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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. EF v G Ltd NZDT [2021] 1530 (24 February 2021) [PDF, 229 KB]

    Contract / Payment / Applicant entered into a contract with Respondent to complete an online personal training course / Respondent was liquidated and company sold to a third party / Third party seeks outstanding fees from Applicant, Applicant claims no money is owned to third party / Held: Insufficient evidence to show intention on part of Applicant and original Respondent to consent to the novation of the rights and obligation under the contract to a third party / Purported novation requires consent of Applicant which was not contained in terms of contract nor obtained from Applicant / No contract between Applicant and Respondent / Respondents counterclaim dismissed / Applicant not liable to pay $1, 846.39

  2. L Family Trust Limited v KM [2021] NZDT 1319 (24 February 2021) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Cross-lease / Applicant and Respondent are neighbours in a cross-lease property made up of one building divided into two flats / Terms of the cross-lease require each unit to pay half the cost of repairs and maintenance of the building, including the roof / Applicant considers Respondent has not kept up responsibilities under terms of cross-lease / Applicant claims Respondent’s roof needs to be repaired and repainted, exterior walls of flat repainted to original colour and shared fence to be painted / Held: terms of cross-lease require roof to be repaired and repainted / Held: requirement of “high standard” in terms of cross-lease do not apply to fence, no obligation on Respondent to contribute to painting it / Respondent entitled to paint exterior walls of their flat / Respondent ordered to repair roof and arrange painting with Applicant / Respondent to also repaint small shared external wall area.

  3. NA v OI [2021] NZDT 1313 (24 February 2021) [PDF, 255 KB]

    Nuisance / Applicant and Respondent own adjoining properties / On three occasions trees on Respondent’s property fell and caused damage to Applicant’s property / Logs piled on Respondent’s property rolled and caused damage to a wall of Applicant’s house / Applicant claimed $3964.42 from Respondent / Held: trees were kept in a dangerous state, after two trees fell this state was known to Respondent and the potential for a further tree to fall was reasonably foreseeable / Respondent had no knowledge of work resulting in the logs being piled and cannot be said to have had any control them / Claim relating to falling trees allowed, respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,066.59 / Claim relating to rolling logs dismissed.

  4. UO Ltd v BE [2021] NZDT 1511 (22 February 2021) [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Section 28 of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Section 9 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent contracted with Applicant cover band to play at their wedding / Song list was discussed shortly before wedding / Respondents were unhappy with the style of many songs and Applicant was unable to learn new songs under short notice / Respondents cancelled contract and refused to pay cancellation fee due to lack of communication about song list / Held: Applicant failed to communicate regarding song choice with reasonable care and skill, and misled the Respondents about limits of its ability to perform requested songs / Applicant’s failures of communication were not sufficiently serious to justify cancellation of the contract (s 43, FTA 1986) / Damages reflect shared responsibility for Respondent’s invalid cancellation of contract and Applicant’s breaches of the CGA and FTA / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $900.00

  5. EP v XN [2021] NZDT 1302 (17 February 2021) [PDF, 158 KB]

    Duty of care / Animal Law Reform Act 1989 / Dog Control Act 1996 / Respondent's dogs attacked and killed six of Applicant's sheep / Applicant claims value of the lost sheep and treatment costs associated with injuries / Held: as owner Respondent has a duty of care to ensure dogs are under proper control and do not roam / Respondent has breached this duty of care by not ensuring their dogs remained chained up when unattended / Successful claim.

  6. BD and NQ v R Co Ltd [2021] NZDT 1354 (12 February 2021) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Conveyancing / Consumer Guarantees Act 1983 / Duty of reasonable care and skill / Applicant engaged Respondent to provide conveyancing services for a property purchase / Applicant claims losses related to delay in moving into the property due to advice of Respondent / Respondent counter claims for time spent on post settlement matters and Tribunal attendance / Held: advice to Applicant regarding vendor having 7 days to take care of issues with property amounts to a failure of reasonable care and skill / Advice regarding 7 day period was inaccurate / Respondent not settling before 4pm amounts to failure of reasonable care and skill leading to losses for Applicant / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $393.00 to Applicant

  7. NK v EI Ltd [2021] NZDT 1464 (10 February 2021) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant took car to Respondent to have rust around windscreen of his vehicle repaired / Some months later Applicant was advised windscreen needed repairing again / Applicant claimed $1,787.20 for second rust repair costs as well as lost earnings / Whether rust repair was carried out with reasonable care and skill / Whether Applicant was entitled to remedies / Held: evidence indicated repair was carried out with reasonable care and skill / claim dismissed.

  8. QI v PH & DN [2021] NZDT 1300 (10 February 2021) [PDF, 227 KB]

    Property / cross lease / Fencing Act 1978 / fence between exclusive area and common area / entitlement to park in common area / enforcement of requirement not to park in the common area / claim for compensation / Held: entitled to have a fence as no term in the lease preventing this / respondents not entitled to park in the common area / Tribunal not able to make order preventing long term parking / claim for compensation dismissed as not supported by evidence

  9. ID v SD Ltd [2021] NZDT 1509 (4 February 2021) [PDF, 184 KB]

    Contract / Applicant was subcontractor for First Respondent / Applicant carried out cleaning services for Second Respondent, according to contracting arrangements between the three parties / Second Respondent unhappy with cleaning service, issued thirty days’ notice to terminate cleaning contract with First Respondent / Held: Second Respondent not entitled to terminate contract / Second Respondent did not provide Applicant with seven days’ written notice to remedy the failure / Agreement between Applicant and First Respondent included an implied term that First Respondent would take reasonable steps to hold Second Respondent to contract / First Respondent’s acceptance of invalid termination breach of implied term / Claim allowed / First Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $7,200.00

  10. KD v SS [2021] NZDT 1409 (28 January 2021) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Property / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant contacted his Respondent neighbour about building a fence between their properties / Notice included details about the fence and an indication that the Respondents would be liable for a contribution to the fencing costs of $945.56 / Respondent replied to Applicant that he thought the existing fence was adequate / Parties failed to reach an agreement / Applicant stated he was concerned his animals would escape on to the Respondent’s property / Applicant commenced work on fence / Fence was completed and the Applicant attempted to recover fence costs from the Respondent / Whether the respondent was liable for a contribution to the fence costs / If so, whether the Applicant was entitled to claim $945.59 / Held: on the balance of probabilities, fence was not adequate / However, differences between the Applicant and the Respondent were not resolved when the Applicant chose to replace the fence / Fence did not require immediate work /  Respondent was no…

  11. E v T [2021] NZDT 1310 (28 January 2021) [PDF, 226 KB]

    Consumer / Applicant purchased a new build from Respondent's company with faulty central heating system / Company now removed from Register / Applicant claims $27,100.30 in repair and legal costs / Held: Applicant not able to seek redress from company as has been removed from Register by Respondent / Applicant can claim against Respondent personally / Claim is within Dispute Tribunal jurisdiction / Applicant was a consumer and law recognises imbalances between consumer and business in other areas of law / Applicant has legitimate breach of contract claim against company / Respondent had knowledge of failure when company removed from Register / Applicant entitled to claim repair costs / Breach of warranty / Breach of statutory guarantee / Legal costs largely not recoverable / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,047.80.

  12. MD v O Ltd [2021] NZDT 1347 (27 January 2021) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant sent a computer using a courier service / Respondent said the postal service was under a contract with another party / Following collection and before the item arrived at intended destination a redirection request was made / Computer never arrived at first destination or redirected address / Applicant unable to collect computer from depot due to Covid 19 restrictions /  Computer sent to redirected address but never arrived / Respondent said no ability to locate computer due to nature of contract with other party / Applicant claimed never given an option to pay for posting once the parcel was located at the depot or told there was anything irregular with tracking of the package / Applicant claimed $635.00 for costs of computer plus filing fee / No contract between parties and no liability at law from Respondent to Applicant for loss of computer / Applicant took a risk sending the parcel / Claim dismissed.

  13. D Ltd v QT Ltd [2021] NZDT 1468 (21 January 2021) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant's house damaged by fire / Negative asbestos test received / Respondent agreed to demolish house / Respondent ordered separate absestos test and commenced work before results returned / Asbestos test came back positive / Respondent invoiced Applicant for work with higher costs due to asbestos being found / Applicant claims not liable for additional costs because Respondent completed work before receiving results or asking for original test results / Applicant claims breach of Health & Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 and Approved Code of Practice: Management and Removal of Asbestos, November 2016 / Respondent claims Applicant misled them / Held: Applicant did not mislead Respondent about absestos test / All statements made were true / Held: even if statements were misleading, inducement not established / statute requires identification to be undertaken by competent person and Applicant not one / Outcome: claim allowed…

  14. JA v KQ & BT [2021] NZDT 1355 (20 January 2021) [PDF, 190 KB]

    Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant invested money in a terms deposit with a company where Respondents were directors / Company went into receivership then liquidation / Applicant claims employee’s of company engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct / Applicant claims directors should be respondible for the actions of their company and their employees under s 43 of the Fair Trading Act / Applicant did not have personal dealings with Respondents and claim is not caught under s 43 / No general liability on directors for actions or conduct of their company / Claim dismissed

  15. ET Ltd v District Council [2021] NZDT 1317 (20 January 2021) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Contract / breach of contract / Applicant had a licence to occupy a site for a cart / Applicant made enquiries to Respondent to move cart to a second site / Applicant was told by Respondent the business could move to the new site / Respondent paused the move of the business formally sought expressions of interest / Applicant did not submit expression of interest as felt site was already allocated to her business / licence to occupy site was issued to another person based on expression of interest / Applicant claimed $15,000 (now $30,000 from Respondent for loss of income / Respondent claimed no contract had been formed with Applicant / if a contract had been formed Respondent disputes amount of claim due to term of licensing period, no expression of interest by Applicant, and accuracy of financial forecast submitted by Applicant / Held: contract formed between Applicant and Respondent / Held: Respondent repudiated contract, Applicant entitled to cancel contract and seek relief / Claim …

  16. NO Ltd v JL Ltd & SI [2021] NZDT 1342 (19 January 2021) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Damages / Second respondent responsible for vehicle accident that caused damage to Applicant’s property / Applicant claimed costs of $5,196.23 to repair the damage / Second Respondent claims a deduction should be made from the sum claimed to reflect betterment and a failure to mitigate costs / Held: appropriate to allow a deduction of 20% for betterment of the damaged property / Held: deduction of 20% towards costs regarding hours spent on repair and age of property for lack of documentation of actual costs / Claim allowed / Second respondent ordered to pay $4,156.98 to Applicant.

  17. MG and WJ New Zealand Ltd v DI Ltd [2021] NZDT 1358 (15 January 2021) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Duty of reasonable care and skill / Respondent installed heat pump system at home of Applicant / External heat pump unit fell and caused damage to unit and Applicant’s house / Applicant contacted Respondent to inspect unit but Respondent failed to attend property / Applicant involved insurance company and the heat pump unit was replaced / Applicant’s insurance company claims costs for replacement of unit and Applicant’s excess / Applicant claims further losses relating to guarantee of acceptable qualify of the condensation pump / Held: Respondent failure to securely attach heat pump was a failure of the guarantee of reasonable care and skill / Respondent liable to pay cost of total losses as a result of the external heat pump unit falling / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant’s insurance company $5,661.64 / Held: no further loss to Applicant for any failure of guarantee of acceptable quality for the condensation pump / Claim dismissed

  18. XT v HN [2021] NZDT 1541 (14 January 2021) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Negligence / Duty of Care / Applicant presented his caravan at Respondent’s repair shop for a quote / Respondent prepared quote for work and did not provide to Applicant / Respondent completed quoted work without seeking Applicant’s approval  / Respondent withheld caravan due to disputed unpaid invoice, caravan subsequently stolen by unknown person / Applicant claims cost of caravan / Respondent counter claims cost of repair and storage of car caravan / Held: No agreement established between Applicant and Respondent for work on caravan to be completed / No agreement established to pay storage costs / Counter claim dismissed / Respondent breached duty of care by refusing uplift of caravan into Applicant’s possession and resulting in caravan being stolen / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2800.00 / Claim allowed

  19. DQ Ltd v MS Ltd [2020] NZDT 1314 (21 December 2020) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Consumer law / s 13(a) of the Fair Trading Act 1986 / s 28 of the Consumer Information Standard (Used Vehicle) Regulations 2008 / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent / Respondent provided Applicant with a Consumer Information Notice at point of sale / notice incorrectly stated that the vehicle had not been imported as a damaged vehicle / Applicant claims $29,980.00 for cost of vehicle and sign writing / Held: Respondent made false representations regarding history of the vehicle / Respondent did not comply with Consumer Information Standard regulations / No defence under s 44(5) of the Fair Trading Act as Respondent knew, or should have known, that it did not comply with the consumer information standard / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $29,980.00 / Applicant ordered to make vehicle available for collection by Respondent.

  20. KS v OT Ltd [2020] NZDT 1406 (17 December 2020) [PDF, 129 KB]

    Contract / Applicant rented storage unit from Respondent / Storage unit burgled / Applicant’s personal items were stolen / Applicant claimed Respondent was liable to pay $1,229.50 for value of missing items / Applicant claimed Respondent made a false or misleading statement in relation to its security system / Held: Respondent has no contractual liability for replacement of lost items / Goods stored at owner’s risk in contract terms and conditions / Respondent did not make a false or misleading statement resulting in Applicant’s loss / Claim dismissed.

  21. BD v ED [2020] NZDT 1383 (17 December 2020) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a power meter from Respondent on a website / Applicant stated advertisement claimed power meter was in an excellent condition / Applicant claimed the power meter readings were inaccurate / Website rules allowed three-day return period / Applicant contacted Respondent nine days after he received power meter / Applicant alleged Respondent misrepresented the condition of the power meter and had refused to refund his money / Whether Respondent made any misrepresentations which induced the Applicant to enter the contract / Whether Respondent breached terms and conditions implied in the contract / Whether Applicant entitled to return power meter and have his money returned / Held: no independent evidence to support allegation that the meter readings were well below what was advertised / Applicant did not prove there was a misrepresentation / Website rules were clear and provided for a three-day return period / Too many var…

  22. BN Ltd v DL [2020] NZDT 1517 (11 December 2020) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent engaged Applicant moving company to move contents of her home / Respondent unable to fit possessions into first truck / Applicant provided second truck / Parties dispute agreement for cost of second truck / Applicant claims amount of second invoice, $2,195.00 / Held: Exchange determining cost of second truck ambiguous / Ambiguity should be resolved in Respondent’s favour, considering principles of contract interpretation and s 9 of the FTA 1986 / Respondent must pay additional labour cost / Claim dismissed / Respondent ordered to pay $345.00