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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. BG v L Ltd [2023] NZDT 249 (16 May 2023) [PDF, 165 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant is professional piano teacher and brought digital piano from Respondent for business purposes / Over next 3 years, Applicant returned piano to Respondent numerous times to discuss complaints / Applicant identified 7 return trips from her home to Respondent / Applicant claimed $1,812.00 for cost of travel, as well back therapist costs as she suffered injury carrying piano  / Held: on only one occasion was there breach of guarantee as to fitness for purpose or acceptable quality / Piano was returned in functional state and remains so today / Personal injury claim is exclusively for ACC / Costs for two return trips is allowed / Respondent must pay Applicant $78.98 / Claim partially granted.

  2. N Ltd v TT [2023] NZDT 224 (16 May 2023) [PDF, 91 KB]

    Res judicata / Applicant brought action against Respondent / Matter had already come before Tribunal a year earlier / Applicant did not attend earlier hearing, matter was dismissed / Applicant had not been able to attend earlier hearing for medical reasons, therefore claimed matter had not been heard / Held: parties cannot relitigate questions that have already been judicially determined / Matter had already been heard and Applicant had not applied for re-hearing / Claim struck out.

  3. J Ltd v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 315 (15 May 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant engaged Respondent to transport two consignments of planks / Respondent delivered one consignment, comprising three packets of planks, to wrong recipient / Recipient used two packets before realising error and returning third packet / Missing packets had to be replaced by Applicant for intended recipient / Applicant claimed $23,585.34 compensation / Held: contract between parties was contract of limited carrier liability / Goods went missing while Respondent responsible for them / Respondent liable for missing goods / In contracts of limited carrier liability, the legislation limited liability to $2000 per unit of goods damaged / Applicant entitled to $2000 for each packet delivered in error by Respondent / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4000 / Claim allowed.

  4. BW v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 208 (12 May 2023) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contacted Respondent regarding services they could provide regarding black mould removal / Applicant claims she did not receive a scope of work or a quote / Applicant notes Respondent did not recommend a registered building surveyor to carry out inspection services / Respondent claims that it was made clear to Applicant that she would not receive a report of scope and costings / Applicant has claimed breach of care and skill / Held: Applicant did not prove that Respondent had breached care and skill in carrying out a maintenance survey / Contract was not breached regarding house inspection / Claim and counter claim dismissed.

  5. DT v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 225 (12 May 2023) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent for drainage services in 2019, paid $17,720.36 for work / Services were to redo work done by previous team after Applicant noticed water seepage into home / Heavy rain in 2022 caused flooding into Applicant’s home / Applicant claimed flooding was result of Respondent’s work, sought $20,000 compensation / Held: more likely than not that Respondent’s work was not cause of flooding / Respondent’s work done with reasonable care and skill, but Respondent should have done more to check work of previous team / Applicant did not give Respondent reasonable opportunity to remedy issue / Claim dismissed.

  6. DX & NS v X Ltd [2023] NZDT 157 (12 May 2023) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased property from Respondent / Applicant were told property had gas cooktop and gas hot water system but these were electric upon visit by Applicant / Applicant claimed damages for misrepresentation / Held: there was misleading representation made by Respondent through its agent / Representation induced Applicant's entry into contract / Respondent liable to pay damages / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $24,722.70 / Claim allowed.

  7. V Ltd v BT [2023] NZDT 370 (11 May 2023) [PDF, 133 KB]

    Contract / Applicant hired Respondent to provide financial advice / Commission paid to Respondent if sales were made / If clients cancelled their policies Respondent’s commission was clawed back / Clawed back commission would be paid to Applicant's instead / A number of Respondent’s clients have cancelled resulting in claw back amounts being charged to Applicant / Applicant claimed $26,318.75 / Held: Respondent agreed to claw back terms through implied consent / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $26,318.75 / Claim allowed.

  8. BT v US [2023] NZDT 112 (11 May 2023) [PDF, 111 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to provide food platters, drinks, and bar services for Applicant’s wedding for $2,000.00 / Respondent experienced resourcing and illness issues / Many of the agreed services and resources were not provided by Respondent / Applicant claimed refund of $1,500.00 from Respondent alleged that she failed to provide services with reasonable care and skill / Respondent counterclaimed $3,500.00 for stress, online slander and derogatory comments she alleged were made by Applicant resulting in loss of work / Held: Respondent did not carry out her services with reasonable care and skill / Despite issues, responsibility of Respondent to ensure she could provide promised services / Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to hear claim for stress, slander and derogatory comments / Claim granted and counterclaim dismissed.

  9. SM v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 155 (10 May 2023) [PDF, 229 KB]

    Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to repair leaking deck / Following repair, water ingress occurred to two of Applicant's downstairs bedrooms / Applicant claimed uninsured losses totalling to $30,000 / Held: Respondent failed to carry out its service with reasonable care and skill / Respondent's failure of guarantee of reasonable care and skill was of substantial character / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $28,569.28 and Applicant's Insurer $1,430.72 / Claim allowed.

  10. LF & SF v EG Ltd [2023] NZDT 135 (10 May 2023) [PDF, 135 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought outdoor chairs from Respondent / Applicant sent chairs to Respondent for physical warranty assessment due to signs of deterioration / Respondent declined warranty claim as damage was deemed to be wear and tear / Applicant claimed refund / Held: chairs failed to meet acceptable quality standards / Applicant entitled to reject goods and claim refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $17,145.60 / Claim allowed.

  11. KQ v UN [2023] NZDT 127 (10 May 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought dog from Respondent / Dog diagnosed with medical condition / Applicant claimed compensation for past, ongoing and expected veterinary costs and reimbursement of $3,000 purchase price / Held: dog sold by Respondent not of acceptable quality / Parties agreed dog was worth $1,000 / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,300, dog's value and reimbursement for vet invoices / Claim allowed in part.

  12. OO v Q Ltd and T Ltd [2023] NZDT 231 (6 May 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased laptop from first respondent / Laptop developed problem with motherboard / Repaired under warrantee but developed further problems and declared unrepairable / Second respondent advised applicant to seek refund from first respondent / First respondent told applicant to get refund from second respondent / Applicant’s contract was with first respondent / Accepted that laptop beyond repair / Applicant entitled to refund / Claim allowed, first respondent to pay applicant $1985.61

  13. IF v EX [2023] NZDT 217 (5 May 2023) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Applicant sublet a room to Respondent for a fixed term / Respondent moved out six weeks early / Respondent allowed Applicant to keep his bond for rent / After he left, it took Applicant several months to find another flatmate / Applicant claimed $9,000.00 for rent and utilities / Held: Respondent liable for the rent for whole fixed term / Respondent breached contract by leaving early and stopping paying rent / Applicant could potentially have reduced losses by trying to find a suitable replacement flatmate / Applicant also had an obligation to mitigate losses / Not accepted that a flatmate could not reasonably have been found in less than 22 weeks / Six weeks after Respondent left a reasonable time period to find a new flatmate / Respondent liable for outstanding rent and utilities/expenses totalling $2,217.00 minus Respondent’s bond $460.00/ Respondent ordered to pay $1,757.000 / Claim allowed.

  14. TO & TA v MB [2023] NZDT 232 (5 May 2023) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Compensation / Montreal Convention 1999 / Airline liability / Applicant booked tickets from Respondent / Applicant's flight cancelled / Applicant's luggage went missing and two luggages were found with significant water damage / Applicant claimed $25,953 compensation / Held: Applicant entitled to $2,139.54 under Montreal Convention / Montreal Convention has limits to compensation claim / Each Applicant entitled to $640 in compensation for delay / Respondent ordered to pay First Applicant $2,779.54 and Second Applicant $640 / Claim allowed in part.

  15. HE v QZ [2023] NZDT 373 (4 May 2023) [PDF, 222 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent for building work / Respondent’s work to cost $50,000 / Respondent carried out work, but left site following changes to building plans by Applicant’s architect / Applicant had paid Respondent around $25,000 / Applicant claimed refund of various payments made to Respondent, plus $31,625.40 for cost of ‘remedial work’ by another building company / Held: Applicant provided insufficient evidence regarding two claims for refunds, did not prove loss regarding third / Cost paid to later building company was not to remedy Respondent’s work, but to complete build / Build completed on plans materially different to those Respondent had quoted on / Although Applicant paid more for build than original contract, had not proven loss / Claim dismissed.

  16. SN v CU & KU [2023] NZDT 167 (4 May 2023) [PDF, 160 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 (FA) / Applicant engaged contractor to build boundary fence on rural property / Applicant claims $8,682.00 from neighbouring Respondents / Held: Fencing work failed to comply with s 10 of the FA / Respondents had objected to quote via cross notice / Fact that Applicant wanted to plant new seedlings and could not wait did not mean s 16 of the FA could be invoked / Respondents not liable to share fencing cost / Claim dismissed.

  17. UX v TT [2023] NZDT 151 (4 May 2023) [PDF, 131 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant bought puppies from Respondent / Applicant believed deposit was refundable as per advert / Applicant withdrew purchase, but Respondent refused to refund deposit, claiming advert had error / Applicant claimed $500 for deposit and $45 for tribunal fee / Held: contract included an express term that deposit was refundable, as per advert / Tribunal fee unable to be awarded / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $500 / Claim allowed.

  18. ES v M Ltd [2023] NZDT 218 (3 May 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Ongoing engine problems began 6 months after purchase / Applicant returned to Respondent numerous times to resolve issues, eventually asked for refund / Respondent did not give refund, offered to replace engine / Applicant claimed refund of purchase price / Held: car was not of acceptable quality or fit for purpose / Applicant entitled to reject car and receive refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $16,500.00 / Claim allowed.