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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. TM v DD [2019] NZDT 1469 (18 November 2019) [PDF, 122 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased horse from Respondent in private sale / shortly after purchase horse displayed signs of lameness / Applicant advised by veterinary horse had arthritis in proximal intertarsal joint / Applicant claimed horse had arthritis at time of sale and was misrepresented by Respondent / Applicant claimed refund and vet bill costs required to diagnose horse with arthritis / Held: at time of sale it would not have been possible for signs of arthritis to be present based on evidence from two veterinarians / Respondent advised Applicant at time of sale that horse had history of OCD and could develop arthritis / Respondent did not misrepresent horse and held honest opinion on knowledge at time of sale / Claim dismissed

  2. NR v HT [2019] NZDT 1335 (6 November 2019) [PDF, 222 KB]

    Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought a motorsailer boat being sold by Third Respondent on behalf of Second Respondents / Respondent prepared a report on the condition of the boat for the Second Respondents which was also viewed by the Applicant / After purchase the Applicant discovered damage to the timbers on the boat and was advised the deteriorated steering made the boat unseaworthy / Applicant considered the boat was misrepresented and was neither fit for purpose nor of acceptable quality / Applicant claimed compensation of $15,000.00 and contribution towards repair costs / Respondents claimed that the report identified visible faults and was prepared for the Second Respondents not Applicant / Respondents also claimed Applicant signed a contract putting risk of faults on him and the boat was not subject to any warranties / Held: contents of report did not create an actionable misrepresentation under s 35 of the C…

  3. EFT v SQ [2019] NZDT 1357 (25 October 2019) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Negligence / Animal Law Reform Act 1989 / Respondent’s bull was out of its paddock causing collision that resulted in the total loss of the applicant’s ute / Applicant claimed the value of the ute plus the Tribunal filing fee / Held: evidence relating to reasons the fencing may have been compromised at the time is insufficient to prove negligence on respondent’s part / Respondent has no liability for applicant’s reasonable losses and the claim is dismissed

  4. TG v H Ltd [2019] NZDT 1338 (25 October 2019) [PDF, 304 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Alleged breach of “live foal guarantee” in breeding contract / Contract was ambiguous / Held: “Live foal free return” referred to attempt to get a live foal, not a guarantee of one / Required to provide free returns into the second season / Held: Broodmare not as described / Mare not proved to be pregnant, therefore not of acceptable quality / Applicant awarded $1,805.36 as contribution to the costs associated with purchase.

  5. DX v OI Ltd [2019] NZDT 1529 (24 October 2019) [PDF, 146 KB]

    Tort / Conversion / Damages / Land Transport Rule Operator Licencing 2017 / Respondent towed Applicant’s car after crash / Applicant disputed towing and storage fee on the basis tow was not authorised / Respondent sold Applicant’s car with personal property inside / Applicant claimed for loss of car and belongings, inconvenience and mental health injury / Held: Respondent not legally permitted to tow Applicant’s vehicle / Signature and details of enforcment officer not recorded as required by r 5.9 Land Transport Rule Operator Licencing 2017 / Applicant not obliged to pay for towing and storage, no right to detain car until charges paid / No contractual or legal basis for charges or lien / Sale of goods without Applicant’s concent amounted to conversion / Respondent ordered to pay $4,068.00 to applicant for wrongful detention and conversion / Claim allowed

  6. EU v LX [2019] NZDT 1487 (23 October 2019) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Quasi-contract / Mistake / Respondent and his former partner instructed Applicant to act on their behalf in relation to sale of a jointly owned property / Respondent’s share of net sale proceeds was $6,157,23 / Applicant mistakenly transferred Respondent’s sum into his bank account twice / Respondent promptly notified Applicant / Applicant initially denied anything was wrong / Respondent failed to pay back entire overpayment / Applicant contacted collection agency / Respondent disputed debt / Applicant claimed $4,122.23, balance of outstanding amount and costs / Whether Respondent was obliged to return balance of mistaken payment / Whether any other costs or fees were payable / Held: Applicant had a quasi-contractual claim against Respondent for return of money / Evidence suggested Applicant mistakenly made a second payment / Respondent must return extra money / Applicant cannot recover collection costs or service fee / Respondent invested extra money and cost involved in re…

  7. HY v RB & YR [2019] NZDT 1217 (7 October 2019) [PDF, 167 KB]

    Contract / applicant purchased property from respondent & discovered road was being constructed on its boundary / applicant not notified of works or consent given by vendors / property used for grazing horses & AirBnB business / applicant claimed she would not have purchased property or would have negotiated a lower price if notified of works / Held: vendors had a duty under vendor warranty to advise applicant of consent / property directly affected by works due to noise & activity / applicant suffered loss & entitled to compensation / no direct financial loss to business or value of property but indirect loss of what was contracted for or loss of the bargain / failure to notify took away applicant’s right to negotiate on different terms / other losses included distress & disappointment from reduced outlook from property, loss of peace of surroundings & physical inconvenience & nuisance from dust, traffic & noise / claim allowed / vendors ordered to pay applicant $15,000 in damages

  8. HT v CJ Ltd [2019] NZDT 1508 (2 October 2019) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Applicant took out vehicle insurance with Respondent / Applicant claims told commercial vehicles covered under policy / Hybrid battery in Applicant’s vehicle failed / Respondent denied coverage as vehicle was used for taxi / Applicant claims cost of new battery, two year warranty, and costs for removal and diagnosis of old battery / Held: Applicant entitled to rely on undertaking that vehicle covered under policy / Held: policy covers failure of hybrid battery / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $3,039.05 to Applicant

  9. DT v-S Ltd [2019] NZDT 1510 (30 September 2019) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant purchased robot vacuum from Respondent / Applicant tried to return vacuum because could not connect to app and it got stuck / Respondent refused to accept return because Applicant refused assistance to set up vacuum and was considered not to be a serious buyer / Applicant claimed refund / Held: Respondent obliged to accept return and provide refund / Respondent’s suspicions of Applicant’s motive to buy vacuum were not substantiated by sufficient objective evidence / Respondent’s claims were misleading but no need for remedy under the Act / Respondent contractually obligated to accept return / Respondent ordered to pay $1,999.00 to Applicant / Applicant ordered to return vacuum to Respondent / Claim allowed.

  10. TI v N Ltd [2019] NZDT 1438 (30 September 2019) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out a pre-purchase building inspection on a house / Report highlighted a few minor issues but nothing of major concern / Applicant purchased house and discovered the tile flooring in bathroom was uneven/sunken / Applicant claimed $15,000.00 from Respondent towards the cost of remedial work / Held: Respondent did not carry out its service with reasonable skill and care / Respondent to pay Applicant the sum of $10,000.00 as damages for foreseeable consequential loss / claim allowed.

  11. KD v QX Ors [2019] NZDT 1605 (26 September 2019) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Contract / Contract agreement / Applicant provided contract farming services to Respondents / Contract between the parties was terminated prematurely / Respondents withheld monies payable from Company to Applicant / Respondents claims breach of agreement / Applicants claims for unpaid milk, power and legal fees / Whether Respondents entitled to withhold monies / Whether Applicant entitled to legal fees and amount claimed / Held: Lack of water provided by Respondents being the cause of penalty for the milk grade / No fault of Applicant / Respondents not proven damage to gates, rails and clearlite was cause by negligence of Applicant / Applicant not entitled to legal fees / Claim allowed for unpaid milk and power / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8560.22

  12. UU v UX [2019] NZDT 1547 (25 September 2019) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Remedy / Applicant purchased set of four wheels from Respondent / One wheel bent out of round and unable to be repaired / Applicant claims refund of purchase price and cost of fitting and removing tyres / Whether term of contract that wheels be in good condition; were the wheels in good condition; what remedy, if any, should be granted / Held: good condition term of contract rather than mere respresentation because it was express in the listing / Held: one of the wheels not in good condition, in breach of contract / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $385.00 to Applicant

  13. ZG Ltd v C Ltd [2019] NZDT 1506 (12 September 2019) [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent sells motor vehicles to consumers / Applicant supplies finance to Respondent’s consumers / Respondent applied for finance for a consumer which was approved / Consumer returned car before leaving New Zealand with balance of loan outstanding / Applicant unable to recover outstanding amount from consumer / Held: Respondent did not breach warranty in contract with Applicant / Respondent verified consumer’s statements and followed Applicant’s application instructions / Held: email from Respondent’s manager to Applicant regarding consumer’s citizenship status understood as expressing opinion rather than statement of fact and was not misleading / Claim dismissed  

  14. CU v DN Ltd [2019] NZDT 1420 (9 September 2019) [PDF, 229 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased mower from Respondent / Mower had issues with brakes, deck belt and gear box / Applicant advised Respondent of multiple defects with mower / Respondent claims Applicant did not comply with Owner’s manual and actions contributed to failures / Applicant exercised right to reject it and requested a refund from Respondent / Respondent claims mower was fit for purpose  / Applicant seeks refund of $15,000 for mower for failures and defects / Held: mower not of acceptable quality or fit for purpose; failures of mower integral to nature, operation and control of machine and of a substantial nature; Applicant rejected mower within a reasonable time and is entitled to a refund / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant refund of $14,872.00

  15. B Ltd v IX [2019] NZDT 1392 (6 September 2019) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to act for her in an employment dispute / Applicant withdrew from case and Respondent sought payment for services / Applicant defended claim on grounds of "no win - no fee" basis / Contracted provided a penalty fee for termination before conclusion of case / Applicant withdrew against advice / Respondent able to partially recover the fee / Decision not to withdraw after mediation was clouded by the fact of a penalty fee for not proceeding to hearing / Applicant to pay fees incurred after the mediation but before the hearing up to point she withdrew

  16. RL Ltd v ZL [2019] NZDT 1520 (5 September 2019) [PDF, 160 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Guarantee that goods comply with description /  Failure of substantial character / Respondent engaged Applicant to supply and install kitchen benchtop / Respondent refused to pay balance of contract because no hole for tap in benchtop and it did not correspond with description / Applicant claims $1,750 from Respondent / Applicant claims no room to put hold in benchtop for tap and plan was draft / Held: plan contained description of what to be supplied / Respondent did not approve changes and benchtop did not correspond with description / Failure to match description is of substantial character per s 21(b) CGA as benchtop departs in significant respect from description / Respondent entitled to remedy per s 18 CGA / Held: Respondent entitled to set off of $1,750 against balance of his account / Applicant not entitled to further payment / Claim dismissed.

  17. HG v HN Ltd [2019] NZDT 1471 (28 August 2019) [PDF, 133 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent provided lawnmowing and weed eating services at Applicant’s house / Damage occurred to Applicant’s car, hose, fence, wind break and passionfruit vine / Applicant claimed Respondent responsible for damage to property / Applicant claimed $643.11 in damages / Held: Applicant acknowledged its employee ran over the Respondent's hose / Respondent witnessed the Applicant's employee damaging the wind break / Evidence did not establish that damage to Applicant's car, fence and passionfruit vine was caused by Respondent / Respondent responsible for damage to hose and wind break only / Respondent to pay Applicant $137.61 in damages / claim allowed.

  18. T ltd v EJ [2019] NZDT 1436 (28 August 2019) [PDF, 148 KB]

    Contract / Applicant provided labour and machinery to respondent for a job at his property / Respondent refused to pay invoice as he believes he did not enter a contract with Applicant / Applicant claims the amount of $4740.40, being the amount of the unpaid invoice / Held: not satisfied on the evidence there was a mutual intention to create legal relations / Unable to find a verbal agreement existed / No enforceable contract between Applicant and Respondent as essential elements not present / Claim dismissed

  19. M v U [2019] NZDT 1309 (21 August 2019) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Civil / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant removed and replaced boundary fence between their property and Respondent's property / Applicant removed Respondent's flax / Applicant claims half the cost of fence plus cost of removing flax / Held: fence was inadequate before it was replaced / Applicant did not follow notice procedures to entitle them to claim a half share of costs / Applicant entitled to contribution of half of cost of half the fence on basis immediate work was required / Respondent entitled to set off for lost flax / $140 awarded to Applicant for fence, $140 awarded to Respondent for flax / Full set off / Claim dismissed.

  20. KH v XS [2019] NZDT 1393 (20 August 2019) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Claim for repair costs / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Respondent struck door of parked car while driving / Insurer seeking cost of repair for Applicant's car / Issue whether Respondent opened car door in a manner which created a hazard / Issue whether Applicant contributed by failing to keep a proper lookout or driving too close to parked cars / Found that Respondent did open door with oncoming traffic / Unable to make finding that Applicant contributed due to limited evidence / Respondent to pay $3,191.22

  21. D Ltd v EB Ltd [2019] NZDT 1514 (13 August 2019) [PDF, 130 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered contract with Respondent where Respondent was to provide support services for Applicant’s computers / Applicant considered it had been overcharged by fee being calculated on the number of computers involved rather than the number of staff / Applicant claimed $15,000.00 for estimated overpayment / Held: reasonable interpretation of ‘supported computer’ included all computers on Applicant’s site regardless of whether or not staff members were using them / Respondent not liable to pay any part of amount claimed Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  22. TH v BG Ltd [2019] NZDT 1515 (12 August 2019) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Construction law / ss 40, 362I, 362N and 362O Building Act 2004 / Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out work underpinning the foundations of their house / Respondent did not obtain building consent before completing work / Applicant claims $5,389.63, including refund of $2,000.00 payment and cost of follow-up assessment / Held: Underpinning work required building consent / Respondent breached warranty that building work will comply with all laws and legal requirements / Breach substantial, Applicant entitled to compensation for diminution in value and reasonably foreseeable consequential losses / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,389.63

  23. MD v D Ltd [2019] NZDT 1513 (12 August 2019) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / s 36 Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased from Respondent club credits to the value of $6,320.00 plus GST in respect of boat charter services / Applicant also paid club fee of $500.00 plus GST / Charter services not provided and refund did not occur / Applicant claims amount paid of $7,843.00 plus interest / Held: parties to contract were Applicant and Respondent / Respondent did not perform its obligations under the contract / Applicant was entitled to cancel the contract / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $5,615.75