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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. UN & QN v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 443 (9 September 2023) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Contract / Applicants stayed at holiday park every Summer for over twenty years / Applicants had a preferred waterfront site / Applicants unable to make January 2022 booking and moved it to following year / Applicants’ requested site was rebooked by prior guests / Respondent failed to notify Applicant prior to arrival / Applicants refused to accept alternative site / Applicants claimed $3,284.00 for accommodation and assorted expenses / Respondent counterclaimed $1,709.00 for cancellation fee and related costs / Held: Respondent breached contract with Applicants / Respondent should have notified Applicants in advance / Confirmation did not stipulate that Applicants had been allocated a different site / Applicants not required to meet obligations under contract / Applicants alternative accommodation expenses did not exceed holiday park costs / Applicants awarded $500 general damages / Claim allowed in part and counterclaim dismissed.

  2. OD v MW & FW [2023] NZDT 398 (8 September 2023) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant was gifted $1000 voucher to Respondent’s restaurant / Applicant attempted to book using voucher but received no reply to emails, restaurant did not take bookings by phone / Applicant requested refund in lieu of use of voucher, restaurant declined, offered to assist with confirming booking, Applicant declined / Restaurant later closed down / Applicant claimed Respondent should be personally liable to refund value of voucher / Held: Applicant did not provide much evidence to support claim / One of Applicant’s emails to restaurant had incorrect email address, was never received / Applicant did not supply previous emails requesting booking / Claim dismissed.

  3. DF v H Ltd [2023] NZDT 399 (7 September 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Consumer law / Applicant’s family stayed for one night at Respondent’s accommodation / Applicant charged $179 for accommodation and $120 for cleaning / On arrival Applicant noticed ants and a cockroach in the kitchen / Applicant claimed for $120 cleaning charge as she said the property has not been cleaned properly / Held: property was still fit for purpose / Insect infestation was small and limited to one room / Insects did not cause any significant disturbance to Applicant’s stay / Presence of insects did not meant the services were not fit for purpose / Claim dismissed.

  4. IT v A Ltd [2023] NZDT 419 (6 September 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted Respondent to renovate and tidy rental property for $75,000 / Applicant had paid $67,500 / Respondent had not completed all work and cancelled contract / Applicant claimed $18,641 for unfinished work, dishwasher and lost rental income / Held: Respondent entitled to increase contract price to a reasonable sum / Respondent repudiated contract when it refused to complete agreed work / Total loss suffered by Applicant offset by the unpaid balance to Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  5. N Ltd v EB [2023] NZDT 469 (5 September 2023) [PDF, 239 KB]

    Contract law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant inspected Respondent’s swing mooring / Applicant sent Respondent a report of the inspection and an invoice for $1,474.31 / Respondent disputed this amount and paid $579.60 /  Respondent’s boat broke free from the moor and grounded / Applicant seeks payment of balance of its invoice / Respondent counter claims seeking compensation for costs of recovering of the mooring and re floating the boat / Held: Evidence shows amount charged by Applicant for labour and materials was a reasonable price / Several factors that caused headrope to snap / Not proven that Applicants were liable for the boat slipping the mooring / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $579.60 / Counter claim dismissed.

  6. FU v KT & G Ltd [2023] NZDT 431 (5 September 2023) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought car from Respondent and was financed by finance company / Applicant discovered oil leaking and other problems / Respondent did not look into car / Car repossessed and sold by finance company / Applicant claimed $8,900 refund / Held: Respondent is the seller of car / Applicant failed to present further evidence to prove on the balance of probabilities that car was not of acceptable quality when it was purchased / Claim dismissed.

  7. QL Ltd v JM Ltd [2023] NZDT 397 (5 September 2023) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Applicant’s car damaged during break in / Applicant made insurance claim with Respondent / Respondent disputed whether all damage claimed was incurred by break in / Respondent approved claim of only $743.91 for panel and paint damage, considered damage to tailgate and locking system pre-existent / Applicant claimed $7950 for repair of locks and tailgates / Held: evidence did not prove damage was result of break in / Claim dismissed.

  8. DL v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 388 (5 September 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased hose reel from Respondent / Reel came with assembly diagrams, but no written instructions / Applicant struggled to assemble reel, took a piece off to make it easier, ended up breaking plastic / Applicant claimed refund / Held: while packaging and instructions could be improved, nothing wrong with product or assembly diagrams / Problem just as likely caused by Applicant’s actions than product itself / Claim dismissed.

  9. O Ltd & P Ltd v UU [2023] NZDT 474 (4 September 2023) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Contract / Tort of detinue / Respondent purchased vehicle from Applicant / Respondent returned vehicle to repair minor defects / Respondent refused to pay panel beater's $250 bill / Applicant had possession of vehicle and notified Respondent vehicle would be moved into storage and would accumulate storage cost / Applicant claimed payment for storage costs / Respondent counter-claimed damages / Held: no contractual agreement for payment of storage fees / Applicant wrongfully claimed right to hold vehicle / No legal right to hold goods until owner of goods pays a third party / Respondent not entitled to damages as refusal to pay panel beater's bill exacerbated stand-off / Claim dismissed / Counter-claim dismissed.

  10. DU v QN [2023] NZDT 434 (4 September 2023) [PDF, 220 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought puppy from Respondent / Puppy diagnosed with canine hip dysplasia and underwent juvenile pubic symphysiodesis surgery / Applicant claimed $1,500 refund and wishes to keep puppy / Held: Applicant unable to prove puppy failed to meet the standard of acceptable quality / Applicant not entitled to refund / Applicant had the opportunity to return puppy and receive refund but chose to keep puppy / Claim dismissed.

  11. X Ltd v GN [2023] NZDT 446 (4 September 2023) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent contracted Applicant to repair her laptop / Laptop had water damage / Applicant diagnosed damage and invoiced Respondent $57.50 / Invoice included a reference to 20% per month compounding finance fee and that costs for non-payment would be charged / Respondent failed to pay invoice by due date / Applicant added penalty interest of 18% per month / Respondent paid $50, leaving a balance due of $7.50 / Applicant continued to add penalty interest / Applicant claimed $1,000.00, unpaid balance with interest of $50.50 and costs of $949.50 / Held: terms and conditions were excessive, punitive, and not enforceable / Terms and conditions did not form part of contract as not known to Respondent prior to contracting / Respondent owed original balance of original invoice / Respondent ordered to pay $7.50 / Claim allowed in part.

  12. M Ltd v KE [2023] NZDT 435 (4 September 2023) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant asked by Respondent to provide a quote to carry a variety of exterior cleaning tasks / Respondent did not open or read quote upon receipt / Applicant completed cleaning work / Applicant claimed payment of $3,611 invoice / Held: Applicant understood from Respondent's conduct that he was happy with the quote / Acceptance can occur through conduct / Respondent carried work with reasonable care and skill / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,611 / Claim allowed.

  13. NC v KU [2023] NZDT 425 (4 September 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Applicant said Respondent misrepresented car in process of selling it to him / Applicant claimed $1,1614.03 for car re-registration, compliance and unpaid road user charges / Held: Respondent did not misrepresent by saying car will cost to re-register / Respondent did not misrepresent by saying the car works fine / Respondent informed Applicant about unpaid road user charges / No grounds to award compensation / Claim dismissed.

  14. T Ltd v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 322 (1 September 2023) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Contract / Quasi-contract / Dispute Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant asked by Respondent's employee to prepare reports on building defects / Applicant informed compensation for work will form part of liquidator's costs / Applicant claimed invoice $15,122.50 / Respondent disputed it owes any money to Applicant / Held: Respondent's employee have the ability to contract on behalf of Respondent / No contract between Applicant and Respondent / Respondent repackaged Applicant's report with minimal additional changes / Quasi-contract applies / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $15,122.50 / Claim allowed.

  15. SB v UC Ltd [2023] NZDT 454 (31 August 2023) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Contract / Applicant sold real estate as independent contractor for Respondent / Sale and purchase agreements for new townhouses were signed in 2018, but settled when build completed in 2022 / Respondent stopped trading in 2019 / Respondent remained registered pending late settlements / When townhouses completed, Applicant contacted Respondent expecting commission as selling agent / Respondent dispersed deposit without paying Applicant commission / Applicant claimed $17,978.64 commission plus 14% interest / Held: contract between parties was not terminated when Applicant signed with new agency / Applicant entitled to commission / No contractual provision for interest, but can be awarded at Tribunal’s discretion / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant 18,797.27 / Claim allowed.

  16. IN & UI v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 394 (31 August 2023) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Contract / Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Building Act 2004 / Applicants engaged Respondent to build retaining wall / Wall showed signs of failing some months later / Respondent attempted to fix wall, but problem persisted / Applicants claimed $19,600 cost of remedial work / Respondent claimed Applicants breached agreement for Respondent to undertake two years of building work at their property, counterclaimed for $30,000 for lost income / Held: retaining wall not built with reasonable care and skill / Insufficient evidence that parties agreed Respondent would work on Applicants’ property for two years / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $19,600 / Claim allowed, counterclaim dismissed.

  17. NG & UG v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 502 (30 August 2023) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Contract / Applicants entered into agreement for Respondent to manage rental property / Agreement provided for termination by either party on three months’ notice in writing after expiry of 12-month minimum term / Respondent permitted to change charges by one month’s notice in writing / Respondent proposed new agreement with 12-month term and 6% management fee / Outcome of negotiations disputed but Respondent continued as property manager / Later, Applicants gave notice to terminate / Applicants claimed $1,676.59 that Respondent deducted from rent, comprising three-month break fee, management fee, and property inspection fee /  Respondent counterclaimed $6,033.82 for 5 percent fee for twelve months / Held: new agreement not binding until signed by both parties / Original contract remained in place / Three month notice period applied / Applicants entitled to cancel agreement without notice / Respondent did not do all required inspections, breaching contract / Applicants entitled to canc…

  18. TQ & BC v B Transport [2023] NZDT 441 (30 August 2023) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Negligence / Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants went to carpark operated by respondent / Bolts protruding from ground punctured applicants tyre / Applicants couldn't repair tyre and took an Uber home / Applicant returned next day to meet tow truck / Applicants claim for tyre repair and replacement kit, uber, train fare, and parking fee / Held: respondent owed a duty of care to carpark users and has breached this duty / Damage occurred before carpark entered so no contract existed to contract out of / Can't contract out of the Act / Costs claimed are actual and reasonable and reasonably foreseeable consequence of damage caused by bolts / Parking fee not included as it didn't arise from the damage / Outcome: claim allowed, respondent to pay applicant $843.09

  19. UL v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 383 (29 August 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a remanufactured laptop from Respondent / Laptop stopped working after three years / Applicant claimed laptop was not of acceptable quality as it was not reasonably durable / Evidence from Respondent stated laptop was remanufactured so had a shorter lifespan than a brand new laptop / Laptop was only sold with a one year warranty / Held: evidence provided suggested not unreasonable for the laptop to only last for three years / Laptop could be considered to be reasonably durable / Laptop had a lower purchase price to reflect that the consumer was getting less than from a brand new laptop / Claim dismissed.

  20. TT v Q Ltd [2023] NZDT 460 (29 August 2023) [PDF, 160 KB]

    Contract / Money Claims Act 2016 / Applicant sold real estate as independent contractor for Respondent / Applicant was to be paid $2,000 commission for each property sold / Applicant’s commission was reduced by $1,500 for one sale, as work covered by another agent while Applicant away / Applicant was paid no commission on another sale, as his contract terminated without notice by Respondent before sale completed / Applicant disputed deduction from first commission, claimed $16,170 for second commission / Held: deduction from first commission was reasonable / Immediate termination not warranted, Respondent should have given 2-weeks’ notice per contract / Applicant entitled to $2,000 for second sale as if he had been given notice period, plus interest / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,026.57 / Claim allowed in part.

  21. HM v F [2023] NZDT 445 (29 August 2023) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Contract / Applicant was a member of an airline loyalty programme under which she earned loyalty points / Respondent cancelled 187,928 of the Applicant’s loyalty points / Applicant sought either reinstatement of points or $6,207.26, amount needed to purchase same number of points / Held: Loyalty Programme Rules constituted contract that was relevant to the claim / Rules indicated that the Applicant was responsible to keep track of her points and their expiry date / Respondent had not breached its contract with Applicant / Claim dismissed.