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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. TN v K Ltd [2023] NZDT 649 (1 December 2023) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Consumer law / Applicant engaged Respondent to rebuild car engine / Job cost $14,012.97 / Applicant relocated for work, stored car with friend / Friend took car for drive, car broke down / Respondent assessed engine, found it badly damaged from severe overheating / Applicant claimed engine failure connected to Respondent’s previous rebuild, sought refund / Held: evidence suggested engine failure caused by coolant loss due to punctured coolant hose / Not plausible damage was present at time of engine rebuild / Claim dismissed.

  2. BQ v ST [2023] NZDT 609 (1 December 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Loan / Applicant and Respondent were friends / Applicant made multiple payments to Respondent / Applicant submitted payments were loans and Respondent promised to pay him back / Noted that Respondent loaned the Applicant his game console / Parties no longer in contact / Held: Applicant proved he made loans to Respondent of $20,760.00 / Outstanding balance of loan was $11,410.00 / No proven repayment terms so loan was repayable upon demand / Applicant likely to retain console so value can deducted from outstanding loan amount / Respondent ordered to pay $12,900.00 / Claim allowed.

  3. Q Ltd v F Ltd [2023] NZDT 659 (30 November 2023) [PDF, 126 KB]

    Contract law / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondent ordered louvre roof from Applicant including installation / Respondent advised Applicant measurements for custom built flashings / Applicant revised invoice to reflect agreement reached relating to flashing / Respondent has not paid revised invoice amount of $16,339.00 / Applicant claimed damages / Held: louvre roof supplied was of acceptable quality / Respondent breached terms of contract by not paying invoice despite being supplied louvre roof / Applicant cannot claim debt recovery costs / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $16,339.20 / Claim allowed in part.

  4. IM Ltd v HI [2023] NZDT 566 (30 November 2023) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicant’s legal services / Respondent failed to pay Applicant’s $5,836.37 invoice / Applicant claimed $7,762.27 comprising invoice, $817.41 interest, and $1,108.49 for debt recovery / Held: Respondent was contractually bound to pay invoice / Contract included clause that 12% interest would be payable on overdue accounts, therefore Respondent also liable for interest / Debt recovery costs not recoverable in this instance / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,653.78 / Claim allowed.

  5. LQ & QQ v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 463 (30 November 2023) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant accepted quotation from Respondent for landscaping work and artificial turf installation / Applicant unhappy with shiny appearance of turf and claimed that it should have been laid in the opposite direction / Applicant claimed $6,000 damages / Held: Respondent should have consulted with Applicant regarding which way to lay turf and explained the difference if it were not raised by Applicant / Respondent failed to install turf with reasonable care and skill / Damages payable reduced by unpaid balance owing to Respondent / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,275.07 / Claim allowed.

  6. BE v IC [2023] NZDT 646 (29 November 2023) [PDF, 145 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent for $3,800 / Respondent represented vehicle as being in great condition with no major issues / Transmission issues arose soon after purchase, mechanic advised Applicant repairs would cost $2,000–$3,000 / Applicant decided to sell car, explained fault in advertisement, received $1,800 / Applicant claimed $2,000 for loss suffered in sale, $120 for mechanics report, $90 for filing fee / Held: Respondent misrepresented vehicle, appeared to have deliberately concealed fault / Applicant entitled to compensation for losses suffered, but circumstances not met for costs award / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,120 / Claim allowed.

  7. EX v HC [2023] NZDT 631 (29 November 2023) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Applicant wished to purchase car from Respondent / As that car was about to be sold, Respondent offered Applicant another car which was the same make and model / Applicant paid $1,000.00 deposit with full purchase price being payable on conditions being met, including completion of a satisfactory car service by a third party dealer / Applicant was not happy with the car service / Applicant claimed deposit refund / Held: Applicant’s agreement to purchase car was conditional / As Applicant’s condition was not met, Respondent must refund $1,000.00 deposit / Claim allowed

  8. IT Ltd v HI Ltd [2023] NZDT 572 (29 November 2023) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicant’s recruitment services, Applicant supplied carpenter / Respondent failed to pay number of Applicant’s invoices / Respondent complained carpenter damaged a door, invoiced Applicant $845.79 for damage / Applicant deducted $467.79 from final invoice for damage, but balance of $2,257.71 remained unpaid along with older invoices / Applicant engaged debt collector, Respondent paid older invoices but not final invoice / Applicant claimed for outstanding invoice plus interest and collection costs / Held: contract stated Applicant not liable for damage caused by workers, Respondent not entitled to have any further amount waived for damaged door / Contract provided for 15% interest plus collection costs for overdue debts / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,098.74, being outstanding invoice, $141.03 interest, and $700 collection costs / Claim allowed.

  9. UV v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 618 (28 November 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Montreal Convention / Damage of baggage / Applicant checked in stroller for flight / Stroller did not arrive and was later returned in a damaged state / Whether airline responsible for the baggage delay and damage / Whether Applicant entitled to sum claimed / Applicant reported damaged with the requisite period / No supporting evidence that stroller had been checked in already damaged / Evidence that sun visor had been torn off / No evidence that stroller could be easily repaired / Loss assessed at $2,000 / Claim allowed

  10. QI & UD v P Ltd [2023] NZDT 636 (28 November 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants engaged Respondent to plaster rooms for $6,694.35 / Applicants unhappy with quality of work / Applicant had work assessed by a qualified plaster, who performed remedial work / Applicants claimed $3,900.00 for partial refund and $400 for extra sealant needed for remedial work / Held: plastering work not provided with reasonable care and skill / Failure was of substantial character / Applicants entitled to a full refund / Applicants considered full refund would be punitive and only claimed partial refund of $3,500.00 / Respondent ordered to pay $3,900.00, partial refund and cost of sealant / Claim allowed.

  11. ZC v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 573 (28 November 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a second hand bus from Respondent / Applicant intended to convert bus into a house bus / Applicant encountered multiple defects and paid $7099.53 for repairs and $514 for camp ground expenses/ Applicant claimed for repayment of expenses / Held: Applicant did not purchase bus as consumer and not entitled to protection under the CGA / No warranties relating to quality or fitness for purpose implied in contract of sale / Claim dismissed.

  12. DS Ltd v I Ltd [2023] NZDT 565 (28 November 2023) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent engaged Applicant’s recruitment services / Respondent agreed to hire candidate referred by Applicant as temp worker, candidate would be employed by Applicant / Respondent failed to pay Applicant’s last five invoices / Applicant claimed $14,000.97 in outstanding invoices / Respondent counter-claimed $30,000 in damages for losses sustained due to candidate’s actions or omissions, alleged Applicant misrepresented candidate’s abilities / Held: Respondent was not induced to engage candidate by any misleading conduct from Applicant / Respondent contractually obliged to pay Applicant’s invoices regardless of issues with candidate’s work / Contract excluded liability for losses arising from candidate’s performance / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,000.97 / Claim allowed, counter-claim dismissed.

  13. TF v NX Ltd & TQ [2023] NZDT 760 (27 November 2023) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Consumer Law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant sought to purchase outboard motor from Respondent / Respondent advised motor was available if Applicant paid $2,000 deposit / Applicant paid deposit / After delay, Respondent advised motor was being shipped and would arrive soon / Motor never arrived / Respondent failed to respond to contact until Applicant involved Police / Applicant sought refund of deposit / Held: Respondent engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct / Respondent insolvent and not in a position to deliver contracted goods when contract was formed / Deception continued with Respondent providing false assurances to Applicant and Police / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2000 / Claim allowed.

  14. HG v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 650 (27 November 2023) [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Insurance / Bailment / Carriage / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 / Applicant engaged Respondent’s moving and storage services / Following tornado at storage facility, Respondent advised Applicant her goods looked fine / Storage container found to have split, allowing moisture to enter, significantly damaging Applicant’s goods / Applicant claimed $27,732.59 for losses / Held: Respondent liable through both bailment and Consumer Guarantees Act for failure to protect Applicant’s goods / Damage occurred due to Respondent’s incorrect conclusion about container’s weathertightness / Applicant’s loss assessed as $16,808.50 / Applicant liable for $2,380.00 outstanding invoice / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,428.50 / Claim allowed.

  15. U Ltd v D Ltd [2023] NZDT 652 (27 November 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / Applicant supplied aggregate and sand to Respondent / Applicant leased and operated its business from property owned by Trust / Respondent conducted its business as part of the same industrial complex / When Applicant pressed Respondent for payment of materials, the Respondent presented Applicant with invoices for 5 years’ worth of water usage / Applicant claimed $30,000 amount owing, which includes interest / Held: interest cannot be chargeable due to Applicant's delay / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $15,631.37 / Counterclaim dismissed / Claim allowed in part.

  16. PI v NQJ [2023] NZDT 630 (27 November 2023) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Contract / Applicant agreed to assist with de-stocking animals at a farm / Respondent concerned about welfare of the farm owner’s stock / Applicant made an agreement with farmer to assist with de-stocking and improvement of remainder of stock / Applicant made agreement on the understanding he would receive commission on the sale of the animals / Applicant performed destocking tasks / Respondent requested stock numbers to be reduced further / Respondent employed another as a stock agent / Sale of animal proceeds were paid to the farmer / Applicant claimed compensation on ground that Respondent deprived him of income he was going to receive per agreement with farmer / Held: Applicant did not have a contract with Respondent about sale of stock / Applicant had a contract with farmer / Respondent was not unjustly enriched at Applicant’s expense / No arguable basis for award of compensation / Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to hear Applicant’s claim / Claim struck out.

  17. K Ltd v V Ltd [2023] NZDT 598 (27 November 2023) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Contract / Contact and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased truck from Respondent for commercial use / Truck had problems with gearbox / Applicant took truck to mechanic / Truck was uneconomic to repair / Applicant claims $29,270.00 / Held: No misleading or deceptive conduct from Respondent / Clause contracting out of CGA, limitation and exclusion clauses apply / Truck was not of merchantable quality / Remedy available / Claimed allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $19,990.00.

  18. NI v QQ Ltd [2023] NZDT 577 (26 November 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered sale and purchase agreement and building contract with Respondent / Delays pushed completion and settlement dates further than agreed / Applicant claimed damages for inordinate delay, being rental during additional time, storage costs, and tiling costs as concreting delays prevented tiler from starting / Held: much of delay due to unusual market conditions at time of build, outside Respondent’s control / Delay was inordinate, but insufficient evidence to place figure on how much of delay was unreasonable and unavoidable / Respondent liable only for tiling delay, as concreting not completed in time for tiler’s work, resulting in $873.83 cost increase / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $873.83 / Claim allowed in part.

  19. ET v EF Ltd [2023] NZDT 567 (26 November 2023) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Parties contracted for supply of engineering design services for Applicant’s project / Applicant paid $1,552.50 deposit / Initial plan provided / Applicant request modifications to the plan requested resulted in Respondent requesting an adjustment to the original estimate of fees / Applicant sought to cancel contract and sought a refund of deposit and related costs / Applicant claimed $7,880.00 for loss for project delays and deposit refund / Held: Respondent did not breach contract with Applicant / Terms of contract allowed for variations to be requested / Applicant not entitled to a deposit refund / Respondent carried out initial work and deposit covered the time / Delays in Applicant’s works did not result from any negligence of the Respondent’s part / Claim dismissed.

  20. BB & TL v A Ltd [2023] NZDT 667 (24 November 2023) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Building Act 2004 / Applicant purchased a new build property from Respondent / Prior to settlement, several defectives were identified by Applicants in a list / Settlement went ahead before defects were remedied / Applicants requested defects be remedied again / Following hearings, defectives were remedied / Applicants advised there was a defect in the laundry tub which had developed rust / Respondent denied liability for tub as not notified earlier on list / Applicant claimed tub was covered by warranties / Applicant sought replacement tub / Held: Applicants provided evidence they notified Respondent of defective tub / Respondent liable to replace defective laundry tub / Respondent ordered to pay $1,737.60 to replace and install tub / Claim allowed.

  21. OQ v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 660 (24 November 2023) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant took vehicle to Respondent for repairs / Respondent advised vehicle needed new motor / Applicant’s partner found second hand motor from parts supplier, Respondent installed it / Motor later failed / Respondent told Applicant that warranty had expired and there was nothing they could do as parts supplier would not provide any compensation / Applicant claimed full refund of $8,278.85 / Held: Applicant relied on Respondent's expertise in ensuring engine was suitable and correctly installed / Having spent $8,278.85 on replacement motor, a reasonable consumer would expect it to be more durable than proved to be the case / The extent of failure was substantial / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8,278.85 / Claim allowed.

  22. CU Ltd v ZS & HC Ltd [2023] NZDT 588 (24 November 2023) [PDF, 272 KB]

    Contract / Respondents purchased products and services from Applicant valued at $11,817.52 / Applicant claimed $10,684.41 from Respondents for overdue invoices / Respondents claimed they paid lower sum as originally quoted plus ten percent extra as good will gesture / Respondents disputed owing any further sum / Held: quotation provided by Applicant clearly stated it was only valid for 30 days  / As Respondent purchased the goods outside of the 30 days, quoted price no longer applied / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $10,684.41 / Claim allowed.

  23. ED v G Council [2023] NZDT 558 (24 November 2023) [PDF, 228 KB]

    Tort / Negligent misstatement / Contract / Resource Management Act 1991 / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant claimed $29,949 for costs incurred in pursuing resource consent subdivision application / Respondent claimed $7,549.21 for fees and disbursements incurred in processing Applicant’s application / Held: Tribunal’s jurisdiction in tort limited to claims involving physical damage to property / Monetary loss is not property damage / No jurisdiction to hear Applicant’s monetary claim / Relationship between parties arose under Resource Management Act, not contract / Tribunal has no jurisdiction under RMA, therefore no jurisdiction in relation to Applicant’s declaration of non-liability or Respondent’s monetary claim / Claim and counter-claim dismissed.