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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. HK & QK v JF Ltd [2023] NZDT 334 (26 May 2023) [PDF, 123 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants contracted Respondent for landscaping services, including tiling around new swimming pool / Tiles were laid too close to pool edge, creating significant risk of damage to pool / Applicants claimed $15,607.80 for remedial work / Respondent counterclaimed $3,493.70 for unpaid invoice / Held: Respondent not responsible for unideal aesthetic outcome of tiling, uneven levels out of its control / Respondent was responsible for insufficient gap between tiles and pool fibreglass, did not exercise reasonable care and skill / Remedial work presented similar level of risk as leaving pool as it was / Applicants prepared to take risk as remedial work would also fix aesthetic issues, which Respondent was not responsible for / Unjust for Respondent to be liable for full cost of remedial work / Respondent to contribute 60%, less outstanding invoice / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,021.38 / Claim granted in part.

  2. SO v GU [2023] NZDT 326 (26 May 2023) [PDF, 156 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased property from Respondent / Subsequently, heat pump found to have a faulty indoor board / Part no longer available / Applicant claimed Respondent breached sale and purchase agreement / Applicant claimed $3,408.00, cost of getting new heat pump installed and filing fee costs / Respondent claimed heat pump was in reasonable working order on settlement date / Held: more likely than not the heat pump was not in reasonable working order / Applicant in breach of sale and purchase agreement / Heat pump was 15 years old  / Respondent order to pay Applicant $150 in compensation / Filing fee not awarded as not provided for in contract / Claim allowed in part.

  3. IS v TM [2023] NZDT 270 (25 May 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant moved into a flat in November 2020 / Applicant paid $760 bond to head tenant Respondent / Applicant understood flatmates were planning to remain in the property for a while / In early January 2021, Applicant was informed the landlord had given the tenants one month to vacate property due to missed rent payments / Applicant moved out and requested her bond returned, Respondent refused / Applicant claimed $7,720.00 for bond, moving costs, mental health strain, loss of personal property, and other costs / Held: Applicant entitled to full bond / Applicant would have incurred expenses of moving into one flat, but not the additional expenses of moving again so soon / Applicant entitled to cost of moving and into another flat, but not the costs of subsequent move / Tribunal cannot consider the claim for mental health strain / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,110.00, bond and moving costs / Claim granted in part.  

  4. SU v F Ltd [2023] NZDT 266 (25 May 2023) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Contract / Applicant parked in Respondent’s carpark, exceeded time limit by 22 minutes / Respondent charged Applicant $80 fine, then added further charges of $120 for late payment and $50 for debt collection / Applicant disputed liability for fines / Held: Applicant breached contract with Respondent by exceeding time limit / $80 fine was enforceable, not disproportionate / Late payment fees were disproportionate, therefore unenforceable / Total sum invoiced and sent to debt collection higher than could be charged, therefore debt collection fees also not recoverable / Claim allowed in part.

  5. BS v MQ [2023] NZDT 269 (25 May 2023) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Contract / Applicant booked two tickets on a fishing charter run by Respondent / Tickets indicated departure time was 9am / Departure time was actually 7am / Morning of the booking, Respondent phoned Applicant to ask whether they going on charter / Applicant was unable to get to departure point promptly so did not go on trip / Respondent later provided a partial refund, retaining $60 per ticket to cover costs /  Applicant claimed $160, for ticket price and filing fee / Held: departure time on ticket was a misprint but the time formed part of terms and conditions of contract / Respondent did not provide the trip as contracted and Applicant received no part of what he paid for / Applicant entitled to a full refund / Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to award costs, including the filing fee, in these circumstances / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $120 / Claim granted.

  6. BP v TD [2023] NZDT 259 (25 May 2023) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Applicant agreed to buy Respondent’s boat / Applicant paid $13,500 deposit and took possession / Applicant unable to pay rest of purchase price within agreed time / Parties agreed to end contract / Applicant returned boat / Written agreement did not specify whether deposit was refundable, or what would happen if sale was not completed / Applicant claimed refund of deposit / Respondent counterclaimed $30,000 for damage and rent, but withdrew counterclaim at hearing / Held: evidence evenly balanced, but Applicant did not successfully establish that parties agreed deposit would be refundable / Not unconscionable for Respondent to retain deposit / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.

  7. N Ltd v SH [2023] NZDT 295 (24 May 2023) [PDF, 126 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant contracted by Respondent to provide truck and two movers / Respondent failed to inform Applicant of heavy double door fridge that required more than two people to move / Applicant sent out additional crew and invoiced higher rate, which Respondent refused to pay / Applicant claimed payment of $2,033.00 invoice / Held: Respondent liable for remainder of invoice / Respondent not entitled to compensation from Applicant regarding alleged damage to property / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,670.70 / Claim allowed.

  8. O Ltd v TO [2023] NZDT 341 (24 May 2023) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Contract / Respondent was bringing claim with respect to bathroom renovations / Respondent accidentally named applicant as the party in this matter / Applicant’s director is a different person to who renovated the bathroom / Respondent accepted prior to hearing that she named wrong person / Applicants wish to pursue costs for preparation of evidence / Held: s 43 Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 bars award of costs except in limited circumstances that do not apply here / Applicant could just have let respondent know she had named wrong party / Claim dismissed.

  9. NT v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 299 (24 May 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a designer jacket for $3,601.78 / Jacket was drycleaned by Respondent / Jacket was returned damaged after drycleaning / Applicant sought cost of jacket / Held: Respondent did not follow jacket lapel instructions / Damaging jacket by washing it and not following the label instructions was foreseeable and direct loss / Respondent ordered to pay $3,686.78, jacket and drycleaning cost / Applicant entitled to jacket but did not want it due to damage / Claim allowed.

  10. LT v OT Ltd [2023] NZDT 356 (23 May 2023) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased sofa from Respondent / At delivery, sofa was unable to fit through access points to Applicant’s house / Applicant told Respondent she no longer wanted sofa / Applicant claimed $2600 refund of amounts paid for sofa and delivery / Held: Applicant repudiated contract / Respondent entitled to cancel contract and seek damages for Applicant’s repudiation / Terms of sale relevant, provided that Respondent was able to retain deposit plus cancellation fee / Respondent entitled to retain reasonable deposit, delivery fee, and cancellation fee, but not full purchase price / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2114.10 refund / Claim allowed.

  11. K Ltd v SG [2023] NZDT 211 (23 May 2023) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Applicant owns interest in claim against Respondent / Respondent was director of a company that had contract to use telephone services / The company was removed from Companies Register / Telephone services were provided for a further three months / Applicant claims costs of services for that three month period against Respondent as they consider her to be personally liable / Held: respondent did not contract in her own name for telephone services, nor was she a guarantor / Contracting party was therefore a company / Claim dismissed.

  12. DC v KN [2023] NZDT 309 (22 May 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and her then partner Respondent and another signed a fixed lease for a two bedroom property / Each agreed to pay $230.00 per week for rent / Respondent moved out without notice and stopped paying rent / Applicant and other tenant carried on covering rent in Respondent’s absence / Applicant claimed $4,600.00 for unpaid rent / Held: Respondent breached agreement by not paying rent after he moved out and the other tenants having had to cover the shortfall / Respondent obliged to pay rent to the end of the lease / Not reasonable in the circumstances for Applicant to be required to get another tenant / Respondent ordered to pay $3,220.00, factoring in miscalculation of amount owing by Applicant / Claim allowed.

  13. NJ v UF [2023] NZDT 238 (22 May 2023) [PDF, 247 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased horse from Respondent / Respondent represented that horse was suitable for a nervous young rider / Horse began to rear soon after delivery / Respondent did not disclose that horse had reared with previous owner / Respondent was aware of this previous behaviour / Held: horse not suitable for a nervous young rider and was not “nice and quiet” as stated in advertisement / Respondent to pay $4000 to Applicant for misrepresentation / Applicant may keep or sell horse as she sees fit  

  14. LZ v I Ltd [2023] NZDT 174 (22 May 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased fishing drone from Respondent that included product care replacement option and promotional gift cards / Fishing drone did not function and could not be repaired or replaced / Applicant claimed $5,100 / Held: Applicant entitled to refund of purchase price including product care / Applicant not obligated to return value of gift cards / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,100 / Claim allowed.

  15. TX v V Ltd [2023] NZDT 227 (22 May 2023) [PDF, 150 KB]

    Contract / Applicant sold real estate for Respondent / Contract between parties stated Applicant would retain right to commission for listings sold within six months of terminating contract / Applicant claimed commission of $29,612 for four properties sold after terminating contract with Respondent / Respondent disputed Applicant’s entitlement to commission, claimed sales went unconditional more than six months after Applicant left company / Held: evidence Applicant relied on regarding when sales closed unreliable / More likely than not that sales went unconditional more than six months after Applicant left company / Claim dismissed.

  16. L Ltd v I Ltd [2023] NZDT 197 (19 May 2023) [PDF, 172 KB]

    Contract / Conditional contract / Applicant requested Respondent to provide quotation for house removal / Respondent's initial quotation based on assumption that concrete base around house was hollow but it was entirely concrete / Applicant did not accept new quotation / Respondent partially refunded and retained $5,000 deposit / Applicant claimed remaining deposit / Held: not appropriate for Respondent to bear entire risk as both Applicant and Respondent could have waited for property to be available before agreeing on quotation / Condition placed on quotation not met / New contract with different scope and price was not formed as Applicant did not accept quotation / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,493 / Claim partially allowed.

  17. NC & DC v T Ltd & HG [2023] NZDT 222 (19 May 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants owned rental property / Applicants’ property manager engaged Respondent for work on Applicants’ property / Applicants paid initial $3000 towards Respondent’s work / Property manager cancelled Respondent’s work at Applicants’ property after issues with Respondent’s work on other properties managed by property manager / Applicants claimed refund of $3000 and 14.5% interest / Held: contract was between Applicant and Respondent, not Respondent and property manager / Contract was cancelled, work was not carried out / Applicants entitled to refund / Applicants entitled to interest, but 14.5% rate unreasonable / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $3000 plus $100.25 interest / Claim allowed.  

  18. BF v XX [2023] NZDT 245 (18 May 2023) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered into a flat sharing agreement with Respondent / Flatmate agreement specified that the flatmates would pay 50% of the cost of expenses each week / Applicant’s puppy ate pain relief tablets in the Respondent’s room / There was an altercation between the Applicant and Respondent that resulted in a trespass ordered against Respondent / Applicant claimed compensation for expenses / Respondent is liable to pay 50% of expenses / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $636.69.

  19. EM v JJ [2023] NZDT 254 (17 May 2023) [PDF, 89 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 / Applicant purchased second-hand vehicle from Respondent for $11,000 / Respondent claimed repairs had recently been done / Vehicle broke down on way home from purchase / Applicant discovered Respondent bought vehicle only 6 days prior for $6000, price reflected repairs needed / Applicant produced evidence Respondent was in trade / Applicant claimed refund / Held: Respondent was a motor vehicle trader, although not registered or licensed / Respondent therefore subject to consumer legislation / Vehicle not of acceptable quality / Applicant entitled to cancel sale and obtain refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $11,000 / Claim allowed.

  20. LL v XX [2023] NZDT 219 (17 May 2023) [PDF, 112 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant worked on Respondent’s car / Applicant claimed $7,000 payment for work remained outstanding / Respondent claimed payment had been made / Respondent counterclaimed that Applicant’s work was not of acceptable quality / Held: more likely than not that Respondent had paid Applicant for work in cash / Evidence did not establish that Applicant’s work was not of acceptable quality / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.