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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. BN & IN v X Ltd [2021] NZDT 1616 (30 July 2021) [PDF, 144 KB]

    Contract / Applicant requested quotation for life insurance / Premium was 250% loading above normal rate due to Applicant's medical condition / Applicant accepted offer by signing special terms of acceptance / Applicant claimed inadequate disclosure by Respondent and that insurance policy be declared void / Applicant claimed all paid premiums returned, restricting claim to $30,000 to fall within Tribunal jurisdiction / Held: Respondent adequately disclosed to Applicant the details of agreement / No legal reason to cancel contract and refund paid premiums / Claim dismissed.

  2. KM v TE [2021] NZDT 1619 (30 July 2021) [PDF, 264 KB]

    Contract / Applicant worked as associate salesperson to Respondent at real estate agency / Parties had verbal agreement about commission and payments recorded in text / Other remuneration agreement from agency also signed by parties / Applicant claims Respondent did not pay commission and other payments correctly / Held: Property 3 buyer recorded in system as Respondent’s buyer / Commission paid correctly based on agreement / Held: parties agreed that Respondent should not have deducted tax from GST part of commission and this will be paid / Held: Applicant has not proved they shared Property 6, 7 and 9 listings with Respondent / Helping with listing does not make it a joint one and Applicant did not deal with vendors / Applicant helped with more than set out in text agreement / Fair and reasonable to pay Applicant for this work / Held: Property 9 also not joint listing and Applicant paid for other work / Held: Applicant owed payment for work on Properties 10, 11, 12 and 13 / Immateria…

  3. EO v BD Ltd [2021] NZDT 1599 (30 July 2021) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant ordered vinyl planks with woodgrain effect from Respondent based on sample plank / After floor laid Applicant noticed ‘cross-marks’ which she believed were a fault / Applicant raised issue with Respondent who contacted supplier / Respondent confirmed with supplier that ‘cross-marks’ not a flaw and declined liability / Applicant claims $750.00 as reduction in value / Held: vinyl planks supplied did not correspond with sample in quality / Held: claimed amount of 50% reduction in value reasonable compensation for failure / Section 18(3) of CGA gives consumer right to reject goods and obtain compensation for reduction in value / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $750 to Applicant

  4. BE v TU Ltd [2021] NZDT 1568 (29 July 2021) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Applicant’s car was towed from a private parking area / Applicant claimed $320.00 for refund of towing fee stating the signage was unclear/ Applicant also argued the cost of towing was disproportionate / Whether the respondent was entitled to tow the applicant’s car / If so, was the cost justified / Held: applicant failed to prove that the respondent was not permitted to tow his car / Towing fee not unreasonable / cost to tow a car from point to point is significantly less than the cost to provide a service to the landowner / claim dismissed.

  5. D Ltd & KN & PB v QD [2021] NZDT 1622 (28 July 2021) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 / Parties share an adjoining property boundary / Applicants wanted hedge between properties removed and wood paling fence erected instead / Respondents did not agree / Applicant removed tree on boundary and sprayed herbicide on stump / Herbicide was sprayed on section of boundary hedge which then died / Parties have agreed new fence is necessary / Whether Applicant’s poisoning of part of fence affects or displaces normal rule requiring neighbours to contribute equally to cost of adequate boundary fence / Held: hedge was not adequate fence even before poisoning / Poisoning not cause of need to erect new fence / Respondent should not be relieved of obligation to contribute to new fence / Respondent ordered to pay $1373.10 to Applicant / Respondent also ordered to pay $615.00 as ordered after previous hearing / Claim allowed

  6. DU & HU c/- V Trust v UT Ltd [2021] NZDT 1591 (28 July 2021) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Negligence / Duty of Care / Remedy / Applicants hired Respondent to install new heat pump in property / Applicants have not paid outstanding balance for work completed as not satisfied with aspects of job and claim Respondent’s tradesperson broke letterbox / Applicants claim $250 for repair of wall and letterbox / Held: damage to wall not done during installation / Applicants not entitled to remedy in relation to wall / Held: Respondent’s tradesperson owed a duty of care to Applicants to take reasonable care not to damage letterbox / Applicants entitled to remedy in relation to damaged letterbox / Claim allowed in part / Applicants awarded damages of $250.00 / Applicants to pay Respondents outstanding balance less damages

  7. HF v IU Ltd [2021] NZDT 1566 (28 July 2021) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Flight tickets / Applicant was entitled to be reimbursed for expenses for employment related education during his employment / Reimbursement could be used to cover the cost of conferences and travel / Applicant booked flights for an overseas conference through the respondent / Conference and flights cancelled / Applicant asked the respondent to hold his airfares as credit / Airline issued refunds which the respondent credited back to the Applicant’s employer travelcard / Applicant was only made aware of the refund when he was no longer able to use the money for the original purpose / Applicant claimed $6,425.00 for airfares / Who did the respondent contract with for the flights / Whether the applicant was entitled to any remedy for the respondent’s failure to keep a credit or to inform him of the refund / Held: contract for travel was between the respondent and the applicant’s employer / Applicant was not a party to the contract / No breach of contract in relation to the ref…

  8. WU v QD [2021] NZDT 1613 (27 July 2021) [PDF, 270 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased caravan from Respondent / Applicant did not inspect caravan before purchase / After purchase Applicant did not consider overall quality of caravan as good as advertisement presented / Applicant claimed misrepresentation regarding new wall and roof installation and refrigerator and sought damages of $14,500.00 / Held: factually incorrect information provided in relation to wall installation in caravan / Incorrect information not provided about refrigerator / Claim regarding misrepresentation of refrigerator must fail / Statement about new wall installation was of a nature that would induce an average objective person in the circumstances to enter the contract to purchase the caravan / Applicant has proven inducement and actionable misrepresentation by Respondent / Respondent ordered to pay $10,722.60 to Applicant / Claim allowed

  9. TC v I Ltd G Ltd [2021] NZDT 1570 (26 July 2021) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Duty of care / Applicant driving on SH1 at 30km/h / Road was being resurfaced / Tyre and rim suddenly significantly damaged / Metal lid of service entry raised above the road / No road cones or warnings to alert motorists to the hazard / Respondents breached duty of care by not alerting motorists to the hazard / Respondents did not follow their traffic management guidelines / Applicant entitled to compensation for the cost of new tyre and the cost of rim repair / Respondents liable to compensate Applicant $807.80

  10. TQ v OC [2021] NZDT 1620 (26 July 2021) [PDF, 157 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased boat engine from Respondent after told motor perfect / After purchase Applicant discovered engine had defect and would not turn over / Applicant claims $1,269 from Respondent for sum paid and cost of mechanical assessment / Whether there was a misrepresentation in the sale of the motor / Whether Applicant entitled to sum claimed / Held: not true that motor was perfect at time statement was made / Language would have included a normal person to buy motor / Misrepresentation in sale of motor / Held: Applicant entitled to sum paid and expense of assessment / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $1,269 to Applicant

  11. CO Ltd v GM Ltd [2019] NZDT 1478 (26 July 2019) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Section 144 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant supplied Respondent stock / Respondent only sold small portion of stock and wished to return remaining stock in exchange for credit / Applicant claimed $15,000.00 towards invoices / Respondent counterclaimed $3,340.00 for storage costs / Held: Applicant not obligated to accept the goods return / Respondent must make payment for the goods in accordance with the contract / Applicant limits claim in accordance with Tribunal’s jurisdictional limit / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $15,000.00 / Claim allowed.

  12. TS v LD TI & EX& W Inc [2021] NZDT 1598 (23 July 2021) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Negligence / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Remedy / Applicant purchased horse from Respondent and Second Respondent / Applicant engaged Third Respondent to provide pre purchase examination which did not record any concerns / after purchase horse diagnosed with several issues and given poor prognosis for athletic performance and long term pleasure riding / Applicant euthanised horse and claims full reimbursement of purchase price of $28,750.00 from Respondents / Held: Third Respondent was not negligent in exercising duty of care when carrying out pre purchase exam of horse / Held: Respondent and Second Respondent acted “in trade” when sold horse to Applicant / Guarantees in CGA apply to sale / Held: horse did not comply with guarantees of acceptable quality and fitness for purpose per ss 7 and 8 of CGA / Held: failure of substantial character per s 21 of CGA / Applicant entitled to compensation of $19,165.00 / Claim allowed

  13. KT v BM [2021] NZDT 1571 (22 July 2021) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Flatmate agreement / Respondent entered applicant’s bedroom multiple times when intoxicated in the night / Applicant sought repayment of bond of $350 from the respondent / Respondent sought rent and miscellaneous costs from applicant / Whether the applicant entitled to cancel the contract / Whether the amount claimed was proven / Held: implied term of contract that the head tenant should not enter the flatmate’s exclusive use area without their consent / privacy and personal security an essential party of the contract / Breach was sufficient to justify the applicant cancelling the contract / Respondent suffered financial loss resulting from a situation of his own making / Respondent ordered to pay $350 to the applicant / Claim granted.

  14. BT v SM [2021] NZDT 1562 (22 July 2021) [PDF, 217 KB]

    Contract / Tort / Flatting agreements / Two separate flatmate agreements between the applicant property owner and the respondents / Dispute over flood damage, furniture damage and rent arears / Applicant claimed $2,055.00 from Respondents for compensation and rent arears / Tenancy Tribunal had earlier determined that the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 did not apply in this claim / Whether any or all of the respondents breached their duty of care not to damage the property / If so, what foreseeable loss flowed from the breach / Question of when the tenancy ended and whether rent had been paid to that date / Held: respondents owed a duty of care not to damage the applicant’s property / evidence established some of the respondents were responsible for damage to the sofa / evidence relating to flood damage unclear / not satisfied the applicant has proven the claim on the balance of probabilities / rent claim not proven on the evidence / two of the respondents responsible for small amount o…

  15. UO & NO v HS Ltd & JI & HM [2021] NZDT 1587 (21 July 2021) [PDF, 270 KB]

    Building Act 2004 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Implied warranty / Guarantee of reasonable care and skill / Breach / Applicants purchased property from Second and Third Respondent / Applicant discovered several defects with newly built house which was built by Respondent / Applicants claim $30,000 for cost of remedial work / Held: there is an implied warranty under the Building Act / Applicants are able to file claim against respondents for breach / Held: Consumer Guarantees Act applies in claim / Held: Respondent breached implied warranty under the Building Act and CGA ss 28 and 29 / Respondent as builder responsible to ensure work done with reasonable skill and was compliant / Failure of substantial character and defects rendered new building not fit for purpose / Claim allowed / Respondent to pay Applicant $22,674.47 for remedial work

  16. OK Ltd v HO Ltd & BG [2020] NZDT 1519 (21 July 2020) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Contract / Payment / Applicants entered into contract with company to do plumbing work for First Respondent / Work halted as First Respondent could not pay invoices / After Applicant met with Second Respondent work continued / Two further invoices issued and not paid / Applicant claims Second Respondent said he would personally pay for work / Applicant claims $6,002.99 from Second Respondent / Second Respondent claims he was facilitator and payments he made were paid as loan to First Respondent / Held: Second Respondent had personally paid company for previous work and said he would pay for work to finish job / Second Respondent did not say he was acting as agent for First Respondent / Second Respondent liable for payments on basis he promised to personally pay / Claim allowed except for costs and claimed interest / Discretionary interest granted, calculated in accordance with Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / Second Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5,193.51.

  17. FD Ltd v FT [2021] NZDT 1577 (20 July 2021) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Contract / Music festival / Second Respondent approached Applicant to engage artists to perform at music festival / Shortly after the contract was signed the First Respondent, managing director of the Second Respondent, cancelled the contract and said the event was cancelled / Applicant later discovered the event was not cancelled and another line up of musicians was used / Applicant claimed there had been a repudiation of the contract / Applicant claimed the Second Respondent was contractually obliged to pay $49,000 for cost of contract / Applicant reduced the claim amount to $30,000 to come within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal / What were the relevant terms of the contract / Whether there was a valid cancellation of the contract / Whether the applicant was entitled to all of the $30,000 / Held: First Respondent was liable to pay $30,000 / Accepted that the First Respondent cancelled the contract as she no longer had financial backing / Terms of the contract meant the Applicant cou…

  18. DE v TQ [2021] NZDT 1572 (20 July 2021) [PDF, 219 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant bought boat from Respondent which was found to have corrosion in hull and issue with motor / Applicant claims damages of $4,999.00 for cost of repairs / Held: boat represented as good boat with no issues is incorrect and a misrepresentation / Held: Applicant induced to purchase boat by Respondent’s misrepresentation and is entitled to damages per s 35(1)(a) CCLA / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay damages of $4,000.00 to Applicant

  19. FL & UL v DB [2021] NZDT 1595 (19 July 2021) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Negligence / Applicants involved in car collision with Respondent / Applicants and Applicant's insurer claim repair costs on basis Respondent caused the crash / Damage to cars supported view that Respondent caused crash by failing to give way / Applicant’s use of flush median was legal but more care was needed / Damage to Applicant's car suggests he was not travelling slowly / Held: Respondent has 75% liability and Applicant 25% / Respondent liable for 75% of repair cost to Applicants car / Respondent must pay Applicant's insurer $5893.60

  20. HN v FH Ltd [2021] NZDT 1576 (16 July 2021) [PDF, 243 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Promissory Estoppel / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant booked 3 tickets on a spectator boat during the America’s Cup for 13 March / Applicant arrived after check in time and missed departure of vessel / Applicant claims refund of ticket costs, accommodation costs, filing fee and legal costs/damages / Respondent does not agree to refunding ticket price as purchase honoured by providing Applicant alternative trip / Held: Respondent did not breach contract as Applicant did not adhere to conditions of agreement / Held: promissory estoppel does not apply in these circumstances as no detriment to Applicant, he has not suffered any loss as alternative trip offered / Held: Applicant complied with terms and conditions, did not breach FTA / Claim dismissed

  21. JT & JB Ltd v SN [2021] NZDT 1582 (16 July 2021) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant and Respondent were drivers in a vehicle collision / Respondent was pulling out of a car park when collision with Applicant’s vehicle occurred / Dispute regarding whether Respondent drove in front of Applicant or Applicant turned into Respondent’s vehicle /  Held: Respondent drove in front of Applicant and was negligent / Claim allowed / Respondent liable for damage to Applicant’s vehicle and ordered to pay $5,806.50

  22. RC v TR Ltd [2021] NZDT 1573 (15 July 2021) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Roof work / Applicant requested a quote from the respondent for roof work / Quoted price of $3,252.00 was accepted by applicant / Applicant paid fifty percent deposit and respondent carried out work / Applicant had no issue with the quality of work / applicant believed he was overcharged due to number of workers and time spent on the roof work  / Applicant refused to pay balance owed on contract / Respondent counterclaimed $1,626.00 / Whether the law provided an opportunity for a fixed price contract to be reviewed / Whether the respondent mispresented the amount of work or materials needed / Held: time to explore whether bargain was reasonable was before agreement was made not after work was done, unless a price for work was not set in the contract /no misrepresentations made by the respondent regarding the work to be carried out / contract was clear about how work would be done and the price charged / outstanding amount is overdue / Applicant ordered to pay $1,626.00 to th…

  23. MQ v HQ [2021] NZDT 1659 (14 July 2021) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 (FA) / Parties were neighbours and shared a boundary fence between their adjoining properties / Applicant claimed Respondent has damaged fence by attaching old doors to add height to fence / Applicant claimed cost of replacing fence pailings as attachments are causing damage to fence / Whether Respondent was responsible for damage to fence / If so, was Applicant entitled to costs or any other sum / Held: additions to fence were damage to the fence and must be removed / Not sufficient degree of damage to fence to justify replacement of pailings / Claim for compensation not granted / Respondent ordered to remove attachments to fence / If Respondent fails to remove Applicant can arrange contractor to remove and Respondent will be liable to pay $300.00 to Applicant / Claim allowed in part.