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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. TG & TS v NS & Ors [2023] NZDT 332 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Negligence / Vicarious liability /  Respondent 3 rear-ended Applicant’s car whilst driving in employers vehicle / Applicant and insurer claim $1,773.04 in repair costs from Respondent 3, their employer’s company, (Respondent 2) and the employer personally, (Respondent 1) / Respondents deny causing the damage / Held: collision and resulting damage caused by Respondent 3 failing to stop / Respondent 2 vicariously liable / Respondent’s 2 and 3 must pay the Applicant’s insurer $1,773.04 / Respondent 1 not personally liable as they were not the driver at time of collision / Claim partially allowed.

  2. T Ltd v EL [2023] NZDT 472 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant successful in previous Disputes Tribunal decision to claim outstanding debt from Respondent's company / Respondent's company went into liquidation before money was repaid / Applicant claimed remaining debt $5,392.36 against Respondent personally / Held: terms and conditions of contract were unsigned / Contract does not meet requirements of the Property Law Act and is unenforceable / Claim dismissed

  3. NH Ltd v OZ Ltd [2023] NZDT 396 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 190 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant provided weekly garden and ground maintenance services to Respondent / Respondent terminated contract / Applicant claimed $28,437.56 in outstanding invoices / Respondent counterclaimed $30,000 for costs incurred for garden maintenance following termination of Applicant’s contract / Held: Applicant’s work done to a reasonable standard / Insufficient evidence to support claims of complaints made by tenants or owner about garden / Planting plan proposed by new gardeners not required by failure of Applicant to provide services with reasonable car and skill / Respondent’s failure to pay invoices within seven days was breach of contract / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $28,437.56 / Claim allowed, counterclaim dismissed.

  4. NT v HO [2023] NZDT 303 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent entered into flatting arrangement / Respondent was head tenant / Respondent gave Applicant written notice to move out / Applicant decided to stop paying rent after he received notice on basis Respondent could deduct rent from his bond / Respondent did not agree with this plan, and asked Applicant to keep paying rent until he moved out / Respondent eventually served Applicant with trespass notice requiring him to leave property / Applicant moved out as requested / Applicant failed to pay rent after specified date in breach of flatting arrangement / Applicant claimed Respondent liable to pay $480 as part of the bond / Held: effect of eviction notice was Applicant’s obligation to pay rent ceased when trespass notice expired and he moved out / Applicant liable to pay outstanding rent / No basis for any deduction from Applicant’s bond for damage / Respondent entitled to deduct a total of $664.29 from Applicant’s bond of $1,120.00 / Respondent ordered to p…

  5. BL & DL v L Ltd & V Ltd [2023] NZDT 304 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased shade umbrella from Respondent / Shortly after installation, screws and washers needed replacing due to rusting / Respondent remedied issue / Applicants claimed to have continuing issues with umbrella, such as problems with lever, marks on canvas, tautness, small fray holes / Applicants claimed full refund / Held: issues with umbrella were not manufacturing defects / Issues were result of wear from use, and/or could be easily remedied / Applicants did not prove umbrella was not of acceptable quality / Claim dismissed.

  6. KD v LT [2023] NZDT 317 (9 August 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant brought fridge/freezer from Respondent for $70.00 / Respondent said it was in working order / Upon installation Applicant discovered it did not work and sought repairs / Applicant did not inform Respondent that  fridge/freezer did not work until after it had been repaired / Applicant claimed $350.00 for repairs / Held: Respondent misrepresented state of fridge/freezer in his advertisement / Applicant induced to make purchase because of advertisement / Applicant should have contacted  Respondent when she discovered it did not work to obtain a refund, rather than paying for repairs / Respondent to pay Applicant price of fridge/freezer at the date of sale, $70.00 / Claim granted in part.

  7. EU v O Ltd [2023] NZDT 308 (8 August 2023) [PDF, 131 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicant as contractor to provide coaching services / Contract had two-year term but allowed early termination with 6-weeks’ notice / Difficulties arose after Applicant commenced work; contract also disrupted by COVID-19 lockdowns / Respondent ultimately terminated contract, gave 6-weeks’ lump sum payment / Applicant claimed she had expectation of two-year contract, Respondent not entitled to terminate without good cause / Applicant claimed $22,672, including for income shortfall, loss of potential income, holiday pay / Held: Respondent entitled to terminate contract with notice, without cause / As independent contractor, Applicant not entitled to holiday pay / Respondent’s actions may have impacted Applicant’s ability to supplement income through subcontracting, as contract provided for; Applicant entitled to some compensation for lost income / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,680 / Claim allowed in part.  

  8. MQ v NP [2023] NZDT 352 (7 August 2023) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent ran over Applicant’s dog while driving in driveway over Respondent’s business property / Dog suffered serious injuries / Applicant alleged Respondent breached duty of care to drive reasonably / Respondent stated no evidence that he was not driving carefully / Respondent suggested cause of dog’s injuries was that he was not under control on the property / Applicant claimed vet treatment costs of $20,000 plus $1200 for solicitor’s costs / Held: Respondent was not negligent in operation of his vehicle / No evidence to suggest Respondent was speeding or otherwise driving reckless / Respondent was not in breach of his duty of care / Claim dismissed.

  9. HD v NN [2023] NZDT 331 (3 August 2023) [PDF, 217 KB]

    Tort / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours / Relationship between parties became strained / Applicant alleged Respondent threw stones at his house breaking windows, scratched his car, spray painted insult on shared fence / Respondent applied for restraining order against Applicant, proceedings later discontinued / Applicant claimed $9567.41 for cost of repairing property damage and legal fees incurred defending restraining order application / Held: no direct evidence Respondent caused any damage complained of / No legal basis for Tribunal to find Respondent liable for Applicant’s legal costs / In any case, parties agreed not to seek costs when discontinuing restraining order proceedings / Claim dismissed.

  10. EC v SX & HN [2023] NZDT 320 (3 August 2023) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Tort / Conversion / Applicant stored motorbikes, vehicles and parts in First Respondent’s garage / First Respondent sold vehicles to Second Respondent without Applicant’s permission / Applicant claimed from First and Second Respondent $2,000.00 for money paid to recover two vehicles, $6,365.00 for motorcycle parts, and return of last motorcycle or its current value / First Respondent claimed he had asked Applicant to remove belongings / Held: no evidence First Respondent asked Applicant to remove belongings / First and Second Respondents liable for conversion of vehicles / Applicant unable to provide evidence of vehicle parts so Respondents cannot be liable for them / Second Respondent to return motorbike to Applicant / First and Second Respondents to pay sum of $2,345.00 to Applicant / Claim partially granted.

  11. TQ v UM & Ors [2023] NZDT 369 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 116 KB]

    Contract / Negligence / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant obtained jetski from Respondent 1 / Applicant subsequently paid $5,366.40 for engine to be fully rebuilt due to rust / Respondent 1 owned the jetski for four days after obtaining it from Respondent 2, who had purchased the jetski from Respondent 3 / Respondent 1 claimed that during the period in which he purchased the jetski, it was with Respondent 4 for engine repairs from prior sale / Applicant claimed main cause of failure was inadequate work undertaken Respondent 4 / Respondent 3 filed a separate claim against Respondent 4 / Held: Applicant’s claims against all four Respondents dismissed / Respondent 3 no longer owned the jetski when issues occurred, therefore did not suffer any loss requiring a remedy from Respondent 4 / Claim dismissed.

  12. ND & UT v HX [2023] NZDT 329 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 130 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1996 (DGA) / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours / Applicant’s dog escaped to Respondent’s property, was chasing Respondent’s sheep / Respondent had recently lost sheep to a dog attack / Respondent shot and killed Applicant’s dog / Five of Respondent’s sheep were injured by Applicant’s dog / Applicant claimed $3,000.00 for dog / Respondent counterclaimed $1,257.20 vet bill for sheep / Held: Applicant’s dog was running at large among Respondent’s stock / Per DGA, Respondent was therefore legally justified in shooting dog / Respondent not liable to pay $3,000.00 for loss of dog / Applicant liable for damage done by dog to Respondent’s sheep / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1,257.20 / Claim dismissed, counterclaim allowed.

  13. UO v DU [2023] NZDT 366 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 121 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondent provided Applicant a quote for a shed / Applicant accepted quote and paid  Respondent a 50% deposit / Applicant paid remainder of deposit a few weeks later / Despite having paid full contract price, Applicant claimed they did not receive received plans, materials, or anything else related to the shed / Applicant sought to cancel contract and obtain a full refund of purchase price / Held: Respondent breached contract / Applicant entitled to cancel contract and receive a full refund of the price paid, ($10,800.00) / Claim allowed.

  14. CJ & KJ v DW [2023] NZDT 347 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 120 KB]

    Contract / Applicants purchased boat from Respondent / Respondent stated engine had done 420 hours and was serviced 8 months before purchase / Applicants tested boat on water but did not take it for pre purchase mechanical inspection / Upon first use of boat, engine lost all power / Boat was in fact serviced 16 months before purchase and motor hours were closer to 530-560 hours / Applicants claimed $8,556.88 for engine repair costs in damages / Applicants claim boat was misrepresented to them / Held: if boat had been serviced as represented, it is likely repair costs would only be $2,500 which Applicants accept they will pay / Applicants took considerable risk purchasing boat without inspection / Respondent is therefore liable to pay one third of remaining damages being $2018.67 / Claim partially granted.

  15. QS v DG [2023] NZDT 302 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Nuisance / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours / Large tree grew on Respondent's property close to boundary with Applicant’s driveway / Tree had protected status / Applicant claimed tree roots damaged driveway, claimed for cost of new driveway / Held: Respondent responsible for maintenance of tree, but bound by protection requirements / Not unreasonable use of Respondent's land to leave tree where it was and have it regularly maintained by arborist / Tree created some interference with Applicant's land, but not unreasonable, and interference offset against neighbourhood good of maintaining specimen mature trees / Other factors also contributing to driveway damage / Claim dismissed.

  16. LT v NS [2023] NZDT 277 (2 August 2023) [PDF, 97 KB]

    Contract / Loan / Limitation Act 2010 (the Act) / Applicant made two loans to Respondent in 2013 / Respondent repaid most of first loan by 2015, then ceased payments / Applicant made repeated demands for repayment / Respondent repeatedly assured he would pay / In 2022, parties made new agreement that Applicant would forgive outstanding balance of first loan and interest / Respondent would begin repayments on second loan / Applicant claimed $27,577.77 in outstanding loan / Held: delay since Respondent’s first breach of loan agreement required consideration of the Act / Parties entered new agreement in 2022 / Agreement not barred by Act / Debt under later agreement remained due / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $27,577.77 / Claim allowed. 

  17. IU v ND [2023] NZDT 455 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondent leased horse from Applicant / Parties signed written contract, but submitted different unsigned versions of contract to Tribunal / Applicant’s contract included extra clause stating Respondent liable for 50% of value of horse if anything should happen to horse, being $15,000 / Respondent unaware of clause / Horse was seriously injured in flash flooding while in Respondent’s possession, vet recommended euthanasia / Applicant claimed $15,000 / Held: Applicant did not prove disputed clause was in contract signed by Respondent / Respondent was a minor when contract was executed, contract not enforceable against her / Loss of horse not due to any negligence by Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  18. DT v TX [2023] NZDT 378 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 222 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased car from Respondent for $8500 / Contract included clause allowing car to be returned for refund if inspected by mechanic within week of purchase and found to be not as advertised, requiring repairs over $500 / Applicant had car inspected, number of issues discovered / Applicant tried to return car / Respondent unwilling to give full refund, claimed issues were minor / Applicant claimed $8818 for full purchase price, cost of mechanical check, refund of filing fee / Held: car not ‘well maintained’ as advertised / Cam belt issues alone required repairs over $500 / Respondent repudiated contract by refusing to accept return of car / Applicant entitled to return car and receive refund / Applicant not entitled to compensation for mechanical check or filing fee / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8500 / Claim allowed.

  19. DT v TX [2023] NZDT 291 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 149 KB]

    Contract / Applicant bought vehicle from Respondent / Contract contained clause allowing return of vehicle to Respondent and full refund to Applicant in certain circumstances / Applicant wished to return vehicle as a result of inspection / Applicant claimed $8,818 which included full refund, mechanical check fee and Disputes Tribunal filing fee / Held: Applicant entitled to full refund as vehicle was not well maintained as advertised / Applicant not entitled to mechanical check fee as it was carried out after purchase of vehicle / Applicant not entitled to Disputes Tribunal filing fee reimbursement / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8,500 / Claim allowed in part.

  20. MK v S Ltd [2023] NZDT 293 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased curtains from Respondent / Applicant discovered uneven seams, holes and poor quality fabric used / Applicant asked for refund but Respondent stated Applicant should have raised the issue 48 hours of receiving curtains / Applicant claimed full refund $4,397.12 / Held: curtains not of acceptable quality, especially considering amount paid for curtains and representation of high quality product by Respondent / Lack of acceptable quality was a failure of substantial character / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,397.12 / Claim allowed.

  21. TO v ZY & M Ltd [2023] NZDT 276 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Nuisance / Applicant sought compensation for damage and inconvenience caused to him by building work next door / Applicant claimed Respondents blocked their shared driveway and allowed construction materials and dust to escape the site / Applicant claimed compensation for cost of a replacement tyre, loss of 3 days and 1 hour of work, a gate callout fee and cleaning / Respondents denied liability claiming they were attempting to contain their site but admitted that site materials and dirt occasionally escaped to Applicant’s property / Respondents also admitted that at times they blocked the shared driveway / Held: Respondents’ build caused Applicant stress and inconvenience and caused some damage / Evidence proved construction debris and dirt had encroached on to Applicant’s land /  Respondents not permitted to use shared driveway without regard to Applicant's right to access / Tribunal can only order compensation in relation to destruction or damage to property  / Respondents not liabl…

  22. NQ v TN & P Ltd [2023] NZDT 278 (1 August 2023) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent approached Applicant about trimming trees on Applicant’s property / Respondent gave verbal quote of $50,000, offered to reduce price to $35,000 / Applicant accepted, Respondent began work / Applicant claimed staff intimidated her into paying $10,000 at end of first day / Work completed and agreed price paid in full / After seeking advice, Applicant believed value of Respondent’s work less than $5000 / Applicant claimed refund of $30,000 / Held: agreement was uninvited direct sales agreement / Respondent therefore obligated to provide agreement in writing and advise Applicant of right to cancel / Respondent breached obligation / Applicant materially prejudiced by Respondent’s breach / Applicant entitled to cancel contract and receive refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000 / Claim allowed.

  23. LG v DG [2023] NZDT 361 (31 July 2023) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Contract / Applicant sold car to Respondent for $5700 to be paid in three instalments / Respondent made only one payment of $500 / At Applicant’s insistence, Respondent returned car / Applicant listed car for sale, was contacted by third party claiming to have bought car from Respondent, was now registered owner / After discussion with police, third party took possession of car / Applicant claimed compensation for car / Held: Respondent failed to make agreed payments / Respondent notionally returned car, but had no rights to car when he did so / Applicant had neither the money nor the car, therefore Respondent remained liable under original agreement / Respondent owed Applicant balance of agreed sale price / Respondent ordered to pay applicant $5200 / Claim allowed.