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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. NB & TL v UQ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1657 (13 July 2021) [PDF, 191 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants entered contract with Respondent for repairs to flood damage to property / Contract included 25% deposit of total sum / Work commenced on site in September 2021 but Respondent did not return until Applicant’s insurer paid deposit / Applicant cancelled contract in October 2021 and claims for return of deposit and payment for damage caused by Respondent / Respondent counter claims losses due to cancellation of contract / Whether Respondent claimed to be a certified, qualified or licensed builder in breach of FTA; if so were Applicants entitled to cancel contract; was work carried out with reasonable care and skill and fit for purpose per CGA; if not, what is the remedy; are Applicants entitled to return of deposit; were Applicants entitled to cancel contract; did Applicants breach contract; if so, what is the remedy / Held: more likely than not Respondent engaged in misleading conduct stating he was a qualified …

  2. MX v BO & KO [2021] NZDT 1630 (13 July 2021) [PDF, 141 KB]

    Property / Parties are neighbours and share adjoining property boundary / Applicant to replace septic tank and seeks order for removal of trees on Respondent’s property / Whether Tribunal has jurisdiction to make an order for removal of trees / Whether roots have grown from Respondent’s property and caused damage / Whether roots from Respondent’s property need to be removed to install septic system / Whether debris from Respondent’s trees blocked drain and caused damage / Whether Applicant entitled to compesation / Whether Tribunal able to make award for Tribunal Filing fee / Held: Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to order removal of trees / Removal of trees not within Tribunal’s jurisdiction per s 10(1) of the Disputes Tribunal Act / Root damage claims dismissed because no evidence of damage to property / Debris damage claim struck out as it relates to request to remove trees / Claim for compensation dismissed / Tribunal has limited ability to make award of costs per s 43 Disputes …

  3. ET and JT v F Ltd [2021] NZDT 1639 (13 July 2021) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants engaged Respondent to complete services relating to their EQC claims / Parties signed contract for services, 4 September 2018 / Delay in completing services / Applicants cancelled contract, 28 January 2021 / Applicants claim refund of $10,420.73, declaration they are not liable to pay invoice of $18,829.38 / Respondent counterclaims payment of $25,078.63 for services provided / Held: Respondent did not comply with obligation to complete services within a reasonable time / Respondent breached consumer guarantee relating to time of completion / Applicant entitled to cancel contract / Claim allowed in part, claim for $10,420.73 dismissed, claim for declaration Applicants not obliged to pay invoice of $18,828.38 allowed / Counterclaim dismissed.

  4. CF v EX [2021] NZDT 1623 (13 July 2021) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant wanted outboard motor put on boat / Applicant met Respondent through social media advertisement about motor project / Applicant agreed to have Respondent do the work and install motor / Applicant paid Respondent $900.00 for materials and $1200.00 for labour / Respondent completed most work but experienced issues delaying completion / Applicant had someone else complete work and install motor / Whether there was a legally binding contract between parties and did they intend to create legal relations / Whether the Respondent breached the contract / Whether the CGA applies / If breach, what damages payable or remedies available to Applicant / Held: parties did intend a legally binding agreement / Held: Respondent failed to complete work and had sufficient opportunity in circumstances to complete it / Held: extra $1050.00 Applicant had to pay is value of bargain lost / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1050.00

  5. IN v SU [2021] NZDT 1652 (12 July 2021) [PDF, 161 KB]

    Contract / Car advertised for sale on Facebook Marketplace / Applicant expressed interest / Respondent agreed to hold car until following day for agreed price / Respondent said he would take car for warrant of fitness next morning and adjust price accordingly / Respondent then sold car to another party without contacting Applicant / Respondent claims difference between what he had agreed to pay for the car and cost of getting another similar car, travel costs, and refund of Disputes Tribunal fees / Respondent counterclaimed that claim was frivolous / Held: Consumers Guarantees Act does not apply to the claim / There was a clear offer and agreed terms / There was acceptance of offer / There was adequate consideration / Parties intended to create legal relations / There was a contract between parties / Respondent breached contract by selling car to third party without notice to Applicant / Respondent owes Applicant $2450.00 being the difference between what he would have paid for the car…

  6. IH v DD Ltd [2021] NZDT 1624 (12 July 2021) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant was a tenant in a property owned by the Respondent / Parties later entered into negotiations for sale and purchase of the property / Unconditional agreement was signed and the Applicant paid a $23,000.00 deposit / Applicant’s finance fell through due to the lender discovering the self-contained downstairs was unconsented, so the property could not be used as home and income / Applicant obtained alternative finance soon after settlement notice deadline expired / Respondent cancelled the sale and purchase agreement and sold the property to another buyer / Applicant sought return of her deposit, $1,936.24 for the goods left on the property and disposed of by the Respondent as well as legal costs / Respondent counterclaimed for $30,000.00 in damages / Whether the Respondent induced Applicant to enter into the contract by a misrepresentation regarding the granny flat / Whether the Respondent breached the contrac…

  7. BC v BT [2021] NZDT 1625 (12 July 2021) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a laptop from the Respondent in 2015 /  In 2019 Applicant took the laptop for repair to an agent of the Respondent / Applicant claimed battery failed prematurely / Applicant claimed the problem with the external charger was a fault, which he should not have to pay for / Whether the laptop failed the guarantee of acceptable quality under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Whether the battery failed prematurely / Whether the laptop was faulty because the laptop was not charging / Held: evidence indicated that the battery was not faulty / more likely the battery had reached its life of 1000 cycles / Laptop not found to have failed the guarantee of acceptable quality regarding the battery / From the evidence available not possible to determine whether the Applicant had a loss relating to the external charging issue / Claim dismissed

  8. IM v KZ [2021] NZDT 1627 (9 July 2021) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Contract / Employment / Tort / Applicant worked for health provider and provided care to Respondent’s father until May 2020 / Respondent was paid by ACC to provide some of her mother’s care / In July 2020, Applicant and Respondent discussed the option of Applicant caring for both Respondent’s mother and father privately / Applicant accepted the private position / Applicant later learnt from ACC she would receive lower pay and no longer receive annual leave and other benefits / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented employment package and caused her loss / Applicant claimed $11,257.50 from Respondent / Whether there was a contract between the Applicant and Respondent / If so, whether the contractual relationship was one of employer and employee under the Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA) /  Whether the Applicant had a claim against the Respondent based on quasi-contract / Whether the Applicant had a claim against the Respondent in tort  / Held: Respondent was not engaging Applica…

  9. BK & DU Ltd & WL v UX Ltd [2021] NZDT 1663 (8 July 2021) [PDF, 220 KB]

    Contract / Negligence / Respondent acted as lawyer for Applicant / Respondent did not advise Applicant about bright-line property tax prior to purchase of property / Applicant claims legal services provided by Respondent were not completed using skill and care of reasonably competent property lawyer / Applicant claims $29,996.40 / Held: Respondent completed legal services using skill and care of reasonably competent property lawyer / exclusion clause inserted into terms of engagement / Claim dismissed

  10. HM and X Ltd v TM [2021] NZDT 1638 (6 July 2021) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rules 2004 / Applicant and Respondent were drivers in vehicle collision / Respondent entered blocked traffic light intersection, caught in middle of intersection when their light turned red / Applicant entered intersection when their light turned green / Respondent pulled forward at same time, hit Applicant’s car / Applicant and applicant’s insurer claim cost of repairing car, $5,593.94 / Whether Respondent was negligent / Held: Both drivers at fault / Respondent entered intersection unlawfully, r 4.5(2) / Applicant negligently failed to check intersection was clear / Respondent liable for 40% of repair cost / Claim allowed in part, Respondent ordered to pay $2,237.56 to Applicant’s insurer.

  11. II v XQ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1610 (6 July 2021) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Parking / Contract / Applicant parked car in a commercial car park owned by Respondent / Respondent sent demand to the Applicant for $65 parking fee / Applicant paid $5 of $65 parking fee / Applicant claimed pricing sign in a poorly lit area and sign difficult to read / Applicant sought a declaration he was not liable to pay $65 to the Respondent / Whether Applicant formed a contract with the Respondent / Whether $65 was unjustified penalty / Held: a motorist who enters a public car park which is clearly signed and owned by a commercial operator must be taken to be entering a contract with that operator and to comply with stated conditions / $65 a reasonable sum to protect legitimate interests of Respondent in operating commercial car park / Request for declaration of non-liability dismissed / Respondent not liable to refund the Applicant $5 / Applicant must pay Respondent $60 / claim dismissed

  12. EZ v LH [2021] NZDT 1585 (6 July 2021) [PDF, 193 KB]

    Property / Nuisance / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant and Respondent were previously neighbours / Applicant claims $30,000.00 from Respondent for the costs of building a retaining wall and replacing a boundary fence / Respondent counterclaims $4,233.85 for costs incurred in defending Applicant’s claim / Whether Respondent was responsible for half the cost of fence and wall / If so, what remedy was available to Applicant / Whether the Respondent was able to claim her costs from Applicant / Held: Respondent no longer owner of the property next to Applicant / No evidence to suggest Respondent used former property in an unreasonable manner that interfered with the Applicant’s property / Held: Respondent not liable for half the cost of the fence or the retaining wall / No remedy available to Applicant / Reasonable to assume Applicant brought his claim based on a reasonable belief / Applicant not found to have unnecessarily prolonged proceedings / claim and counterclaimed dismissed.

  13. DQ v Z Ltd [2021] NZDT 1634 (2 July 2021) [PDF, 228 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Carriage of Goods / Tort of conversion / Applicant purchased toilet from a seller on Trade Me / Contracted Respondent to transport toilet through online booking service / Toilet arrived to Applicant damaged / Respondent advised transportation of ceramics and antiques are not covered under terms and conditions / Toilet was collected by Respondent for assessment, advised it would not be covered due to lack of correct packaging and being a ceramic / Respondent disposed of toilet without consulting Applicant / Applicant claims damage of toilet under carriage of goods provision / Applicant claims in disposing toilet following assessment, Respondent converted goods / Held: Toilet damaged during Respondent’s carriage, liable to pay for loss resulting in damage / Respondent converted damaged toilet, liable to pay damages for loss / Respondent to pay Applicant $1200.00

  14. SG v O Ltd [2021] NZDT 1635 (1 July 2021) [PDF, 221 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased truck in January 2020 from Respondent based on advertisement truck had new COF / Truck failed COF in July 2020 due to rust / Applicant contacted Respondent who claimed no liability / Applicant made confidential settlement with mechanic that issued previous COF / Applicant claims $7000.00 being the amount out of pocket after settlement / What law applies in dispute / Whether Respondent misrepresented condition of truck / What amount of damage at time of sale likely to mean not roadworthy when sold / If misrepresentation, was Applicant induced to buy truck because of that representation / Held: Contract and Commercial Law Act s 35 applies / if misrepresentation made other party entitled to damages / Held: innocent misrepresentation / Respondent unaware of rust damage / Held: truck should not have been issued COF prior to sale / Held: misrepresentation of COF induced Applicant to purchase truck / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered…

  15. BN & SC & XC v NT & MP [2021] NZDT 1670 (30 June 2021) [PDF, 236 KB]

    Contract / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 (DTA) / Property Law Act 2007 (PLA) / Applicant agreed to rent property to client of Respondent / Representative of Respondent verbally told Applicant that if rent fell into arrears Respondent would ensure arrears paid / Arrears of $6,065.71 when tenancy ended / Tenancy Tribunal ordered against tenant for $5,646.15 / Tenancy Tribunal declined to make monetary order against Respondent / Applicant claims $6,646.15 / Applicant claims contract/quasi contract exists / Applicant claims they have valid grievance / Held: contract formed by oral agreement / Oral agreement involved exchange of valuable consideration, accommodation in exchange for security / Held: contract unenforceable / Contract was contract of guarantee, s 27(4) PLA / Contract not in writing / Held: Applicant has valid grievance and unjust to not hold Respondent accountable / Exclusion in s 11(7) DTA does not apply as Applicant not client of Respondent and not seeking social security benef…

  16. BN & QN v KE & B Ltd [2021] NZDT 1629 (30 June 2021) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Fair Trading Act / Misrepresentation / Applicants purchased vehicle from Respondent advertised as “great ute” and with new WOF / Vehicle failed WOF check after purchase / Applicants claim condition of vehicle inconsistent with the description and it should not have been issued a WOF / Applicants claim costs of $5,577.31 for WOF check, inspection, repairs and legals costs / Whether Second Respondent engaged in misleading conduct or made misleading representation / Whether Respondent breached term of agreement to supply vehicle with new WOF / Whether Respondent misrepresented condition of vehicle / Whether Applicants entitled to all or part of costs claimed / Held: Applicants did not prove Second Respondent should not have issued WOF / Claim against Second Respondent dismissed / Held: Respondent breached express term of agreement relating to obtaining a WOF / Held: no proven misrepresentation / Claim against Respondent allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $500.00 to Applicants

  17. MG v TX & QD [2021] NZDT 1631 (30 June 2021) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Respondent and Second Respondent own a farm property / Applicant is Respondent’s daughter / In 2016, parties discussed carrying out a subdivision on the farm property and selling a lot of land to the Applicant and her partner / Surveying work was done on the land / In 2017, parties signed an agreement regarding subdivision / Applicant paid deposit of $32,000 to Respondents / In 2018, district plan changes meant proposed subdivision could not proceed / Parties entered discussions regarding boundary adjustment as opposed to subdivision / Applicant and her new partner were not financially able to proceed with alternative plan / Applicant sought refund of the deposit / Held: reasons outside the parties control meant the deal could not proceed / 2017 agreement was binding and enforceable / Agreement meant Applicant entitled to refund of deposit / Applicant reduced her claim to $30,000 on basis that Respondents paid back $2,000 of the deposit / Respondents ordered to pay the Appli…

  18. TD v TC & PC [2021] NZDT 1628 (30 June 2021) [PDF, 246 KB]

    Education / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / The Respondents’ child attended the Applicant’s school / Respondents withdrew their child from the Applicant’s school during the school holidays between term two and three in 2020 / The Applicant sought an order that the Respondents were liable to pay $5,181.50 for one full term of fees in lieu of notice of withdrawal / Respondents filed a counterclaim seeing refunds of fees of $10,427.50 for terms one and two of 2020 and refund of the $1000.00 bond paid to the Applicant / Whether the Respondents were liable to pay the Respondent any amount in lieu of notice of withdrawal  / Whether the Applicant failed to provide education services to the Respondents with reasonable care and skill / Whether the Applicant misled the Respondents about the education it would provide their child / Whether the Respondents were entitled to any losses / Held: Respondents failed to give full notice of their intention to withdrawn their child f…

  19. NL v DN & LJ Trust [2021] NZDT 1567 (30 June 2021) [PDF, 190 KB]

    Contract / Breach / Remedy / Applicant and family group booked two family rooms at hostel / First Respondent Manager at hostel, hostel owned and operated by Second Respondent / After late check in Applicant decided rooms were unsuitable and left, was charged full amount of accomodation plus fees / Applciant claims for refund of accomodation charges / Whether Respondents entitled to charge for accomodation, whether Applicant entitled to refund / Held: applicant accepted terms and conditions of contract / Held: Respondent entitled to charge for accommodation in accordance with contract / Claim dismissed    

  20. NQ v OW Ltd [2021] NZDT 1604 (28 June 2021) [PDF, 237 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993/ Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Carrier of Goods / Applicant engaged the Respondent to uplift and transport her items to a different region / Applicant paid $10,953 15 to Respondent for the service including $998.00 for the insurance / Many of the items were damaged on arrival and some were missing / Items were either repaired or a cash settlement was made by the insurance company / Applicant sought a refund of the amount paid for the service and an additional $14,000.00 for distress and inconvenience / The total amount sought was $25,000.00 / Did the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) apply / If so, did the Respondent breach the CGA by failing to provide its services with reasonable care and skill / If the CGA applied was the Applicant entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the service of $10,953.15 / If the CGA did not apply, was the Applicant entitled to compensation under the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Is the A…

  21. OX v S Ltd [2021] NZDT 1584 (28 June 2021) [PDF, 257 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act / Applicant purchased electric golf trolley from Respondent / Original battery failed as did replacement battery / On/off switch also broken / Applicant seeks refund / Broken on/off switch caused batteries to lose charge / Trolley failed to meet the guarantee of acceptable quality / Trolley used in a reasonable manner / Lack of durability of the on/off switch means that the trolley failed to be fit for purpose / Held: Applicant entitled to full refund

  22. EI v CT [2021] NZDT 1703 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant provided structural engineering services to Respondents / Respondents did not want to pay remaining balance invoice / Respondent claimed they did not receive satisfactory or timely services / Held: Applicant breached the contract as the plan provided was not prepared with reasonable care and skill / Respondents breached the contract as they failed to follow the remedies available under s 32 of the CGA / Respondents obliged to pay Applicant $452.81 / Claim granted.  

  23. BD v J Ltd ES [2021] NZDT 1648 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 129 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Applicant and Respondent had collision on motorway / Applicant claims for costs to repair motorbike / Respondent and insurer counter claim for costs to repair car / Whether Applicant or Respondent is responsible for collision, or is responsibility shared / Whether costs claimed reasonable to put injured party back in the position they would have been had collision not occurred / Held: Applicant was negligent and is responsible for collision / Lane splitting on left side and travelling at speed where unable to safely stop / Claim dismissed / Counter claim allowed / Applicant ordered to pay Second Respondent $3,753.42.

  24. D Ltd v B Ltd [2021] NZHC 1600 (24 June 2021) [PDF, 230 KB]

    Sale and Purchase / Further term that required $20,000 retainer for any remedial dental work / Applicant claiming $20,000 owing to them / Respondent counter-claiming $17,631.85 for breach of warranty, legal costs and conversion / Retention fund covered a two-year period / Implied term that evidence of work would be provided / Some work claimed as remedial work still to be undertaken and outside of two year period / Held: legitimate remedial work of $11,927.85 has been carried out / Respondent to pay Applicant $8,072.15