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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. BL QH v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 233 (21 June 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Applicants engaged respondent to provide styling for their wedding / Included flowers, decorations, tableware, Mandap and seating / Price including set up and pack down was $3000.00 / Applicants paid in full and expected styling team to set up between 8-11am on day of wedding / By 2pm only Mandap set up and nothing decorated / Venue able to provide substitute decorations at last minute / Applicants claim for a refund / Held: applicants entitled for damages for extra expense in decorations incurred on their wedding day but are limited to a claim of $3000.00 / Claim allowed, respondents to pay applicants $3000.00

  2. NP v KM 2 [2023] NZDT 340 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased saddle from Respondent / Applicant claimed it was asymmetric / Applicant claimed for refund of purchase price of saddle / Investigation of saddle by experts / Held: evidence did not establish that the saddle is more likely than not faulty / No grounds for Applicant to cancel contract and reject saddle / Respondent will arrange and pay for courier to return saddle and send proof of cost / Applicant to pay 50% of the cost of courier / Claim dismissed.

  3. OOJ v QD Inc [2023] NZDT 214 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 173 KB]

    Contract / Applicant ran poker events business / Applicant was approached by a person introducing himself as the Respondent’s manager / Presumed representative entered into a contract with Applicant to run poker nights at the Respondent’s premises / Applicant contacted Respondent for payment / Respondent stated their presumed representative never worked for them / Applicant claimed $4542.50, invoice for contract and time spent chasing debt / Held: Respondent did not enter into a contract with the Applicant / Person claiming to have an authority to bind the Respondent into a contract did not actually have it / Evidence by Respondent’s representatives established this / No authority established / Running an event at the premises not sufficient to bind the owner of the premises / Claim dismissed.

  4. KW v NX [2023] NZDT 264 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent’s vehicle collided with Applicant, damaging his e-Scooter / Applicant claimed $430 for repairs, $240 for temporary transport costs, $955.50 for filing fee and hearing attendance costs, and $69.50 for medical costs / Held: Respondent failed to give way, was negligent / Applicant entitled to repair costs and some costs for alternate transport while waiting for repairs / Circumstances not met for costs award relating to filing fee or time spent attending hearing / Personal injury outside Tribunal’s jurisdiction, claim for medical costs struck out / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $510 / Claim allowed in part.

  5. BE v MG [2023] NZDT 262 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Respondent borrowed $29,000.00 from Applicant in loan agreement to purchase car with Respondent to make weekly repayments at unspecified amount / Respondent made several payments but $19,000.00 remaining to be paid / Applicant claimed $21,178.00, being unpaid loan principal, $550.00 default payment fee, $1,000.00 unpaid balance of previous loan, $448.00 mechanical work and $180.00 filing fee / Held: Respondent breached agreement by not paying loan by contracted date / Applicant entitled to repayment of principal / No evidence to prove other amounts claimed / Respondent to pay applicant $19,000.00 / Claim partially granted.

  6. XN v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 273 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Tort / Consumer Guarantees Act / Applicant had vehicle serviced by Respondent / Applicant noticed hole in glove box some weeks later / Applicant believed hole was damage caused by Respondent / Applicant claimed $1999 compensation / Held: unlikely damage was caused by Respondent / Reasonably probable that damage was pre-existing, as Applicant had recently purchased vehicle second hand / Respondent had robust system for reporting damage, but no damage reported regarding work on Applicant’s vehicle / Claim dismissed.

  7. BU v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 158 (20 June 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent / Applicant believed vehicle was registered as a seven seater / Afterwards, Applicant discovered vehicle only had five seater capacity / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented seating capacity / Applicant claimed $1,500 for compensation and cost of converting vehicle / Held: LTSA information referring to vehicle as seven seater was likely in error / Respondent did not advertise vehicle as seven seater / Applicant had reasonable opportunity to enquire about seating capacity but failed to do so / Claim dismissed.

  8. ED v UQ [2023] NZDT 305 (19 June 2023) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a horse from Respondent / While negotiating purchase Applicant enquired about horse’s medical condition and history / Respondent advised horse had never been to a vet / Applicant purchased horse for $12,000.00 / Applicant later discovered a large sarcoid on the horse’s stomach / Applicant contacted Respondent who told her she had been told by her vet that it was ‘just cosmetic’ / Applicant’s vet examined horse and advised that the sarcoid be treated / Applicant contacted Respondent to cancel contract and asked for a full refund / Respondent refused / Parties unable to reach a resolution / Applicant sought $12,350.00 for a refund of the purchase price and other costs / Held: Respondent had a duty to disclose horse’s medical condition after Applicant’s enquiry / Misrepresentation made about condition of  horse / Applicant induced into contract by misrepresentation / Applicant entitled to a remedy that would put her bac…

  9. BT v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 319 (19 June 2023) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased flights through electronic booking website which included a transit flight / Transit country required a visa which Applicant was made aware of at the time of booking / Applicant went to check into his flight but was denied boarding because he did not have the required visa to transit / His fare was non-refundable and he suffered a loss of $1228.83 for which he now seeks reimbursement / Held: booking through an electronic terminal requires joint responsibility and care / Respond outlined repeatedly on their site that visas were his responsibility which Applicant accepted at the time of booking / Respondent did not fail to make the booking with reasonable care and skill / Claim dismissed.

  10. TU v CE D Ltd [2023] NZDT 206 (19 June 2023) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Second Respondent contracted with Applicant for supply of solar panels, batteries, inverter and other components for off-grid power system / Second Respondent only supplied solar panels / Applicant therefore claims for cost of grid power usage / Held: Applicant’s claim for $1,931.92 for cost of power is proved / Second Respondent to collect goods supplied after they refund purchase price / Second Respondent to pay Applicant $26,081.92 / Claim against first Respondent dismissed

  11. HN v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 146 (16 June 2023) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant had an appointment at Respondent to obtain driver's medical certificate / Applicant charged $98 and only paid $50 believing he was charged incorrectly / Applicant sought declaration he is not liable to pay $48 / Held: charges not clearly explained to Applicant by Respondent / Respondent charged reasonable price for services / Applicant required to pay invoice / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $48 / Claim dismissed.

  12. KL v SH [2023] NZDT 367 (14 June 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Parties agreed Respondent would use proceeds of sale to pay off security interest still attached to car / Applicant filed claim as Respondent had not paid off security interest, but Respondent made payment prior to hearing / Applicant proceeded with claim, claimed $1000 compensation for stress and inconvenience and punitive damages / Held: Tribunal cannot award punitive damages / Claims for stress and inconvenience usually unsuccessful / Applicant entitled to $150 paid to store car while waiting for security interest to be lifted / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $150 / Claim allowed in part.

  13. KI Ltd v TS [2023] NZDT 256 (14 June 2023) [PDF, 137 KB]

    Consumer law / Chargeback / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent purchased three orders of fish from Applicant, totalling $1555.64 / Respondent claimed they did not receive any of the orders and were issued a chargeback by their card company / Applicant claimed Respondent fraudulently made chargeback request / Applicant sought $1,615.44 in damages, $1555.64 for fish and $60.00 in chargeback fees / Held: Respondent received packages from Applicant / Goods were not returned to Applicant / Respondent failed to communicate any request to remedy delivery of goods / Respondent not entitled to a refund through chargeback or otherwise / Respondent must repay Applicant $1,615.44 / Claim allowed.

  14. KQ & LT v SG [2023] NZDT 287 (13 June 2023) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Negligence / Duty of care / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Fencing Act 1978 / Respondent previously occupied adjoining property to Applicant's property / Respondent damaged brick boundary fence between properties / Respondent repaired fence but Applicant described repairs as poor quality / Applicant claimed $6,695.65 for repair costs and losses / Held: damage to fence resulted from Respondent's failure to take reasonable care / Respondent not entitled to paint the street frontage of fence / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,405.65 / Claim allowed

  15. EC v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 186 (13 June 2023) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Insurance / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant insured property with Respondent / Respondent changed structure of Applicant’s insurance policy / Applicant claimed Respondent’s service in relation to policy change was not provided with reasonable care and skill / Applicant claimed $8,974 damages plus interest / Held: issues encountered by Applicant during process of policy change were addressed by Respondent when raised / Respondent did not fail to provide service with reasonable care and skill / Claim dismissed.

  16. KB v KP [2023] NZDT 184 (13 June 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased bike from Respondent / Applicant took bike to original retailer for repairs / Retailer told Applicant bike had been stolen from them so was not covered by warranty / Applicant claimed refund from Respondent / Held: bike most likely stolen from original retailer before it was sold to Respondent / Buyers of stolen goods cannot obtain or pass on title / Implied condition of sale that seller has right to sell goods / Applicant entitled to cancel contract with Respondent and obtain refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $7,700 / Claim allowed.

  17. KI v CT [2023] NZDT 125 (13 June 2023) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant brought caravan from Respondent advertised as “watertight” / Caravan was subsequently found to have serious water ingress problem / Applicant seeks damages for required repairs / Respondent disputes there was rot / Respondent claims Applicant chose not to inspect the caravan which was sold “as is” / Held: Respondents advertisement of caravan as being “watertight” was a misrepresentation / The use of words “as is” do not exclude the Respondent from liability / Wording of the advertisement was an inducement / Applicant would likely have not entered into contract if they had known of its real condition / Respondent liable to pay Applicant $4,473.50 for repairs / Claim granted.

  18. DN v C Ltd & D Ltd [2023] NZDT 283 (12 July 2023) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Contract / Applicant had vehicle repaired by Respondent / During repair Respondent loaned applicant courtesy vehicle / Terms of loan for courtesy car agreement include a $750 insurance excess and for hirer to be accountable for any panel or paint damage up to this amount / Respondent claimed Applicant damaged vehicle during hire / Respondent seeks payment of insurance excess plus collection costs / Applicant denied damaging vehicle and any liability to respondent / Held: Respondent hasn’t proven any loss under the contract / No evidence of damage / Disputed debt should not be placed in hands of debt collector / Claim allowed and counterclaim dismissed.

  19. EG v KI [2023] NZDT 247 (12 June 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Tort / Trespass / Respondent trimmed trees on Applicant’s property in order to improve his view / Applicant claims work went beyond what was discussed and that Respondent damaged the trees / Applicant engaged arborist to fix damaged trees / Applicant claims $6,931.50 for arborist, removal of stumps and replacement of trees / Held: respondent could not prove he had authority to trim the trees to the extent he did / Trimming of trees beyond what was just inside boundary was trespass of Applicant's rights / Respondent to pay Applicant $1,851.50 which is sum paid to arborist / Claim partially granted.

  20. NB v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 310 (9 June 2023) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a car from Respondent / Week after purchase car was broken in to and damaged / After break-in electric control of window no longer worked / Applicant claimed fault diagnosed as an electrical issue so not related to break-in / Applicant claimed estimated repair costs of $621 / Held: no evidence presented to indicate cause of window fault was unrelated to break-in / Claim not established on the balance of probabilities / Claim dismissed.

  21. DM v QB Ltd [2023] NZDT 124 (9 June 2023).pdf [PDF, 184 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased and paid for installation of car stereo unit from Respondent / Car stereo subsequently stopped working / Applicant claims $995.00 in damages from Respondent / Held: Respondent failed to failure to exercise reasonable care and skill in installing car stereo / Car stereo not fit for purpose or acceptable quality / Respondent failed to remedy the fault within a reasonable time / Applicant is entitled to a refund of the full price of the unit ($565.00), the installation cost ($280.00) and value of missing hard drive ($150.00) / Applicant to pay Respondent total sum of $995.00 / Claim granted.

  22. BX & Q Ltd v QH & HB Ltd [2023] NZDT 365 (8 June 2023) [PDF, 249 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant leased land to Respondent on month-to-month basis / Respondent missed number of rent payments / Parties disputed when lease was terminated / Applicant claimed $6983.32 in missed rent / Held: agreement ended when Respondent made intention to cancel contract known to Applicant / This was three months after termination date claimed by Respondent / Lease ran for eight months, five days, not nine months as claimed by Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5465.94 / Claim allowed.

  23. TB & UB v HF [2023] NZDT 307 (8 June 2023) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased a puppy from Respondent for $1,300.00 / Shortly afterwards puppy showed health issues / Puppy was diagnosed with congenital hypodipsia / Puppy’s prognosis was poor / Estimated vet bills were several thousands of dollars / Puppy was euthanised / Applicants sought compensation / Held: puppy was not of acceptable quality / Decision to euthanise puppy was understandable and humane / Applicants entitled to compensation / Respondent ordered to pay $2,000.00, purchase price and vet bills / Claim allowed.