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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. TX v BT [2023] NZDT 401 (7 July 2023). [PDF, 211 KB]

    Contract law / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant paid Respondent’s company $38,000 to build a cabin / Cabin has not been finished, is unusable and does not have any council consent / Applicant claims Respondent either engaged in conduct that contravened the FTA or aided and abetted the company to contravene the FTA / Applicant claims $30,000 from the Respondent / Held: The applicants contracted with the Respondent’s company / On the evidence, more likely than not that the Respondents aided or abetted the company to contravene the FTA / Respondent is primarily liable for the company’s breach of FTA / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000.

  2. HC v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 482 (6 July 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant thought he had a 24-month contract with Respondent to use shared office premises / Applicant informed he could not use premises until next month and that it did not have a business lounge / Applicant claimed full refund of $1,836.92 / Held: Respondent made false and misleading statements and misrepresented the location and accessibility of the business lounge / Misrepresentation was an essential term of contract / Contract is cancelled and Respondent not entitled to claim any money after cancellation / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,794.42 / Claim allowed.

  3. C Ltd v HN [2023] NZDT 451 (6 July 2023) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered into a contract via contra agreement / Applicant agreed to paint stock car belonging to Respondent free of charge / Respondent agreed to put Applicant's signage on the car when it raced at a speedway / Respondent did not like colour and repainted it / Once repainted, Applicant’s signage was no longer visible / Car driven at Speedway / Applicant’s owner sent invoice to Respondent for $2062 for paint work done / Held: agreement was for Applicant to paint the car in return for Respondent allowing car to display Applicant’s signage / Applicant did not breach contract / Applicant received no benefit for work done / Applicant entitled to invoiced amount / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2062 / Claim allowed.

  4. EN v QN & DN [2023] NZDT 450 (6 July 2023) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Contract / Applicant worked at Respondent’s painting business occasionally / Applicant was paid for his work / Conflicting accounts of whether Applicant would receive payment to assist Respondent in painting his son’s house / Applicant said Respondent offered to pay him in paint / Applicant said he left note on Respondent’s vehicle telling him what paint he wanted / Respondent denied any such agreement was entered into and denied seeing note / Applicant claimed that because he wasn’t given paint promised, he invoiced Respondent for his work / Invoice was for $1,250.00 / Whether Respondent agreed to pay Applicant by giving him paint and if so, whether he now required to pay Applicant $1,250.00 in lieu of the paint / Held: no agreement between the parties for Respondent to pay Applicant in cash for helping to paint house / Insufficient evidence to prove Respondent agreed to pay Applicant in paint for helping him to paint house / Respondent not obligated to pay invoiced amount of $1,250.0…

  5. NO v ST [2023] NZDT 80 (6 July 2023) [PDF, 262 KB]

    Insurance / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Respondent provided Applicant with cleaning services quote / Applicant claims Respondent's cleaner scratched copper sink in the bathroom during the trial clean / Applicant’s insurer seeks to recover damages / Applicant claims Respondent charged her three times the agreed price / Respondent denies liability for the scratch / Respondent claims additional pricing due to extra services involved in a first time trial and counterclaims $10,000.00 / Held: On balance of probabilities, Respondent’s staff caused the sink scratches / The Applicant’s insurer is entitled to recover the loss it indemnified / The additional costs the Respondent claims should have been included in the initial pricing / The Respondent must pay the Applicant’s insurer $1,277.00 / The Applicant’s insurer shall refund the Applicant’s excess fee / The Applicant must pay the Respondent $95 for the cleaning trial / Claim allowed / Counterclaim dismissed.

  6. BM & OT v OE & DE [2023] NZDT 459 (5 July 2023) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicants claim $43,604.25 in damages from Respondents for misrepresenting bathroom leaking issues in property sale / Held: Respondents made a false representation inducing the Applicants to purchase the property by ticking “no” as to whether the property had any leaking issues / Respondents had been advised of leaking issues in both bathrooms by their long-term tenant prior to the sale of the property /  Respondents had previously arranged a contractor to investigate and remediate one of the leaks / Applicants entitled to compensation for the cost of fixing the leak and its effects in the bathroom / The monetary limit the Tribunal may award is $30,000 / Respondents to pay Applicants $30,000/ Claim allowed.

  7. BU v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 427 (5 July 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased new build property from Respondent / Respondent had not installed fibre optic cable in a conduit or pipe from the ETP to Home Distributor Box / Cable tight and likely to break without protection of conduit / Applicant claimed for cost of fitting conduit / Held: absence of conduit amounts to defect / Pipe or conduit required to meet standards expected for this new build / Not reasonable for Applicant to leave cable until it breaks as this could cause significant inconvenience / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,500 / Claim allowed.

  8. N Ltd v MX [2023] NZDT 387 (5 July 2023) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Respondent contracted Applicant to sell his house / Respondent presented with an offer to purchase conditional on finance being transferred from a foreign bank / Respondent accepted offer / Solicitors confirmed agreement was unconditional on the same day / Purchaser did not settle and Respondent cancelled contract / Respondent then listed his house with another agency / Applicant claimed commission of $28,000 / Held: Agency Agreement stated commission would become payable immediately upon contract becoming unconditional /  Respondent had initialled the section confirming he had been advised to seek legal advice about contents of agreement / Respondent had not put forward any evidence that Applicant had breached their obligations under the agreement / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $28,000.00 / Claim granted.

  9. S Ltd & T Ltd v BK [2023] NZDT 400 (4 July 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent contracted Applicant to replace roof at property / Applicant dropped off materials to Respondent's property / Respondent unhappy that the new roofing materials had a different profile from existing proofing / Applicant refused to remove materials from Respondent's property / Applicant claimed $13,473.40 for material costs, mark-up, trailer hire and labour / Held: no basis to find that materials were of unacceptable quality / Appropriate remedy is for Respondent to cancel the contract and consider options freely / Applicant ordered to remove materials from Respondent's property / Claim dismissed.

  10. LQ v NE [2023] NZDT 380 (4 July 2023) [PDF, 143 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant enrolled dog in Respondent’s 4-week dog-training programme / Programme advertised as ‘full behavioural modification course’ / After dog returned to Applicant, behaviour briefly improved, but soon worsened / Arrangement included three follow up meetings, Respondent only attended one / Applicant claimed refund of $3,200 fee / Held: Applicant did not get anything approaching reasonable value for price paid / Applicant entitled to expect some reasonable and sustained improvement in dog / Respondent did not make himself available for follow up meetings / Respondent’s failure to meet consumer guarantees of a substantial character / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,200 / Claim allowed.

  11. FQ v RH [2023] NZDT 552 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 / Limitation Act 2010 / In 2016, Applicant lent Respondent $800, advanced in exchange for pawning of Respondent’s car / Applicant never obtained possession of Respondent’s car, and Respondent never repaid loan / Respondent claimed $14,000 for repayment of loan, payment of contractual interest, cost of debt recovery and sale value of car / Held: Claim filed more than six years after debt fell due, therefore statute-barred / Claim dismissed.

  12. LI v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 479 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 190 KB]

    Negligence / Vehicle collision / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Applicant's vehicle damaged beyond economical repair in a collision with Respondent's vehicle / Applicant claimed for damages / Held: Respondent breached his duty of care by failing to consider the vehicles that had been following him before attempting a U-turn / Respondent was negligent / Applicant not contributorily negligent / Respondent vicariously liable / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,700 / Claim allowed.

  13. QD v QC [2023] NZDT 461 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Contract / Respondent contracted Applicant to kill and process a steer / Respondent claimed when he weighed the boxes, net weight was 231 kg / Applicant invoiced Respondent $1,458.20 (excluding interest) for the job including a processing cost of $1,008.00 plus GST, based on 480kg at $2.10 per kg / Charge was calculated on the carcass weight of the animal / Applicant sought payment of the invoice including interest ($29.16) / Held: Applicant provided services that he was contracted to provide / Unlikely the carcass weight of 480kg was incorrect / Figure was consistent with the size and age of the animal / Applicant's terms of the agreement did not empower him to charge interest on outstanding accounts / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,458.20 / Claim allowed.

  14. KD v N Ltd & HX [2023] NZDT 424 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 280 KB]

    Negligence / Insurance / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant's motorbike was with Respondent for service when it got flooded and damaged / Applicant claimed $14,000 / Held: loss suffered by Applicant was not a loss directly related for any failure to not complete the service within reasonable time / Respondent not negligent because they moved premises and for not attempting to move bike during flooding / Applicant's loss not covered under insurance policy / Applicant had not lost opportunity to remediate / Claim dismissed.

  15. BG v TQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 145 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Contract / Applicant parked in Respondent’s carpark without paying fee / Respondent issued Applicant with breach notice charging them $65.00 / Applicant paid $1.50, being fee for 1 hour of parking / Applicant claimed fee was unenforceable penalty / Held: fee was enforceable penalty / fee was reasonable to protect legitimate interests of Respondent / Applicant to pay Respondent $63.50, being $65.00 fee minus $1.50 already paid / Claim dismissed.

  16. BS v O Ltd [2023] NZDT 168 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Applicant took boat to Respondent for maintenance / Boat needed plank for repairs / Plank purchased and stored by Respondent / Applicant paid for plank / Applicant later decided to sell boat and not proceed with repair / Respondent sent invoice for 4-years’ storage of plank / Applicant claimed should not have to pay $468 storage fee / Held: no agreement that Applicant would pay for storage / Quasi contract imposed / Respondent did not expect to charge storage fee / Respondent stored plank in expectation of future work / Applicant received benefit from storage / Applicant liable for storage costs / Fee reduced by half to account for periods when Respondent shut down due to COVID-19 or could not accommodate Applicant, possibly increasing storage period / Claim allowed in part.

  17. KI & GI v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 152 (3 July 2023) [PDF, 226 KB]

    Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / First Applicant bought CV joints from Respondent to install in a vehicle owned by Second Applicant / Respondent stated that Applicant could use the CV joints for Applicants motor vehicle / Second Applicant took motor vehicle to a mechanic who stated that CV joints were an incorrect fit for the motor vehicle / First Applicant claimed $1999.00 for the cost of the mechanics invoice / Held: CV joints were not reasonably fit for purpose / Respondent did not carry out services with reasonable care and skill / Applicants awarded partial refund / Respondent ordered to pay $678.13, Claim allowed.

  18. XD v KA [2023] NZDT 348 (30 June 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Applicant bought a fish online / Applicant claimed fish received was inferior to one he thought he was purchasing / Respondent denied selling Applicant fish / Later Respondent claimed he was acting on behalf of another to sell fish to Applicant / Applicant sought a replacement fish or to return fish and obtain a full refund / Held: evidence indicated Applicant was involved in the transaction / Contract was breached by Respondent failing to send a particular fish species / Applicant had fish for more than six months / Restricted circumstances where contracts for sales of goods can be cancelled / Applicant entitled to $1,500.00, difference between what he paid and value of fish received / Claim granted in part.

  19. FL v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 248 (30 June 2023) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted Respondent to make six bridesmaid dresses for $250.00 / Only four of the dresses were worn at the wedding / Applicant claimed dresses were poorly made and sought refund for all dresses, altercations costs and two replacement dresses / Held: Applicant failed to prove that  the dresses were defective or could not be remedied / Alterations were expected and formed part of the contract / Measurements were provided by bridesmaids / No evidence from Applicant to indicate dresses did not match measurements provided / Dresses sent to Respondent for alterations were pinned by the bridesmaids where the alterations were required / Applicant failed to provide any evidence of third-party alteration expenses or for two alleged replacement dresses / Claim dismissed.  

  20. BU v NPU [2023] NZDT 327 (30 June 2023) [PDF, 244 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant organised a camp at a location run by the Respondent / Applicant claimed they experienced a series of incidences where Respondent’s staff were disrespectful and unprofessional during their stay / Applicant also stated that the Respondent’s manager drove in an unsafe manner / Further, Applicant said they were denied access to the bathroom facilities because a motion sensor light was not turned on / Applicant sought a $3,900.00 reduction of the balance they owed Respondent / Held: Respondent’s manager said circumstances meant he had to act urgently / Imminent risk of people being struck by tree or falling off a truck / No reasonable loss that can be claimed on bathroom access issues / Aggrieved parties also have a duty to mitigate any losses they claim / No award can be given under legislation for speaking disrespectfully / Applicant not proven that service provided by Respondent was inadequate or not fit for purpose / Not proven that R…

  21. BT v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 274 (30 June 2023) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased phone from Respondent / Phone was faulty / Applicant was informed he was entitled to replacement, but when phone was sent back to Respondent, it was repaired instead of replaced / Phone still faulty when returned to Applicant / Phone sent back again, but Respondent refused to replace it, saying it had been repaired / Applicant did not see phone again / Applicant claimed $1469.30 refund plus $500 for inconvenience / Held: Respondent breached own terms and conditions by failing to provide replacement phone / Respondent also breached Consumer Guarantees Act by failing to repair phone within reasonable time / Replacement phone no longer of any use to Applicant, who had to purchase another phone in meantime / Damages for inconvenience not available / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1469.30 / Claim allowed.