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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. OF v D Ltd [2019] NZDT 1405 (9 August 2019) [PDF, 223 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent provided estimate to complete car restoration / Dispute over estimate being exceeded / Respondent seeking further payment before releasing the car / Estimate provided rather than a quote / Estimate exceeded by $9,409.00 / Held: Respondent had breached its contractual and statutory obligations / Additional cost 50% above original estimate / Amounts to a misrepresentation / Applicant's legal costs recoverable / Applicant not liable to pay interest or storage costs / Applicant liable to pay $1,856.19 to have car returned

  2. LO v BH Ltd [2019] NZDT 1555 (5 August 2019) [PDF, 154 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased sofa suite from Respondent for $2,700.00 / Applicant noted stitching faults on sofa suite / Whether the suite was of suitable quality / Whether Respondent had breached contract / If so, what remedy was available / Applicant sought refund rather than replacement suite / Held: suite was not of acceptable quality / Applicant cancelled contract for whole suite / Applicant entitled to refund under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1994 / Claim allowed: Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,700.00 and collect suite.

  3. TS v CT Ltd [2019] NZDT 1377 (25 July 2019) [PDF, 236 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant brought shed/cabin from Respondent / If cabin is weathertight and if there was mould in the interior / Applicant claims a refund for cabin and consequential losses, including third party installation costs and damage to belongings / Applicant also claims for amount spent on wiring the cabin / Held: the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 applies / Cabin did not correspond with description provided by Respondent / Fact that cabin was not weather proof and water tight is a failure of substantial character / Applicant entitled to reject cabin, obtain full refund and damages for reasonably foreseeable further losses / Portion of cost spent on wiring allowed / Claim allowed

  4. KA v CU Ltd & ZX & GY [2019] NZDT 1501 (18 July 2019) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Nuisance / Damages / Applicant and Respondent own neighbouring properties / Applicant claimed roots and leaves from trees on property boundary caused damage to property / Applicant claimed $4,352.76 from Respondents for total costs relating to drainage and gutter repair / Held: Applicant cannot recover damages for costs of clearing and replacing gutters / Costs caused by leaves from non-encroaching branches / Respondents have allowed tree roots to encroach on Applicant’s land / Second and Third Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $2,547.26 for drain repair costs / Claim allowed.

  5. KC Ltd v OK [2019] NZDT 1378 (17 July 2019) [PDF, 268 KB]

    Contract / Respondent hired van from applicant / Van broke down during respondent’s use / Van’s clutch plate was burnt out / Applicants claim for cost of clutch replacement / Respondent claims the refund of his bond / Held: respondent drove vehicle in manner that caused premature failure of the clutch / Respondent covered by indemnity against damage provided by the contract / Respondent not liable for clutch damage under terms of the contract with applicant / Respondent not liable to pay for replacement clutch / Respondent entitled to bond refund / Claim dismissed

  6. TJ v HH [2019] NZDT 1522 (11 July 2019) [PDF, 154 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased gold necklace from Respondent who was selling it on behalf of her mother / Applicant cleaned necklace, gold plating came off leaving metal base / Applicant claims refund for necklace / Respondents claim damaged necklace not one sold to Applicant / Held: based on evidence privoded, more likely than not that necklace produced at hearing same necklace sold by Respondent / Applicant entitled to reject necklace and receive full refund / Claim allowed / Respondents ordered to pay $4,000.00 to Applicant / Applicant ordered to return necklace to Respondents

  7. KH v LD [2019] NZDT 1496 (11 July 2019) [PDF, 173 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered contract to purchase puppy from Respondent / Parties agreed Applicant could be refunded if puppy did not meet preferences / After puppies born Applicant advised none met preferences and asked for refund of deposit / Respondent refused refund / Applicant claims refund of deposit plus costs / Held: contract allowed Applicant to back out of purchase and receive refund if not happy with puppy on offer for personal reasons as long as done in good faith / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $585.00 to Applicant / Applicant cannot recover costs or Tribunal filing fee per s 43 of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988.

  8. JC v KB [2019] NZDT 1387 (3 July 2019) [PDF, 152 KB]

    Contract / Applicant loaned money to respondent during relationship / Respondent had agreed to repay respondent / Respondent also crashed and damaged applicant’s car / Respondent has not fully paid applicant / Applicant claims the sum of a private loan and collision losses plus towing costs / Held: repayment not enforceable as no intention to create legal relations / No consideration of formalising promises to pay into a binding agreement / Applicant also cannot make negligence claim as she is not the owner of the car / Claim dismissed

  9. LO v SD [2021] NZDT 1388 (3 July 2019) [PDF, 222 KB]

    Contract / Applicant asked respondent for help accessing cheap flights with specific airline / Applicant not happy with tickets as they were not with specific airline, had multiple stops and some tickets were invalid / Applicant’s family purchased new tickets / Applicant claims for amount paid for the unused tickets / Held: respondent not acting ‘in trade’ as is not in the business of making travel arrangements or providing travel agency services / No other cause of action for legal claim against respondent / Claim dismissed.

  10. MD v BL [2019] NZDT 1376 (1 July 2019) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant hired Respondent as builder to renovate bathroom / Renovations delayed longer than Applicant expected / Applicant ended contract and hired new builder at Respondent’s suggestion / New builder had to remediate issues with Respondent’s work / Applicant sought compensation for remedial transition work undertaken by new builder / Rehearing of that application with Respondent in attendance / Held: Defects in work done by Respondent / Applicant awarded $4,243.50 in compensation minus $1,170.00 owed to Respondent / Applicant had already received $4,545.00 / Applicant to repay Respondent $1,471.50 from original hearing.

  11. LX v HO Limited [2019] NZDT 1428 (19 June 2019) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Contract / Land Use Agreement / Fee dispute / Respondent used transmitting equipment installed on land owned by Applicant / Parties entered into land use agreement in 2018 that provided Applicant payment for installation / Dispute over sum owed to Applicant / Respondent stopped using site / Applicant claims for usage of land dating back to 2010 / Respondent disputes sum owed on basis it should only pay for 2017 and 2018 / Held: Respondent owes Applicant $1368.50 under the agreement for 2017 and 2018 / Fee amount based on email offer from company / Held: agreement applies to years 2010-2016 / Agreement states it applies from 2010 onwards / Price to be applied for 2010-2016 is $476.00 based on one user fee over seven years / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay 1844.50 to Applicant

  12. CX v A Ltd [2019] NZDT 1336 (16 June 2019) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Parking / Applicant charged $65 for not obtaining a parking ticket when he parked at Respondent's car park / Applicant seeking declaration that he is not liable to pay the fee / Held: Respondent had no reasonable basis to think he was parking in a Council car park / Reasonable user of the car park would be put on notice that Respondent put conditions on the parking/ Conditions were displayed / Fee charged not exorbitant or unconscionable / Claim for non-liability dismissed.

  13. KI & LG v CN & MT [2019] NZDT 1507 (30 May 2019) [PDF, 155 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Agency / Respondents owned land which was subject to a right-of-way used by several neighbours, including Applicants / Slip on right of way caused damage needing repair / Agreement reached for paymment of repair work, but dispute subsequently arose / Applicants seek to recover payment made to contractor directly / Respondent claims agreement not binding, signed under duress, agent had no authority to sign / Held: Respondent not misled, pressure insufficient to amount to duress / Respondent bound by settlement agreement / Held: Respondent created appearance of authority to represent other party / Both Responsdents bound by agreement / Claim allowed, Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $9,033.79

  14. KB v MY [2019] NZDT 1390 (29 May 2019) [PDF, 230 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant and respondent were drivers involved in collision / Applicant and insurance company claim for loss after vehicle deemed uneconomic to repair / Respondent counter claims for repairs to vehicle / Held: Respondent pulled out from stationary position / Applicant swerved to avoid him / Respondent breached duty of care by failing to give way / Respondent fully liable / Claim allowed, respondent liable to pay sum to applicant’s insurer

  15. KY v TU Ltd [2019] NZDT 1521 (23 May 2019) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Trespass to goods / Detention of goods / Applicant vehicle was clamped by Respondent / Applicant claims refund of $150 release fee as she was only parked and away from her vehicle briefly / Respondent claims vehicle clamped because it did not display visitor’s permit and it has authority to clamp or tow unauthorised vehicles at the site / Held: no damages suffered by landowner before Applicant returned to vehicle after around one minute / Reasonable to expect that a few minutes would be allowed to obtain permit or make enquiries about permit / Held: Respondent not entitled to clamp Applicant’s car / Claim allowed / Respondent order to refund $150 to Applicant.

  16. KC v BS [2019] NZDT 1399 (17 May 2019) [PDF, 134 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased house from Respondent / Ongoing repayments due to Council under a programme attached to property rates / Applicant stated this obligation to pay was not disclosed to him or included as condition / Applicant claimed sum from Respondent, being amount owing to Council at settlement / Whether the programme information disclosed to Applicant prior to contract being formed / Whether Respondent breached vendor’s warranties / Held: Council programme information was disclosed in writing prior to contract being formed / No breach of warranty because there were no arrears at settlement / Respondent not in breach of vendor’s warranty as repayments were disclosed / Respondent had no liability to pay damages to Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  17. HX v RC [2019] NZDT 1215 (17 May 2019) [PDF, 159 KB]

    Contract / applicant purchased house from respondent which had ongoing repayments due to Council / applicant claimed repayments not disclosed in negotiations or agreement for sale & purchase in breach of vendor warranties / obligation to make repayments included in LIM report / Held: no obligation on real estate agent to bring obligation to attention of applicant / reasonable expectation that reading LIM would clearly convey information / no breach of vendor warranties because no arrears at settlement & repayments disclosed in LIM / claim dismissed

  18. KI v KW [2019] NZDT 1414 (13 May 2019) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondent contracted for Applicant to drill and install three anchors for a block wall / Three anchors were installed / One anchor failed a load test / Parties agreed a fourth hole would be drilled / Before work completed Respondent cancelled contract / Applicant sought payment for work completed / Respondent counter claimed for cost of labour, materials and work done by another contractor / Held: Applicant did not undertake the work for which he charged with reasonable skill and care / Respondent had right to cancel the contract on the grounds of breach of an essential term / Cancellation not effective until Applicant was advised 14 September after work on fourth anchor / Respondent liable to pay for part of the work on the fourth anchor / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay $785.60 to Applicant .        

  19. XC v MG Ltd [2019] NZDT 1404 (1 May 2019) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased light aircraft from Respondent / Three issues arose with respect to the aircraft / Applicant claims for work on water gauge, installation of inline oil thermostat and repairs carried out / Held: Respondent contractually liable to pay the claimed amount for installation of an inline oil thermostat / Respondent liable to pay repair costs / Claim allowed,  Respondent to pay Applicant $1877.38

  20. SD v SN Ltd [2019] NZDT 1448 (24 April 2019) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Tort / Conversion / Applicant engaged Respondent to move furniture / Dispute arose over payment / Respondent took bedframe and mattress as cover for payment without Applicant’s agreement / Applicant claims Respondent converted bedframe and mattress / Applicant claims $1810.00 being the purchase price of bedframe and mattress or alternatively return of goods / Held: Respondent converted bedframe and mattress / Respondent had no right to goods and removed them from Applicant’s property without her knowledge or permission / Held: Respondent to pay $905.00 to Applicant or alternatively to return bedframe and mattress / Amount ordered accounts for depreciation / Claim upheld

  21. FR v TI [2019] NZDT 1145 (12 April 2019) [PDF, 80 KB]

    Contract for services / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted to test and maintain fire and sprinkler systems at apartments owned by Respondent to a standard required by local Council / service contract provided for monthly inspections in addition to callouts / callouts attracted extra fees / two false alarms triggered by insect larvae and webs inside the detectors / Applicant claiming for payment of the two false alarm callouts / Respondent argues Applicant failed contractual duties to maintain alarm system / Held: Applicant failed to provide its services with reasonable care and in manner fit for purpose / Applicant knew that insects were an issue with false alarms but did not advise the Respondent of this or how to avoid this issue / further, response time to second false alarm excessive / claim dismissed

  22. WH v SS Ltd [2019] NZDT 1459 (26 March 2019) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Contract / The Innkeepers Act 1962 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Failure to provide accommodation with reasonable care and skill / Applicant seeks cost of pants that went missing whilst staying at hotel operated by Respondent / Respondent deemed proprietor of the hotel and therefore innkeepers under the IKA and liable for the loss of the pants /  Held: Respondent liable to pay $119.33 to Respondent based on the value of the pants at the time they went missing.

  23. LQ v PO Ltd [2019] NZDT 1435 (15 March 2019) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Respondent installed air conditioning unit for Applicant / Applicant disputed installation with Respondent through Electrical Workers Registration Board and Disputes Tribunal / Applicant completed remedial work on air conditioning unit / Applicant claimed $2,500.00 for remedial work / Whether or not connection at the air conditioning unit was installed in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications was a new cause of action / Held: no new cause of action / Had Applicant taken necessary steps it could have been raised in previous hearings / claim dismissed.