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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. CW Ltd v KI [2020] NZDT 1359 (21 October 2020) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicant to print 100 copies of a book / Internal cover page printed as book’s main cover / Respondent paid for 10 copies, returned and refused payment for remaining 90 copies / Applicant claimed $1,148.47, being the unpaid invoice amount plus contractual interest charges / Held: books were printed and supplied in accordance with the contract / books were consistent with the quotation in terms of number of pages and with the final proof the Respondent approved / Respondent liable to pay invoiced amount / Claim allowed, contractual interest not awarded / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1044.75, Applicant ordered to deliver remaining books to Respondent

  2. NT v HS [2020] NZDT 1312 (21 October 2020) [PDF, 270 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1983 / Applicant purchased racehorse from Respondent via an online auction / Horse was found to be lame after delivery to Applicant and took time to recover / Although Applicant took a chance purchasing an older racehorse he could reasonably expect that the horse would have feet in rideable condition / Extent of issues with the horse must have related to a pre-existing condition at the time of sale / Applicant claimed refund costs plus remedial costs or, alternatively, remedial costs plus training fees to bring horse back into work / Held: Consumer Guarantees Act 1983 applies to sales by auction / The horse recovered and is of acceptable quality / The applicant was not in trade and the Respondent could not contract out of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1983 therefore it covers the state of lameness on arrival of the horse / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay applicant $742.00.

  3. ET v XS [2020] NZDT 1450 (16 October 2020) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Consumer protection / Misleading or deceptive conduct / Applicant purchased foreign exchange trading software from Respondent, who was acting as agent for US-based company / In April 2020, Applicant put $3408.10 in trading account / Within a month, most money in the account was gone / Applicant withdrew remaining $679.32 / Applicant claims $3000.00 from Respondent, being his losses from trading while using the software / Held, Respondent’s conduct was not misleading or deceptive / Communication between parties occurred in a context where some knowledge of the risks of foreign exchange trading could be presumed, and included disclaimers that such trading is at the customer’s own risk / No evidence the software product was faulty / claim dismissed.

  4. GL Ltd v MD [2020] NZDT 1369 (14 October 2020) [PDF, 208 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant entered into a contract with Respondent for employment advocacy services after Respondent was made redundant from part-time job / Applicant claims $4,338.13 in total for termination fee, debt collection and filing fee / Held: Applicant has not proven Respondent terminated the contract / Applicant not entitled to charge termination fees / Contract cancelled due to Applicant's repudiation / Respondent not liable to pay any fees to Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  5. BD v DS Ltd [2020] NZDT 1504 (14 October 2020) [PDF, 134 KB]

    Contract / Applicant says Respondent knowingly and deliberately supplied under specification concrete rendering purpose built building unsuitable for purpose for which it was built / Applicant claims $30,000.00 to replace concrete / Held: no evidence that strength issues with concrete causes issues for Applicant as other factors identified / Applicant has not proved on balance that Respondent provided under specification concrete, claim dismissed

  6. TB v DF Ltd [2020] NZDT 1370 (9 October 2020) [PDF, 227 KB]

    Contract / Breach of contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant paid $885.54 for two tickets to an Elton John concert / Applicant attended concert / Performer had walking pneumonia so could only play 14 of his 24 playlist / Respondent was promoter of concert / Applicant claimed partial refund of $440.00 for the concert tickets / Whether there was a breach of contract / Whether Applicant was entitled to a remedy / Held: Respondent knew before concert that Elton John was unwell / Concert should have cancelled or postponed / Respondent chose to proceed so had to guarantee that the concert was reasonably fit for purpose and of a reasonable nature and quality / Respondent has breached guarantee and therefore contract / Highly unlikely reasonable person acquainted with Elton John’s condition would have purchased tickets to the concert / Applicant entitled to claimed amount / Respondent ordered to pay $440.00 to Applicant / Claim allowed

  7. BN v AW [2020] NZDT 1480 (8 October 2020) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Property / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondent own adjoining properties / Applicant removed fence between the properties and send a fencing notice to Respondent proposing a new 1.8m fence and sough 50% contribution of costs of replacing fence / Respondent issued a cross notice disputing any contribution as fence had been removed before fencing notice issued / Respondent claims pre-existing fence adequate /  Applicant seeks orders to determine if pre-existing fence was adequate and contribution to replacement fence / Held: It cannot be properly assessed if pre-existing fence was inadequate as it was removed by Applicant prior to determination / Claim dismissed

  8. IX Group Ltd v UU Ltd [2020] NZDT 1375 (8 October 2020) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Second Respondent to provide platform for streaming services / Problems with platform / Applicant claimed for service costs and costs for getting platform operational / Second Respondent counterclaimed for outstanding service charges / Second Respondent contended that the platform was operational and instructions not followed correctly / Whether there was a breach of contract / Whether remedies were available / Held: issues related to slow internet connection and instructions incorrectly followed / No breach of contract by Second Respondent / Applicant breached contract by not making payments / Claim dismissed / Counter-claim granted / Applicant to pay Second Respondent $5,459.63 for outstanding invoices.

  9. UQD Ltd v KN [2020] NZDT 1415 (30 September 2020) [PDF, 225 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent negligently caused damage to applicant’s 1994 Nissan Largo van / Original Disputes Tribunal hearing assessed losses as $5500 for damage to van and $1980 for storage costs / Applicant claims these amounts were insufficient, as they failed to account for modifications to the van, loss of hire income, or costs / Held: Applicant entitled to be restored to the position it was in prior to the collision, including modifications / loss of hire income not reasonably foreseeable / costs related to insurance Ombudsman dismissed / travel costs allowed / claim allowed in part, Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2172.40

  10. OH Ltd v NI Ltd [2020] NZDT 1320 (30 September 2020) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Applicant supplied and maintained doors to a supermarket / Contract was originally with one company then interest transferred to Respondent / Contract ended and doors were removed by Applicant per contract / Costs for removal of doors in dispute / Applicant claimed Respondent responsible for costs of removal of doors under contract / Respondent claimed no proof of terms regarding removal in contract / Held: contract required Respondent to pay for removal of doors only where contract terminated due to breach by Respondent / Removal costs not recoverable as contract came to end when fixed term ended / Claim dismissed

  11. DC and SN v KH [2020] NZDT 1449 (23 September 2020) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Negligence / Whether Respondent negligently caused damage to Applicant’s vehicle / Applicant and Respondent were drivers in a minor motor vehicle collision / Respondent was reversing down a driveway when Applicant was driving along road / Parties dispute whether collision occurred on the road or on the driveway / Applicant’s insurer claims $4781.78 being the cost of repair to their vehicle / Held: collision occurred on driveway as Applicant moved off road to avoid the witness’ vehicle / Respondent was entitled to reverse down driveway, and therefore did not act negligently / Claim dismissed

  12. TN v JH and GG [2020] 1321 NZDT (14 September 2020) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants purchased a used car from the Respondents for $1800.00 / Respondents made misleading statements about condition of car in Facebook ad / Car could not obtain Warrant of Fitness without significant structural work / Estimated wreck value of car is $350.00 / Applicants claim a refund of the purchase price of the car / Respondents claim the car was sold “as is where is” / Held: Respondents misrepresented the car / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 provides some protection for purchasers of goods in private sales / Applicants have suffered a loss / Claim allowed, Respondents ordered to pay Applicants $1450.00.

  13. TT v KU [2020] NZDT 1324 (9 September 2020) [PDF, 230 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993/ Applicant bought a pony from Respondent / Pony bolted, bucked and exhibited dangerous behaviour contrary to advertisement about being easy to ride / Applicant claims pony not suitable to be ridden by daughter, requests refund of purchase price and to return pony to Respondent / Respondent claims pony as described in advertisement and issues were due to manner Respondent maintained, rode, or fed pony / Held: pony sold in trade therefore subject to guarantees under CGA / Pony not of acceptable quality / Applicant not able to reject pony as outside reasonable time to do so and had been returned to Applicant / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5320.00 / Applicant may keep or sell pony

  14. KOK Ltd v MXL Ltd [2020] NZDT 1503 (31 August 2020) [PDF, 127 KB]

    Contract / Context of sublease between Applicant and Respondent / Applicant was head lessee of shopping centre which included a shop leased by Respondent / Applicant claims for shortfall in rent payments, cleaning costs and electricity charges / Applicant’s total claim amounts to $28,473.74 / Respondent counterclaims for a rent refund and cost of the air-conditioning unit and water cylinder / Respondent’s counterclaim amounts to $16,009.67 / Held: Amount of rent owed by Respondent was $952.78 / Respondent must pay $2,817.50 for remedial costs / Respondent fails in claim relating to air-conditioning unit and water cylinder / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $3,770.28

  15. BG Ltd v EE & DE [2020] NZDT 1557 (26 August 2020) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (CCCFA) / Applicant made two loans to Respondents / Respondents unable to repay loans / Applicant tried to repossess security but did not / Applicant claims $4,074.14 on first loan and $3,080.74 on second loan / Whether Applicant acted responsibly in making loans, whether all disclosures made correctly, whether fees reasonable, whether Applicant breached legal requirements regarding repossession, what sum is payable, if any / Held: Applicant failed to comply with lender responsibility principles in relation to either Respondent / Held: Applicant failed to comply with requirements for subsequent disclosures / Held: entry onto Respondent premises without correct notices and documentation in breach of CCCFA Part 3A / Held: unpaid balances of both loans offset by damages recoverable by Respondents for breaches by Applicant / Claims dismissed            

  16. DG Ltd v ID Ltd [2020] NZDT 1441 (24 August 2020) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Contract / Quasi-contract / Respondent engaged to work on property occupied by Applicant / Respondent asked Applicant if it could take water from their property / Applicant consented / Applicant asked Respondent to spray land to get rid of gorse / Respondent agreed / Respondent sent invoice to Applicant of $552 / Applicant said it was under no obligation to pay as spraying was in exchange for water / Applicant sent invoice for use of water / Applicant claimed not required to pay invoice from Respondent and sought declaration of non-liability / Held: no contract was formed / A person cannot accept an offer they do not know about / Unique circumstances and benefit received by Applicant meant an amount should be paid / Some compensation for costs of doing job was reasonable / Requiring a payment of $300 was fair in the circumstances / Applicant ordered to pay $300 to Respondent / claim dismissed.

  17. NL v KS Ltd [2020] NZDT 1477 (21 August 2020) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Negligence / Duty of care / Truck owned by Respondent struck an overhanging branch that caused damage to the Applicant’s car / Claim initially against Respondent / Respondent contended that Council was at fault because overhanging tree limb was rotten / Claim was for $3,388.22 / Who was responsible for the damage / Held: duty of care on driver of truck owned by Respondent / Also duty of care on Council in relation to trees on suburban streets / Insufficient evidence to show that the Council had breached its duty of care / Evidence suggested driver of the truck was negligent and therefore Respondent responsible for the damage / Cost relating to towing queried / Cost relating to the balance of the claim were reasonable / Respondent ordered to pay $3,311.40 to insurer B Ltd / Claim allowed

  18. KD and FO v LWF Ltd [2020] NZDT 1446 (19 August 2020) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant contracted with Respondent to hold their wedding at Respondent’s wedding venue / Applicant paid Respondent a deposit of $1,500.00 and a further $5000.00 / Contract was frustrated by the Level-4 COVID-19 lockdown announcement on 23 March 2020 / Applicant claims a full refund of $6,500.00, Respondent seeks to off-set payments made against overhead expenses of $7054.74 / Held: s 61 of the CCLA provides for the Applicant to be refunded as the starting point / Respondent retains some of the payments as there was an intangible benefit to the Applicants in incurring overhead expense costs / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay $5039.27

  19. IN Ltd v JT [2020] NZDT 1417 (12 August 2020) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Breach of contract / Consumer rights / Consumer Guarantees Act 1983 / Respondent stayed at Applicant’s respite care facility during a period of illness / Applicant invoiced Respondent for a 12 night stay, Respondent paid 6 nights due to perceived deficiencies in care provided / Applicant claims $962.40 for the unpaid balance of 6 nights / Respondent counter-claims requesting non-liability for debt collection costs / Held: Applicant did not breach the Consumer Guarantees Act requirement to provide services with reasonable care and skill / Respondent liable to pay outstanding balance invoiced / Dispute known by Applicant prior to commencement of debt collection process / Debt collection does not proceed where there is a known dispute / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay $962.40 / Counter-claim allowed, Respondent not liable to pay debt collection costs.

  20. UC and NT Family Trust v TT Ltd [2020] NZDT 1497 (11 August 2020) [PDF, 137 KB]

    Contract / Property / Applicants claimed $4063.74 for balance of rental they argued was owing at Covid-19 Level 3 as well as valuation and legal costs / Whether Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear claim / Whether there was a settlement as to rent to be paid / Whether the Trust could recover valuation and legal costs / Held: dispute over settlement meant Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear the claim / there was settlement as to the rent / Therefore the Applicants cannot recover for the balance of the rent / Reduction of rent during Covid-19 not an enforcement matter / Applicants cannot recover the valuation and legal costs / claim dismissed.

  21. TN v LI [2020] NZDT 1325 (11 August 2020) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Contract / Applicant rehomed cat using agency / Respondent fostered cat prior to committing to full adoption / Applicant sought return of cat due to concerns about Respondent / Respondent refused to return cat after deciding to adopt it / Applicant filed claim seeking return of cat / Held: law of contract applies though no written agreement between parties / Held: parties agreed to terms including Respondent taking cat as foster arrangement, adopting if arrangement worked / Held: Applicant not entitled to demand return of cat or visitation rights / Claim dismissed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $250.00 / Ownership of cat vested in Respondent.

  22. BT v DC [2020] NZDT 1334 (10 August 2020) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Quasi-contract / Applicant paid the sum of $3,580.00 to a friend for him to hold on her behalf / Account to which money was transferred was joint account with Respondent / Respondent claimed she thought money was wage subsidy payment and transferred it to her account / Respondent subsequently returned $1,900.00 to friend and used remainder of money to pay off credit card / Applicant seeks payment of the balance of $1,680.00 / Tribunal has jurisdiction in quasi-contract despite no contractual obligation between parties or no physical damage to property / Quasi-contract arises when one party said to be unjustly enriched at the expense of another and is required as if there was a contract to make restitution to injured party / Held: Respondent liable to return money / Held: when Respondent transferred funds to her account she knew they belonged to Applicant therefore Respondent cannot claim funds received and used in good faith / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,680.…

  23. EJ v BC [2020] NZDT 1431 [PDF, 215 KB]

    Negligence / Breach of duty of care / Contributory negligence / Assessment of reasonable losses / Applicant and respondent were drivers in a motor vehicle collision / Collision occurred when Applicant was driving on flush median, Respondent turned right from a driveway on applicant’s left, and there was a queue of stationary vehicles between them / Cars of both parties sustained damage / Applicant claims $5885.75 / Respondent and respondent insurer counter-claim $6080.00 / Held: No breach of duty of care for future actions, therefore Applicant did not breach their duty of care, Respondent fully liable for the collision / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay $5885.75

  24. QC Ltd (in liquidation) v WD Ltd [2020] NZDT 1326 (4 August 2020) [PDF, 213 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contract with Respondent to undertake building work / Applicant went into liquidation / Director of Applicant continued building work as sole trader / Director invoiced Respondent for work done pre-dating liquidation / Respondent paid Director for that work / Applicant claims payment should have been made for that work direct to Applicant / Respondent claimed costs of the proceedings / Held: contract was between Applicant and Respondent / Held: payment to Director did not amount to payment to Applicant for amount owed / Applicant entitled to payment but it is reasonable to share responsibility of payment / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $800.00 to Applicant / Counter claim not allowed / Respondent not entitled to costs

  25. CC Ltd v SH [2020] NZDT 1548 (3 August 2020) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Respondent contracted Applicant to construct a horse arena / Respondent made two progress payments but refused to pay balance owing as unhappy with standard of work / Applicant claims balance owing of $11,500 / Respondent counterclaims $15,000 in damages / Whether the capping layer constructed to an acceptable standard and what sum, if any, payable between parties / Held: implied term of verbal contract that work would be done to reasonable professional standard and area would be fit for purpose / Held: capping layer not constructed to acceptable standard and result is not fit for purpose / Counter claim allowed / Applicant ordered to pay $14,794.50 to Respondent