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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. QD & XD v QN [2021] NZDT 1683 (10 December 2021) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Applicants arranged to purchase a puppy for $1000 from Respondent / Advertisement stated deposit was non-refundable / Applicants paid $600 deposit / Applicants decided not to purchase the puppy / Respondent resold the puppy for $1000 / Applicants claimed refund of deposit / Whether Applicants were entitled to a refund of deposit / Held: agreed sale terminated once accepted by Applicants that the puppy would be resold / Applicants aware that the Respondent would resell the puppy to mitigate losses / Reality was Applicants would not complete the purchase and Respondent would refund at least part of the purchase price / Sixty percent of the purchase price exceeds what would normally be regarded as a payment intended to be forfeited if the buyer defaulted / Respondent ordered to refund half of the deposit to the Applicants, $300 / Claim granted in part.

  2. AJ v IO Ltd & TF Ltd [2021] NZDT 1692 (10 December 2021) [PDF, 126 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased washing machine from First Respondent / Washing machine broke down within short period / Applicant approached First Respondent who put them in contact with Second Respondent / Second Respondent took away washing machine and refunded some of purchase price / Refund delayed for some time / Applicant was without a washing machine and had to make numerous trips to laundrette / During Covid-19 restrictions Applicant was unable to access laundrette / Applicant went to First Respondent numerous times for resolution / Applicant claimed breach of guarantee of acceptable quality under CGA / Applicant claimed damages for refund or replacement, consequential financial losses and consequential losses in form of emotional harm / Applicant claimed $30,000 to be paid equally by the Respondents / Held: breach of guarantee of acceptable quality / First Respondent to pay Applicant $119.00 refund / Emotional harm damages cannot be claimed…

  3. KI & QI v TX [2021] NZDT 1688 (10 December 2021) [PDF, 117 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent shot Applicants' cat resulting in its death / Respondent believed it to be a feral cat / Whether Respondent exercised reasonable care / Held: Respondent should have taken more care in determining whether the cat was a feral cat or someone's pet / Claim for $2,500 for general damages for distress is dismissed / Dispute Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to make an award for damages for stress or emotional harm / Applicants awarded $200 compensation

  4. SB Ltd v D Ltd [2021] NZDT 1686 (8 December 2021) [PDF, 113 KB]

    Contract / Applicant supplied pate jars to Respondent for food packaging / Supply was subject to terms and conditions in credit application signed by Applicant in 2015 / Method of supply was via blanket order for fixed period / Previously, Respondent’s account manager had contacted Applicant when new blanket order was required / In November 2019, blanket order form signed by Applicant for around five pallets which lasted until March 2021 / Respondent did not notify Applicant that current blanket order was expired or that there was no more stock / In August 2021, Applicant placed new purchase order but was advised there was no more stock on hand / Respondent was only able to get further supply for substantially larger order / No other buyers for product and Respondent not prepared to purchase and hold such a large quantity for one customer / Applicant could not source jar elsewhere and had to change to different product requiring different labels and equipment / Applicant claimed $10,66…

  5. AI YK v LS [2021] NZDT 1709 (7 December 2021) [PDF, 222 KB]

    Unjust enrichment / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants rented rooms in a residential house belonging to Respondent / Applicants arranged to install a kitchen in one room and in an outbuilding in exchange for an offset of rent / Over two months, the Applicants occupied the rooms no rent was paid to the Respondent / The Tenancy Tribunal deemed the property to be an unlawful dwelling and no rent was payable by the Applicants / The Applicants claim $7400.83 for the value of the kitchens / The Respondent counterclaims a $30,000.00 loss in rent due to the incompletion of the kitchens / Held: The Respondent was unjustly enriched / It is more likely that any loss of rental income suffered by the Respondent is due to the dwelling being unlawful / Claim allowed / Counterclaim dismissed / Respondent to pay Applicant $7400.83.

  6. NH & ND v U Ltd [2021] NZDT 1681 (7 December 2021) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicants hired Respondent to replace their roof / Respondent started work but failed to turn up subsequently / A roofing expert was engaged to look at the work / Work found to be defective / Applicants sought full refund of money paid to Respondent / Held: Respondent breached obligations under CGA and did not carry out work to acceptable industry standards / Roofing was not fit for purpose / Respondent had been given reasonable opportunity to remedy / Applicants entitled to full refund of $17,160 / Claim granted.

  7. QB v OL [2021] NZDT 1563 (7 December 2021) [PDF, 164 KB]

    Sale and purchase of land / Applicant agreed to sell property to Respondent / Title not issued by deadline / Agreement extended several times before settlement / Purchasers later resold property / Applicant sought contribution for sealing costs for access road and survey costs / Held: no express or implied responsibility in the original agreement to allow claim to succeed / No inferred acceptance from text exchange / Risk not to secure agreement in writing and left to prove acceptance on appearances / Insufficient evidence to show acceptance of proposal / Claim dismissed.

  8. BC v GN [2021] NZDT 1674 (28 November 2021) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Applicant booked stay at Airbnb property owned and operated by Respondent / New Zealand entered level 4 Covid-19 lockdown shortly after arrival at property / Applicant and family returned home early / Applicant seeks refund of $581.00 (of total $1,013.00) because he did not receive full benefit of contract with Respondent / Respondent claims the strict no-refund policy applies / What terms were agreed? / Was the contract frustrated? / Is Applicant entitled to $581.00 as claimed, or any other sum? / Held: both parties aware of key terms of contract including strict 3-night minimum booking policy, no refund policy and statement that Covid-19 affected bookings no longer covered under “extenuating circumstances” policy / Held: contract not frustrated / contract already contained terms dealing with Covid-19 restrictions and how it might affect contract / Held: Applicant not entitled to refund of $581.00 or any other sum / Claim dismissed.

  9. BD v ET [2019] NZDT 1677 (21 November 2021) [PDF, 141 KB]

    Negligence / Trespass / Applicant got car out of his garage and collided with car parked by Respondent on driveway in blind spot / Car damaged / Respondent accepted responsibility but her insurer considers Applicant to have been at fault / Held: Respondent had trespassed on Applicant’s property / Cannot find Respondent liable for damage caused to Applicant’s car by actions of his own by virtue of Respondent having trespassed / Collision caused by Applicant taking insufficient care when reversing out of his garage / Respondent not liable to pay the amount claimed of $500 / Claim dismissed

  10. DQ Ltd v SM Ltd [2022] NZDT 6 (18 November 2021) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Applicant awarded $9,169.84 in previous Tribunal decision / Applicant’s application in previous hearing allowed for set-off of $1,315.99 for title search fees / previous decision did not specifically address set-off / Respondent, without prior notice to Applicant, issued statutory demand on Applicant claiming payment of title search fees / Applicant paid Respondent $1,315.99 / Applicant seeks return of $1,315.99 paid under statutory demand issued by Respondent / Held: Respondent to pay Applicant $1,335.44 for amount paid under statutory demand plus interest / given previous Tribunal order does not exclude consideration of set-off, it was intended as full and final determination of all matters raised in the application as filed / Respondent unreasonable to take actions it did / Claim allowed.

  11. UC & FC v GM [2021] NZDT 1645 (15 November 2021) [PDF, 221 KB]

    Law of contract / Agreement to a boundary realignment between neighbours / Clause stated that if Applicants did not receive notice of new titles withing 300 days then Respondents to pay $10,0000 in liquidated damages / Applicants claim to have received notice 847 days after date of agreement / Applicants claiming $10,310.25 in liquidated damages plus interest / Whether clause is a penalty clause and therefore unenforceable / Held: on the balance of probabilities it was a penalty clause / No attempt to scale the consequences to the length of the delay / Clause did not take into account any unforeseen situations / Clause unenforceable / Claim dismissed

  12. A Ltd v X Ltd [2021] NZDT 1661 (14 November 2021) [PDF, 210 KB]

    Contract / Applicant undertook end-of-tenancy cleaning services for Respondent / Applicant claims that invoices not fully paid / Respondent claims Applicant overcharged for its services and/or enlarged the scope of its cleaning work / Applicant had previously provided a standard clean service for Respondent / If Respondent had intended a different scale of work, they should have used clearer and more direct language / Held: work different to what was contracted / No agreement for a detailed clean on all the properties / However fair compensation has not yet been paid for work done on these properties / Applicant entitled to payment of $1,934.30

  13. LI v WH Ltd [2021] NZDT 1697 (13 November 2021) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased a car in another city / Applicant engaged the services of the Respondent to transport the vehicle to her home town at a cost of $1,550.00 / Vehicle was stolen from the Respondent’s depot the night prior to delivery / Applicant claimed $5,5000.00, refund of delivery fee and insurance excess of $4,000.00 / Later Applicant increased claim to $20,500.00 to include the cost of the vehicle of $19,000.00 / Applicant’s insurer said the cost of the vehicle amount was derived from valuations from independent valuers / Whether the Respondent was liable for loss of the vehicle / If so, what compensation was the Applicant entitled to / Held: contract between the parties did not include reference to either a declared value risk or any declared terms / Parties do not have written contract that states the transport of the vehicle was at the owner’s risk / Contract of sale between the parties was one of limited carriers’ risk / Respondent’s responsibility only ended on de…

  14. KT & TE v B Ltd [2021] NZDT 1650 (12 November 2021) [PDF, 91 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicants made hotel booking for hotel owned by Respondent  / Applicants paid premium for flexible booking option / A Covid-19 lockdown was announced / Applicants requested refund / Respondent would only offer credit to be used within the next year / Applicants claimed full refund of $457.00 cost of booking / Whether there was obligation to provide refund if Covid-19 lockdown prevented travel / Held: Respondent must provide refund under terms of contract / No provision in contract for Respondent to retain an amount to cover expenses / Respondent ordered to pay $457.00 / Claim granted.

  15. DH v KQ [2021] NZDT 1654 (9 November 2021) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased electric scooter from Respondent on TradeMe / Advertisement detailed scooter as included 60v motor / Once purchase was complete, Applicant found scooter held a 52v motor / Applicant claims $1650.00 for refund of purchase price and cost of installing 60v motor / Whether Respondent misrepresented scooter / Whether misrepresentation induced Respondent to purchase scooter / Held: Respondent advertised scooter under an innocent misstatement / Applicant induced to enter into contract by misrepresentation / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay $495.00.

  16. FI v CI [2021] NZDT 1651 (8 November 2021) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Negligence / Dog Control Act 1996 / Dogs belonging to the parties were involved in an altercation / Applicant claimed $9,030.00 for her dog’s surgeries following the altercation / Which dog was responsible for causing the altercation / What was the cause of damage to the Applicant’s dog / Was the damage to the Applicant’s dog a foreseeable result of the fight between the dogs / If so, did the Applicant have a duty to minimise her losses / Whether the Respondent was responsible for the costs of both surgeries / Whether the costs claimed reasonable / Held: more likely than not that the Respondent’s dog caused the altercation / Evidence suggested that the damage to the Applicant’s dog was caused the Respondent’s dog /  Evidence suggested that the damage to the Applicant’s dog was a foreseeable result of the fight between the dogs  / Applicant did everything she could do minimise her losses / Respondent was not responsible for the cost of both surgeries / There were too many variables impa…

  17. GB v R Ltd [2021] NZDT 1653 (4 November 2021) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Jurisdiction / Accident Compensation Act 2001 (ACCA) / Applicant was injured by a food trolley during an international flight operated by the Respondent / Applicant claimed her trip was spoiled by the resulting injury / Applicant claimed $30,000.00 in compensation from the Respondent / Whether the Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear the claim / Held: Applicant’s claim was for damages which were alleged to have arisen as a result of a personal injury / Injury covered by ACCA as Applicant was ordinarily a resident in New Zealand / ACCA prevented the Tribunal from hearing the claim for damages arising out of the injury / Tribunal did not have the jurisdiction to hear the claim / Claim struck out.

  18. XG v NG & BQ [2021] NZDT 1642 (3 November 2021) [PDF, 250 KB]

    Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased property from Respondents / Applicant had building inspection completed before purchase but did not receive report before offer went unconditional / Applicant received correspondence from building company regarding work needed on foundations / Applicant claims recovery of cost  to rectify uneven floors / Respondents claim Applicant had done due diligence and knew about settlement issue / Whether defect in property at time sold to Applicant / If so, should defect have been disclosed to prospective buyers / Whether Applicant aware of need for work on foundations before agreement to purchase property / Whether s 35 of CCLA applies / Whether any betterment in claim for $30,000.00 / Held: at time of sale and purchase there was a defect regarding the foundation of property / Held: requirement for Respondents to disclose foundation of house defective / Held: more likely than not Applicant not aware of defect before…

  19. DQ & FD v BS [2021] NZDT 1655 (2 November 2021) [PDF, 209 KB]

    Residential tenancy / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Parties jointly renting property on fixed term lease, as a residential tenancy / Each paid $733.00 bond / Applicants indicated they wanted to move out in four weeks’ time / Applicants each had their own rooms / Tenants all tried to find replacements / Tenant was found for one room, other room untenanted until two weeks after Applicant had moved out / One Applicant was repaid full bond by remaining tenants / Second Applicant had two weeks rent deducted from bond / Applicants filed a claim for the amount of bond not refunded / Claim for a breach of the agreement between the tenants which was alleged to have resulted in a loss of two weeks rent, $430, to the Applicants / Respondents counterclaimed for a declaration that they were not liable under the Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 / Was there a legally binding agreement between Applicants and Respondents as to the refund of bond / If so, what are the terms of the agreement / Whether the term…

  20. SN v VO Ltd [2021] NZDT 1679 (29 October 2021) [PDF, 231 KB]

    Contract / Applicant worked as contractor for Respondent / Applicant’s role was senior person and required approval from Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) / Applicant advised Respondent they were ending contract and sent invoice of $1,600.00 for work done / Respondent did not pay invoice / Applicant claims $1,600.00 for 20 hours of work done / Respondent counterclaims $7,711.11 for breach of agreement / Held: Respondent owes Applicant $1,600.00 for work done / Applicant carried out 20 hours of work and provided evidence / Held: Applicant did not breach agreement / Applicant entitled to terminate agreement as they did / no other matters raised by Respondent prove breach of agreement / Held: Respondent to pay Applicant $1,600.00 / Claim upheld

  21. EF & QF v JD & QN [2021] NZDT 1602 (29 October 2021) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Breach / Applicants purchased property from Respondents / Sale included deed that assigned vendor’s remaining rights in insurance claims for earthquake damage to purchaser / Deed included three claims with EQC for damage and parties agreed there was a further claim for the Kaikoura earthquake not listed / Applicants claim they were unaware of Kaikoura earthquake damage claim and were misled into thinking no damage was caused / Whether term of agreement that damage caused by Kaikoura earthquake resolved / If so, what loss can EF and QF prove incurred and are entitled to be compensated for / Held: contract does not include an exhaustive list of all claims and does not specify that all earthquake damage had been repaired / Applicants have not proven that they purchased house on representation that all earthquake repairs were performed / Claim dismissed

  22. KU & UE v TQ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1649 (28 October 2021) [PDF, 292 KB]

    Contract / Applicants contracted with Respondent to assess and repair damage to plane engine including replacement of piston rings / During flight post repairs plane lost oil pressure, engine began to smoke and Applicant made emergency landing further damaging plane / Crash investigation found engine failed due to oil starvation and incorrect piston rings / Applicants’ insurer reached settlement with Applicants and seeks claim of $30,000 from Respondent / Whether Respondent breached implied term of contract or was negligent in not carrying out work in compentent manner / If yes, did that cause a loss to Applicants and their insurers / Did Applicants contribute to damage / Are Applicants entitled to compensation sought / Held: Respondent in breach of contract and negligent by not carrying out work in compentent manner / More likely than not that Respondent fitted incorrect piston rings on plane / Held: more likely than not incorrect piston rings caused emergency landing causing loss / H…

  23. KQ v XQ AB [2021] NZDT 1715 (27 October 2021) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Respondents own a home where Applicant was living with them / Applicant entered into contract with builder to renovate the basement of the property / Relationships between the Applicant and the Respondents deteriorated / Respondent moved out of the property / Applicant claims $27,858.17 from Respondents for the renovations / Held: Parties were not in agreement that the Applicant could stay at the property until she passed away / Applicant is liable to pay for the renovations / Respondents did not receive any benefit from the work done to the premises / Claim dismissed.