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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. D Ltd v KC [2023] NZDT 782 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Applicant sold and supplied products to Respondent on charge up basis / Applicant claimed $14,703.04 for unpaid invoices and interest / Parties had agreement that Respondent could charge items to his father's account, which was then invoiced  / Respondent then created own trade account / Respondent claimed there were duplicate invoices across two accounts / Respondent also claimed some invoiced products were not delivered / Held: Respondent did not query invoices when delivered / Respondent not able to provide any evidence of duplication on invoices / Respondent not able to provide bank records indicating he paid invoices / Respondent ordered to pay $14,045.22 for unpaid invoices / Interest cannot be charged as Applicant could not establish was an agreed term of contract / Claim granted in part.

  2. S Ltd v NG [2023] NZDT 669 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 166 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law 2017 / Applicant engaged Respondent to conduct a telemarking campaign for its interior design business / Applicant paid $805 deposit / Applicant later paid invoices of $221.60 and $810.75 for databases of leads to be used in the campaign / Campaign delayed for various reasons / Applicant sought refund of $1,837.35 / Held: Applicant entitled to cancel contract due to unreasonable delay / Applicant did not receive any value from contract / Full refund should be paid / Respondent ordered to pay $1,837.35 / Claim allowed.

  3. SE v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 654 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 220 KB]

    Rehearing Application / Contract /  Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 / Disputes Tribunal made an order for Respondent to pay Applicant $550 / Respondent applied for an adjournment due to illness / Held: Respondent's documents unavailable due to delay provides strong grounds for granting rehearing / However, even if the additional evidence and submissions had been available, they would not have altered the outcome of the claim / Respondent seemingly accepted Applicant's entitled to refund / Previous order stands / Rehearing refused.

  4. T Ltd v MC [2023] NZDT 614 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Tenancy / Residential Tenancies Act 1986 / Applicant entered into agreement to rent studio accommodation with Respondent / Applicant described premises as a commercial operation that does not provide residential accommodation / First claim filed by Respondent adjourned so that Respondent could file claim in the Tenancy Tribunal to determine whether Respondent's claim was a residential tenancy / Respondent did not provide information before deadline / Held: order from Tenancy Tribunal has not been received and Respondent has not given any details of its progress with Tenancy Tribunal claim / Claim struck out.

  5. EC v UI [2023] NZDT 615 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Negligence / Duty of care / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Applicant and Respondent involved in vehicle accident / Applicant's insurer covered vehicle repair costs / Applicant claimed $8,588.44 / Held: Respondent failed to ensure path he was driving into was clear when he drove into Applicant's vehicle / Respondent was negligent / Applicant did not contribute to cause of collision / Costs claimed reasonable for damage caused in collision / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant's Insurer $8,588.44 / Claim allowed.

  6. KT v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 632 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased fender and lockset from Respondent for $429.00 / Applicant claimed car parts were not of acceptable quality / Applicant claimed fender had dents and was scrap quality while lockset was missing parts / Applicant sought refund / Held: fender was acceptable quality but lockset was not / Reasonable consumer would expect fender to have defects given its age and that it was being wrecked / Lockset was not as it was missing parts / 50 percent of parts’ purchase price ordered / Respondent liable to refund Applicant $214.50 / Applicant to return lockset on receipt of refund / Claim allowed in part.

  7. EN & MN v II [2023] NZDT 582 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 87 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased lamps from Respondent via their New Zealand website / Lamps not usable without stepdown voltage changer / Applicants contacted Respondent regarding refund, which was not accepted / Applicants sought refund of costs of lamps, $845.95 / Held: implied that electrical appliances supplied in New Zealand will be of suitable type and voltage to be used in New Zealand / Lamps not fit for purpose / Failure was substantial as lamps could not be used for purchase purpose /  Respondent ordered to pay $845.95 / Claim allowed.

  8. TN v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 596 (23 November 2023) [PDF, 149 KB]

    Contract / Warranties / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought lawn mower from Respondent / Mower covered by a 5-year or 6000 hours guarantee / Mower malfunctioned when a slug damaged circuit board / Respondent told Applicant damage was outside the warranty and Applicant would have to pay cost of repair / Applicant claimed declaration from Tribunal that she is not liable for Respondent’s invoice of $428.16 / Held: contractual warranty applies therefore Respondents were required to repair the damaged circuit board at no cost to the Applicant / Claim allowed.

  9. UM v F Ltd [2023] NZDT 599 (22 November 2023) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Guarantees / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant had a double sided gas fire installed by Respondents in her new home / Error codes started appearing on the fire’s remote control / Applicant contacted the fire supplier / Supplier told him to contact a plumber or gas fitter to get it repaired / A gas fitter came and repaired the fire / Applicant was charged $477.25 for repair which he now claims from Respondent / Held: Insufficient evidence to prove the issue with fire was due to manufacturer’s fault / More likely an installation issue which Respondent had not been involved with / Claim dismissed.

  10. EN v HM [2023] NZDT 581 (22 November 2023) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a rifle from Respondent / Applicant claimed rifle had a faulty safety mechanism / Respondent refused to give a refund but offered a replacement rifle instead / Applicant claimed $1284.95 for refund of purchase price / Held: rifle was not of acceptable quality / Defects were of substantial character / Applicant entitled to reject rifle and choose a refund or a replacement / / Respondent ordered to pay $1,284.95 / Claim allowed.

  11. C Ltd v V Ltd & LV [2023] NZDT 658 (21 November 2023) [PDF, 262 KB]

    Contract / Parties entered into lease for commercial premises / Respondents did not wish to renew lease with increased rent / Respondents paid at old rate while looking for other premises / Applicant seeks shortfall between old rent and new rent, management fee, operational expenses, legal costs, management time and loss of rental income / Held: no rent arrears because of timing of rent increase / Management fee cannot be charged to the tenant / Operating expenses accepted by respondents / Each party must pay their own costs / No power to award costs for filing fee and photocopying / Respondents liable for outstanding operational expenses and damages for loss of opportunity to rent / Claim allowed, respondents to pay applicants $6,342.86

  12. NO v UM [2023] NZDT 629 (21 November 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent engaged Applicant to do gardening work / Respondent accepted $1,200.00 quote provided by Applicant / Respondent paid $300 deposit / Garden work was undertaken / Respondent refused to pay remaining $900.00 on grounds work was not completed as she wanted / Applicant claimed for outstanding $900.00 / Held: garden work provided with reasonable care and skill and fit for purpose / Respondent ordered to pay $900.00 / Claim allowed.

  13. TD Ltd v SC Ltd [2023] NZDT 624 (21 November 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Building / Contract / Respondent contracted Applicant to build a deck / Dispute arose pertaining to $19,337.22 invoice for deck framing / Applicant “walked off the job” after being told he would not be paid / Applicant claimed $19,337.22 for work completed / Respondent disputed invoice and counter-claimed $12,924.45, $6412.00 for balance already paid and remedial costs / Held: $12,925.22 was the starting point for the outstanding balance owed to Applicant / On the counter-claim, $1444.20 was deducted for over-charges by Applicant / Further $1923.11 deducted for remedial costs / Respondent ordered to pay the Applicant $9557.92 / Claim allowed in part.

  14. Q Ltd v UB [2023] NZDT 564 (21 November 2023) [PDF, 217 KB]

    Contract / Respondent booked a wedding venue from Applicant / Venue hire agreement was signed by Respondent / Terms of agreement include hire time for venue and venue to be left in a “good, clean and tidy condition” / Respondent paid contract price / After event Applicant invoiced an additional $1987.47 for additional cleaning hours and rug doctor hire cost / Respondent disputed additional charges / Held: Applicant contractually entitled to charge for additional cleaning and sufficient evidence to justify charge / Venue was not left in a clean and tidy condition / Breach as a result of the band staying past 12am deadline / Breach did not attract the “unauthorised overstay” charges as booking did not end until 10am the day after the wedding / Respondent liable to pay Applicant’s staff overtime costs / Evidence indicated Rug doctor was necessary / Respondent ordered to pay $1040.56 / Claim allowed

  15. S Ltd v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 779 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Contract / Respondent opened credit account with Applicant / Clause 7 of contract gave Applicant right to charge 18% per annum interest on overdue accounts and made Respondent liable for all legal and other fees incidental to recovery / Respondent purchased roofing supplies from Applicant on credit but failed to pay purchase price on due date / Applicant claimed for debt collection commission and other debt collection costs / Held: sum claimed is demonstrably unreasonable for a letter of demand, a few phone calls and a statutory demand / Party in breach only has to pay amount it would have cost to take those reasonable steps / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $700 / Claim allowed in part.

  16. UC v OI and others [2023] NZDT 759 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered commercial lease with Respondent / At signing of lease, Respondent undertook to repair existing leak in roof of premises / Roofing work was not done / Applicant advised Respondent of ongoing issues with leaking over several months, eventually advising she was going to reduce rent payments by 20% / Ongoing leaks damaged Applicant’s laminate flooring requiring replacement / Applicant claimed $1,255.79 for replacement flooring / Respondent claimed reduced rent was sufficient compensation, disputed liability for cost of replacement flooring / Held: Respondent’s failure to repair roof in a timely manner was breach of contract / Rent reduction was for reduced value of premises, not compensation for damage to flooring that occurred later / Respondent liable for cost of replacement flooring / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,255.79 / Claim allowed.

  17. WN v BC & BQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 675 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 227 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant engaged Respondents’ plumbing services for renovation / Parties agreed work would be overseen by LPB plumber / During renovation, bathroom failed two council inspections, was flooded due to incorrect pipe connections, and there were issues with trench / Respondent’s LPB supervisor was only notified of job after issues arose, advised Applicant not to allow Respondents back on site / Applicant claimed $10,800 for remedial costs and reduction in value / Held: Respondents did not provide services with reasonable care and skill / Respondents’ failure to put LPB supervision in place, after saying they would, was substantial failure under CGA, and misleading conduct / Applicant entitled to remedial costs offset by additional contract costs / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $5850 / Claim allowed.    

  18. KI v X Ltd [2023] NZDT 584 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Property / Sale and Purchase / Building Act 2004 / Applicant purchased property from Respondent / Applicant noticed cracks in retaining wall / Applicant claimed compensation to repair wall / Held: defective retaining wall need building consent / Respondent failed to obtain consent and therefore breached the sale and purchase agreement / Failure due to errors in construction / Respondent in breach of implied and express warranties / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $29,953.29 / Claim allowed.

  19. U Ltd v DI & SI [2023] NZDT 576 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Respondents engaged Applicant for tiling work / No prior quote was supplied to or sought by Respondents / Applicant invoiced Respondents $2,471.35 for work / Respondents disputed price, Applicant reduced invoice to $2,050.45, crediting for unused tiles / Respondents still disputed invoice, paid $1,150 which they believed was fair price / Applicant claimed $900.45 for balance of outstanding invoice / Held: Applicant’s charge was reasonable, in line with requirements of CGA / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $900.45 / Claim allowed.

  20. KL v BD [2023] NZDT 610 (20 November 2023) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent as her wedding photographer / Respondent took 461 photos of wedding day / Applicant claimed photos were unprofessional and unedited / Applicant gave Respondent opportunity to edit photos or to send her raw photos to be edited elsewhere / Respondent  declined / Applicant claimed $899.00 refund / Held: Respondent used reasonable care and skill in taking the photos in context of there being no pre-wedding consultation / Respondent did not use reasonable skill and care in editing process based on independent evidence / Respondent ordered to pay partial refund of $600 / Claim allowed in part.

  21. MX & MY v F Ltd [2023] NZDT 622 (17 November 2023) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant accepted quote from Respondent for materials and labour for interior painting / Whether Respondent failed to exercise reasonable care and skill / Applicant claimed $12,660.35 to remedy painting and associate damage caused by Respondent / Held: Respondent's painting work fell short of the standard of reasonable care and skill / Overall outcome was not reasonably fit for purpose / Failure of substantial character and entitled Applicant to cancel contract / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6941.29 / Claim allowed in part.

  22. CN v NK [2023] NZDT 640 (17 November 2023) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased motorhome from Respondent for $83,000 / Pre-purchase inspection identified issue with heating system / Respondent advised issue would be resolved by replacing stepper motor, offered replacement / Heating issues continued after replacement / Applicant claimed $3,120.99 cost of repairs to resolve problem / Held: Respondent’s claim that replacement stepper motor would remedy issue was misrepresentation, but ‘innocent’ / Respondent still liable to compensate Applicant for costs incurred rectifying problem / Costs claimed included normal maintenance costs, not Respondent’s responsibility / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,504.59 / Claim allowed.