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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. HM v BTO Ltd [2020] NZDT 1385 (4 May 2020) [PDF, 248 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased kitset wood fired hot tub from Respondent / Applicant unable to assemble it / Applicant engaged another party to assemble it but it leaked / Respondent argued Applicant allowed the wooden components to get wet and that was why it leaked / Whether tub was of acceptable quality and fit for purpose / What remedy was available to the Applicant / Held: tub was not of acceptable quality and not fit for purpose / Assembly instructions were poor / No warning on instructions about wood getting damp / Applicant entitled to consequential losses as a result of failure of the tub/ Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,148.00

  2. VT Ltd v BN [2020] NZDT 1535 (30 April 2020) [PDF, 131 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicants to assess and report on damaged foundations of their house as part of joint site visit for insurance proceedings / Applicants claim $9,550.75 for work and interest / Applicant claims did not have contract with Respondents and counterclaims for $2,490.90 alleging Applicants did not complete work with reasonable care and skill / Held: Applicant has contract with Respondent / Genuine error in company name does not relieve obligation to pay / Held: comments included in report inappropriate and compensation owed to Respondent / Held: all work completed and travel costs incurred by Applicants were required to complete contract brief / Held: Applicants entitled to cancel contract / Respondent repudiated contract when expressed intention to perform obligations in substantially different way to that agreed / Held: Applicants entitled to claim interest and amount claimed reasonable / Outcome: Respondent to pay $8,637.50 to Applicants

  3. EI v TB [2020] NZDT 1699 (19 March 2020) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was making a right turn when a collision occurred with a motorcycle being ridden by Respondent / Respondent was travelling along the flush median strip passing on the right of stationary traffic intending to rejoin once he was closer to a roundabout  / Applicant’s car was damaged as a result of the collision / Applicant claims $2,563.74 representing the loss of repairing his car / Held: Respondent caused the collision to occur and was therefore negligent / Applicant did not cause or contribute to the collision / Respondent is liable to pay the amount claimed / Claim allowed / Counter claim dismissed, Respondent to pay $2,563.74 to Applicant  

  4. EI v TB [2020] NZDT 401 (19 March 2020) [PDF, 130 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was making a right turn when a collision occurred with a motorcycle being ridden by Respondent / Respondent was travelling along the flush median strip passing on the right of stationary traffic intending to rejoin once he was closer to a roundabout  / Applicant’s car was damaged as a result of the collision / Applicant claims $2,563.74 representing the loss of repairing his car / Held: Respondent caused the collision to occur and was therefore negligent / Applicant did not cause or contribute to the collision / Respondent is liable to pay the amount claimed / Claim allowed / Counter claim dismissed, Respondent to pay $2,563.74 to Applicant  

  5. IC v GN [2020] NZDT 1512 (19 March 2020) [PDF, 149 KB]

    Contract / Respondents advised Applicant insurance company that a vehicle belonging to them had been stolen / Vehicle not recovered / Applicant paid out claim of $9570.15, met cost of rental car / Vehicle located at Respondents' property / Applicant claims $11,185.10 for amount paid out under claim, and costs of rental vehicle, towing, investigation / Held: claim for loss of vehicle fraudulent / Claim allowed, Respondents to pay Applicant $11,185.10

  6. BB v DN Ltd [2020] NZDT 1533 (18 March 2020) [PDF, 173 KB]

    Contract / Applicant took out insurance policy with Respondent for a holiday / Applicant made claim for loss of a watch and jewellery / Respondent denied claim / Whether Applicant suffered loss claimed / Held: unable to reach a finding on the balance of probabilities that Applicant suffered loss claimed / Inconsistent account from Applicant in combination with other factors in insurance investigator’s report raise uncertainty / Claim dismissed

  7. BT v KG [2020] NZDT 1457 (16 March 2020) [PDF, 223 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased an advertised Rolex Submariner watch through Respondent / Watch sent to Rolex Australia for service and found to be non-genuine / Respondent purchased the watch from the original seller believing at the time of sale the watch was genuine /  Applicant claims refund of $14, 350.00 for the purchase price of watch from Respondent as had no contract with the original seller / Held: Relief granted under s28 of CCLA and dealt with as a contractual mistake / Held: Applicant entitled to refund / Respondent to pay Applicant sum of $14,350.00 / Watch to be returned by Applicant to Respondent / Costs incurred in the return of the watch to be covered by Applicant

  8. LN v TD Ltd [2020] NZDT 1466 (13 March 2020) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) 1993 / Applicant purchased sofa bed from Respondent / estimated delivery date January 2019 / delays in supply / Applicant cancelled contract and requested refund 11 July 2019 / Respondent delivered sofa bed 16 July 2019 / Respondent refused Applicant’s request to remove sofa / Applicant organised for sofa to be donated to Salvation Army / Applicant claims they were entitled to cancel contract and receive $999.00 refund / Applicant claims they were entitled to dispose of sofa / Held: Applicant entitled to cancel contract / s 5A CGA requires consumer receives goods in reasonable time / Held: Applicant not entitled to dispose of sofa / immediate disposal does not constitute reasonable care of goods / claim dismissed.

  9. TT v HQ and KG [2020] NZDT 1700 (11 March 2020) [PDF, 220 KB]

    Contract / Disputes Tribunal Act / Applicant purchased property from Respondent’s / Applicant considers work was carried out without obtaining the requisite consent / Applicant claims $3956.00 representing surveying costs and architectural draughting costs / Respondent counter claims for $2,304.50 against the Applicant in respect of legal costs incurred / Held: on balance of probabilities a building consent was obtained for the erection of the original deck / No consent was required for the deck upgrade/repair carried out / Respondent not in breach of warranty under sale and purchase agreement / Legal costs do not fall within the category of costs the Tribunal has jurisdiction to award / Claim dismissed, counter claim dismissed.  

  10. FU Ltd v TB Ltd [2020] NZDT 1394 (4 March 2020) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent performed WOF inspection for Applicant / Applicant sold vehicle / Vehicle wheel bearing seized while Purchaser was driving causing crash / Applicant contends problem must have been evident during WOF / Did Respondent perform service with reasonable care and skill / Held: Respondent supplied service under CGA even though no contract between Respondent and Purchaser / Statutory guarantees contained in CGA apply / Held: Respondent did not perform service with reasonable care and skill / On balance problems would have been noticeable during WOF / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $1559.24 to Applicant.

  11. ZG Ltd v KJ Ltd [2020] NZDT 1386 (4 March 2020) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Respondent agreed to update Applicant’s website / Applicant claimed work was not done in a timely manner and work done did not justify hours Respondent spent / Applicant cancelled contact and sought a refund of $15,000.00 / Applicant also claimed refund of $270.95 for e-commerce Theme which they paid for separately which was the wrong Theme / Whether Respondent breached contract entitling the Applicant to cancel / If so, whether Applicant was entitled to refund / Whether Respondent was entitled to refund for Theme / Held: not proven that Respondent was not doing work was contracted to do / Claim in relation to refund dismissed / Respondent confirmed that it ordered wrong Theme and Applicant paid for it / Respondent ordered to refund Applicant $270.95 / Claim dismissed.

  12. Council v HL [2020] NZDT1493 (27 February 2020) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Liability / Respondent lost control of vehicle and damaged council traffic light pole / Applicant claims cost to make damaged traffic light pole safe and replace it / Respondent claims suffering bipolar manic episode at time and therefore not liable / Held: Respondent liable for cost of damage / English and Australian cases show person must be completely incapacitated as result of disability to be absolved from liability / Respondent still able to carry out function of driving / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,976.93. 

  13. MD v KM Ltd [2020] NZDT 1328 (30 January 2020) [PDF, 242 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought a pony from Respondent for her daughter / Pony had a substantial bucking habit which was not able to be resolved / Applicant claimed refund of the purchase price and costs associated with transport and upkeep of pony / Respondent claimed that the Applicant waited too long after purchase to raise concerns, was advised of pony’s tendency to buck, had caused an escalation of issue by delaying remedial work, had not viewed the horse or explained purpose pony was sought / Held: pony was misdescribed in advertisement / Pony was not of acceptable quality per Consumer Guarantees Act 1993  / Applicant entitled to reject the pony and get a refund / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $5,000.00 / Respondent to arrange collection of pony / Ownership of the pony re-vested in Respondent

  14. BB Ltd OD Ltd v ED Ltd [2019] NZDT 1532 (18 December 2019) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Tort / Detinue / Personal Property Securities Act 1999 / Applicant supplied vehicle to third party under a Vehicle Supply and Security Agreement / Third party failed to pay purchase price of Toyota Prius and subsequently went into liquidation / Vehicle in possesion of Respondent who has refused delivery of vehicle until storage fees paid / Applicants claim right to possession under the Security Agreement and PPSA / Respondent claims right to hold vehicle until storage charges paid and has lien over vehicle / Held: Applicant had sufficient interest in vehicle to claim in detinue / Applicant’s security interest in vehicle registered under PPSA and entitled to take possession under s 109 / Held: Respondent does not have lien over vehicle and is obliged to return vehicle to Applicant  

  15. TO Ltd v DD Ltd [2019] NZDT 1462 (11 December 2019) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant engaged Respondent to provide packaging for natural sunscreen products / Applicant and Respondent agreed upon foil sealed plastic tubes / Applicant did not test samples / Applicant did not sign condition of sale acknowledgement of having received and tested samples /  foil seals did not hold once production began / Applicant claims Respondent responsible for failure of foils / Applicant claims $14,999.00 for losses associated with failed seals / Held: Respondent not responsible for failure of foils / condition of sale indicated Respondent would not take responsibility / claim dismissed.

  16. BS v TT [2019] NZDT 1485 (5 December 2019) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Contract / Quasi-contract / Parties were previously in an relationship /  Respondent used Applicant’s online account to purchase a phone plus insurance without her permission / Applicant claimed the total charge of $1,714.95 plus her filing fee from the Respondent / Applicant undertaken to pay the balance of the money owing to the phone provider once payment for phone is made / Whether the Respondent used the Applicant’s account to purchase the phone / Whether the Respondent was legally obliged to reimburse the Applicant / Held: evidence suggested that Respondent accessed the Applicant’s account to purchase a phone together with insurance / Respondent said phone provider had compelled her to make payments for the phone / Unconscionable for the Respondent to retain this benefit without payment / Respondent obliged under law of quasi-contract to reimburse the Applicant for the full amount of the charges to her account / Applicant cannot recover Tribunal filing fee in this instance / Resp…

  17. MW v EF Ltd [2019] NZDT 1304 (4 December 2019) [PDF, 248 KB]

    Contract / Respondent invited Applicant to join an advisory board for their company / No formal contract / Applicant claims Respondent agreed to pay for advisory board work and additional consulting work, and at the same daily rate / Held: lack of agreed terms, genuine misunderstanding about intentions / Consulting work outside of role of advisory board member and there was clear instruction to carry it out / Claim allowed for advisory board work and quantum meruit claim awarded for consulting work / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,408.64.

  18. W v D [2019] NZDT 1362 (29 November 2019) [PDF, 220 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased property from respondent / Power cables laid by contractor of respondent were actually on neighbours property / Applicant claims the cost to purchase the piece of land from neighbour, boundary consultant fees, legal costs, land transfer and LINZ fees / Held: no breach of sale and purchase agreement / Electrical cabling not laid on the applicant’s property / No remedy available to applicant / Claim dismissed

  19. KD v NI Ltd [2019] NZDT 1361 (29 November 2019) [PDF, 262 KB]

    Contract / Building Act 2004 / Pooling of water at rear of property / Water not draining away from retaining wall effectively / Applicant claims damages to remedy drainage problem / Held: No jurisdiction to hear claim against second respondent / Absence of connection between draining provision and cesspits represents a breach of warranties contained in the Building Act 2004 / First respondent to pay damages to applicant / Claim against first respondent allowed / Claim against second respondent struck out

  20. X v S [2019] NZDT 1525 (20 November 2019) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Contract / s 24 Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant served a Fencing Notice on the Respondents relating to the erection of a fence on the boundary between their respective properties / Parties unable to reach agreement about height of fence / Held: fence to be constructed on boundary of parties properties / Last 9m to be no higher than 1.8m / Palings of remainder of fence to be placed on Applicant’s side of fence / Fence may deviate from boundary to protect tree / Respondent’s to pay 50% of their share of cost once fencing materials delivered / All parties to obtain individual construction quotes / Fence to comply with all provisions of the District Plan.