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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. LI v UC & IC [2021] NZDT 1609 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 210 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased car from Respondent / Car was advertised as in “excellent condition” with no mechanical or electrical issues / After purchase Applicant found several mechanical issues with car and contacted Respondent to get money back / Respondent refused and no resolution was reached / Applicant claims $4,100.00 for repair of car / Held: statement car was in excellent condition was a misrepresentation / Held: Applicant induced to enter contract by misrepresentation / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant sum of $2,000 being the difference in value between a car in excellent condition and a car requiring further repairs

  2. QC v-DH Ltd & DN & MS [2021] NZDT 1601 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Contract / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out work at property / Quote from Respondent was $552.00 for two persons working four hours / Only one hour was actually worked / Applicant claims she was induced to enter contract on misrepresentation and is not liable in respect of amount payable under contract / Held: representation of required hours did contain a misrepresentation / Appropriate charge for two person working for one hour should have been $138.00 / Claim allowed / Applicant ordered to pay $138.00 to Respondent / Respondent ordered to provide Applicant bank details, if not done by specified date Applicant is declared not liable for amount owed  

  3. NM v BU Ltd [2021] NZDT 1580 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 210 KB]

    Towing / Respondent towed applicant's car from private parking area / Applicant paid $380 to retrieve car from respondent’s yard / Applicant seeks to recover amount paid as he parked outside business hours / Applicant questioned whether respondent authorised to tow car / Applicant argued $380 was excessive and there were no towing signs / Whether respondent was entitled to tow applicant’s car / If so, was cost justified / Held: parking area was private property subject to the rules of the owners / Instructions of owners permitted respondent to tow in stipulated times / Respondent provided evidence of authority to tow from parking area / Cost charged by applicant in line with other towing costs / Numerous towing signs at parking area / Claim dismissed.

  4. NS v T Ltd [2021] NZDT 1593 (23 June 2021) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act / Applicant had boat motor repaired by applicant / Problem recurred after being repaired twice / Boat failed sea test / Applicant refused to pay invoice / Applicant not bound by agreement as did not know whether work had been successful / Work not fit for purpose / Respondent did not communicate that work may not fix the issue / Held: Applicant entitled to cancel the subsequent contract after the first invoice / Respondent to pay Applicant $2,175.00

  5. XL v FJ [2021] NZDT 1618 (22 June 2021) [PDF, 127 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased car from Respondent that was represented to be in good working condition / Car would not start after being driven 30 minutes day of sale and likely to require engine rebuild / Applicant claims $6,500.00 from Respondent for cost of rebuild or refund of purchase price / Held: Respondent represented car in good working condition, ran well, had rebuilt engine and had work done / Held: Applicant proved on balance Respondent’s representations were incorrect and amounted to misrepresentation under s 35(1)(a) CCLA / Held: Applicant relied on Respondent's representations and was induced to purchase by misrepresentation / Held: fair and reasonable estimate of Applicant’s loss is $3,943.75 / Claim allowed

  6. ST & CT v OU [2021] NZDT 1606 (21 June 2021) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Contract / Negligence / Applicant suffered damage to car driving on road maintained by Respondent / Applicant claimed Respondent breached contract / Applicant claimed cost of replacing wheel / Held: claim cannot be founded on contract as road user charges do not arise from voluntary exchange of promises / Held: claim more cogent as negligence claim / Held: its is not proven vehicle damaged by alleged road / Held: Respondent met legal duty of care / claim dismissed

  7. FW v KQ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1701 (2 June 2021) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased automatic watch from Respondent / Applicant sought refund as unhappy with watch functionality / Respondent refused refund / Applicant claimed watch was not of acceptable quality or fit for communicated purpose ss 6 and 7 CGA / Applicant claimed $899.00 refund / Held: watch not fit for communicated purpose / Respondent did not clearly alert Applicant to characteristics that might make automatic watch unsuited to Applicant’s purposes / Applicant entitled to reject the watch and receive a full refund / Respondent to refund Applicant $899.00 / Claim granted.

  8. LX v GQ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1696 (31 May 2021) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased washing machine from Respondent / washing machine failed when the tip of a drawstring on a pair of shorts was torn off and damaged inner plastic drum / Did washing machine meet guarantees of acceptable quality pursuant to CGA / Did Respondent comply with obligations pursuant to CGA / Is Applicant entitled to refund and damages for consequential losses / Held: washing machine does not comply with CGA guarantees of acceptable quality / no evidence Applicant misused washing machine / washing machines should be able to cope with common type of clothing / Held: Respondent failed to comply with CGA obligations / Respondent failed to address Applicant’s complaint sufficiently or timely / Respondent responded late and blamed Applicant for failure / Held: Respondent to pay Applicant $1,715.00 being refund of purchase price plus consequential damages / Held: Respondent to collect washing machine or pay Applicant additional $250.…

  9. CC v LL [2021] NZDT 1693 (28 May 2021) [PDF, 87 KB]

    Contract / Applicant agreed to purchase puppy from Respondent for $2,600.00 / Applicant paid non-refundable deposit of $500.00 / Parties agreed balance would be payable on pick up of puppy / Later Applicant said he no longer wanted puppy / Applicant requested refund of deposit / Respondent indicated that he would refund deposit if prospective buyer purchased puppy / Later Respondent said he would not refund deposit as prospective buyer backed out / Applicant claimed refund of $500.00 deposit together with filing fee / Was Respondent obliged to refund deposit / Held: predictable that buyer backing out would cause Respondent loss / $500.00 was reasonable pre-estimate of loss / Contractual term that deposit was not refundable enforced / In absence of any evidence the condition of Respondent’s promise was fulfilled / Respondent not obliged to refund deposit / Claim dismissed.

  10. DX & SX v TZ [2021] NZDT 1687 (27 May 2021) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Negligence / Applicants and Respondent shared a property boundary / Respondent cut down a tree on the Applicants’ property / Respondent said the tree was overgrown and essentially a weed / Applicants claimed loss of tree resulted in loss of privacy and affected their enjoyable of the property / Applicants claimed $3,000.00 to compensate for their loss and to provide for replanting of a replacement tree / Whose property was the tree on / If the tree was on the Applicant’s property, did the Respondent cause loss by cutting it down /  Held: tree was on Applicants’ property / Respondent caused loss to Applicants by cutting down the tree / The “self help” remedy chosen by the Respondent was unlawful / Applicants entitled to be compensated /  Respondent ordered to pay the Applicant $1430.59 / Claim granted.

  11. TO v OM Ltd [2021] NZDT 1698 (20 May 2021) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Applicant tried to purchase camera from Respondent for $2986.00 / Transaction declined twice / Told that he could take promotional items and buy the camera in a different city / Applicant discovered that $5972.00 had been deducted from his account / Applicant claimed $30,000 in compensation / Held: Respondent’s did not breach a contractual obligation / Fault was with the third party eftpos service / Parties unable to be conclude the contract they both wished to be bound by / Applicant has no cause of action against the Respondent because no contract existed / Claim dismissed.

  12. EF & QF v JD & QN [2021] NZDT 1690 (20 May 2021) [PDF, 112 KB]

    Property / Applicants purchased house from Respondents / Afterwards Applicants discovered oven not in working order / Applicants found circular burn on kitchen bench / Applicants claimed to be compensated for both oven and state of kitchen bench / Was it term of agreement that oven in working order and if so, was it in working order on date of settlement / If not, what loss can Applicants prove they have incurred that they are entitled to be compensated for / Was it term of agreement that bench was undamaged / If so, what loss can Applicants prove they have incurred to fix kitchen bench / Held: parties signed written contract for sale and purchase of house / Clause in contract provides that chattels, including oven, were to be in reasonably working order / Applicants entitled to be reinstated to position they would have been in had oven been in working order / Deduction made for age of oven at date of settlement / Oven should be valued at one third of price of new one, $533.11 / Respon…

  13. X Ltd v II [2021] NZDT 1539 (14 May 2021) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act / Applicant contracted by Respondent to supply and install water treatment plant for main house and carry out additional work relating to tanks on property / Respondents disputed amount invoiced and calculated they had been overcharged / Respondents reduced $13,557.80 from the $40,337.98 invoiced by Applicant / Applicant’s sent revised invoice and statement owing balance outstanding of $11,886.78 / Applicant claims this amount from Respondents / Held: Consumer Guarantees Act applies only to work covered by the quote / Aspects of project were not carried out with reasonable care and skill / Ozone filter was of acceptable quality and fit for purpose / Respondents refused to allow reinstallation of filter / Claim allowed, Respondents to pay Applicants $3,043.90

  14. ME & NN v QU Ltd [2021] NZDT 1494 (5 May 2021) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants purchased package tour from Respondent / Tour cancelled due to COVID19 / Applicants received refund of all money paid except for $4,000 for part of the package / Respondent states the $4,000 is held in future credits but Applicants unable to use credits due COVID19 travel risks, age and health / Applicants claim refund of $4,000 / Held: Respondents entered into direct contract with Applicants on terms specified in booking form and tour brochure / The contract was frustrated / When a contract is frustrated, sums already paid are recoverable / Claim allowed, Respondents must refund the entire balance of $4,000 to Applicants

  15. WQ Ltd v X Ltd & CG ta UQ [2021] NZDT 1429 (3 May 2021) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Guarantee of acceptable quality / Applicant purchased vehicle for business being sold by Second Respondent on behalf of First Respondent / Rust on vehicle hidden by vinyl covering on roof at time of sale / Applicant claims compensation from Respondents / Held: reasonable consumer would consider rust minor defect in vehicle of that age / Held: Applicant consumer under CGA / Business use does not exclude Applicant from being a consumer / Second Respondent claims not liable as supplier as selling on behalf / Held: Second Respondent supplier under s 2(1) of the CGA / Supplier includes agent / Supplier to be liable for repairs / First and Second Respondent claim not liable as not RMVTs / CGA not limited to RMVTs / Held: First and Second Respondent could be held liable under the CGA / Both party to sale / Claim allowed / Respondents ordered to pay $828.00 to Applicant

  16. DX v I Ltd [2021] NZDT 1419 (28 April 2021) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Applicant booked service for a car / Applicant requested invoice sent to owner of car / Question of whether applicant was liable for debt or acting as agent for the owner / Held that applicant was acting as an undisclosed agent / Contract not formed when applicant phoned to book the service / Evidence that owner of the car accepted the quote when phone was passed to him to by the applicant / Held: applicant’s claim for non-liability upheld

  17. NN Ltd v FS [2021] NZDT 1403 (28 April 2021) [PDF, 231 KB]

    Contract / GST / Costs / Respondent engaged Applicant through Barrister to complete a valuation for insurance purposes / Applicant made error in billing Respondent leaving balance owing / Applicant sought payment from Respondent of outstanding amount / Respondent claimed Applicant stated balance owed would be written off / Alternatively Respondent did not have to pay because Respondent was GST exempt / Held: Respondent bound through barrister for all work done by Respondent / Held: Applicant entitled to claim for missed invoice / Held: Respondent not exempt from paying GST / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $2051.28 to Applicant

  18. MN Ltd v QN & EN [2021] NZDT 1440 (27 April 2021) [PDF, 256 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Guarantee of services completed within a reasonable time and reasonable price / Guarantee of services carried out with reasonable care and skill / Respondent hired Applicant to carry out landscaping works around their pool / Agreement was varied to include additional work / Respondents were unhappy with time and cost to carry out the work / Respondents ended agreement and did not pay full sum invoiced by Applicant / Applicant claims $25,533.74 in relation to unpaid invoices / Respondents counterclaim $8,000 in relation to the service carried out and costs of reinstatement / Held: guarantees under ss 30 and 31 of the CGA relating to services completed in a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost do not apply / Contract determined end date for work and cost estimate for work / Held: service not carried out with reasonable care and skill per guarantee in s 28 of the CGA / Failure to property document project in writing or pictures relating to des…

  19. KQ & WQ v EN & MN [2021] NZDT 1439 (27 April 2021) [PDF, 161 KB]

    Contract / Quasi-contract  / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 (DTA) / Equitable jurisdiction / Entitlement to relief / Applicant entered into contract with Respondent to purchase a section subject to subdivision / Agreement included a sunset clause / Prior to settlement Applicant cleared area of trees on property / Respondents cancelled contract based on sunset clause / Applicants claimed $4,140 from Respondents in relation to tree removal / Disputes Tribunal had jurisdiction over dispute as it concerned contract not recovery of an interest in land or question of title to land / Held: Applicants not entitled to reimbursement under contract / Agreement between parties did not provide for oral variations or reimbursement for acts taken in reliance of contract / Quasi-contract does not apply, no remedy available to Applicants under this claim / Respondents not unduly enriched by the felling of the trees / Applicants cannot claim relief under an equitable jurisdiction in the Disputes Tribunal / …

  20. NB v UJ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1498 (23 April 2021) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent poured concrete outside Applicant’s commercial car yard / concrete splashed on Applicant’s cars damaging paint / Respondent paid $562.50 towards paint repair / Applicant claims Respondent was negligent in pouring concrete / Applicant claims they were not contributorily negligent by not protecting cars on property / Applicant claims $9,420.00 for cost of repairing paintwork on car, depreciation on car and Tribunal filing fee / Held: Respondent negligent in pouring concrete / Respondent did not take steps to limit potential for concrete to splash into neighbouring properties / Held: Applicant was not contributorily negligent / Applicant’s cars were on property / Respondent did not give adequate warning of potential concrete splashing / Held: Respondent to pay Applicant $1,687.50 / Respondent only liable for cost of paint repair / Applicant could have avoided depreciation / Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to award costs / Respondent already paid $562.50 of $2,2…

  21. FD v CE [2021] NZDT 1395 (22 April 2021) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Property / Fencing Act 1978 / Parties shared an adjourning boundary / Respondents erected new fence and sought half the costs pursuant to a fencing notice / Applicants did not seek removal of fence / Applicants wanted the fence height reduced and a mirror installed / Whether valid fencing notice issued / Whether the fence should be lowered, or a mirror installed / Held: Notice issued by Respondents was not valid / Notice did not provide a costs estimate or specify the consequences of failure to work / Also notice would lapse if work did not take place within 90 days / Work took place after expiry of notice period / Tribunal has no power to order a mirror installed / Fence height permitted by Council so height reduction request could not be granted / Claims dismissed

  22. DF Ltd v TS Ltd [2021] NZDT 1315 (21 April 2021) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Breach of contract / Applicant entered a contract with Respondent to convert Respondent’s truck chassis and attach a tank / Respondent had an engineer send an initial sketch and information to Applicant regarding the truck conversion / Applicant proceeded with conversion of the truck based on initial information from Respondent’s engineer which was not complete or final / Applicant claims invoices for $13,827.15 rendered for services have not been paid / Applicant claims work was not carried out in accordance with the engineer’s instructions and it has incurred cost to rectify and complete work / Held: Applicant breached contract by not following the engineer’s instructions and measurements to carry out the work / Held: breach entitled Respondent to cancel the contract / Held: Applicant entitled to be paid for work performed prior to cancellation of contract / Respondent ordered to pay $6,187.15 to Applicant.

  23. RK v KS [2021] NZDT 1349 (20 April 2021) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a jetski from Respondent / Applicant did not test run jetski prior to purchase / Applicant took jetski out on the water after sale and found it was faulty / Applicant advised fault would have existed at point of sale / Applicant advised fault due to lack of regular servicing / Applicant sought refund of $6,000.00 purchase price / Whether misrepresentation made in sale of jetski / Whether Applicant was entitled to sum claimed / Held: Respondent provided limited representations relating to the condition of the jetski / Respondent disclosed lack of use and servicing of the jetski / No misrepresentation made in the sale / No entitlement for damages for faulty jetski / Claim dismissed