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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. TO Ltd v TX [2020] NZDT 1360 (11 December 2020) [PDF, 255 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Variation of contract / Reasonable price / Respondent engaged Applicant to provide landscaping services at his home / Applicant provided Respondent a written scope of works priced as a “provisional estimate” / A variation order was issued to reflect a change in materials for a path from concrete to stone / During project disputes arose over quality of work and amounts being invoiced / Applicant claims unpaid invoices of $18,306.22 / Respondent counter-claims $30,000 representing sums over-paid and remedial costs / Held: no meeting of the minds with respect to the variation of the total price for the stone path / Applicant’s variation order was not clear or consistent with other comparable pricing for paving with the same product / Respondent claims “remedial” work not carried out by Applicant but was charged in provisional estimate / Held: reduction for remedial work in the overall claim per terms of “reasonable price” under s 31 of the CGA / C…

  2. NO v Council [2020] NZDT 1474 (9 December 2020) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s hot water cylinder leaked and had to be replaced / Applicant claims cause was Respondent’s act of chlorinating water supply / Applicant claims cylinder replacement cost of $2,167.75 / Held: Respondent was not negligent in adding chlorine to water supply / Amount added well within New Zealand drinking water standards / Levels were frequently monitored / Held: Insufficient evidence to prove more likely than not that chlorine caused cylinder to fail when it did / Claim dismissed 

  3. KN v BT [2020] NZDT 1365 (9 December 2020) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondent own neighbouring properties which share 12m of a 26m length of fence / A 12m length of fence fell in a storm / Applicant and Respondent agreed in principle that the entire length of fence needed replacing / Parties disagreed on building the new fence / Respondent built and paid for a 12m length of fence between the properties / Applicant continued building the remaining length of fencing between the properties / Applicant claims $2836.25 for half of the cost of the fence and removal/temporary repair of old fence / Held: parties did not reach an agreement as to the type and cost of the new fence / Respondent not liable to contribute to costs per s 10(4) of Fencing Act because no notice served before work on new fence began / Claim dismissed

  4. The Estate of UB v KM [2020] NZDT 1322 (3 December 2020) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Failure to comply with guarantee that services be provided with reasonable care and skill / Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out painting work at a property / Applicant claims the work done was substandard / Applicant claims $12,677.86, for cost of remedying work, alleged overcharging and damage to the property / Held: Evidence establishes that the services provided by the Respondent were not of acceptable quality / Respondent therefore failed to comply with the guarantee that services be provided with reasonable care and skill / Overcharging established for GST amount included on one invoice / Damage to carpet established, taking into account depreciation over time / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $8,908.75

  5. EK v 2E Ltd [2020] NZDT 1384 (2 December 2020) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant purchased a refurbished phone for $699.99 from Respondent / Applicant’s daughter dropped the phone into a pool / Afterwards problems with the phone / Applicant returned phone to Respondent for repairs / Respondent refused to repair phone without charging / Applicant alleged phone was marketed as being waterproof but was not / Applicant claimed original cost of the phone / Whether Respondent engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct / If so, whether amount claimed was reasonable / Held: Respondent’s website did not state that refurbished phones are not as durable nor that the warranty did not cover water damage / Respondent engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct / Test was how long a reasonable person would expect a refurbished phone to last / Expectation that EK’s phone would last another 26 months / Calculated that Applicant’s phone had 72 percent of its life left / Claim allowed in part / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $503…

  6. FT Ltd v D Ltd [2020] NZDT 1418 (27 November 2020) [PDF, 321 KB]

    Contract / Applicant provided payroll software as a service / Applicant and Respondent entered a Software as a Service Agreement contract / Implementation of payroll software was deferred from agreed timeframe / Software never reached a stage where it was ready for release / Respondent sought to cancel the contract / Applicant did not accept cancellation and sought payment under the contract / Respondent sought reimbursement for its effort and cost in trying to implement the system / Applicant claimed payments due the contract / Respondent counterclaimed for cost of implementation / Whether there was a material breach of the contract by the Applicant / If so, whether the breach entitled the Respondent to cancel the contract / Whether the Applicant was entitled to the sum claimed / Whether the Respondent was entitled to the sum counterclaimed / Held: Failure to deliver the payroll module was a breach of an essential term / Breach of an essential term entitled the Respondent to cancel th…

  7. GT v SGG Ltd & Ors [2017] NZDT 1047 (27 November 2017) [PDF, 83 KB]

    Jurisdiction / applicant purchased trailer to build tiny house / trailer registered in applicant’s name & statement that ownership transferred on payment / seller went into liquidation & trailer & partially built house included in sale of business / whether Tribunal has jurisdiction or whether claim should be transferred to District Court (DC) / whether applicant had title to trailer / whether respondent liquidator liable for conversion / Companies Act 1993, s284 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Held: claim based on property ownership not debt so Tribunal has jurisdiction / Tribunal regularly deals with interpretation of contracts so no need to transfer to DC / trailer in a deliverable state / applicant had title to trailer / ownership transferred on payment & attaching plates signified intention to transfer / respondent liable for conversion / applicant deliberately excluded from possession by respondent / claim allowed / respondent ordered to pay $12,737.05 to applicant.

  8. BI v SQ Incorporated [2020] NZDT 1366 (26 November 2020) [PDF, 210 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant lives adjacent to Respondent / A golf ball travelled from SQ’s property and smashed the front windscreen of Applicant’s car / Respondent's insurance covered windscreen repair itself / Applicant claims additional costs that were necessary for the windscreen to be replaced / Held: the rust was a consequential loss with betterment / Respondent liable to pay a portion of repair costs / Held: low portion of repair costs consequential to Respondent’s negligence / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $100

  9. NI v LNE Ltd [2020] NZDT 1316 (23 November 2020) [PDF, 117 KB]

    Contract / Interpretation of clause relating to installation of water meter / The Infrastructure Growth Charge (IGC) is applied when a property is connected to the water network, including when a property owner applies for a water meter / Respondent was involved in the development of various properties / Applicant purchased a property from the Respondent and applied for the installation of a water meter / Clause 19 of the sale and purchase agreement states the “Vendor is responsible to the installation of the water meter” / Applicant claimed $13,823.00, for the IGC / Held: under the plain meaning rule, cl 19 must be given its ordinary, plain and literal meaning, that the vendor is responsible for the actual installation of the water meter /  Clause 19 therefore does not include the ICG / Claim dismissed.

  10. BU v BH [2020] NZDT 1400 (20 November 2020) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased a car from Respondent in a private sale / Car developed problems / Mechanic determined would cost more to fix than the car was worth / Applicant asked for money back from Respondent / Respondent refused / Applicant claim was for refund of $3,500.00 or for repair costs / Whether the Respondent made a untrue statement about the car / If so whether the untrue statement induced the Applicant to buy the car / If so, what was the costs of repair / Held: unable to find that the Respondent made untrue statements / Claim in misrepresentation fails / Claim dismissed

  11. JC v GCQ Inc [2020] NZDT 1318 (20 November 2020) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Tenancy law / Respondent leased a commercial premise from Applicant / during Level 4 COVID-19 lockdown, Respondent had limited access to the premise, however Respondent’s employees were able to do some work from home / Applicant claims $7,363.70 for balance of rental, penalty interest and legal costs / Held: Arbitration clause in lease does not limit Disputes Tribunal’s ability to hear claim / Respondent’s employees could work from home so a 20% reduction of rent during the Level 4 lockdown was fair / Recovery of legal costs prevented by cl 6.1 of ADLS lease / Claim allowed / Respondent order to pay Applicant $2,129.43

  12. IN & SC v B Ltd [2020] NZDT 1640 (16 November 2020) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Limitation Act 2010 / Incapacity / Applicant purchased unit in a unit title development from the Respondent in a mortgagee sale / Dispute arose over who was to pay outstanding levies owed on unit / Applicant paid levies without prejudice to seek compensation  / Applicant sought $30,000 in levies, interest and costs incurred when levies were paid / Whether the claim was out of time / Whether it was just to allow the claim on the grounds of incapacity / Held:  Applicant filed claim six years after settlement / Respondent was entitled to defend the claim on the grounds that it was out of time / Applicant was incapacitated for periods of time / However, Applicant had capacity to instruct a lawyer during in the six year period before the claim was to be heard / Extension in filing unjust / Late filing of claim delayed the Respondent's ability to defend claim / Claim dismissed.

  13. E Ltd v M Ltd [2020] NZDT 1658 (11 November 2020) [PDF, 161 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased avocado seedlings from Respondent / 240 trees died the following season / Respondent offered to replace half of the trees / Applicant did not accept this offer / Applicant seeking compensation for the 240 affected trees / Held: Consumer Guarantees Act applies / Respondent was a supplier and avocado seedlings are goods / Insufficient evidence to show that the trees were had some sort of inherent fault or weakness / More likely that the trees were reasonably healthy and fit for purpose when they were supplied / Claim dismissed

  14. NH v RA Trustees Ltd [2020] NZDT 1373 (11 November 2020) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant approached Respondent regarding replacement of fence between properties / Respondent proposed replacement of parts of fence / Parties could not come to an agreement / Applicant sent quote from fencing contractor on 1 February 2020 / Applicant sent formal fencing notice on 21 February 2020 / Respondent replied wanting to undertake repairs at own costs / Applicant claims half share of fencing quotation / Held: existing fencing not adequate / Quotation provided by Applicant reasonable for length and type of fence / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1449.00

  15. FB and QB v HD Ltd [2021] NZDT 1445 (10 November 2020) [PDF, 264 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants booked cycle tour through Respondents / Country became restricted due to COVID-19 pandemic / Respondent offered three options: transfer booking, continue tour or cancel and receive 50% refund / Applicant claims contract was frustrated / Applicant claims $14,066.91 for refund plus legal costs / Held: contract was not intended to cover event in question / Held: contract frustrated due to events outside control of both parties / Applicants therefore entitled to refund of money paid for tour / Held: Respondent entitled to retain $9,340 being reasonable overhead and business expenses / Held: claim for legal costs dismissed as not agreed to in contract or fitting in specific circumstances / Outcome: Respondent ordered to refund balance of $4,613.91.

  16. WQ Ltd v ND Ltd [2020] NZDT 1323 (10 November 2020) [PDF, 152 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged Applicant as a subcontractor to complete plumbing work / Applicant claims $15,548.84 owed under various unpaid invoices, plus interest / Respondent counter-claims that Applicant overcharged for work done and did not complete work / counter-claim struck out as issue previously determined in the Building Disputes Tribunal / Held: likely that Applicant did not receive the conditions of sub contract / even if Applicant breached contract, no evidence Respondent suffered loss or would have otherwise been entitled to damages / Applicant owed amounts detailed in outstanding invoices / Applicant not entitled to interest / claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $15,548.84

  17. MC v OJ Ltd [2020] NZDT 1490 (31 October 2020) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Breach of contract / Applicant enrolled in Personal Trainer course with Respondent / Course shifted to online delivery due to lockdown / Applicant unable to participate in course due to child care commitments / Applicant requested to defer course or receive refund and Respondent declined / Applicant claimed Respondent breached contract by failing to provide course / Applicant claimed $4,495.00 refund / Respondent counterclaimed the sum of $4,495.00 / Whether Applicant withdrew from the course / Whether the Respondent breached the contract by failing to provide the course / What amount, if any, either party was entitled to / Held: Applicant did not withdraw from course and was only offered access to the introductory class /  Respondent breached contract by failing to provide course / Respondent to pay Applicant $4,495.00 / counter-claim dismissed / claim allowed.

  18. MB v NQ [2020] NZDT 1374 (30 October 2020) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Respondent engaged employment advocacy firm to act for her / Applicant became Respondent’s advocate for mediation / On morning of mediation Applicant informed Respondent he was no longer working for firm / Following mediation Applicant requested Respondent agree in writing to terms of engagement / Respondent advised Applicant she did not wish him to act for her / Applicant claims $1221.88 for work done regarding mediation / Held: no direct contract formed between Applicant and Respondent at any stage / Applicant did not make explicit to Respondent that new contract was required if he was to continue to act for her / Respondent did not engage Applicant through her conduct allowing him to attend mediation / Held: Respondent not liable for claim / Claim dismissed

  19. UB and DB v ND [2020] NZDT 1391 (29 October 2020) [PDF, 230 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant hired marquee from Respondent / Applicant claims damages caused by ballooning of marquee, water pooling and compensation for early lowering during a wedding reception / Held: water pooling on the marquee indication marquee had not been erected with reasonable care and skill / Held: Applicant followed instructions of Respondent attempting to lower and adjust marquee poles to fix flat areas where water was pooling / Held: wind speed not a significant factor to problems which arose / Held: Respondent failed to provide marquee hire and installation with reasonable care and skill, Applicant entitled to remedy under the Consumer Guarantees Act / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3078.88

  20. SG v H Ltd [2020] NZDT 1327 (29 October 2020) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant formed company to provide finance for new companies / Applicant occasionally lent own money to company and was typically repaid by the Respondent / Applicant resigned and discovered he was owed payment of $7,025.29 from Respondent / Applicant submitted claim for repayment of the sum / Respondent claims that Applicant signed a confirmation on his resignation that the Respondent does not owe him any money and he has no other claims against Respondent / Held: resignation letter binding contract / Claim dismissed.

  21. NC & CC v FU Ltd [2020] NZDT 1389 (28 October 2020) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased bathroomware from Respondents / After six months the products showed wear / Applicants sent photo to Respondents advising of issue / Respondent claimed issue was due to wear and tear / Applicant claims costs for product refund, retiling and plumbing costs / Held: there is a failure of guarantee of acceptable quality as the goods are not durable / Held: Applicant’s have right to reject the goods and claim a refund and other foreseeable losses resulting from the failure / Claim allowed: Respondent ordered to pay $1694.00 to Applicants.