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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. IG Ltd v IX Ltd [2023] NZDT 390 (29 August 2023) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Contract / Applicant opened credit account with Respondent / Claim related to two invoices with respect to hiring of equipment by a contracting employee of Applicant / Applicant claimed employee did not have authority to hire equipment and incur debt on behalf of Applicant / Authority lay with only one of Applicant’s employees whom the Respondent knew / Respondent brought a counterclaim for disputed invoices and collection costs / Held: Applicant’s contracting employee did not have authority to bind Applicant to invoices in dispute / Applicant not responsible for invoices issued by Respondent / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.

  2. EI & OI v TS & NS [2023] NZDT 477 (28 August 2023) [PDF, 336 KB]

    Contract / Sale and purchase of property / Contact and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased house from Respondent / Applicant discovered water from shower flowing down wall into floor underneath bathtub / Significant damage to area underneath bathroom floor and above garage ceiling / Applicant claimed repair cost $8500 / Held: Respondent did not breach vendor warranty clause under sale and purchase agreement / Applicant as purchaser is responsible to undertake own investigation to discover any matters when buying property / Applicant had not established on balance of probabilities that Respondent were aware of damage / No misrepresentations by Respondent / Respondent not liable for Applicant's loss / Claim dismissed.

  3. NH v QM [2023] NZDT 487 (28 August 2023) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Gambling Act 2003 / Applicant was invited by Respondent to join a poker club / Club was hosted by Respondent on an online gambling site / Applicant lost $1,824.00 gambling, and paid this sum to Respondent, who paid the winners / Later, Applicant won $11,200.00 but Respondent would not pay the sum as losing gamblers had refused to pay / Applicant sought $11,200.00 from Respondent / Held: Applicant and Respondent were parties to an illegal contract / Not appropriate for a gambler to receive winnings from illegal gambling in the circumstances / Appropriate for Applicant to receive restitution of amount he lost / Respondent may be left out of pocket but appropriate as penalty for promoting and profiting from illegal gambling much greater / Respondent ordered to pay $1,824.00 / Claim allowed.

  4. CC v SN & KM [2023] NZDT 475 (25 August 2023) [PDF, 167 KB]

    Property law / Fencing Act 1978 / Respondent suggested to Applicant to remove tree stump near bordering fence and to pay for fence repairs / Applicant and Second Respondent co-owns neighbouring property / First Respondent refused to pay to repair the fence / Applicant claimed $1,495 for repair cost / First Respondent counterclaimed that Applicant and Second Respondent owes her $4,999 for full replacement of the fence / Held: no enforceable contract between parties / Agreement reached on the day was not sufficiently certain to be an enforceable contract / Parties ordered to split cost of the fence removal and full fence replacement / Claim dismissed / Counter-claim dismissed.

  5. FT v MU & T Ltd & U Ltd [2023] NZDT 470 [PDF, 227 KB]

    Maritime law / Applicant seeks orders against the Second Respondents / Held: evidence shows third respondent has not been paid by any party / Second respondent has not paid third respondent the cost of shipping the containers internationally / Because they were not paid, third respondents were legally entitled to exercise a lien over the containers / Applicant entitled to payment of the shipping costs he paid to second respondent as second respondent has not paid those to third respondent / Claim allowed, Second Respondent ordered to pay NZ$11,771.

  6. FN & NH v K Ltd & O Ltd [2023] NZDT 466 (25 August 2023) [PDF, 247 KB]

    Contract / Property development / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant wanted to carry out a two-lot subdivision on their property and contacted First Respondent to survey land / Second Respondent assisted with preparing and filing resource consent application / Applicant advised by different professional that up-front cost of stormwater drainage could be removed / Plan amended and resource consent varied based on amended plan / Applicant claimed $10,000 costs and losses on basis that amended plan was the correct way to do subdivision / Held: First Respondent had a duty to think about the best place to locate boundary to meet requirements and carry out subdivision in the most efficient manner / There was an option to carry out subdivision without the need for a right way easement / Respondent failed to exercise reasonable care and skill / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,421 / Claim allowed in part.

  7. EH v KS [2023] NZDT 415 (25 August 2023) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted Respondent to build dog box / Respondent failed to build dog box using correct colour and measurements / Respondent's second build badly damaged in transit / Applicant alleged Respondent failed to collect the first two boxes and had them destroyed / Respondent alleged no longer liable to build third box / Applicant claimed for remedy / Held: box is not of acceptable quality / Applicant not entitled to remedy / Goods have become property of supplier when Applicant rejected goods and asked for refund / Applicant destroyed Respondent's property / Claim dismissed.

  8. KS & QS v ZA [2023] NZDT 421 (25 August 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Fencing law / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondents are neighbours / Applicant wished to build new fence between properties and engaged a surveyor to survey boundary / No formal report produced and Respondent did not agree to building new fence / Applicant proceeded to build fence and claimed $4,000 against Respondent / Held: no agreement had been reached between Applicant and Respondent / Respondent not liable to contribute to fencing cost / Claim dismissed.

  9. MI v JN [2023] NZDT 417 (24 August 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract law / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant purchased second hand kitchen advertised by Respondent / Applicant paid Respondent $100 deposit / Subsequently, Respondent informed Applicant he had accepted another offer and refunded the deposit / Applicant claims $850 for the cost of kitchen, $45 for Disputes Tribunal fee, $250 for half day of lost income and $550 for her husband’s lost income for a day / Held: evidence shows there was a binding contract of sale for the kitchen / By selling the kitchen to another person, Respondent breached his obligations and repudiated the contract with Applicant / Claim partly allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $850.

  10. ED v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 412 (24 August 2023) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased fishing rod from Respondent / Rod tip broke and Applicant claimed replacement rod should be available under the 10-year guarantee / Applicant claimed $115 / Held: fishing rod was of acceptable quality / Fishing rod not used within warranty guidelines / Incompatible line strength most likely explanation for tip breakage / No bases on which compensation can be awarded / Claim dismissed.

  11. SC v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 467 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 121 KB]

    Contract law / Applicant was a commercial real estate broker contracted to Respondent / Applicant worked as local agent to sell property / Applicant discussed property with client / Property did not sell during the sole agency period and listing was opened to other agencies / Property eventually sold to a company whose sole director was son of client / Sale of property brokered by different company / Applicant claimed entitlement to commission on sale under terms of contract / Held: purchaser was not the Applicant's client / Client's son was the effective decision maker and he was introduced to the property by another company / Applicant not entitled to recover commission on the sale / Claim dismissed.

  12. KV v FT [2023] NZDT 481 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Applicant parked on the side of narrow street / Respondent collided with Applicant's car door pushing it forward / Applicant claimed $2,000 for repair costs / Held: Respondent did not take sufficient care and caused damage to Applicant's vehicle / Applicant did not contribute to and is not responsible for the damage to Respondent's car / Applicant's repair costs are reasonable / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,000 / Claim allowed.

  13. GE v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 442 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 190 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought TV from respondent / TV stopped working / Respondent advised that TV could be repaired in about 7 working days once part arrived / Applicant requested replacement TV / Service technician told not to complete repair as TV could be replaced / Applicant wanted TV to watch a sports event / Applicant claims compensation for stress and time spent locating and collecting replacement TV / Held: no failure of guarantee by Respondent / Applicants claimed losses were not reasonably liable to result from any failure / Act not intended to protect against all hassle or inconvenience / Outcome: claim dismissed

  14. BN & HH v KT & BB [2023] NZDT 402 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 228 KB]

    Contract law / Applicants purchased a house from Respondents / Applicants claim the Sale and Purchase Agreement did not specify the fireplace was unusable and needs replacing / Applicants claim $10,613.30 from Respondents / Held: fireplace considered a service or amenity / Applicants can rely on warranties section in the agreement / Fireplace needs to be replaced and therefore in breach of warranties / Claim allowed in part, Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $500.00.

  15. KT v HI & KX [2023] NZDT 403 (28 August 2023) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent / Vehicle found to have mechanical hard fault causing shuddering and new transmission required / Applicant claimed repair and diagnostic assessment costs $5,474.85 / Held: Applicant persuaded to purchase vehicle on basis of Respondent's statement that shuddering is not an issue  / Applicant entitled to be placed back to the position he would have been in had the representation been true / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,474.85 / Claim allowed.

  16. BD v BM Ltd [2023] NZDT 395 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Aviation law / Civil Aviation Act 1990 / Applicant and family booked flights with Respondent / Flights delayed 54 hours / Applicant was compensated for costs incurred while delayed / Applicant claimed $4,812.40 compensation for family’s time / Held: delays not due to Respondent’s actions, outside its control / Respondent took all measures it could reasonably have been expected to take / Respondent refunded Applicant accommodation and meal costs incurred during delay / Time spent waiting for flight not claimable event, no proven loss to recover / Claim dismissed.

  17. KI v MA [2023] NZDT 385 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Applicant applied to rent room in Respondent’s flat / Respondent said Applicant could move in, pending payment of bond / Applicant unable to pay bond on agreed date, Respondent agreed to allow more time, then changed mind and withdrew offer to rent room to Applicant / Applicant claimed loss of $1,100.00 / Respondent counterclaimed $950.00 / Held: no valid and enforceable contract between parties / Terms of agreement still being changed when Respondent withdrew offer, and bond as consideration had not been paid / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.

  18. XD v G Ltd [2023] NZDT 432 (23 August 2023) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased campervan from overseas country and imported it to New Zealand / Applicant informed warranty would be valid in New Zealand but has since been told it is not valid / Warning light came on as injectors were faulty / There are customer satisfaction programmes for this issue but not in New Zealand / Applicant claimed $4000 for lack of warranty, repairs, and his time / Held: Respondent not liable to provide warranty / Respondent neither supplied nor manufactured the vehicle / Respondent does not have obligations under the Act in relation to the vehicle / No contract between the parties / Claim dismissed.

  19. C Ltd & D Ltd v TR [2023] NZDT 464 (22 August 2023) [PDF, 237 KB]

    Contract / Co-Applicant engaged by Respondent to supply and install fibre-glass swimming pool / Applicant contracted to carry out earthworks required for pool installation / Pool installation delayed / Installation price increased / Pool colour not the colour chosen by Respondent / Applicant claimed unpaid balance of invoiced amounts / Held: contract terms and conditions allow Applicant to alter or amend estimate costs therefore Respondent is liable to pay Applicant actual invoiced cost of earthworks variation / Applicant entitled to pay reinstatement work incurred by Respondent / Applicant liable to refund price increase to Respondent / Applicant breached contract by supplying different pool to Respondent / Reduction in cost of pool shell charged an appropriate level of damages / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,519.63 / Co-applicant ordered to pay Respondent $18,905.50 / Claim allowed in part / Counter-claim allowed in part.

  20. SD v W Ltd & X Ltd [2023] NZDT 407 (22 August 2023) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased airline tickets from Respondent / Travel cancelled due to COVID / Respondent placed on voluntary administration / Applicant's credit not useable as Respondent no longer flies to Applicant's destination / Applicant claimed $2,231.75 refund / Held: tickets purchased by Applicant were non-refundable / Rules of voluntary administration prevail / Applicant entitled only to future flight credits / Applicant not entitled to refund / Claim dismissed.

  21. ET v TM [2023] NZDT 453 (21 August 2023) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport Act 1988 / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Collision between Applicant and Respondent’s vehicles at a roundabout / Dispute over which party was at fault / Applicant and her insurer claimed the cost of car repairs of $6,017.15 / Held: insufficient reason overall to prefer one account over another / Respondent not liable to pay for damage / Both parties bear the costs of their own repairs / Claim dismissed.

  22. EX v QU [2023] NZDT 457 (18 August 2023) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent for landscaping work / Month after work completed, lawn was dying and concrete driveway had cracked / Applicant requested Respondent’s help, Respondent did not offer assistance / Applicant had lawn and concrete remedied / Applicant claimed $9,525 cost of remedial work / Held: Respondent used reasonable care and skill / Main cause of lawn failure was incorrect watering / Most likely cause of concrete cracking was Applicant driving on it before recommended time / Claim dismissed.

  23. IL v BG [2023] NZDT 449 (18 August 2023) [PDF, 226 KB]

    Contract / Applicant had house sharing agreement with the Respondent and another couple / Respondent was leaseholder of flat / Applicant paid $285 per week for room and $25 for expenses / Applicant claimed she was overcharged by Respondent for entire duration of her stay / Applicant said fair rent should be $195 per week / Applicant sought refund of estimated overpaid rent / Applicant also claimed when other couple in the apartment vacated they were refunded $108 from expense account but she did not receive anything / Applicant claimed $1188.00, $108 for surplus expenses and $90 per week overpaid rent for 12 weeks / Held: house sharing agreement was binding agreement between Applicant and Respondent / Once Applicant signed agreement she was bound to pay weekly rent and expenses as stipulated / No misrepresentation from Respondent that induced Applicant into the agreement / Not satisfied that there was any amendment to housing sharing agreement reducing Applicant’s rent / No legal power…