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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. CZ v DU [2022] NZDT 23 (2 March 2022) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Limitation Act 2010 / Applicant took over operating business after her husband died / Applicant asked Respondent to pay $19,072.30 for outstanding invoices from 2012 to 2019 / Respondent paid $14,325.40, disputed remainder which related to older invoices / Applicant claimed the balance of $4,836.90 / Whether claim barred by Limitation Act / Held: all disputed invoices issued before August 2015 / In absence of any evidence of unusually long payment terms, they would have been overdue more than six years / Late knowledge period inapplicable as true claimant is company which issued invoices / Claim statute-barred / Claim dismissed

  2. CT & ID v S Ltd [2022] NZDT 7 (2 March 2022) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants engaged Respondent to perform pre-purchase inspection report on a property / Applicants became aware of issues with windows and water egress after purchasing property / Applicants claim cost to replace windows, less deduction for double glazing benefit and including filing fee / What are the relevant terms of contract / Held: contract states report is visual inspection, to be used as guide, and a reasonable attempt to identify faults on the day of the inspection / Applicants informed inspection limited to visual inspection / Whether inspection been carried out with reasonable care and skill, if not what is remedy / Held: insufficient evidence to establish Respondnt failed to use reasonable care and skill in producing report or conductin the inspection / Claim dismissed.

  3. LK v H Ltd [2022] NZDT 28 (1 March 2022) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant booked swimming lessons for daughters / Due to a Covid-19 lockdown Respondent cancelled the lessons / Respondent offered the Applicant credit, but they declined this / Applicant claimed refund under CGA / Held: Respondent had no option but to cancel lessons following the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown / Cancellation reason was completely outside the control of the parties / Where there is a failure to comply with guarantees under CGA as a result of events outside the control of the supplier, the consumer has no right of redress against the supplier / Evidence did not establish a breach of guarantees under the CGA/ Claim dismissed.

  4. FM v T Ltd [2022] NZDT 21 (28 February 2022) [PDF, 169 KB]

    Guarantee / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Earbuds / Applicant purchased earbuds from the Respondent / After six months the right earbud lost volume / When the Applicant contacted the Respondent he was given a cleaning guide / Applicant found that cleaning did not resolve the right earbud issue / Respondent declined to provide a replacement or a refund / Applicant claimed the sum of $470.81 for the cost of having the earbuds repaired / Were the earbuds of acceptable quality / If not, what remedy is the Applicant entitled to under the CGA / Held: earbuds were of acceptable quality / No breach of guarantee / Claim dismissed.

  5. NJ Ltd v WJ Ltd [2022] NZDT 29 (25 February 2022) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Contract / Insurance / Applicant owns property and Respondent is insurer / Applicant contacted Respondent for cover for losses after tenant moved out / Respondent determined cover only for some of amount claimed / Applicant disputes Respondent’s application of contract and has requested determination from the Tribunal / Areas of dispute include application of excesses to claims, loss of rent and post tenancy cleaning / Held: reasonable to conclude that intentional damage, carried out at one time, should be viewed as event and one excess applied / application of excesses to various rooms or various items is unreasonable / Held: condition of premises uninhabitable / claim for loss of rent covered by policy and reasonable / Held: sufficient evidence not provided by Respondent to determine cleaning excluding from loss caused by intentional damage / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay $9,850.66 to Applicant.

  6. EC v CF Ltd [2022] NZDT 15 (25 February 2022) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Credit card / Applicant visited Respondent’s bar while intoxicated / Applicant later discovered he was charged $5,213.00 across five transactions by Respondent / Whether Respondent’s bar used Applicant’s credit card dishonestly / Whether Applicant can get a refund on the grounds of intoxication / Held: Applicant provided evidence to show he was drunk before arriving at Respondent’s bar / Applicant failed to prove that he was so very drunk he could not understand the general nature of the transactions he entered into / Not equitable in all the circumstances to set aside the contract / Contract was fully performed / Respondent’s contractors cannot take back their services / Would not be equitable for the Applicant to receive a refund for services he received when drunk / Claim dismissed.

  7. NG v TF [2022] NZDT 18 (24 February 2022) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract/ Tort / Duty of care / Applicant and Respondent were socialising at the Applicant’s house /  Applicant and Respondent had an argument and the Respondent was told to leave / Respondent banged on a sliding door after leaving and broke the glass in the door / Whether the Respondent agreed to pay for the cost to replace the glass / If so, was the Respondent liable to pay $462.30 / Held: evidence establishes that the Respondent agreed to pay for the cost to repair the sliding door / Respondent owed a duty of care to take reasonable care when she banged on the glass in the sliding door / Satisfied that the glass broke as a result of the Respondent’s actions / Satisfied that $462.50 was the amount that the Respondent owed to repair the door / Respondent ordered to pay $462.30 to the Applicant / Claim granted

  8. CU v KI Ltd [2022] NZDT 19 (23 February 2022) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Consumer law / Reasonable care / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant and her children were booked into a motel for nine nights / Applicant and her family received multiple unwanted visitors while staying at the motel / Applicant failed to receive an immediate response to their concerns from the motel manager / Later, the motel manager informed the Applicant that they would not be able to change rooms until the following day / The visitors became increasingly threatening leading to the Applicant and her family to leaving for alternative accommodation before the end of their planned stay / Respondent refunded $480.00 to the Applicant and provided CCTV to the Police / Applicant sought $10,000.00 for the balance of a full refund, cost of new hotel and damages for emotional stress / Whether the motel carried out its services with reasonable care and skill / What sum, if any, must the hotel pay to the Applicant / Held: unable to find that the Respondent failed to respond to the situatio…

  9. IN Ltd v NB [2022] NZDT 74 (22 February 2022) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Respondent purchased car from Applicant / Respondent returned car to Applicant due to defects / Applicant refunded Respondent purchase price of car / Applicant claims car returned in damaged condition / Applicant claims $25,367.74 as refund of amount paid to respondent, or $17,593.75 for cost of repair / Held: damage more likely than not occured after purchase / Held: Respondent was not aware of damage when returning car / claim dismissed.

  10. CN v C Ltd [2022] NZDT 57 (18 February 2022) [PDF, 146 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant rented car / Applicant mistakenly put Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) in the fuel tank / Rental company claimed $1,000 insurance excess and a further $11,352.28 for cost of replacing vehicle's fuel system / Whether exclusion for "use of incorrect fuel type" applied / Held: exclusion clause insufficiently clear to include DEF hazard / Whether rental company had duty to warn customers of DEF / Held: duty exists / Consumer was therefore insured for damage that occurred and only liable for sum of $1,000.  

  11. LN v JH Ltd [2022] NZDT 16 (18 February 2022) [PDF, 150 KB]

    Contract / Transport / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) /  Applicant travelled on long distance bus service / Applicant unhappy on grounds that service was late, poor driving, and lack of air-conditioning / Applicant claimed refund of $66 ticket price / Whether Respondent carried out services with reasonable care and skill / What sum, if any, Respondent must pay to Applicant / Held: bus delay outside Respondent's control / Applicant did not suffer loss due to 10 minute delay / Insufficient evidence that Respondent’s driver failed to exercise reasonable care and skill / Reasonable to expect air conditioning to be working on a long trip / Air conditioning issue a failure under s 28 of the CGA / Applicant chose to remain on bus rather than cancelling contract due to lack of air conditioning / Applicant still received value from trip since main purpose was to get to his intended destination / If a consumer purchased a ticket knowing the air conditioning was not working they might expect …

  12. DT v BQ Ltd [2022] NZDT 22 (15 February 2022) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2007 / Misrepresentation / Applicant booked one night’s accommodation at property owned by Respondent / Cost of accommodation was $13,50.00 plus a cleaning fee / Applicant claimed misrepresentation made about facilities offered / Advertised spa pool not working and BBQ dirty / Applicant claimed $400 as compensation / Whether there was misrepresentation / If so, whether the misrepresentation was a significant factor which induced the Applicant to book the accommodation / Whether the Applicant was entitled to all or any of $400 claimed / Held: advertised facilities were not functional / Onus on property owner to ensure accommodation was clean and of standard expected including ensuring facilities worked / Mispresentation established / Evidence established that Applicant relied on the description of the facilities in making her decision to book the property / Applicant sought compensation not full refund / Respondent to pay $400 to Applicant / Cl…

  13. SI & XQ v G Ltd [2022] NZDT 40 (14 February 2022) [PDF, 119 KB]

    Contract / Applicants booked band through Respondents for April 2020 wedding / Applicants cancelled band and requested refund in March 2020 after border restrictions announced due to Covid-19 / Respondents refunded Applicants $2872.13 / Applicants claim $2962.13 for the balance of money paid and tribunal fee / What were the terms of the contract and was contract frustrated; if so, what is the remedy and can the filing fee be recovered / Held: terms of contract included no refund for cancellation within 30 days; cancellation terms do not prevail in this case / Held: contract was frustrated / Held: Applicants entitled to refund of $2722.13 / filing fee not recoverable / Claim allowed.

  14. LQ Ltd v JN & BN [2022] NZDT 2 (14 February 2022) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Reasonable care and skill / Breach / Second respondent contracted with Applicant to repair hot water cylinder / Applicant claims payment on account / Respondents claim the cylinder lost heat three months after repairs after Applicant had attended property regarding payment / Respondents discovered issue with cylinder due to missing fuse / Whether it is more likely than not the Applicant removed the fuse; if so, how much is payable for work done / Held: Applicant most likely took out fuse / Held: Applicant not able to recover own charges but fees for work of third-party just and practicable to be paid / Claim allowed / Respondents ordered to pay $189.03 to Applicant

  15. BO & CO v MI [2022] NZDT 1 (14 February 2022) [PDF, 167 KB]

    Fencing Act 1978 / Parties share an existing boundary fence / Respondent added to height of fence without consulting Applicants / Applicants claim for removal of the additonal height added to the fence and replacement of wooden fence with wire fence / Held: Respondent altered fence without consultation as required under s 9 of the Fencing Act / Alteration must be removed at the Respondent's cost / Respondent ordered to remove additional height and may retain cloth shade / Held: style and height of fence is satisfactory for purpose intended except containing chickens . Applicants ordered to install barrier suitable for retention of chickens / Outcome: claim allowed in part.

  16. AQ & BQ v DD Ltd [2022] NZDT 4 (11 February 2022) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants bought a kitset garage / Respondent had undertaken garage installation / Various issues arose from installation / Applicants did not wish to pay final $5,000 to Respondent / Respondent pursued payment / Applicants claimed $30,000 in damages / Respondent counterclaimed for final account plus additional costs amounting to $10,000 / Both parties have claimed for compensation for any sum payable / Held: garage was consented to despite errors in the installation / Compensation payable by Respondent was offset by amount still owed by Applicants / Neither party owed the other any sum / Claim and counterclaim granted.

  17. XQ v T Ltd [2022] NZDT 85 (8 February 2022) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Consumer law / Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant bought an automotive car item from Respondent / Item did not run correctly once installed in the car / Respondent gave a refund / Applicant claims the cost of the item, mechanic fees and time spent in preparation for hearing / Held: CGA applies / Respondent had the opportunity to inspect the item before providing a refund / Due to the circumstances, it could not be determined whether the item was faulty / Applicant can claim for reasonable consequential losses / Disputes Tribunal cannot award costs for hearing preparations / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $107.61 / Claim partly allowed.

  18. FQ & TZ v QM [2022] NZDT 77 (8 February 2022) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicants booked Respondent as photographer for their wedding / Applicant's wedding postponed because of COVID / Respondent refused to be vaccinated and suggested to proceed as planned or his contract to be either transferred to a vaccinated photographer or be cancelled with a 50% refund of paid amount / Respondent suggested to record the event using Google satellites / Applicants claim for full refund on the basis that proposed service is not reasonably fit for purpose under the CGA / Held: Applicants entitled to cancel contract as services provided by Respondent not fit for purpose / Applicant can obtain any loss or damage resulting from failure that was reasonably foreseeable / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $599.00 on or before 8 March 2022 / Claim allowed.

  19. ML v OJ Ltd [2022] NZDT 39 (8 February 2022) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant enrolled her child to attend afterschool care run by the Respondent for the first two terms of 2021 / In July 2021, Applicant prepaid $1,088 for the third term / Due to Covid-19 some classes were not delivered while others were moved online / Applicant sought a refund for the classes that were not delivered / Respondent asked Applicant to sign form on back of enrolment form before it would process request for refund / Applicant refused to sign the form, which contained terms regarding accepting a credit / Respondent maintained Applicant was only entitled to a credit rather than a refund / Applicant claimed a refund of $779.80 based on the Respondent’s original calculation of the credit due / Were the unsigned terms on the back of the enrolment form part of the contract / Whether the contract was frustrated / What sum, if any, should be refunded / Held: evidence indicated that the terms on the back of the enrolment form were no…

  20. BE v PG Ltd [2022] NZDT 37 (8 February 2022) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant and her partner entered into contracts with Respondent to provide a variety of wedding services /  Contracts related to planning and styling of the wedding, floral styling and venue hire / Applicant and her partner live in Australia / Due to travel restrictions relating to Covid-19 the parties agreed to postpone the wedding  / Later the Applicant and her partner advised they wished to cancel their booking / Correspondence ensued between the parties regarding refunds / Applicant received a partial refund from Respondent / Applicant sought an order for $3,312.70, the deposit amount for floral and venue hire contracts / Whether the contract was frustrated / If yes, whether the Applicant was entitled to a refund of $3,312,70 / If not, whether the Respondent was entitled to retain deposits paid / Held: contract was not frustrated / Contract was cancelled because Applicant and her partner made a decision not to take the risk of cont…

  21. DD v SQ Ltd [2022] NZDT 72 (31 January 2022) [PDF, 129 KB]

    Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased customised paint from Respondent / Applicant did not test the shade before painting / Applicant discovered shade was incorrect after they purchased more paint / Applicant claimed cost to re-paint and scaffold the house/ Held: addition of tint did not affect the quality or usefulness of the paint / Respondent failed to take enough care when checking the colour before it was applied / Remedy sought outweighs the issue / Claim dismissed.

  22. GT Ltd v SX & TX & EN Ltd [2022] NZDT 49 (27 January 2022) [PDF, 122 KB]

    Tort / Detinue / Applicant booked Polaris Ranger into Respondents’ workshop / Respondent refused to return the ranger until Applicant paid outstanding invoice for a different Polaris / The vehicle was returned, after Applicant filed an initial Disputes Tribunal claim / Applicant seeks damages to cover the cost of hiring an alternative vehicle while Polaris was detained / Held: It was unlawful for Respondent to withhold the Polaris / The first and third Respondent must pay the Applicant $1,100.00 for hiring costs / The claim against the second respondent is dismissed. Claim: partially upheld.