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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. XC v UD [2023] NZDT 766 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent for $8,750.00 / Respondent stated there were no issues with vehicle and no money owing / After purchase numerous defects were found / Applicant took vehicle to mechanic who estimated repairs would cost $6,967.18 and charged $69.00 for the inspection / Applicant also discovered Respondent still owed finance on the vehicle / Held: Respondent did not have clear title to sell vehicle / Respondent misrepresented condition of vehicle / Applicant inspected, test drove and accepted vehicle before purchase, therefore lost right to reject vehicle and obtain refund / Applicant entitled to damages / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $7,000.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  2. UQ & XQ v B Ltd & BT [2023] NZDT 743 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Negligence / Collision occurred between cars belonging to applicants and the second respondent / Both parties had insurance / Second respondent held liable for damages / Insurers settled repair costs under insurance company arrangement / Rental costs were uninsured losses / Respondent’s insurer did not pay some of the charges to applicants / Claim for uninsured losses incurred by applicants when hiring rental car following collision / Held: respondent liable for unpaid rental charges / Direct losses caused by collision / Second respondent breached duty of care / Outcome: claim allowed, respondent to pay applicants $4,704.15

  3. KX v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 749 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Guarantees / Consumer Guarantee Act 1993 / Applicant bought a hockey stick from Respondents on 30 April / Applicant noticed the hockey stick was damaged and contacted Respondents / Applicant brought a claim against Respondent for breaches of the Consumer Guarantee Act 1993 claiming the stick was not fit for purpose / Applicant seeks refund of purchase price of the hockey stick / Onus is on applicant to prove her case / Applicant has not proven that the damage caused to hockey stick was due to defect rather than the stick being used on abrasive surfaces / Claim is dismissed.

  4. V Ltd v BS [2023] NZDT 695 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 154 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Respondent was an independent contractor for Applicant’s insurance company / If a client terminates policy then Applicant would ‘claw back’ commission from independent contractors / Applicant claims $28,000 / Held: it is reasonable to imply a clawback clause in contract / Clawback clause is not a personal guarantee and is enforceable / Unable to proven Applicant contributed to cancellation of policies through mismanagement / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay $26,318.75 to Applicant.

  5. BO v NI [2023] NZDT 616 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased an e-scooter from Respondent for $1,999 / Scooter stopped working after 6 months / Applicant requested refund / Respondent refused due to water damage / Held: scooter was significantly water damaged / Scooter sold on the basis that it was suitable for commuting, even when it was raining / Scooter became contaminated after 6 months’ of normal commuting use indicated it was not of acceptable quality / Scooter not capable of being repaired / Case for a refund made out / Respondent ordered to pay $1,999.00 / Claim allowed.

  6. TU v I Ltd [2023] NZDT 670 (8 December 2023) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent installed waste water septic system in Applicant’s home / System began malfunctioning regularly / Applicant informed Respondent, who attended property several times to attempt to rectify issues / Majority of interventions to repair system were at Applicant’s expense of over $11,621.90 / Issues ultimately not rectified / Applicant claimed $22,121.90 / Held: septic system was not of acceptable quality, defects rendered system substantially unfit for purpose / Services provided by Respondent were not carried out with reasonable care and skill / Applicant entitled to cost of having failure remedied / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $22,121.90 / Claim allowed.

  7. TM v BC Ltd [2023] NZDT 774 (7 December 2023) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant took vehicle to Respondent for engine repair / Respondent provided Applicant with quote for full engine replacement, but only replaced top part of engine in a bid to save costs for Applicant / After Respondent completed work, Applicant took vehicle to several mechanics who reported the engine number was the same as when the vehicle was registered / Applicant claimed he did not receive a full engine replacement and sought refund of $2,656.75 paid for the engine and associated repair costs / Held: Insufficient evidence Respondent did not use reasonable care and skill in repairing vehicle / Respondent had informed Applicant that only the top part of the engine had been replaced / Applicant did not provide Respondent with opportunity to remedy any potential failure / Claim dismissed.

  8. NK v ND [2023] NZDT 754 (7 December 2023) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Rehearing application / Applicant applied for rehearing on grounds due to he was not informed of the hearing date and attended the hearing via teleconference / Applicant also claimed there was confusion over the amount the Respondent owed / Held: Applicant participated fully in the hearing / Applicant was given an opportunity to confirm amount after the hearing / Rehearing not granted merely because the parties are unhappy with the decision / Not satisfied there was a substantial wrong or miscarriage of justice / Rehearing claim dismissed.

  9. LL & TM v I Ltd & TE [2023] NZDT 730 (7 December 2023) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Contract / Money Claims Act 2016 / Applicants engaged Respondent to uplift and reinstall house at new site / Respondent sent “full and final invoice” for work of $75,900.00, which Applicants paid in full / House was placed on metal stands to enable placement of piles / Piling was set back by numerous delays / Respondent issued $3,450.00 invoice to Applicants for rental of metal stands / Applicants refused payment / Respondent refused to lower house until invoice paid / Parties’ relationship soured, Applicants had house lowered by another company for $3,800 / Applicants claimed $19,169.52 compensation / Held: Applicants reasonable to deny liability for invoice / Respondent’s refusal to perform contract unreasonable / Applicants failed to mitigate losses / Applicants entitled to 50% of reasonably foreseeable losses from Respondent’s breach / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $5,558.31, plus $165.44 interest / Claim allowed in part.

  10. G Transport v D Autos Ltd [2023] NZDT 689 (7 December 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Contract / Parties signed a truck sale and purchase agreement / Applicant cancelled after signing / Deposit non-refundable under sale and purchase agreement / Dispute regarding whether there was agreement that the deposit could be refunded if applicant wanted to cancel sale / Held: new term of contract supersedes the old term / Not open to respondent unilaterally alter term back to originally agreed / Applicant relied on this undertaking and cancelled contract expecting full refund / Claim allowed, respondent to pay applicant $10,275.76

  11. EX v HG [2023] NZDT 697 (6 December 2023) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Property / Applicant and Respondent entered into agreement for sale and purchase of real estate / Applicant discovered heat pumps were not working / Applicant claimed $1,978 / Held: heat pumps were not in reasonable working order on agreed date / $500 a reasonable value to restore lounge heat pump to working order / $ 1,278.99 not a reasonable value for replacement of dining room heat pump / Applicant not entitled to $200 for cost of purchasing heaters / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,000 / Claim allowed in part.

  12. FB Ltd v HE & QE [2023] NZDT 676 (6 December 2023) [PDF, 172 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondents contracted Applicant to replace windows and doors in their villa / Contract price did not include repair work once removal and installation was underway / Applicant initially sought $30,000 from Respondents for outstanding balance of the contract price, variations invoice and interest / Applicant amended its claim to $14,727.00 after receiving $15,273.00 from  Respondents / Respondents counterclaimed $30,000.00 for overcharging and quotes for additional remedial work / Held: Respondents owed Applicant $9,542.32 for additional work and interest / Respondents entitled to $500.00 credit as Applicant failed to install flashings for  sunroom windows / Applicant not liable for replacement doors or damage to benchtop / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $9,042.32 / Claim allowed in part / Counterclaim dismissed.

  13. VL v U Ltd & LF Ltd [2023] NZDT 671 (6 December 2023) [PDF, 114 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant’s car was damaged while being towed by First Respondent / First Respondent accepted liability for damage, took car to Second Respondent for repairs at First Respondent’s cost / Following repairs, Second Respondent noticed issue with flexiplate, informed Applicant / Applicant claimed First and/or Second Respondent liable for damage, which was not present when he gave car to First Respondent / Applicant claimed $639.88 for diagnostic work, $2,911.14 for replacement transmission, plus cost of renting vehicle at $100 per week for 58 weeks / Held: more likely than not that flexiplate damage caused by Second Respondent’s work / Work not completed with reasonable care and skill / Applicant obligated to mitigate loss, not entitled to full cost of vehicle rental / Second Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,941.02 / Claim allowed.

  14. NP v X Trust & Ors [2023] NZDT 758 (5 December 2023) [PDF, 152 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant leased part of a property from Respondents, including use of a barn / Applicant had lights installed in barn / Lease ended when Applicant had to leave town / Applicant authorised Respondents to remove belongings from barn and stored them / Applicant returned two years later to find lights had not been removed from barn along with his other belongings / Applicant sought return of the lights, or compensation of $2,093.00 / Held: lights were lessee’s fixtures / Applicant had right to remove lights while in possession of barn or during reasonable period after / Reasonable period longer than usual in unusual circumstances but had now expired / Lights had become lessor property / Claim dismissed.

  15. O Ltd v U Ltd & Z Ltd [2023] NZDT 655 (5 December 2023) [PDF, 122 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased truck and trailer from First Respondent / Applicant alleged vehicle faulty in many respects / Applicant claimed $29,000 for various repairs / Held: Applicant has no legal basis to hold Respondent liable for quality or fitness purpose issues, even if proven, as this is a private sale / Applicant has legal basis for a claim in respect of defects Respondent should have identified and failed in assessment / Applicant can be awarded compensation for cost and fitting of compressor, repairs to trailer and headlight adjustment / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,865.90 / Claim allowed in part.

  16. DI v U Ltd [2023] NZDT 583 (5 December 2023) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased a bike from Respondent / Bike failed while been ridden and sustained frame damage / Applicant claimed bike not fit for purpose / Applicant sought a refund of purchase price / Held: bike was designed and sold for lower level advanced and intermediate trail riding / Damage sustained not consistent with normal use on lower and intermediate trails / Not established that bike was not fit for purpose / Claim dismissed.  

  17. BR & SR v LD & BD [2023] NZDT 740 (4 December 2023) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Nuisance / Fencing Act 1978 / Parties discussed boundary fence between properties / Respondents thought they reached agreement and built fence on own land inside boundary / Applicants claim fence interferes with their right to enjoy,  object to height, consider it unsightly, allege it obscures safe vehicle exit / Applicants claim for order that fence be removed and new jointly agreed fence built / Held: parties chose not to utilise Fencing Act dispute resolution process / Fencing Act cannot be applied / No nuisance created / Cannot decide claim about trespass / Outcome: claim and counterclaim dismissed

  18. LN v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 717 (4 December 2023) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Contract / Applicant paid fees to Respondent for training course / Applicant claimed she was denied attendance due to Covid mandates, sought refund of fees / Held: evidence did not support Applicant’s claim she was denied access / After mandate was lifted, Applicant had about four years to opt in to training opportunities, was encouraged by Respondent to do so / Applicant’s non-attendance most likely due to change of mind and circumstances, not any failure by Respondent / Contract also included “Force Majeure” clause that Respondent would not be liable for any failures of obligations caused by events outside its reasonable control / Claim dismissed.

  19. BC v KC [2023] NZDT 625 (4 December 2023) [PDF, 115 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant took his vehicle gearbox to the Respondent to repair because it was slipping out of gear / Applicant sought $3,778.11 from Respondent for repair cost of gear box and removal and installation of gearbox by a third party / Held: insufficient evidence Respondent failed to provide service with reasonable care and skill / Respondent’s work was fit for purpose, as the gearbox issue was fixed when it left his workshop / Applicant not entitled to compensation as there was no failure requiring remediation / Claim dismissed.

  20. KE v OT & NT [2023] NZDT 594 (4 December 2023) [PDF, 249 KB]

    Contract law / Deed of Gift / Applicant is the executor of the estate of his late father, Q / Q lived with and was for by the respondents / the arrangement was underpinned by a Deed of Gift from Q to the respondents / Applicant brings a claim ordering respondent to pay him the sum of $28,275.35 that was allegedly improperly taken from his late father by the respondents / Held: the deed of gift was not intended to be a contract therefore the Disputes Tribunal does not have the required jurisdiction to determine the application / Claim is struck out.

  21. QL v E Ltd [2023] NZDT 752 (1 December 2023) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased two jackets from the Respondent / 1 year later, Applicant noticed damage to one of the jackets and sought a warranty claim / Warranty claim was declined as determined damage was not due to a defect / Applicant sought $1,350.00 / Held: timing and nature of damage indicated damage likely occurred during ownership and use / Goods not defective at time of purchase / Applicant not entitled to a replacement jacket / Claim dismissed.

  22. E Ltd v O Ltd [2023] NZDT 721 (1 December 2023) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased timber from Respondent / Respondent supplied treated timber for decks and stairs that were built in Applicant’s property development / Later during building of decks apparent that the timber shade did not match / Testing indicated timber supplied was not requested treated timber / Applicant claimed for $30,000.00 / Held: Applicant believed he was being supplied type of treated timber he had purchased / Evidence indicated Applicant was not supplied correct timber / Breach of contract established by evidence / Costs presented were reasonable for remedial work required / Respondent ordered to pay $30,000.00 / Claim allowed.