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1863 items matching your search terms

  1. TB v TN & LN [2024] NZDT 50 (14 February 2024) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Negligence / Collision occurred in Applicant’s driveway resulting in damage to her car / Applicant stated Second Respondent was responsible as he was driving Applicant’s vehicle, which collided with a pole / First Respondent is Second Respondent’s mother / Applicant claimed for car repair costs / Held: Second Respondent admitted crashing Applicant’s vehicle / Second Respondent had attempted to drive Applicant’s car without her permission / Second Respondent’s liability established / No grounds to impose vicarious liability on First Respondent / Second Respondent ordered to pay $3,114.19 for car repairs / Claim allowed.

  2. BD v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 63 (14 February 2024) [PDF, 120 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out a pre purchase inspection on a property she wished to bid on at auction / Applicant capped her bidding at $950,000.00 based on the report / Applicant claimed Respondent did not identify water damage which caused structural issues / Applicant claimed $30,000.00 for cost of remedial building work, report cost, and damages for emotional harm / Held: Respondent failed to show reasonable care and skill / Applicant's claim failed as loss was not proven as resulting from Respondent's failure / Applicant not suffered a loss as she lowered her bid based on the report / Claim for damages for emotional harm also failed / Claim dismissed.

  3. NI & QI v SB [2024] NZDT 60 (14 February 2024) [PDF, 157 KB]

    Negligence / Insurance law / Subrogation / Respondent collided into the rear of Applicant’s car / Applicant’s car was insured, Respondent’s car was not / Insurance company wrote off Applicant’s car / Insurer sought recovery of money from Respondent / Held: Respondent liable for damage to Applicant's car / Cost of repairs claimed by insurer are substantiated / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant’s insurer $10,299.15 / Claim allowed.

  4. MS v UM [2024] NZDT 42 (14 February 2024) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours with a shared driveway / Respondent had a pile of scoria that was uncontained / Applicants property flooded on three occasions during storms as a result of debri washed down from the Respondents property / Applicant claimed $235.75 for costs of clearing the drain and $514.94 for two days' lost income / Held: Respondent was liable for part of the drain blockage but there were other contributory factors / Unreasonable for Respondent to compensate for two days' income / Respondent ordered to pay $493.22, drainlayer cost and half the amount claimed for loss of income / Claim granted in part.

  5. NN v SG Ltd [2024] NZDT 111 (13 February 2024) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant contracted Respondent to repair blown head cylinder / Respondent provided quote for $3,000.00 / Respondent repaired head cylinder and carried out further repairs / Respondent charged Applicant $8,668.99 for repairs / Applicant claimed for return of $4,999.00 paid for unauthorised repairs / Held: repairs not authorised / Terms of contract were to only repair head cylinder and Respondent carried out further repairs without gaining authorisation from Applicant / Consumer not liable to pay more than reasonable price for service, s 31 CGA / Respondent to pay Applicant $4,643.99, being total amount minus reasonable cost of repair / Claim allowed.

  6. QG v BE [2024] NZDT 96 (13 February 2024) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Tort / Negligence / Contributory Negligence Act 1947 / Limitation Act 2010 / Respondent crashed Applicant’s vehicle into a lamppost / Respondent held a learner’s licence and was not accompanied by a sober driver who had held a full licence for at least two years / Respondent was not insured and Applicant’s insurer declined claim for damage / Applicant claimed $5,700 / Held: Respondent caused damage to Applicant’s vehicle / Respondent should be held liable for actions of anyone else in the vehicle given she was driving outside the conditions of her licence / Applicant contributorily negligent for allowing Respondent to drive his car / Applicant and Respondent share the loss equally / Limitation defence not available to Respondent / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,850 / Claim allowed in part.

  7. IO v D Ltd [2024] NZDT 59 (13 February 2024) [PDF, 144 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought car from Respondent / Applicant experienced issues with car: warning light came on, emitted smoke and burning smell / Respondent refurbished battery but could not identify any other issues / Applicant unhappy with outcome and refused to collect car from Respondent / Applicant claimed refund / Held: Respondent prepared to remedy and did remedy the fault / Applicant cannot reject car and claim refund / Applicant ordered to collect vehicle / Claim dismissed.

  8. PQ v ET [2024] NZDT 73 (12 February 2024) [PDF, 134 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent owned neighbouring properties / Parties made verbal agreement about laying a new power cable / Parties agreed they would share cost of laying cable / Applicant paid invoices after completion of work and invoiced Respondent half of it / Applicant claimed $18,972.55 / Respondent counter-claimed $30,000.00 / Held: parties had a binding agreement they would share the cost equally and work was carried out satisfactorily / Respondent had not paid his share / Respondent not entitled for compensation when Applicant disabled cable for one year / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $18,972.55 / Claim allowed.

  9. S Trust v MU [2024] NZDT 21 (12 February 2024) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant operated museum which needs painting / Applicant accepted quote from Respondent who is a painter / Applicant paid $6,969 deposit to Respondent / Respondent did not complete work and was uncontactable / Applicant sought deposit refund / Held: Respondent repudiated contract by making it clear through his actions that he did not intend to carry out his obligations under the contract / Applicant entitled to cancel contract / Appropriate to grant relief of full deposit refund / Applicant received no benefit from minimal work from Respondent / Applicant incurred significant inconvenience as a consequence of Respondent’s failure to perform contract / Respondent ordered to pay $6,969 / Claim allowed.

  10. FN v Y Ltd [2024] NZDT 58 (12 February 2024) [PDF, 146 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought laptop from Respondent / Before purchasing, Applicant advised Respondent that she needed a very large core or gaming system with top-of-the-line graphics / Applicant experienced issues with laptop crashing / Applicant claimed laptop not fit for purpose and sought refund / Held: laptop not fit for purpose / Applicant can return laptop and get refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,999 / Applicant ordered to return laptop to Respondent / Claim allowed.

  11. ZH v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 17 (10 February 2024) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant hired car from Respondent / Respondent's business was closed on date of return / Applicant instructed to return car to petrol station in front of Respondent’s premises / Car was damaged when Respondent picked it up / Respondent deducted $2,400 for the damage from Applicant’s bank account, without informing her / Applicant claimed repayment of $2,400 as she did not cause the damage / Respondent claimed car was not returned to their premises so Applicant remained liable for damage / Held: Applicant’s return of car per Respondent’s instructions deemed as delivering car to Respondent / Damage likely caused by third party after Applicant returned car / Clause in contract allowed Respondent to deduct monies for damage without proper process for dispute resolution or investigating liability to be disregarded / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,400 / Claim allowed.

  12. SX v Q Ltd & TX [2024] NZDT 112 (9 February 2024) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant engaged Respondent to manage his rental property while he resided overseas / Applicant became worried about Respondent’s management services, found they were not being carried out pursuant to contract / Issues included poor management of maintenance, failure to provide inspection reports, failure to monitor or remedy tenant damage and failure to lodge bonds / Applicant claimed $25,524.32 for partial refund of management fees and damages for multiple breaches of contract / Held: Respondent repeatedly breached contract by failing to carry out services it was contracted to provide / Reasonable for Respondent to refund for services not delivered / Applicant also entitled to damages for Respondent’s misleading and deceptive conduct / Respondent ordered to pay $10,350.85 refund and $4,720.82 damages / Claim allowed.

  13. QU v GD Ltd [2024] NZDT 104 (9 February 2024) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Consumer Law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased flights and insurance from Respondent / Applicant suffered stroke while travelling and had to extend stay and pay for additional flights / Respondent declined insurance cover due to undisclosed pre-existing medical condition / Applicant claimed Respondent engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct and failed to exercise reasonable care and skill / Applicant claimed $21,095.98, being $10,514.44 medical expenses, $4,437.29 additional accommodation, $2,348.80 flights and $3,794.55 for accommodation / Held: Applicant failed to establish Respondent engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct or failed to exercise reasonable care and skill / Applicant did not disclose existing medical condition / Claim dismissed.

  14. BN v MH [2024] NZDT 102 (8 February 2024) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant owned land near Respondent / Fence running along Respondent’s side damaged / Applicant claimed Respondent destroyed fence on boundary line / Applicant claimed $10,000.00 compensation / Held: fence did not separate lands of adjoining occupiers / Fence on reserve land or Respondent’s property / Fence not owned by Applicant / Any maintenance by Applicant of fence was for own benefit and cannot reasonably be seen as conferring ownership / Claim dismissed.

  15. TN v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 89 (7 February 2024) [PDF, 149 KB]

    Building / Applicant contracted with Respondent for supply and installation of a window / Respondent engaged a building contractor to install window / Asbestos was found throughout the house / Applicant claimed $34,082.90 against Respondents / Held: building contractor did not act with reasonable care and skill when installing window / Respondent responsible for subcontractor’s work / Applicant failed to establish asbestos found resulted from installation of window / Applicant sought compensation above what was needed to put him in a position if the contract was not breached / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $800.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  16. SI v KB & X Ltd [2024] NZDT 87 (7 February 2024) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted Second Respondent to clean her house / First Respondent was director of Second Respondent company / Applicant claimed cleaning work was incomplete and requested $90 refund / Held: First Respondent not a party to the contract in her personal capacity, so claims against her dismissed / Applicant unable to provide sufficient evidence that work was not been completed / Second Respondent not liable for refund / Claim dismissed.

  17. BM v OZ Ors [2024] NZDT 109 (5 February 2024) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1988 / Applicant paid First Respondent $1399.00 for air conditioner unit for rental property / First Respondent said unit had 6-year warranty / Unit stopped working following year / Applicant sought remediation from Second Respondent, the distributor, but it refused to replace unit under warranty as it had no record of payment from First Respondent / Applicant claimed $1,999.00 / Held: First Respondent failed to provide unit of acceptable quality / First Respondent operated in misleading and deceptive manner by failing to pay for unit, which created difficulties for Applicant when she sought to enforce warranty / Second Respondent, as distributor, was liable to Applicant for quality of product, and engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by telling Applicant she was not entitled to benefit of warranty / First and Second Respondents ordered to pay $1999.99 / Claim allowed.

  18. BL & TL v N Ltd [2024] NZDT 61 (5 February 2024) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Contract / Applicants engaged Respondent to carry out pre-purchase inspection of property they subsequently purchased / Inspection identified water damage / Respondent offered quotation to address water damage / Work proceeded but there were delays / Dispute arose over delays and payment / Contract came to end before completion / Applicants claimed refund based on costs they will incur to finish contracted scope of works, repair costs to broken drainpipe and to seal cracks in driveway / Held: Respondent entitled to charge for same price as price it agreed to match / Contract came to end because of disputes / Applicants overpaid Respondent / Respondent to pay Applicant $4,999 / Claim allowed.

  19. ND & OD v MF [2024] NZDT 32 (2 February 2024) [PDF, 206 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicants advanced $201,000.00 to their daughter and her Respondent partner towards property purchase / Applicants' daughter and Respondent separated and property was sold / Loans paid to Applicants / Applicants stated Respondent owed them an equity share in net sale proceeds / Applicants claimed $24,000.00 being half-share of profit, $3,375.00 legal fees and $416.97 interest / Held: Applicants had an agreement with their daughter and Respondent for Applicants to receive a profit-share on property sale / Profit-share agreement was legally enforceable contract / Respondent breached profit-share agreement by not paying any share to Applicants when property was sold / Applicants entitled to receive half-share profit / Applicants' claim for interest and legal costs dismissed / Applicants entitled to receive damages / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $25,650.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  20. UH v D Ltd [2024] NZDT 45 (2 February 2024) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant booked one night stay at Respondent’s accommodation / Applicant unable to re-enter room late at night as lock would not work / Applicant forced the lock to re-enter room after failing to gain assistance / Respondent debited Applicant’s credit card $1,500.00 for damage / Applicant claimed Respondent breached contract by failing to provide agreed services / Applicant sought refund of $1,500.00 charge / Held: services were not provided as contracted / Not having some means of after-hours contact available was a failure of reasonable care and skill / Not a situation where a guest had carelessly or wilfully caused damage to surroundings for no apparent reason / Applicant entitled to full refund / Respondent ordered to pay $1,500.00 / Claim allowed.

  21. KL v D Ltd [2024] NZDT 92 (1 February 2024) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased bed from Respondent with a medium mattress / Applicant developed shoulder pain / Applicant sought a partial refund which Respondent declined / Applicant stated mattress was firm and had been misdescribed / Applicant claimed partial refund of $1471.00 / Held: insufficient evidence that mattress breached guarantee / Mattress was of acceptable quality / Applicant's issue did not breach legislation as not applicable to most users of the mattress / No medical evidence that mattress caused shoulder pain / Claim dismissed.

  22. CL v TU [2024] NZDT 82 (1 February 2024) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Personal liability / Applicant paid Respondent's company $21,853.22 for electrical work and materials / Respondent did not do electrical work or provide materials / Respondent's company placed in liquidation / Applicant sought refund of $21,853.22 / Held: not enough evidence to find Respondent was personal liable for his company's debt to Applicant / Director and shareholder of company not personally liable for company debts, even where only one director and shareholder / Claim dismissed.

  23. C Ltd & B Ltd v SU [2024] NZDT 28 (1 February 2024) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent paid Second Applicant's invoice for re-roofing of property / Respondent did not pay First Applicant's invoice for scaffolding for Second Applicant's roofing job / Applicant claimed $3,485.08 payment / Held: no binding contract existed between First Applicant and Respondent / Binding contract existed between Second Applicant and Respondent / First Applicant misled Respondent as to whether the price quoted for roofing job included or excluded scaffolding / Respondent not entitled to pay invoiced amount for scaffolding on either contractual or quasi-contractual basis / Claim dismissed.