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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. KT & others v ON & UN [2019] NZDT 1564 (6 March 2019) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Negligence / Private nuisance / Applicant and Respondent are neighbours / Claim relates to various matters including boundary fencing, garden plantings and damage to property / Applicant claimed $1625 for damages to ranch slider glass and concreting / Respondent counterclaimed $5,000 for damages to trees / Held: Respondent's palms caused damage to Applicant's ranch slider glass / Applicant caused damages to Respondent's trees / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $425 / Claim partially allowed

  2. W Ltd v Q & G Ltd and KJ Ltd [2019] NZDT 1495 (28 February 2019) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Negligence / Employee of Respondent reversed work truck into power pole / Power pole was destroyed / Applicant was owner of pole and claimed reimbursement of sum paid to replace pole / Respondent conceded liablity for damage / Whether Applicant entitled to recover full replacement cost or whether deduction can be made for betterment / Held: evidence does not show Applicant gained any benefit from replacing pole / No basis for deduction for betterment / Respondent ordered to pay full replacement cost of $6,525.24 to Applicant / claim allowed.

  3. NN v TU Ltd [2019] NZDT 1433 (21 February 2019) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Contract / Applicant parked at pay and display carparking site monitored by Respondent / Applicant purchased and displayed three hour ticket / Respondent towed Appellant’s car within three hours / Applicant claims they did not breach contractual parking provisions justifying towing / Applicant claims $750.93, being towing charge, Uber fare, various time costs, Tribunal filing fee and miscellaneous costs / Held: insufficient evidence to prove Applicant breached parking provisions / towing unjustified / Held: costs awarded for unjustified tow charge and Uber charge only / claim upheld, Respondent ordered to pay $306.58 to Applicant

  4. DT v BJ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1353 (21 January 2019) [PDF, 251 KB]

    Contract / Insurance policy / Applicant’s car was stolen /  Respondent denied claim stating Applicant has not made a “prima facie” case that car was stolen and onus on Applicant to prove valid claim exists / Respondent claims Applicant did not provide information relating to stolen car or information provided was fraudulent / Applicant claims she acted in accordance with policy / Held: Applicant established a prima facie claim / Applicant complied with conditions of the claim / Tribunal not satisfied Respondent established Applicant provided incorrect or incomplete information supporting her claim / Tribunal not satisfied Respondent established Applicant provided fraudulent information in support of claim / Held: no evidence Applicant committed fraud / Respondent not entitled to decline claim / Tribunal satisfied sum insured $19,800 set by Respondent / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $19,800.

  5. FT v SV [2018] NZDT 1516 (19 December 2018) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Transport law / Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Applicant discovered numerous issues with car, including that WOF was issued more than one month prior to delivery / Held: Section 9.12 LTR: VSC 2002 requires vendor ensure motor vehicle certified for in-service fitness within one month of delivery to purchaser / Purchaser entitled to remedy where they have not waived one-month requirement / Applicant entitled to reject car and recover purchase price / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,000.00 / Applicant ordered to return car to Respondent

  6. BE v TU Ltd [2018] NZDT 1502 (6 December 2018) [PDF, 86 KB]

    Trespass to goods / Applicant visited Embassy and parked in neighbouring property’s exclusive parking space / Respondent clamped Applicant’s car / Applicant claims refund of $150 release fee and $45 filing fee / Respondent does not dispute it clamped Applicant’s car so trespass of goods established / Issue whether clear warning car could be clamped if parked in space in question / Held: signs did not provide sufficient warning whether visitors to Embassy could park there / Held: Respondent unable to establish defence to action / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to refund Applicant fee for clamping car  / Filing fee cannot be recovered by Applicant per s 43 of the Disputes Tribunals Act 1988

  7. DB v FX [2018] NZDT 1489 (3 December 2018) [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Listing stated car had no mechanical issues and was regularly serviced  / Car had mechanical issues and Applicant lost use for over three months waiting for repair / Applicant claims $1,393.80 in damages / Held: representation that car had been regularly serviced was false / Held: statement of opinion implied no obvious signs that would cause an ordinary driver to suspect any mechanical issues / Held: Respondents statements induced Applicant to buy car / Respondent liable for damages / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $1,393.80 to Applicant

  8. GF Ltd v QQ & KQ [2018] NZDT 1484 (7 November 2018) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Commercial leases / Property Law Act 2007 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondents leased commercial property / Respondents did not exercise right of renew after expiry of initial term but continued to occupy the premises and pay rent / Applicant bought interest in premises in March 2017 / Respondents initially continued to pay rent but reduced payments from mid-April 2017 / Applicants claim $15,000 in rent and outgoings to 31 May 2018 / Respondents obligations to pay rent continued after the statutory tenancy after the initial term expired per s 210 of the PLA / Applicants entitled to enforce all covenants of the lease against the Respondents per s 233 of the PLA / Held: rent was $29,500 plus GST, Applicant’s entitled to received $5,500 plus GST per year in outgoings in addition to weekly rent payments / Claim allowed / Respondents must pay $15,000 to Applicant

  9. AG Ltd v SQ [2018] NZDT 1443 (30 October 2018) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 / Applicant lent Respondent $500 / Payment plan was put in place to repay debt but payment stopped / Applicant claims $1,477.18 from Respondent for outstanding amount plus fees and interest / Issue whether contract was consumer credit contract under CCCFA / Held: contract is a consumer credit contract  /  This was stated on the front page of the contract / Issue whether Applicant entitled to enforce contract / Held: contract cannot be enforced per s 99 of the CCCFA / Applicant did not comply with mandatory initial disclosure requirement  / Claim dismissed  

  10. GM v SNS Ltd [2018] NZDT 1116 (26 September 2018) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent repaired leak in Applicant’s hot water cylinder / Applicant paid original invoice in full / hot water cylinder leaking again one month later / Applicant seeks declaration of liability to be made / Held: no evidence first repair not carried out with reasonable care and skill / second leak in distinct area not connected with first leak’s repair / no evidence workmanship on first repair caused second leak / Respondent not responsible for leak / fee for second repair not unreasonable / claim dismissed / Applicant to pay second invoice of $290.95

  11. KH v ED [2018] NZDT 1434 (20 September 2018) [PDF, 248 KB]

    Property / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant and Respondent were neighbours / Applicant claimed the Respondent cut down 76 trees on the Applicant’s property / The cut trees ran from the start of the Respondent’s driveway and stopped at the end of his house / Applicant claimed $14,990.00 to replace trees /  Whether on the balance of probabilities the Respondent cut down the 76 trees on the Applicant’s property / If the Respondent did then what was he liable for in relation to the cut trees / Held: on the evidence more likely than not that the Respondent, or someone under his control, cut down the trees / Respondent claimed no dispute between him and the Applicant / Fact that Applicant said Respondent cut down the trees which Respondent denied meant there was a dispute between the parties / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,990.00 to replace trees by specified date / Claim allowed

  12. IG, JX, KX c/-XG Trust v SI [2018] NZDT 1482 (27 August 2018) [PDF, 151 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Breach of covenant of quiet enjoyment / Damages / Respondent leased office space in upstairs of property owned by Applicants and sublet it to commercial tenants / Parties negotiated lease extension with discussions of renovations to the property / Renovation work began in March and took longer than anticipated / Respondent paid reduced rent for some of the renovation period / Applicants asked Respondent to pay full rent when renovations ended / Respondent did not pay full rent and gave notice that she wished to terminate the lease for breach / Applicants claimed unpaid rent / Held: overall impact of renovations amounted to substantial interference with Respondent’s ability to use the premises for the purposes permitted under the lease / Respondent not bound by waiver of contractual rights under the lease / Entitled to receive actual amount of lost rental income by way of damages, subject to a deduction for reduce…

  13. YT v ED Ltd [2016] NZDT 1444 (18 August 2016) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Applicant wanted to build minor dwelling at back of house / Applicant and Respondent signed a construction contract  / Applicant paid a preliminary deposit / Delay in getting loan approval / Applicant claims refund of the preliminary deposit / Respondent counterclaims that it is not liable to refund the deposit and Applicant owes a second preliminary deposit / Held: Applicant under no obligation to renegotiate Agreement to turn it into a fixed price turn key contract / Applicant entitled to treat agreement as being terminated / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $9,342.50 to Applicant

  14. ZC v NU Ltd [2018] NZDT 1481 (2 August 2018) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Guarantee of reasonable care and skill / Damages / Applicant purchased a specially made kilt from Scotland / Applicant took kilt to Respondent to be hemmed / Respondent cut 6cm from kilt / Applicant claims $688.00 for refund and damages due to kilt being cut / Held: Respondent responsible for confirming hem would be cut / Respondent failed to use reasonable care and skill in ascertaining service Applicant wanted / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant 25 percent cost of kilt being $182.50.

  15. BX v FN Ltd [2018] NZDT 1505 (11 July 2018) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Carrier of goods / Contract for carriage at limited carrier’s risk / Applicant contracted Respondent’s moving service to move household contents to their new home / Applicant claims contents was damaged in move by Respondents handling of furniture / Respondent claims Applicant responsible for lack of protective wrapping / Held: Respondent has onus of proving lack of fault, failed to prove damage resulted without fault on their part / Respondent is liable to compensate Applicant for damaged items / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,158.00

  16. HLL Ltd v RO [2018] NZDT 1133 (6 July 2018) [PDF, 88 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant carried out roofing work on building owned by Respondent / Respondent sought compensation for poor workmanship and damage to building / Applicant counterclaimed for amount outstanding / whether roofing work carried out with reasonable care and skill under s28 / whether failures substantial & if so, how much was owed under contract / Held: work did not comply with s28 as it was undertaken in a storm & was not completed to an adequate standard / failures substantial & resonable consumer test met / Respondent entitled to refund of labour & contribution to consequential loss / Applicant enitled to payment towards sums expended on material / Respondent ordered to pay $6,504.12 to Applicant / claim allowed

  17. FN v TMM Ltd & TM [2018] NZDT 1067 (6 July 2018) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Contract / passing of ownership / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant advertised ice-cream machine on TradeMe / Respondent agreed to pay a non-refundable $500 deposit on machine and pay for transportation in order to inspect machine / parties agreed if machine passed inspection, Respondent would pay the remaining $6,500 for the machine / despite Applicant and Respondent’s agent damaged machine when loading it for inspection, machine taken to Respondent for inspection / due to damage, Respondent did not accept machine  / Applicant seeks remainder of purchase price and $180 for filing the claim with the Tribunal / Held: property in goods transfers on acceptance, per ss 144 and 146 of the Contracts and Commercial Law Act 2017 / parties agreed acceptance would occur if and when machine passed inspection /  / despite Respondent’s agent’s involvement in damage occurring to machine, risk passers with property, unless otherwise agreed, per s 148 / machine remained in Applicant’s r…

  18. GL v SOO Ltd [2018] NZDT 1093 (15 June 2018) [PDF, 116 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a tent from Respondent to live in while new home built / minor defects in tent and size incorrectly stated on Respondent’s website / Applicant seeks to reject tent and receive a refund / no evidence that Applicant contributed to any damage to tent / Held: goods supplied by description are guaranteed to comply with that description / s 9, CGA / tent 23 per cent smaller than advertised / therefore, tent not compliant with description given and not of acceptable quality / as floor area of tent cannot be remedied, issue of whether tent defects were pre-existing or caused by Applicant does not need to be addressed for acceptable quality claim / insufficient evidence Applicant damaged tent after purchase / therefore, Applicant entitled to reject tent under s 20, CGA / claim allowed, Respondent ordered to refund $4850 to Applicant

  19. TO v QJ Ltd [2018] NZDT 1476 (10 May 2018) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased battery for electric golf trundler from Respondent / Applicant wanted a deep cycle battery / Wrong information provided and it was not a deep cycle battery / Battery started to fail / Applicant claims for $265.00, representing a refund of battery together with $45.00 filing fee / Held: battery not durable and fit for purpose, and did not correspond with its description / Applicant has not lost the right to reject the battery / Battery was lost and owned by Respondent at this time, Respondent compensated $10.00 for loss of battery / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $210.00

  20. HK & KP v RPP Ltd [2018] NZDT 1133 (9 May 2018) [PDF, 74 KB]

    Contract / Building Act 2004 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent installed cladding to Applicants’ home during its construction / Applicants claimed sealant used failed & required replacement / sealant used not the one specified in plans / whether respondnet breached performance obligation & if so, did that cause loss / Held: implied warranties under Building Act applied to work & work needed to comply with Building Code / sealant failed & Respondent in breach of implied warranties / loss related to remedial work to remove & replace sealant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $15, 000 / claim allowed.

  21. DS v NS [2018] NZDT 1454 (7 May 2018) [PDF, 130 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1996 / Applicant was walking her dogs / Applicant and dogs were attacked by off lead dog causing injury / Applicant claims $779.10 in vet’s bills for treatment of dog / Respondent claimed he did not own attacking dog / Held: Respondent was the owner of the dog at the time of the attack / Definition of owner in Dog Control Act includes person who has dog in his possession, regardless of actual ownership / Respondent liable for damage caused by the dog / Liability of a dog owner is strict / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $779.10 to Applicant.

  22. DC v T Ltd [2018] NZDT 1401 (7 May 2018) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Contract / Respondent company owned a number of planes and offered rides to the public / Applicant was responsible for providing required Quality Assurance / Applicant unpaid for some of his Quality Assurance work / Applicant claimed for Quality Assurance fees, materials purchased and legal fees /  Whether there was a contract between the Applicant and Respondent / If so, whether the contract had been breached and what damages were payable / Whether the Applicant purchased goods to the benefit of the Respondent / If so, whether the Respondent was required to pay for those goods / Whether the Applicant can recover his legal costs / Held: Binding contract between the Applicant and Respondent / Respondent breached contract / Applicant provided invoice for $2,500.00 which was unpaid / Applicant entitled to that amount from the Respondent / Applicant provided invoice for goods purchased for the Respondent / Applicant expended $6,184.24 of his own money to assist the Respondent / Would be un…

  23. GJG ltd v SQS Ltd [2018] NZDT 1072 (26 April 2018) [PDF, 290 KB]

    Breach of Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant offered Respondent Facebook marketing package over uninvited phone call / Applicant assured Respondent that fee of $99 plus GST was all Respondent would pay “today” for “ad creation” / Respondent provided payment details / Applicant emailed twelve-month contract and “ad creation” to Respondent for approval, then  deducted two payments for the twelve-month period totalling $5,451.00 / Respondent claims only agreed to initial fee payment, claims full refund of second and third payments Held: while Respondent told only $99 plus GST fee would be charged “today”, Applicant intended to deducted $5,564.85 / misleading conduct / FTA, s 9 / breach of contract /Applicant acted without authority deducting more than the $99 plus GST / claim allowed, Applicant to refund the $5,451 to the Respondent