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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. EK v J Limited [2023] NZDT 471 (17 August 2023) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Fixed Price Building Contract / Applicant entered contract to purchase house and land package from Respondent / Applicant advised some aspects had not been completed at handover / Fridge water was a term in the contract / External stairs were not a term in the contract / No agreement made to vary the contract by removing bifold doors in the kitchen / Applicant not liable for work completed under stairs as no evidence that the change would be on a charge up basis / Held: Applicant successful for a refund of $220.00 paid for fridge water / Balance of claim for compensation struck out

  2. SE v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 456 (17 August 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Contract / Applicant signed a contract to provide entertainment services to Respondent / Contract included deduction of $1,000.00 bond from payments made to her / Contract provided that bond deductions if Applicant caused damage or loss / Applicant advised she would work up to 24 May  / Respondent confirmed that she would be rostered until that date / Applicant provided services from 2 May to 24 May / Bond money totaling $550 was deducted from her payments / Respondent refused to return bond / Held: law of contract applied /  Clear from emails that Respondent knew Applicant’s availability / Respondent confirmed in writing that Applicant would be rostered until that date / Effectively a fixed term contract until 24 May 2022 and no agreement for Applicant to resume work after that date / No resignation notice was required / Respondent not entitled to retain Applicant’s bond, and it must be returned / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $550 / Claim allowed.

  3. QF Ltd v O Ltd [2023] NZDT 384 (16 August 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Respondent booked one of Applicant’s bands for an event for $3,702.50 / Full payment was to be made 14 days prior to performance / Respondent agreed to terms proposed by Applicant / Respondent paid $289.50 deposit / Applicant said it was entitled to full payment / Respondent refused to pay $3,412.70 balance / Respondent said band started late and music was too slow to dance to / Applicant said it was unaware a dance band was required / Applicant sought an order that Respondent was liable to pay $4,206.00, for balance and related costs / Respondent counterclaimed that Applicant was liable to pay damages of $6,800.00 / Held: Respondent entitled to balance / Unable to find Applicant breached contract / Respondent did not specify it wanted a dance band until night of event / Respondent ordered to pay $3,412.70 / Claim allowed and counterclaim dismissed.

  4. TN v HD [2023] NZDT 468 (16 August 2023) [PDF, 141 KB]

    Negligence / Parties own neighbouring properties / Each has a claim against the other for damage to a shared metal driveway / Applicant sought compensation in respect of loss of a use of a strip of land, loss of trees and damage to a common area at the hands of another neighbour / Applicant holds Respondent liable for cost of remedial work / Held: no proven basis for either party to hold the other solely liable for the cost of remedial work on the driveway / Applicant is the owner of the land and everything on or under it / Respondent has no civil liability for damage other neighbour caused / Claim dismissed / Counter-claim dismissed.

  5. MX & YR v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 465 (16 August 2023) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant contracted Respondent to move their household goods / Respondent contracted to provide 20ft container for $3,795 / Applicant's goods overflowed and second container required / Applicant protested rate charged by Respondent for second container and claimed refund / Held: Applicant accepted rate proposed by Respondent in its email and on payment of amount / Contract has been fully performed / No refund awarded / Claim for compensation for damage to or loss of plants cannot be upheld / Claim dismissed.

  6. MB v TX & EX [2023] NZDT 386 (16 August 2023) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Applicant was driving vehicle past a stationary taxi on the side of the road / Second Respondent, in rear of taxi opened the right rear door hitting Applicant's car causing damage / Held: Second Respondent was negligent in opening his car door / Prudent passenger would have checked it was safe to open the door before doing so / First Respondent is not liable as she did not open the door / Claim against her is dismissed / Respondent must pay Applicant’s insurer $6850.22 / Claim granted.

  7. NX v B Association Ltd & JE [2023] NZDT 433 (15 August 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased vehicle from Second Respondent in private sale / Applicant arranged for pre-purchase inspection with First Respondent / Five months later engine overheated / Suspected blown head gasket with possibility of cracked head / Applicant claims for a refund of the purchase price / Held: Second Respondent did not mispresent the condition of the vehicle / First Respondent did not fail to carry out the inspection with reasonable care and skill / Applicant could not prove there was any failure on part of either Respondents / Outcome: claim dismissed

  8. ND v LB Ltd [2023] NZDT 458 (15 August 2023) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to supply and fit shade cloth / Earlier Tribunal decision ordered Applicant to pay Respondent unpaid invoice / Decision also found shade cloth not of acceptable quality / Respondent agreed to remediate shade cloth at own expense once it received payment / Applicant did not make payment by ordered date, eventually did so after Respondent engaged debt collector / Respondent did not remediate shade cloth / Applicant claimed $2000 / Held: Applicant’s failure to pay on time did not nullify Respondent’s obligations under CGA / Not equitable for Respondent to retain all monies paid to it / Applicant ordered to return shade cloth to Respondent, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2000 / Claim allowed.

  9. LG v KS & BS [2023] NZDT 311 (15 August 2023) [PDF, 131 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1996 / Applicant took her dogs on leads to a park / Applicant and her dogs encountered Respondent and his dog, who was running loose / Dogs fought / One of the Applicant’s dogs was injured and required vet treatment / Applicants sought compensation for $597.80 vet bills / Held: established that Respondent’s dog injured Applicant’s dog / After dogs fought Applicant’s dog was injured / No other dogs involved in fight / Respondent liable for compensation for vet bills / Respondent ordered to pay $597.80 / Claim allowed.

  10. N Ltd v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 423 (14 August 2023) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought satellite dome from Respondent to use during fishing trip / Satellite not designed for use in specific regions / Applicant claimed refund $2,499 / Held: Respondent engaged in conduct that was misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive / Satellite not fit for Applicant's purpose / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,499 / Claim allowed.

  11. TD v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 414 (14 August 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased motorhome from Respondent / Motorhome would not engage gears while travelling and required repairs / Applicant claimed repair and towing costs / Held: evidence showed premature failure of parts in transmission of motorhome / Respondent had opportunity to repair motorhome when notified but failed to be involved / Applicant entitled to all repair costs and consequential loss / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $22,257.95 / Claim allowed.

  12. DI & KB v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 375 (14 August 2023) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicants engaged Respondent to build standard model of tiny home / Variations made to standard model and price / Applicants purchased heat pump from third party for $3,985.00 and sought variation to reduce price accordingly / Respondent refused as heat pump not included in standard model / Applicant claimed damages of $3,985.00 for misleading advertising / Held: Applicants failed to prove on balance of probabilities that Respondent engaged in conduct that was misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive or made false or misleading representations, ss 9 and 13(g) FTA / No promise made that heat pump would be included at set price / Claim dismissed.

  13. MN v KB [2023] NZDT 350 (14 August 2023) [PDF, 164 KB]

    Contract / Applicant loaned the Respondent $8,600.00 / Applicant claimed the amount repayable was $16,800.00 over seven years at $100.00 per week / Applicant borrowed the sum he lent the Respondent from a finance company / Applicant seeks an order for the total amount of his liability to the finance company / Held: No evidence verifying the Applicant’s arrangement with the finance company / No evidence verifying the loan arrangement between the Applicant and Respondent / Applicant must repay the Respondent remaining $3,100.00 at 100.00 per week / Claim partially granted.

  14. ZZ v L Ltd [2023] NZDT 323 (11 August 2023) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged a contractor to construct a new concrete driveway at his property / Respondent was the concrete supplier / Soon after completion of the work, Applicant noticed areas of discoloration with the concrete / Applicant claimed discolouration was because of defects in the product supplied by Respondent / Applicant provided a quote totaling $24,688.20 to have to the driveway removed and replaced /  However, Applicant limited to the amount claimed in his application to $20,000.00 / Held: evidence indicated concerns with the driveway construction rather than the quality of the concrete / Applicant failed to establish that concrete was not of acceptable quality / Claim dismissed.

  15. M Ltd v AAI [2023] NZDT 578 (11 August 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Respondent submitted a consignment quote request form to Applicant for a designer purse / Form stated that Respondent sold authentic items / Respondent shipped purse to Applicant overseas / Applicant had purse authentication checked where it was found that the purse was not authentic / Applicant originally claimed $8,000.00 but then changed claim to $9,500.00, NZ equivalent of purse’s price / Held: purse was not a genuine designer purse / Respondent breached contract / Respondent ordered to pay $8,000.00, original claim amount / Claim allowed.

  16. OC v OQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 447 (11 August 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant contracted Respondent to collect and transport a boat and trailer for a prepaid fee of $1,400.00 / Whilst the Respondent was transporting the boat, it broke free from its trailer and landed on the road, severely damaging it / The Applicant’s insurer assessed the damage and declared the boat a total loss /  The insurer paid out the Applicant for the loss / The Applicant seeks a refund of the $1,400.00 transport fee from the Respondent / Held: the contract was “at owner’s risk” / The Respondent completed the contract and is not liable for the loss, therefore the contract fee is not refundable / Claim dismissed.

  17. KN & PN v V Inc [2023] NZDT 354 (11 August 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Civil Aviation Act 1990 / Applicants paid $1,818.48 for two one-way tickets for international travel / Flight was cancelled last minute / Applicants paid $3,366,00 for alternative international flights and $1,351.40 for domestic flights to attend time-dependent meeting /  Respondent indicated that they offered alternative flights at a later date / Respondent suggested Applicants could have rearranged meeting to mitigate losses / Applicants claimed $2,898.92 for extra cost of replacement flights / Held: Respondent failed to prove that it would have been reasonable for Applicants to accept new flights / Meeting could not easily be rescheduled / Applicants entitled to recover $2,898.92 from Respondent for cost of rebooking their flights / Claim granted.

  18. GC v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 349 (11 August 2023) [PDF, 91 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased ear buds from Respondent / Applicant claimed they were faulty / Respondent sent buds away to be checked / Buds were thoroughly tested, no faults were found / Respondent replaced inner ear of buds to ensure no ongoing concerns / Applicant asked for refund, Respondent refused / Held: buds were repaired within a reasonable time / Buds were fit for purpose and would be accepted by a reasonable consumer / Claim dismissed.

  19. NT v DNR Ltd [2023] NZDT 392 (10 August 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased house / Respondent acted as vendors’ solicitor / Applicant brought claim regarding purchase against Respondent as did not have contact details for vendors / Some imprecision in how Applicant named Respondent in claim / Respondent claimed Applicant’s claim was frivolous / Applicant requested $500 costs award / Held: Applicant raised no legal basis for claim against Respondent / Dispute arose from Applicant’s contract with vendors / Claim could only be brought against vendors / High threshold for finding claim frivolous or vexatious not met in this case / Applicant not acting in bad faith / Claim dismissed.

  20. SQ v UI [2023] NZDT 351 (10 August 2023) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and Respondent were in short term relationship when boat was purchased by Respondent / Applicant provided loan of $6,000.00 to Respondent to purchase boat on the belief that it would be repaid when Respondent had finished her studies / Applicant claimed $11,811.01 for purchases and services made for boat / Applicant sought declaration that boat be transferred to him as owner / Held: Respondent paid back loan and therefore owns it / No contract could be found between parties for boat running costs / Claim dismissed.

  21. LJ & MJ v GT [2023] NZDT 301 (10 August 2023) [PDF, 165 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants arranged to have their child’s 21st birthday at the Respondent’s restaurant / Applicants chose a menu and made a booking for 100 people at $50.00 each, plus a band for $1,500.00,  total of $6,500.00 / Applicants paid deposit when making booking and balance at a later stage / Applicants claimed band did not show up and seven of the menu items were not provided / Applicants claimed partial refund of $3,000.00. / Held: Respondent failed to carry out agreed services with reasonable care and skill / Respondent failed to ensure services were fit for agreed purposes / Failure was substantial and could not be remedied / Respondent ordered to pay $3,000.00 / Claim allowed.  

  22. LM v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 274 (10 August 2023) [PDF, 235 KB]

    Contract / Applicant hired a camper van from Respondent / Applicant had an accident resulting in a replacement camper being required / Applicant was unhappy with time it took Respondent to arrange a replacement camper / Applicant believed Respondent should compensate him for time wasted waiting for a replacement camper, expenses incurred, poor service and mental and physical suffering his party endured / Respondent disputed any liability claiming they complied with their obligations under hire agreement / Held: Applicant signed as accepting contract terms and conditions so he is bound by them / Respondent did not breach contract by taking 4 days to locate, prepare and deliver another camper / Unable to find any breach of contract by Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  23. EE v H Ltd [2023] NZDT 280 (10 August 2023) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased second-hand hearing aids and charger / Faults developed in both items / Items sent to Respondent manufacturer for repairs / Hearing aids were repaired under warranty, but warranty for charger had expired, Respondent charged $185.14 for repair / Applicant believed charger worth $400 new should have lasted longer / Applicant claimed for recovery of repair charge / Held: Applicant did not need to be original purchaser to bring claim against manufacturer / Reasonable consumer paying retail price would expect charger to last longer than 18 months / Charger failed within 18 months, therefore was not of acceptable quality / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $185.14 / Claim allowed.

  24. AT v Accident Compensation Corporation (Mental Injury, Ordinarily Resident in New Zealand) [2023] NZACC 131 [PDF, 359 KB]

    Appeal from decision declining cover for mental injury arising from sexual abuse as child - ss 21, 21A Accident Compensation Act 2001. Cover declined on basis Appellant living in Australia and not ordinarily resident in New Zealand at the time the sexual abuse took place. Court found Appellant was not ordinarily resident in New Zealand during the 3 years and 3.5 months including at the time the sexual abuse occurred. Neither s 21 nor s21A apply in her circumstances. Outcome: appeal dismissed.