimed they paid Respondent $21,030.00 for cars that Respondent’s brother was to purchase / Applicants claimed Respondent failed to pay his brother and kept money for himself / Held: insufficient evidence Respondent breached contract / There were no receipts for money and no written documents, such as text messages, invoices, email correspondence between parties, that support amounts Applicants claim / Claim dismissed.

  6. NX v P Ltd [2023] NZDT 212 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased car stereo online for $10.00 / Respondent was stereo importer / After installation stereo found to be faulty / Applicant claimed $375.00 from Respondent / Respondent claimed stereo was type that was only sold to traders / Stereo was third hand when Applicant brought it / Respondent claimed impossible to tell what may have happened to stereo over various installation and removal processes / Held: stereo's low price and being only three months old suggested there could be a fault / Unclear if stereo was defective or had been mishandled / Applicant unable to prove that Respondent was liable / Claim dismissed.

  7. SX v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 160 (2 May 2023) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Respondent provided software services to Applicant / Agreement stated Respondent’s charges subject to change on 7-days’ notice / Respondent increased charges in August but did not notify Applicant until September / Respondent informed Applicant of increase by email, apologised for not notifying in advance / Applicant claimed email was apology only and did not constitute notice as given retrospectively / Applicant charged higher price for five months before cancelling agreement / Applicant claimed $600 refund / Held: email constituted notice of increase / Increase could not apply to charges before notice given / Respondent agreed to refund first month of increased charges / Applicant not entitled to refund for charges after notice period / Claim dismissed.

  8. NE & HE v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 154 (1 May 2023) [PDF, 102 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted Respondent for house removal / Respondent not able to complete move / Applicants had to accept quote from another company at additional cost / Applicants claimed $8,360 for additional costs / Held: contract not concluded until full document was signed / Non-payment of deposit and late return of contract left deal at election of Respondent / Unable to find breach by Respondent that justifies award of sum claimed / Claim dismissed.

  9. NX & QT v X Ltd [2023] NZDT 209 (28 April 2023) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant intended booking business class flights from Respondent / Applicant informed flight unavailable after confirming booking / Price increased significantly after attempting to rebook / Applicant claimed Respondent breached the Fair Trading Act / Held: no breach by Respondent / Uncertainty about availability where flight involves a partner airline is made known to people before confirming booking / Claim dismissed.

  10. MX v X Ltd [2023] NZDT 251 (28 April 2023) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted Respondent for orthodontic treatment / Respondent advised treatment plan was complete after three years / Result was not as expected / Applicant raised concerns with Respondent, who offered to continue treatment at additional cost, then offered to continue treatment for free / Respondent claimed to have lost faith in Respondent’s services / Applicant sought full refund of $8900 / Held: treatment plan was not suitable for Applicant’s needs, therefore not fit for purpose / Respondent’s failure was not substantial/ Applicant did not give Respondent opportunity to remedy problem / Claim dismissed.

  11. D Ltd v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 371 (27 April 2023) [PDF, 110 KB]

    Contract / Applicant supplied Respondent with electricity / Applicant discovered electricity meters were not working properly / Electricity usage had not been measured properly / Applicant billed Respondent and Respondent did not pay / Applicant claimed $19,662.67 for unpaid bills / Held: failure by Respondent to pay amount is a breach of the terms of contract with Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $19,662.67 / Claim allowed.

  12. C Ltd v TI [2023] NZDT 202 (27 April 2023) [PDF, 118 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant supplied fabric and other materials to re-upholster Respondent's furniture / Respondent dismayed to discover material ordered was different to what she had wanted and declined to pay / Applicant claimed $5,054.25 payment / Respondent counter-claimed $30,000 / Held: Applicant made a mistake in ordering fabric that Respondent unfortunately did not notice / Applicant's reupholstering work not carried with reasonable care and skill and resulting product not fit for purpose / Respondent not liable to pay Applicant / Applicant must refund Respondent for amount already paid / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $4,509.73 / Claim dismissed.

  13. DX & QX v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 215 (27 April 2023) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicants purchased house / Applicants obtained building report from Respondent before purchase / Respondent’s building report noted issue with floor levels, but said it was of ‘no concern’ / Applicants later tried to sell house but had to relevel floor before sale could proceed / Applicants claimed Respondent’s building report was misleading, sought compensation for relevelling / Held: building report was not misleading / Respondent not liable to compensate Applicants for cost of levelling the floors / Claim dismissed.

  14. TD v X Inc [2023] NZDT 179 (27 April 2023) [PDF, 145 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant was member of Respondent sporting club / Respondent passed by-law requiring members provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination for entry / Applicant claimed Respondent either breached or repudiated membership contract  by passing and enforcing by-law / Applicant claimed $4000 damages / Held: contract existed between parties / Respondent’s constitution comprised written contract / Respondent passed by-law in accordance with constitution / Respondent did not breach or repudiate contract / Claim dismissed.

  15. SI v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 226 (26 April 2023) [PDF, 89 KB]

    Contract / Applicant had income protection insurance with Respondent / Applicant injured foot at work, saw podiatrist but continued working / Injury did not improve, impaired Applicant’s performance / Applicant’s employment eventually terminated / Applicant started claim process with Respondent 11 months after termination, began receiving payments after 90-day policy waiting period / Applicant claimed Respondent should have backdated cover to when income first lost / Applicant sought $29,684.39 / Held: Applicant did not meet policy criteria to have cover backdated / Respondent not in breach of contract / Claim dismissed.

  16. BT & NS v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 66 (26 April 2023) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Contract / Applicants entered into an agreement with Respondent for their wedding reception / Applicants dissatisfied with service provided and sought $4,979.75 in damages /  Damages sought for loss of flowers, excessive charge on alcohol, refund due to inadequate service, extra photographers cost and compensation for emotional harm / Held: implied term that Applicants would get flowers after wedding reception / Flowers were put in the rubbish / $249.83 for loss of flowers and loss of opportunity as memorabilia / Service for reception adequate in the circumstances / Unable to establish photographer’s services were more expensive than anticipated / Damages for emotional harm and loss of reputation outside of Tribunal’s jurisdiction / Order made for $247 refund of champagne and $249.83 loss of flowers / Respondent ordered to pay $496.83 / Claim granted.

  17. BZ v OJ [2023] NZDT 221 (24 April 2023) [PDF, 97 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased van from Respondent / Van later assessed as having too much rust making it unsafe and uneconomic to repair / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented van's condition at inspection / Applicant wanted to return the van / Applicant claimed $2,400.00 purchase amount / Held: only available evidence about alleged misrepresentations was oral recollections of the parties, which differ / Applicant unable to prove conclusively whether Respondent made any misrepresentations about the van / Claim dismissed.

  18. AX & KX v WB [2023] NZDT 246 (20 April 2023) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicants undertook fence repairs on their boundary with Respondent / Respondent states that damage to the fence had not resulted by her actions or property / Respondent was not notified of intended repairs / Applicants claim $775.23 for the cost of repairs / Neighbour owes duty of care to ensure their property is maintained so no loss is caused to neighbours / Respondent’s tree had caused minor damage to the fence / Damage needed to be repaired immediately / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $637.23.

  19. DF v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 177 (19 April 2023) [PDF, 143 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent engaged to manage Applicant's rental while she worked overseas / Applicant noticed items missing or damaged on return / Applicant claimed $2,550 for compensation / Respondent claimed $629.36 for travel and time / Held: Respondent did not provide service with reasonable care and skill / Applicant entitled to $853.20 in compensation considering items were not new / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent for travel fees and time, $475.59 / Claim granted in part.

  20. BT v WN Ltd [2023] NZDT 14 (19 April 2023) [PDF, 111 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a boat from Respondent | Applicant claimed Respondent breached sale and purchase agreement / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented state of the boat / Applicant sought $13,833.09 for work required to the boat / Respondent counterclaimed due to selling vessel at a lower price due to its condition / Held: Applicant agreed to purchase vessel in current condition / Outlined refit details were not covered in agreement / Respondent did not breach agreement / No misrepresentation of condition of vessel / Applicant relied upon her own judgement in purchasing vessel / Claim for reconnecting the chartplotter accepted, $47.22/ No legal basis for counterclaim / Claim granted in part and counterclaim dismissed.

  21. ED v MA [2023] NZDT 556 (18 April 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought kitten from Respondent for $1,240 / Applicant discovered minor rash on kitten's muzzle which was an infection / Applicant claimed $110 vet fee for kitten's medication / Held: Respondent required to pay for cost of fixing the problem which was the failure to comply with the guarantee of acceptable quality / Respondent liable for the cost of visit to vet / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $110 / Claim allowed.