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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. OT US v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 169 (8 June 2023) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant parked his car in Respondent’s yard / Car was moved to different boarded by tall pine trees / Natural disaster occurred causing a tree to fall on the windscreen of Applicant’s car / Signs at yard stated owners of vehicles would park at their own risk of damage and theft / Applicant states Respondent is liable for its damage / Applicant claimed damages of $3,731.23 / Held: Respondent provided services with reasonable care and skill / Signs indicated that cars parked in yard were at owner’s risk / Extreme weather event caused damage of car independent of human control / Claim dismissed.

  2. SM v BQ [2023] NZDT 143 (8 June 2023) [PDF, 110 KB]

    Contract / Loan / Applicant provided Respondent with a loan / Applicant claimed Respondent had stopped communicating with them and failed to repay the loan in full / Applicant sought $16,774.94, $11,612.97 for outstanding loan plus interest and inflation / Held: outstanding amount of $11,612.97 owed by Respondent made out / Interest rate Applicant sought was exorbitant so reduced to courts prescribed interest rate totalling $422.70 / Additional costs for inflation not allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $12,035.67 / Claim allowed in part.

  3. FI & IS v M Ltd [2023] NZDT 252 (7 June 2023) [PDF, 173 KB]

    Contract / Applicants booked an intercity move with Respondent / Applicants paid deposit of $527.88 and credit card fee to Respondent / Applicants cancelled move 5 weeks before intended moving date and asked for their deposit / Respondent said they would process refund / Respondent later said according to their terms and conditions the deposit was not refundable / Applicant claimed for deposit refund / Held: cancellation happened more than a month before proposed move / Cancellation was made with sufficient notice / Respondent liable to repay Applicants $513.00, invoiced amount / Applicants unable to recover $14.88 credit card processing fee / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $513 / Claim granted.  

  4. BL v JN Ltd [2023] NZDT 162 (7 June 2023) [PDF, 231 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant bought caravan from Respondent, selling on behalf of third party / Third party did not want to sell caravan after Applicant asked for certain specifications prior to delivery / Applicant claimed for Respondent to supply equivalent caravan in certified and compliant state at agreed price, or compensation of $12,250 / Held: Applicant did not suffer any loss from breach by Respondent as Applicant knew of issues and decided to purchase anyway / Applicant unable to prove misrepresentation induced him to enter contract with Respondent to purchase caravan / Respondent did not fail to meet legal obligations for WOF and registration / Respondent breached Agreement when it cancelled Agreement and returned deposit to Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,600 / Claim partially allowed.

  5. LW v QT Ltd [2023] NZDT 170 (7 June 2023) [PDF, 219 KB]

    Contract / Applicant parked in private parking spot managed by Respondent / Respondent issued breach notice to Applicant’s previous address / Applicant received notice after due date and paid $245.00 to Respondent and explained notice had been sent to previous address / Respondent sought further late fee of $75.00 / Applicant refused to make further payment / Applicant claimed refund of $245.00 fee, declaration they were not liable for further $75.00 fee and $200.00 for stress and anxiety / Held: Applicant trespassed on land / Applicant entered into contract with Respondent / Contract terms set out $95.00 infringement fee / Any further fees not clearly signposted / Applicant not entitled to compensation for stress and anxiety / Respondent to refund Applicant $150.00 / Claim partially upheld.

  6. B Ltd v CT [2023] NZDT 239 (6 June 2023) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract law / section 31 of Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant provided concrete foundation services to Respondent / Respondent refuses to pay the Applicant’s final invoice / Applicant claim the price of the final invoice, $3,368.70 / Respondent claim they have been overcharged and part of the amount owing was due to a delay caused by Applicant / Held: Respondent agreed to a price for some of the extra concrete / Applicant did not carry out its services with reasonable care and skill / It was foreseeable this resulted in extra cost, therefore applicant liable to reimburse respondent this cost / Claim partly allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,226.71

  7. BS & OS v PB & UQ [2023] NZDT 271 (6 June 2023) [PDF, 120 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants and Respondents were flatmates in fixed term tenancy / Respondents moved out 3 months before fixed term expired / Applicants had to cover rent until lease ended / Applicants claimed Respondents breached flatmate agreement, / Applicants sought damages for rent and end of lease costs / Applicant also claimed stress caused failure of exam, sought additional $2750 for cost of repeating course / Held: agreement existed between parties / Respondents breached agreement by not paying rent after moving out / Applicants tried to mitigate loss by seeking replacement flatmates, but were unsuccessful / Respondents required to pay for rent and end of lease costs / Applicant’s loss from failed exam was unforeseeable and too remote from breach to be claimable / Respondents ordered to pay $3263.25 and $2087, respectively / Claim allowed in part.

  8. HN v UC & JS Ltd [2023] NZDT 166 (6 June 2023) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted Respondent to repaint truck for $7000 and build a well-side tray for a different truck for $4,000 / Respondent agreed to complete within three weeks /Applicant paid Respondent deposit of $6,500, $3,500 for repainting, $2,000 for tray / Applicant cancelled contract for repainting after Respondent failed to carry out work within timeframe / Applicant claimed Respondent also failed to complete tray or refund money as promised / Applicant sought refund of deposit / Respondent claimed limited liability status / Held: Respondent cannot claim limited liability as it failed to inform Applicant it was entering into a contract with limited liability company / Respondent failed to perform contract as agreed / Respondent ordered to refund Applicant total deposit, $5,500.00 / Claim granted.

  9. BC & others v QK [2023] NZDT 137 (5 June 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased caravan from Respondent / Applicant alleged Respondent misrepresented caravan saying it had no leaks and mould / Applicant claimed $15,000 / Held: Respondent not in trade for selling caravans and this is a private sale / Respondent did not intend Applicant to be induced by misrepresentation nor wilfully used language to induce Applicant to purchase caravan / Claim dismissed.

  10. EM v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 171 (5 June 2023) [PDF, 124 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant cancelled order with Respondent for wedding flowers and decorations / Cancellation made as Respondent could not provide flowers with similar look to showroom display as agreed / Applicant claimed refund of $1,500 deposit / Held: Applicant did not agree to use different flowers / Difference between sample agreed upon and flowers presented significant and entitled Applicant to cancel order / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,500 refund / Claim allowed.

  11. TQ v EN [2023] NZDT 113 (2 June 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Contract / Applicant was a dog breeder / Applicant bred a dog and sold her to Respondent / Parties signed a contract indicating Respondent would have dog spayed by 6 months old /  Applicant alleged Respondent never had dog spayed and that the Respondent bred from her / Applicant also claimed Respondent gave the dog to a new owner / Applicant sought $3,500.00 in compensation, purchase price of dog / Held: Respondent giving dog to a new owner was not a breach of contract / Insufficient evidence to establish that dog gave birth to a litter of puppies / Likely that Respondent breached the contract by not having the dog spayed / Contract silent on any remedy for breach of contract / Applicant unable to quantify a value, or provide evidence of any financial loss that she has incurred as a result / Claim dismissed.

  12. LC v DB [2023] NZDT 161 (2 June 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Applicant bought vehicle from Respondent / Vehicle broke down and Applicant advised vehicle would need engine rebuild / Respondent agreed to pay $3000 towards repairs in three instalments / Respondent only paid $1000 / Applicant claimed remaining $2000 / Held: Applicant and Respondent have an enforceable contract where Respondent agreed to pay $3000 towards costs of repairs / Respondent in breach of contract by not paying the remaining $2000 / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2000 / Claim allowed.

  13. CX & EB v TK [2023] NZDT 342 (31 May 2023) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Contract / Applicants engaged respondent to carry out pre-purchase house inspection / Applicants moved in and noticed audible drips and leaks in house / Applicants obtained quote from roofing company and got another inspection / Respondent says at time he inspected it was structurally sound, no sign of rust or leaking, no water damage on trusses / Applicants seek cost of new roof and associated costs / Held: not established that were visible signs on the exterior of roof / 9 month gap poses evidential issue / Existence of rotten beam in roof space should have been pointed out to applicants but uncertain whether applicants would have taken any further action / Respondent not liable for costs associated with purlin replacement / No remedy available / Claim dismissed.

  14. HI v LX [2023] NZDT 148 (31 May 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017  / Applicant purchased swing mooring from Respondent / Respondent assured Applicant there is no problem getting insurance for swing moorings / Applicant discovered insurers were reluctant and discovered mooring block is different from listing / Applicant claimed $10,000 compensation / Held: no proven misrepresentation in terms of mooring block size / Applicant suffered a loss and should be awarded compensation for equivalent 3 years additional premium and for detriment of having boat under insured / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,100 / Claim partially allowed.

  15. BN v DS [2023] NZDT 144 (31 May 2023) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Applicant won auction for gym equipment / Applicant paid Respondent $1,150.00 purchase price / Applicant had difficulty collecting equipment and relisted equipment for auction / Applicant advised Respondent that new auction winner would collect equipment / Respondent refused and relisted equipment for auction / Applicant refunded new auction winner / Applicant claimed refund of purchase price / Held: Respondent breached contract by refusing to hand over equipment / Respondent to refund Applicant $1,150.00 purchase price / Claim granted.

  16. PR v Z Ltd [2023] NZDT 353 (29 May 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant enrolled in a course with the Respondent / Applicant claims a refund of course fees paid, $7,821.20, as the course had a significant overlap in content with his previously completed diploma / Respondent told Applicant the course content was going to be “vastly different” to his previously completed diploma / Held: Applicant raised his concerns of the content overlap with the Respondent before the contractual refund period had expired / Respondent has breached its obligation of reasonable care and skill under the CGA by describing the paper as “vastly different” to the diploma / Respondent is entitled to 90% of the sum claimed / Claim partially granted.

  17. FH v TI Ltd [2023] NZDT 263 (29 May 2023) [PDF, 172 KB]

    Accommodation / Fair Trading Act 1986 / In June,  Applicant booked accommodation at a motel owned by the Respondent / Accommodation was for a school’s sports team / Applicant paid 50 percent deposit, $2,975.00 / In August, Respondent’s manager sought to cancel booking as other guests were staying there due to a fire in another room / Applicant protested, and a way was found to make it work / Later, a parent delegate visited motel to check on altered bedding arrangements / Afterwards, Applicant decided to cancel booking due to safety concerns regarding presence of emergency housing tenants at the motel / Respondent refused to return deposit /  Applicant claimed $2,975.00 deposit refund / Held: Respondent misled Applicant regarding suitability of accommodation for a school party / Appropriate for Respondent to refund deposit / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,975.00 / Claim granted.