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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. M Ltd v CQ [2023] NZDT 571 (17 November 2023) [PDF, 90 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged by Respondent to provide digging services in preparation for tiny home siting / Agreed Respondent would pay $2,730.05 for work / After work was carried out Respondent paid all but $555.66 of invoiced amount, 5 hours of digger and driver hire /  Dispute over whether fixed price due for work done or price based on time spent on job / Held: Applicant needed to be clearer that it intended to provide fixed price even if job was carried out in less time than priced / Respondent already paid actual time spent by Applicant on his job / Claim dismissed.

  2. NW & NG v TM Ltd [2023] NZDT 579 (16 November 2023) [PDF, 115 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent’s concreting services for driveway / Delays in construction resulted in compromised finish / Shared driveway cracked by concrete truck / Applicants claimed $5,000 compensation for compromised finish, $2500 for damage to shared driveway, $1000 for mental damage and $512 for lost income, time spent preparing for hearing / Held: Respondent did not provide service with reasonable care and skill, resulting product not fit for purpose / Applicants entitled to compensation / Respondent liable for broken shared driveway / Claims for mental damage and lost income not available / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $7,500 / Claim allowed in part.

  3. TN v PO Ltd [2023] NZDT 570 (16 November 2023) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Fraud / Applicant responded to online listing selling gaming console for $450, listed by seller representing themselves as Respondent / Through series of online interactions, Applicant paid seller total of $1100 but never received goods / Applicant claimed refund and additional $400 for bank processing fees and time spent dealing with matter / Respondent gave evidence that their company names had been used in scam activity to defraud multiple people / Held: Applicant had been defrauded by scam, had not been dealing with Respondent online / Claim dismissed.

  4. SN v J Ltd & T Ltd [2023] NZDT 606 (15 November 2023) [PDF, 231 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant bought vehicle from Respondent / Vehicle had various faults / Applicant claimed $4,740.37 / Held: Applicant cannot rely on CGA to seek remedy against Respondent / Misrepresentation not made by First Respondent that induced Applicant to enter into contract / No contract between Applicant and Second Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  5. T Ltd v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 672 (15 November 2023) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant leased commercial unit to Respondent from 2017 / After a rent review the lease was terminated / Applicant initially claimed $7,166.83 in rental arrears including interest and legal costs / Applicant subsequently abandoned claim for interest and legal costs, but claimed refund of filing fee / Respondent counter-claimed $2,024.07 refund for a misrepresentation in the floor area / Held: Respondent not induced to enter into the contract due to the floor area being misrepresented / Respondent failed to provide any evidence to show loss suffered as a result / Applicant not entitled to a refund of filing fee / Respondent ordered to pay $5,852.55 / Claim allowed.

  6. ER Ors v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 580 (15 November 2023) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Contract / Respondent wrongly cancelled the Applicants’ return international flights / Applicants purchased return business class tickets / Applicants sought compensation from Respondent for purchase price of new tickets / New tickets costs over $25,0000 / Held: Respondent breached contract with the Applicants / Applicants entitled to some compensation / Applicants not entitled to full cost of business class tickets / Applicants could have avoided high costs of business class tickets as likely economy tickets were available / Applicants only entitled to compensation for extra cost of economy tickets / Respondent ordered to pay $969,74 / Claim allowed in part.

  7. U Ltd v B Ltd (2023) NZDT 591 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Contract law / Applicant engaged Respondent to convert a truck into an arboriculture truck / Respondent provided a quote and applicant paid $10,000.40 upfront / Respondent said there was a delay in obtaining a hoist required for the job and other part / Parties’ relationship deteriorated / Applicant were forced to sell the truck / Applicants claim losses of $30,000 / Held: Respondents repudiated the contract therefore Applicants were justified in cancelling the contract / Applicant has successfully proven the loss of $30,000 / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000.

  8. LA v KZ [2023] NZDT 574 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Property / Applicant moved into a flat where Respondent was the head tenant / Parties signed a one year fixed contract / Applicant gave notice to move out after 2 weeks / Applicant claimed for bond refund, $1350.00 / Respondent counter-claimed for $608.00, cost of a new mattress / Held: Applicant breached agreement by giving notice weeks after signing fixed agreement / Applicant legally liable to pay rent for fixed term / Respondent had a duty to mitigate any losses suffered by finding a new flatmate / Only losses Applicant liable to pay were directly resulted from him ending the agreement early / Cost of a new mattress not Applicant’s cost to cover / Applicant allowed to retain equivalent of one week’s rent ($450.00) as compensation / Respondent ordered to pay $900, for rent compensation and part of bond / Claim allowed in part.

  9. BC v SL & XB Ltd [2023] NZDT 568 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Consumer law / Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent to replace car thermostat, to address overheating, paid $300 / Car still overheating next day / Some months later, Applicant took car to different mechanic, who advised thermostat did not look to have been recently replaced, replaced thermostat for Applicant for $230 / Applicant claimed $1000 from Respondent, being $300 for refund and $700 for stress, alleging Respondent did not complete work charged for / Held: evidence supported conclusion that Respondent carried out repair for Applicant / Need for further repair work was not result of Respondent’s work on vehicle / Claim dismissed.

  10. ZI v DM [2023] NZDT 641 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Jurisdiction / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 (DTA) / Parties were directors and equal shareholders of company / Respondent withdrew $9,587.17 from company account / Applicant claimed $11,447.14 in damages for withdrawal and further $5,000.00 for time and stress / Held: Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to hear claims related to breach of duties as shareholder or director / No evidence that withdrawal amounted to breach of contract or conversion that could be heard by Tribunal, s 10(1) DTA / Claim struck out.

  11. UO v TQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 562 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 97 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to fix water heater and clear blocked drain / Respondent assessed water heater as not worth fixing, gave $3,622 quote for replacement / Respondent invoiced $299 for work / Applicant engaged different plumbing company, who reset water heater for $155 / Applicant refused to pay Respondent’s invoice, accepted liability only for $144 being Respondent’s invoice less amount paid to second plumber, sought declaration to this effect / Respondent counter-claimed $842.86 for original invoice, gas fitting assessment, time spent defending claim, and interest / Held: Not proven that Respondent’s assessment of water heater was wrong or service provided fell short of consumer guarantees / Applicant therefore liable for full amount of Respondent’s invoice / Respondent’s additional claimed costs not made out / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $299 / Claim dismissed, counter-claimed allowed.

  12. BK v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 561 (14 November 2023) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Contract / Applicant paid $3,800.00 for a 16-week nutrition and exercise programme with Respondent in August / In September, Applicant requested to be released from the programme after suffering a back injury / Respondent refunded $2,850.00 / Applicant sought further $407.14, together with compensation for “time, hassle and inconvenience” / In total, Applicant claimed $1,000.00 for refund and compensation / Held: Respondent’s contractual discretion not unreasonable / Respondent retained 25 percent of total fee, based on Applicant having had access to Phase One of four during her two weeks on the programme as well as receiving online programme support / Applicant not contractually entitled to any further refund / Claim dismissed.

  13. DC v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 642 (13 November 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased e-bike manufactured by Respondent for $8,403.00 / Bike’s battery failed after three years / Respondent supplied replacement battery for discounted price of $1,070.00 / Applicant claimed refund of replacement battery cost / Held: battery’s failure was due to manufacturing defect, not misuse by Applicant / Battery did not meet guarantee of acceptable quality / Applicant entitled to compensation for loss of value and inconvenience, but not full cost of replacement battery / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $500 / Claim allowed.

  14. HM v XD & KT [2023] NZDT 623 (13 November 2023) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Animal ownership / Applicant owned a dog and a cat / Applicant admitted to hospital and pets were cared for Respondents / Applicant requested return of the dog from Respondents / Applicant relinquished ownership of the cat / Applicant sought $2,000.00 but clarified that the dog was priceless / Respondent counterclaimed for $1,999.00 and to confirm their ownership of the dog / Held: confirmed that Applicant owned the dog /  Noted Respondents motivated about concern about the dog’s future / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $2,000.00 if the dog was not returned / Claim allowed.  

  15. HA v CQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 626 (13 November 2023) [PDF, 225 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered into property management agreement with Respondent  / Applicant claimed Respondent breached agreement by moving items out of apartment that were later destroyed by flood damage / Applicant claimed $2,467.00 from Respondent to replace items / Held: Respondent did not breach agreement by removing Applicant’s furniture from apartment to enable it to be rented / Applicant breached agreement by failing to purchase insurance for property / Respondent not responsible for loss of furniture / Claim dismissed.

  16. CS & KS v H Ltd [2023] NZDT 605 (13 November 2023) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted Respondent to install solar power system / Moisture entered inverter at base / Electrician believed water overflowed onto unit / Respondent offered replacement under warranty but does not accept unit or its placement to be faulty / Applicant declined offer and claimed unit to be moved into detached garage / Held: on balance of probabilities, gutter overflowing caused moisture ingress / Installation not fit for purpose of being a durable installation in the location in which it was positioned / Respondent ordered to replace inverter in higher location, and to clear guttering / Respondent ordered to pay $164.37 for increased power costs / Claim allowed.

  17. K Ltd v SK & TK [2023] NZDT 651 (10 November 2023) [PDF, 235 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent engaged Applicant to install pool / Pool set in the ground at a higher level than what Respondent expected and as per contract / Respondents asked Applicant to pay further $8,131.69 for remedial work / Applicant claimed outstanding balance owing for pool installation and interest / Respondent counter-claimed balance owing for remedial work around pool and on the lawn / Held: height of pool discussed with Respondent / Finished pool height was 170mm above the patio / Contract complete and final payment must be paid by Respondent / Applicant obliged to remediate damage to lawn / Applicant not entitled to charge interest / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8,072.69 / Claim allowed in part.

  18. BI v LU [2023] NZDT 589 (10 November 2023) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Negligence / Pizza oven fire spread from Respondent’s home to Applicant’s neighbouring home / Applicant claimed Respondent was negligent in failing to follow installation specifications when installing pizza oven / Applicant claimed $18,754.37 in repair costs from Respondent / Respondent claimed they did not receive the relevant specification and denied liability / Held: insufficient evidence Respondent received specification / Claim dismissed.

  19. EX & OI v D Ltd & BD [2023] NZDT 648 (9 November 2023) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased racing engine from Respondent for $25,000 / Applicant later discovered engine had serious technical issues / Applicant claimed $30,000, being refund plus costs associated with testing engine / Held: engine sold in private sale, not through Respondent’s company / As engine not sold in trade, CGA did not apply / Applicant failed to prove Respondent misrepresented condition of engine, inducing Applicant to enter agreement / Claim dismissed.

  20. LX v O Ltd [2023] NZDT 619 (9 November 2023) [PDF, 112 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent’s power lines ran across part of Applicant’s land / Parties signed tree maintenance agreement relating to trees near power lines / Applicant discovered steer trapped by branches left behind after they had been felled by Respondent / Steer died due to injuries sustained / Applicant claimed debris was not removed and was not cut into manageable lengths / Applicant brought claim against Respondent for $30,000.00 / Held: not proven that Respondent breached agreement when they felled trees / Not reasonably foreseeable that felled branches and trunks would cause hazard for animals / Not proven that branches and trunks were unmanageable / Not proven that Respondent breached duty of care causing loss of property / Respondent not negligent in circumstances / Claim dismissed.

  21. H Ltd v MN & KN [2023] NZDT 656 (8 November 2023) [PDF, 309 KB]

    Contract / Applicant managed respondents farm under sharemilking agreement / Issues identified that were considered a breach of contract / Respondents gave applicant notice to terminate contract / Applicant claims compensation for loss of earnings, storage for belongings, calf milk powder and water pump / Held: termination of agreement was unlawful / Respondents repudiated contract / Applicant entitled to damages as consequence of repudiation / Applicant entitled to loss of earnings damages / Applicant entitled to storage costs / Other parts of claim not proven / Claim allowed, respondents to pay applicant $19,898.95

  22. DN v IL Ltd [2023] NZDT 644 (8 November 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased spa pool from Respondent / Pump was replaced after failure, replacement pump also failed / Applicant sought to reject pool, claimed $5,999.00 refund / Held: Applicant failed to prove pool was not of acceptable quality or fit for purpose / Source of pool failure could not be determined on evidence provided, possibility of user error rather than manufacturing defect / Claim dismissed.