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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. FC v TX [2018] NZDT 1053 (23 April 2018) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / transfer of title / Applicant purchased motorbike from Respondent / bike had been stolen from its original owner and was sold to the Respondent / Police advised Applicant to return bike to its original owner/ Applicant claimed return of the purchase price, plus transport costs and filing fee / Held: bike stolen property / seller cannot pass on title to a good that he or she does not have / implied condition which entitles buyer to a refund and costs if seller does not have title / exceptions to rule did not apply / absence of conviction and  fact that Respondent had possession of goods did not affect the true owner’s rights / Respondent liable to refund purchase price of bike and cost of transporting it back to original owner, but not filing fee / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,850.00

  2. FJ Ltd v TQ Ltd [2018] NZDT 1066 (20 April 2018) [PDF, 82 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / implied condition that goods will be reasonably fit for purpose / Applicant purchased a second-hand tyre for a light truck from Respondent / the tyre failed six weeks after installation / Held: tyre not reasonably fit for purpose / tyre was designed for a passenger car, not a light truck / Respondent liable for damages being the loss directly and naturally resulting from the breach of warranty / repair and towing costs / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant amount claimed of $769.25

  3. FI v TR Ltd [2018] NZDT 1065 (12 April 2018) [PDF, 85 KB]

    Contract / Applicant hired campervan from Respondent / Applicant paid for collision damage waiver / waiver meant excess could be waived under certain conditions / conditions required applicant to exercise reasonable care / Applicant drove campervan under beam that was lower than its height, causing damage / Respondent deducted excess / Applicant claimed waiver covered damage / Held:  Applicant failed to take reasonable care in driving vehicle / Applicant failed to notice clearance signs / Applicant lost right to be indemnified through terms and conditions of contract / claim dismissed

  4. E & F Ltd v TA Ltd [2018] NZDT 1594 (3 April 2018) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Negligence / Duty of care / Applicant owns horticulture business / Aircraft owned by Respondent, deposited topdressing in vicinity of Applicant’s property / Applicant claims fertiliser deposited damaged vegetation and claims $15, 000 in damages / Whether Respondent breached its duty of care and caused damaged to Applicant’s property / Whether damage was foreseeable and damages claimed reasonable / Held: Evidence presented by both parties held large number of inconsistencies / Report of damage to vegetation and flight data suggests Respondent did not breach duty of care and cause damage to Applicant’s property / Claim dismissed

  5. FG v TT [2018] NZDT 1060 (9 March 2018) [PDF, 134 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / sale of goods / Respondent supplied grapevine rootstocks to Applicant / Applicant examined rootstocks after delivery during processing period/ Applicant rejected a number of rootstocks and invoiced Respondent for that amount / Respondent disputed timeframe for rejection / Applicant claimed invoiced amount, legal fees and interest / Respondent claimed rootstocks were not rejected within a reasonable time / Held: goods rejected within a reasonable time / reasonable timeframe for examining goods determined as processing period / given nature of goods and quantity supplied, reasonable for Applicant to examine goods over processing period  / no particular loss to Respondent as a result of being notified after delivery / no provision in contract for payment of legal fees / Respondent liable to pay part of invoiced amount as at date of notification, plus interest / Respondent ordered to pay $999.81 to applicant.

  6. MD Ltd v UB [2017] NZDT 1483 (12 February 2018) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 / Respondent had been customer of Applicant for many years / Respondent paid account by weekly direct debit / Applicant closed Respondent’s account after failed direct debits / Applicant claims $2,000.00 for recent purchases / Section 17 of the CCCFA requires creditor to ensure key information disclosed to debtor before consumer credit contract established / Disclosure falls short of requirements of CCCFA / Held: contract cannot be enforced due to Applicant’s failure to make proper disclosure / Held: Applicant failed to comply with lender responsibility principles under s 9C of the CCCFA / Claim dismissed          

  7. QN v OR [2018] NZDT 1526 (9 February 2018) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2006 / Limitation Act 2010 / Applicants owned farm with easement granted to Respondents for telecommunications facility / No licence agreement reached on paying annual rental for occupation rights / Respondents said they could pay and Applicants sent invoices for annual rent / Applicants claim unpaid invoices of $5,750 / Respondents counterclaim for $13,065.08 saying they paid by mistake / Held: no enforceable contract for payment of annual rent / No further consideration supplied by Applicants for Respondent's promise to pay as already bound by easements / Held: previous payments made by mistake / Held: money not recoverable / Inequitable to require Applicants to repay money paid by mistake as received in good faith / Outcome: claim dismissed

  8. SC v NI [2017] NZDT 1675 (11 December 2017) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rules / Applicant passed Respondent on stretch of road leading up to corner / Respondent kept driving / Cars collided / Held: Respondent contributed to the collision by failing to brake and taking no steps to avoid the collision / Respondent failed to take sufficient care / Applicant also contributed to the collision by failing to take sufficient care / Applicant 70% responsible for collision occurring and Respondent 30% / Respondent to pay $1638.84 to Applicant’s insurer / Applicant to pay $5137.84 to Respondent’s insurer / Claim allowed. 

  9. EG v WN Ltd [2017] NZDT 1423 (8 December 2017) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Breach of duty of care / Applicant hired Respondent to transport house lot to England / Contract was for one 20 foot container / Goods required extra space resulting in an additional charge of $2471.00 / Applicant claimed for a refund of additional charges based on quote of set fee for the transportation of all goods / Held: quoted price in contact for one 20 foot container only / Contract price based on volume of goods limited to fit inside 20 foot container / Respondent provided service under Consumer Guarantees Act / Held: Respondent in breach of responsibilities under ss 28 and 29 of the CGA for misinformation of volume required to transport goods and that price did not include all goods / Applicant did not cancel contract until after event / Loss limited to incorrect advise, inconvenience and unexpected extra payment / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $815.43 to Applicant.

  10. LL v DD Ltd [2017] NZDT 1453 (12 October 2017) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Guarantee of acceptable quality / Remedies / Applicant had house carpeted by Respondent as result of an insurance claim / Four years later Applicant noted worn area in carpet under leg of stool used daily / Respondent agreed to repair worn area / Prior to repair Applicant noticed other worn patches in carpet and notified Respondent carpet defective / Respondent took sample of carpet and determined it was not defective / Applicant claims cost of replacing carpet; carpet not of acceptable quality / Respondent claims rubbing on carpet by stool leg cause of wear / Held: no breach of guarantee of acceptable quality under the CGA / Damage caused by excessive wear and tear and the Applicant’s dog / No need to consider remedies / Claim dismissed

  11. GO v SSL Ltd [2017] NZDT 1147 (12 October 2017) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent carpeted Applicant’s house / four years later, Applicant noticed worn area under stool and other bald patches / Applicant believed carpet defective / Respondent inspected site and sent carpet to be tested by New Zealand Wool Testing Authority / tests confirmed carpet twice as strong as NZ minimum standard / Respondent refused to replace carpet as damage caused by excessive wear and Applicant’s dog / Applicant argues a fault in ‘bonding delamination’ / claims full carpet replacement / Held: carpet of acceptable quality / damage caused by excessive use over four years and Applicant’s dog likely to have contributed to bald patches / no breach of guarantee of acceptable quality / claim dismissed

  12. TQ Ltd v MQ [2017] NZDT 1447 (24 July 2017) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Employment / Respondent was hired as temporary employee of Applicant / Respondent’s employment with Applicant ended / Respondent’s name was mistakenly added to Applicant’s payroll hours and he was paid for 30.98 hours of work / Respondent did not return mistaken payment / Applicant claims $1,114.94 including debt collection costs and costs of proceedings / Held: the matter falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA) / Claim dismissed

  13. FA & FAA v TZ & TZZ [2017] NZDT 1048 (18 July 2017) [PDF, 90 KB]

    Contract / Contractual Remedies Act 1979 (CRA) / Cancellation of contract / Applicants signed up for gym memberships at Respondent’s gym / Applicants stopped paying monthly fees and sought to cancel contract / guidelines booklet stated membership could not be cancelled if arrears were on the account / Respondent suspended access and invoiced Applicants  for membership fees and late fees / Applicants sought a declaration that they were not liable for fees because contract had been cancelled / Held: Respondent gave applicants insufficient notice of onerous term in guidelines booklet / term never became part of contract due to insufficient notice / applicants entitled to terminate membership despite being in arrears / Respondent not entitled to suspend access / contract did not provide for suspension / Respondent in breach of contract / Applicants entitled to cancel under CRA / Applicants ordered to pay fees for 10 days until suspension and one late payment fee

  14. SN v BN Ltd [2017] NZDT 1456 (6 July 2017) [PDF, 206 KB]

    Contract / Applicant’s ensuite vanity unit replaced with new vanity under insurance policy with Respondent / By end of year the edge of one door of the vanity had swollen and cracked due to water damage / Applicant claims $2044.97 for the cost to replace the vanity / Held: Applicant entitled to vanity of comparable quality and fitness for purpose as old vanity / Respondent liable to pay for the lower quotation of $1,804.35 to install a new vanity / Claim allowed

  15. EV v UE Ltd 2017 [NZDT] 1015 (1 June 2017) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased lounge suite from respondent / lounge suite sold “as is – no return available” at a discounted price / Applicant notified Respondent of a cracked beam / Respondent offered a “one-off frame repair, at no charge out of goodwill” / Applicant did not believe repair would remedy the issue /  Applicant claimed full refund / Held: lounge suite not of acceptable quality / cracked beam was a failure of substantial character / reasonable consumer fully acquainted with the nature of the failure would not have purchased the suite / Applicant entitled to reject goods and receive a full refund / claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,799 and Respondent to collect suite at its own expense.

  16. EX v UC [2017] NZDT 1011 (24 May 2017) [PDF, 20 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased a clothes dryer from Respondent with an extended warranty / dryer underwent repairs during warranty period / Applicant claimed dryer still in need of repair / Respondent’s agent inspected dryer and found no repair required / Applicant claimed dryer not durable / Applicant wished to reject the good and receive refund of purchase price, cost of  extended warranty and  Tribunals’ filing fee / Held: cause of failures not sufficiently established / Tribunal could not exclude  possibility of user issues / no breach of guarantee in terms of durability or fitness for purpose / no remedy under Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 available / claim dismissed

  17. EW Ltd v UD & UDD 2017 [NZDT] 1010 (17 May 2017) [PDF, 154 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Sale of Goods Act 1908 / Applicant purchased computer system and CCTV cameras from Respondent for its first shop / cameras in first shop did not work properly when reinstalled in Applicant’s second shop / Applicant examined system and purchased it for its second shop without raising any issues / Applicant claimed full refund on the basis that the functionality of the goods was not satisfactory and did not meet Applicant’s expectations / Held: insufficient evidence to prove goods were defective / no breach of guarantee under Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / no breach of implied warranties under Sale of Goods Act 1908 / goods of merchantable quality and fit for the purpose it was intended / claim dismissed.

  18. BS and NE v RB Ltd [2017] NZDT 1524 (26 April 2017) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contractual Remedies Act 1979 / Applicants purchased a car online for $2,270.00 / When applicants inspected the car the seller informed them he worked at a wreckers yard / Car developed mechanical issues days later / When the applicants contacted the seller for a refund the seller’s employer said they should deal with him instead / Whether there were any mispresentations made to the buyers about the car / Whether the misrepresentations induced the contract / Whether the misrepresentations were made by or on behalf of the seller / Whether there any remedies available under the Fair Trading Act 1986 / Held: misrepresentations were made regarding the car / Misrepresentations induced the applicants to buy the car / Seller did not inform applicants that he was selling on behalf of the wreckers yard but later events indicated he was / Found that misrepresentations made to the applicant were made by or on behalf of the seller by the Respondent, which is the sell…

  19. FM Ltd v TN [2017] NZDT 1005 (26 April 2017) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent’s truck and trailer unit was stationary at a wide single lane intersection to turn left onto road / Applicant saw some space to the left of respondent’s truck and trailer unit, and drove into this, with the intention of also turning left / but, unable to proceed as Respondent’s vehicle obscuring his view / Respondent indicating left during this time / when Respondent began left turn, his vehicle collided with Applicant’s vehicle / Applicant seeking $15,000 toward costs of repairs / duty of care / Road User Rules 2.5, 2.6 and 2.8 / no evidence Respondent further to right than practicably necessary for turn / Applicant not engaged in passing manoeuvre as unable to proceed due to position of Respondent’s vehicle / even if able to keep moving, manoeuvre not one that could be made safely or without impeding vehicle with right of way / Held: Applicant placed his vehicle in harm’s way in an unusual and unsafe manoeuvre / Applicant had not driven with the care expected …

  20. EY v UB [2017] NZDT 1002 (13 April 2017) [PDF, 78 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted Respondent to deliver a dirt bike / Respondent did not have cartage insurance / bike was stolen off back of Respondent’s truck / Applicant claimed value/purchase price of bike / Applicant claimed Respondent negligent in leaving bike unsecured and unattended / Held: carriage of goods done at “limited carrier’s risk” / no written agreement / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2000.00

  21. UH v KT [2017] NZDT 1500 (12 April 2017) [PDF, 221 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Fence between Applicant and Respondent properties falling down / Respondent claims Applicant responsible for damaging part of fence / Applicant claims existing fence is not adequate and must be replaced / Applicant and Respondent dispute type of fence to be built  / Applicant claims Respondent liable to pay towards repair or replacement / Held: Applicant not responsible for damaging part of fence / fence had already fallen over / Held: existing fence is not adequate / existing fence leaning, bowed, discoloured and has rotting posts / Held: entire fence must be replaced / Held: 1.8 m closed boarded wooden fence to be built / Held: fence line to remain the same / Held: Respondent to pay $1,495.00 including GST to Applicant / liable for half reasonable cost of replacement / claim upheld

  22. HB Ltd v NH & KX [2017] NZDT 1452 (11 April 2017) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Agency / Personal guarantee / Personal liability / Applicant gave credit account to Respondent’s business / Second Respondent was employee of business / Second Respondent purchased items using business account for personal use without authorisation / Respondent queried charges made by Second Respondent / Applicant made claim against Respondent under personal guarantee for $2,013.3 plus costs of $550.92 / Applicant claimed sum and costs from Second Respondent in the alternative / Held: Second respondent did not have actual or apparent authority to purchase on Respondent’s account / No evidence that Respondent held out Second Respondent as agent / Respondent informed Applicant of unauthorised purchases as soon as known / Held: Respondent not personally liable to Applicant despite guarantee / Debts incurred by Second Respondent were not authorised by Respondent / Held: Second Respondent liable to pay Applicant / Claim allowed / Second Respondent ordered to pay $2,013.3 to Applicant / Appl…

  23. FQQ Ltd v TJ [2017] NZDT 1044 (11 April 2017) [PDF, 124 KB]

    Contract / authority to purchase / Second Respondent worked for First Respondent / Second Respondent purchased personal items from Applicant using First Respondent’s business account / First Respondent only paid for items he had authorised / Applicant wants money owed on the account from Second Respondent’s purchases / Applicant had not ascertained Second Respondent was authorised to make those purchases / Held: no actual or apparent authority which bound the First Respondent to pay for Second Respondent’s debt incurred / Applicant has no contractual right to recover from First Respondent / Second Respondent to pay Applicant for items purchased in personal capacity / claim against First Appellant dismissed

  24. HD v FT [2017] NZDT 1396 (20 March 2017) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Negligence / Collision between Applicant’s and Respondent’s vehicles / Respondent was a driving instructor and the Second Respondent was driving his car as part of her driving lesson / Applicant and his insurer claim the cost of repairing the Applicant’s car of $3,883.78 / Respondent counterclaims the costs of repair to his car / Whether the parties reached a binding settlement agreement / Whether Second Respondent gave way / Whether Respondent negligent in failing to provide adequate supervision / Whether there was any contributory negligence on the part of the Applicant / What sum should be paid between the parties / Held: Respondent offered to get Applicant’s car repaired / Applicant’s response did not constitute a binding settlement merely negotiations / Applicant was under no obligation to continue with the negotiations and was free to decide to proceed through his insurer / Respondent admitted negligence / Respondent was on the phone at the time of the crash / High level of respo…