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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. XT Ltd v OA Ltd [2022] NZDT 96 (9 August 2022) .pdf [PDF, 170 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / School ordered 11 books from the Applicant at a cost of $575.50 / Books were self-published by the Applicant as a limited edition of 100 copies / Applicant sent the books by courier through the Respondent / Books never reached the school / Applicant claimed $931.20 for full print run and the filing fee /  Respondent admitted liability for loss of books but disputed their value / Held: books should be valued at market price /  Market for such books is limited and largely local / Loss of the books meant that the Applicant suffered the loss of full contract price / Respondent ordered to pay $575.50 to the Applicant / Claim granted.

  2. NM & B Ltd v J Ltd & RJ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1662 (9 August 2021) [PDF, 240 KB]

    Tort / Duty of Care / Respondent constructed roadway near Applicant’s property / Applicant felt vibrations at property / Applicant’s concrete floor cracked / Applicant claims damage occurred during time roadway was constructed / Applicant claims damage caused wholly or partially by roadworks / Applicant claims $22,245.02 towards repair / Held: damage to internal floor occurred during time roadway was constructed / Held: damage cause partially by roadworks / roller caused vibrations at property / vibrations primary cause of damage / Held: Respondent to pay Applicant $13,350.00 towards repair / Claim allowed

  3. HL v UED Ltd [2022] NZDT 113 (7 August 2022) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged the Respondent company to carry out orthodonic treatment / Contract was signed by Respondent and the dentist / Balance was paid in monthly instalments / Dentist passed away / Respondent company informed the Applicant that her treatment would have to continue at another practice / Respondent indicated that they would not be passing the Applicant's balance to the other dental practice / Remainder of the Applicant's treatment performed at another dental practice /  Applicant incurred extra costs and travel expenses / Respondent argued contract was between the Applicant and the deceased dentist / Applicant argued contract was between herself and the Respondent company / Held: dentist had acted with the authority of the Respondent / Respondent company was bound by the contract / Respondent company was a party to the contract so had an obligation to provide the treatment / Costs were reasonably foreseeable consequential losses / Respondent ordered to pay Applican…

  4. BI v U Ltd [2022] NZDT 142 (5 August 2022) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Applicant had a car insurance policy with Respondent / Applicant claimed his car was stolen and lodged a claim / Applicant provided Respondent different versions of events on how the car was stolen / In any event it appeared Applicant lent his car to someone else / Respondent investigated claim / Applicant claimed value of the car with interest / Held: car was given to someone else / Not a “sudden and accidental physical loss” that Applicant insured for / Claim dismissed.

  5. ET v MC & DC [2022] NZDT 119 (5 August 2022) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant claims contribution for the erection of a new fence / Applicant claimed that the existing fence was not adequate and needed replacing / Respondents counterclaimed this decision and objected the work on the proposed fence / Applicant claimed $1248.00 for the new fence / Held: Applicant’s claim was struck out as tribunal did not have jurisdiction to hear the claim / Applicant to pay for the replacement of the section he removed / Claim dismissed, Applicant ordered to pay $560.00 to Respondents

  6. GJ Ltd v EI Ltd [2022] NZDT 103 (5 August 2022) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract/  Applicant entered into an agreement of sale and purchase of a business with the respondent/ Applicant claimed that proper gas bottles were installed in a zone that was not safe and needed to be moved to be legal/ Applicant claimed $8,742.11 for the cost of relocating the gas bottles / Held: Vendor did not breach its any notice, demand, requisition or outstanding requirement adversely affecting the premises/ Vendor has not breached warranty regarding any works for which a permit or building consent was required by law / Claim dismissed.

  7. KG v SQ & vehicle testing company [2022] NZDT 125 (4 August 2022) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Tort / Negligence / Bailment / Applicant had driven their motorcycle to complete a compliance check / vehicle testing company parked applicant’s motorcycle in a storage area for motorcycles / Respondent hit applicant’s motorcycle with his vehicle while exiting testing station / motorcycle was taken to third party to get repairs / Applicant claims cost of repairs from respondent and vehicle testing company / Held: vehicle testing company liable as they had complete control over the storage location of Applicant’s motorcycle / Respondent did not take proper care when exiting the vehicle testing centre / vehicle testing company and Respondent to pay Applicant’s insurer $4,840.74 / Claim upheld.

  8. LM v HD Ltd [2022] NZDT 148 (4 August 2022) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Contract / Card charges / Hotel / Applicants were guests at Respondent’s hotel / Respondents charged Applicant’s credit card $200 without notifying them / Respondents claim this was because of damage in the room / Applicants claim there was no damage / Applicants claim the charge was unfair / Held: Respondents have burden of proof to prove the damage and justify the charge to the Applicant’s credit card / Held: Respondents have not discharged burden of proof as their evidence is from over six months later / Held: no legal basis for the Respondents to charge the Applicant’s credit card $200.00 / Respondents ordered to repay the $200 / Claim upheld.

  9. HK Ltd v MO Ltd [2022] NZDT 120 (3 August 2022) [PDF, 112 KB]

    Contract / Specific Performance / Applicant and Respondent entered into contract for supply of shelving / shelving split into two types, Type A and Type B / quote for $36,000.00+GST ($41,400.00) / Respondent paid $20,700.00 to Applicant / Applicant delivered Type A shelves to Respondent / Respondent refused to pay remaining balance for Type B shelves / Applicant claims $20,700.00 plus $2,000.00 for storage of type B shelves / Respondent claims that Type B shevles did not form part of contract / Held: contract was for the supply of both types of shelves / Respondent to pay Applicant $20,700.00 / Applicant to deliver Type B shelves to Respondent upon receipt of payment / claim allowed.

  10. IH v LM [2022] NZDT 136 (3 August 2022) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant owns a lot adjacent to the Respondent’s / Applicant emailed a fencing notice to the Respondent proposing a fence to be erected between the two properties / Applicant did not receive a response so built a fence and invoiced the Respondent for half of the cost / The respondent states notice was not correctly served to the legal owner of the land / Applicant claims $661.25 for the erection of the fence and Applicant’s legal costs / Held: Applicant did not serve the fencing notice to the Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  11. SC v CX [2022] NZDT 116 (2 August 2022) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant rented holiday home from Respondent / Applicant was unhappy with the cleanliness of the property / Applicant advised the Respondent of the issues / Respondent organised a cleaner to remedy the problem / Applicant claimed $1560.00, a 50% reduction in the holiday home rental / Held: evidence was inconsistent and did not fully support the claim / Respondent provided a remedy within a reasonable amount of time / Holiday home found to be reasonably clean / Respondent was not in breach of the contract or of the CGA / Claim dismissed.

  12. II & SC v FX [2022] NZDT 229 (19 July 2022) [PDF, 100 KB]

    Contract / Applicant contracted Respondent to build house extension and paid $10,000 deposit / Applicant and Respondent agreed 80% of deposit would be refundable / Applicant decided not to proceed with extension and sought $8,000 refund / Respondent declined refund / Held: Applicants’ had not agreed to proceed to build / Respondent breached contract by not refunding $8,000 / Respondent is to refund the amount and take his materials / claim allowed.

  13. MI Ltd v QD Ltd [2022] NZDT 205 (18 July 2022) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant brought reformer bed off Respondent via an online auction / Applicant was dissatisfied with its condition / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented the condition inducing her to purchase it / Applicant claimed $1,740.89, cost to repair the reformer bed together with the Tribunal’s filing fee / Held: Respondent gave opinions as to the condition of the reformer bed and did not give clear statements / Applicant made assumptions based on the Respondent's opinion / Respondent therefore did not misrepresent the reformer bed and did not induce the Applicant into the purchase / Claim dismissed.

  14. FB v TT Ltd [2022] NZDT 201 (17 July 2022) [PDF, 156 KB]

    Contract / Applicants entered into contract with Respondent to supply steel / Price of steel increased and Respondent tried to pass that cost onto the Applicant / Respondent cancelled contract and refused to supply the steel at agreed price / Applicant engaged another party to supply the steel / Applicant claimed the difference between contract price for steel and what she had to pay in the end, $5520.00 / Held: no variation to which increased costs may operate upon as no variation to the work requested / Respondent not entitled to refuse to honour the earlier agreed price / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $5520.00 / Claim granted.

  15. TI v XY [2022] NZDT 243 (15 July 2022) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s car was parked / Respondent was towing a gated trailer / Trailer gate opened causing damage to Applicant’s car / Applicant’s insurer claims cost of repair $3,411.65 / Respondent claims trailer defective when they hired it / Hire company disputes claim / Held: Respondent liable for repair of Applicant’s car / Applicant’s insurer has paid for repairs/ Respondent to pay Applicant’s insurer $3,411.65 / Claim upheld.

  16. PI v XU [2022] NZDT 212 (12 July 2022) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Respondent placed winning bid of $19,200 on Applicant's motor vehicle on Trademe / Respondent unable to source funds for payment / Motor vehicle relisted for sale on Trademe and sold for $10,050 / Applicant claims the difference of $9,150 / Held: Contract was cancelled and no party is obliged or entitled to perform it / Relief granted based on Applicant's time spent communicating with Respondent about payment and relisting motor vehicle / Respondent to pay Applicant $500.

  17. KD v TB Ltd [2022] NZDT 204 (11 July 2022) [PDF, 105 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant hired a trailer from the Respondent / Respondent's employee helped Applicant attach the trailer to his car / Employee pushed the trailer into Applicant's car causing damage / Applicant claimed for damages of $1,307.38 for repairs / Held: Respondent's employee owed Applicant duty of care / Respondent vicariously liable as negligent act was in the course of normal business and in the scope of his or her employment / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,307.38 / Claim granted.

  18. N Ltd v B Ltd, SL, & I Ltd [2022] NZDT 236 (7 July 2022) [PDF, 150 KB]

    Tort / Damage or injury / Applicant claimed Respondent dumped soil on their property / Claim for contamination testing fee and removal of soil / Video evidence showed soil was illegally dumped / Second Respondent solely liable as admitted the unlawful dumping / Second Respondent had hired truck from Respondent / Second Respondent directed driver to dump the soil / Held: Second Respondent must pay the reasonable costs to rectify / Second Respondent must pay $11,615.00 invoice for clean-up and contamination testing fee / Claim granted.

  19. OX v ND [2022] NZDT 62 (29 June 2022) [PDF, 111 KB]

    Contract / Parties were flatmates / Respondent was head tenant / Parties signed renting agreement / Applicant had physical altercation with Respondent’s partner / Respondent was not willing to allow Applicant to return to property / Applicant obtained the intervention of the Police who obliged Respondent to return Applicant’s possessions / Applicant did not remove his possessions from his room until a month later /  To pay rent while room was unable to be let to someone else Respondent kept Applicant’s bond of $570.00 / Applicant claimed for return of bond payment subject to renting agreement / Whether either party breached contract / If so, what if any damages or compensation was payable / Held: Applicant not entitled to refund of his bond because it was used to pay for unpaid rent / If the Applicant had taken his possessions away earlier then the bond would almost certainly have been refundable / Applicant’s personal circumstances did not make any difference to his obligation to pay …

  20. DN v DD Ltd [2022] NZDT 61 (28 June 2022) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant engaged Respondent to do construction work on his property / Respondent had worked on the property before and knew the Applicant’s dogs / Dogs were outside while the Respondent worked on the property and the Applicant was away / Respondent drove out of the driveway and  ran over one of the dog’s paw / Dog was taken to vet clinic for surgery / Applicant claimed $21,207.59 for vet fees, travel costs and loss of income / Whether Respondent was liable in negligence for the damage to the dog’s paw / Held: Respondent had a duty of care to adequately supervise the dogs in the absence of the Applicant  / However, actions on the day did not breach the duty of care / The dog was out of the Respondent’s usual line of sight when driving / Standard of care argued was too high / Respondent’s actions were those of a reasonable person and were not negligent / Claim dismissed.

  21. AB v CD Ltd [2022] NZDT 87 (23 June 2022) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent completed building report for Applicant / Applicant claimed they relied on report for  conditional purchase of property / Applicant subsequently discovered issues with property not identified in the report / Applicant claimed $20,000 from Respondent for repair expenses / Respondent denied liability / Respondent claimed he completed a visual and non-invasive inspection and reported on relevant matters / Held: Respondent did not fail to take reasonable care and skill / Respondent did not fail to provide services which are fit for purpose / Applicant not entitled to any remedy / Claim dismissed.

  22. QL v OQ [2021] NZDT 1664 (22 June 2021) [PDF, 116 KB]

    Contract / Applicant rented chair at business operated by Respondent / Applicant stated arrangement was abruptly terminated by Respondent / Applicant claimed $3,474.50 for lost earnings in period after termination of agreement / What terms were agreed regarding termination / Did Respondent unlawfully terminate agreement / If so, was Applicant entitled to sum claimed or any other sum / Held: contract was for initial three month period then continued wihtout agreed terms about termination / Respondent entitled to terminate agreement in circumstances, but notice period not reasonable / Applicant has not established he suffered financial loss / Claim dismissed. 

  23. JL v N Ltd [2022] NZDT 76 (17 June 2022) [PDF, 157 KB]

    Contract / Building Act 2004 / Applicant entered contract with Respondent to purchase house and land package / Shortly after settlement Respondent noticed cracks appearing on front path and driveway  / The cracks expanded / Respondent assured Applicant this was normal, recommended applying glue to the cracks / Applicant engaged specialist assessment / Applicant claims $4312.50 for remedial repairs and $90.00 for the Tribunal filing fee / Held: Respondent is in breach of sections 362I and 362Q of the Act / Respondent liable to pay claimed remedial costs / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $4312.50. Tribunal fee not able to be awarded.

  24. SD v NB & JC Ltd [2021] NZDT 1711 (9 June 2021) [PDF, 200 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986  / Applicant engaged Respondent to renovate bathroom / Respondent did not complete the bathroom and ceased communication / Applicant seeks a refund of all payments / Held: the Respondent failed to perform the contract and engaged in misleading conduct when it continued to seek payment with no intention or ability to provide the work contracted for / Claim allowed / Respondent to refund $6900.00 to Applicant.