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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. LB v VB Ltd [2022] NZDT 123 (25 August 2022) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent / Applicant paid $39,000 towards the vehicle /  Applicant had possession of the vehicle for approximately six months / Vehicle was then seized by Police as a stolen vehicle /  Respondent refunded the Applicant $22,000 / Applicant claimed remaining $17,000 / Held: Applicant was not able to enjoy undisturbed possession of the vehicle / Respondent sold a vehicle they had no right to sell / Applicant entitled to a refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $17,000 / Claim granted.

  2. TB v X Ltd [2022] NZDT 133 (25 August 2022) [PDF, 135 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant engaged the Respondent to move his belongings to another city / Respondent was to be paid 50% at the time of booking and 50% upon delivery / Applicant paid deposit and belongings were shipped to a different city to be stored before delivery / Applicant’s belongings were not delivered on time / Applicant was paying rent for a property he could not live in without his belongings /  Applicant tried to make contact with Respondent who was evasive / Respondent engaged third party to deliver his belongings to the designated city / Applicant claimed $1,662.50 for part performance of the contract and for two weeks rent / Held: Respondent breached the contract / Respondent made part performance of their obligations to the Applicant / Respondent failed to deliver Applicant's belongings to designated city in a reasonable time frame / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,662.50 / Claim granted.

  3. GN & GO v LQ Ltd Power Company U [2022] NZDT 121 (24 August 2022) [PDF, 219 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased a new build property from the Respondent / Second Respondent was unable to connect the broadband and power for the Applicants as it could not find a connection and dropbox / Second Respondent investigated this and found that the Respondent had not provided a connection line to the dropbox / Respondent and Second Respondent found dropbox had been installed into Applicants neighbouring, but that there was no legal right for the Applicant to connect to that dropbox without significant cost / Second Respondent alternatively could have created a new dropbox / Applicants claimed $2,324.04 to have internet connected to their home, $1,280.00 for being the cost of transportation to the library where they had to work, $1,500.00 for mental stress and inconvenience / Held: Respondent had breached their obligations in the Sale and Purchase Agreement to provide fibre to the property / Second Respondent had not breached any obligations they had to the Applicants / Claim…

  4. BN v NI [2022] NZDT 130 (22 August 2022) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Respondent signed contract for services as independent contractor with Applicant / Respondent terminated contract leaving balance of advances on commission paid / Applicant claimed payment of weekly advances and insurance premiums incurred on Respondent's behalf / Held: Respondent liable to refund advance commissions received if he did not achieve commission payment / Respondent breached contract by failing to refund Applicant for insurance premiums paid on his behalf / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $14,109.91 / Claim allowed.

  5. EC v OM Ltd [2022] NZDT 89 (22 August 2022) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant applied to reject a television he purchased from the Respondent / Applicant wanted to receive a refund or a replacement TV / TV required repair twice over eight year period / TV was repaired without costs and the Applicant was offered a replacement TV during repair period / Whether failure of the goods was of substantial character / Held: failure of the goods was not of substantial character, was not rejected within a reasonable time and can be repaired /  Claim dismissed.

  6. B Ltd v KT Ltd [2022] NZDT 94 (22 August 2022) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Contract / Director of Respondent companies booked a property belonging to the Applicant for two nights / Applicant later discovered that the First Respondent used the Applicant’s property for photoshoots for the Second Respondent /  Applicant notified the Second Respondent that it had breached the booking rules as they require permission from the owner to be obtained for photoshoots / Applicant requested $3000.00 or removal of all footage filmed at the Applicant’s property / Director of the Respondent companies offered $500 on a goodwill basis /  Applicant claimed $1100, based on the difference between $1784 paid for the accommodation and commercial rate for use of the property / Held: First Respondent was not party to any contract with the Applicant / No contractual basis upon which the Applicant can charged the Second Respondent for either damages or an additional fee / No breach of contract by the Second Respondent / No term or condition in the contract relating to commercial use o…

  7. GQ Ltd v OD Ltd [2022] NZDT 126 (19 August 2022) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant leased property to Respondent / Applicant states it suffered rent arrears and reinstatement cost loss / Respondent states it could not access the premises as a result COVID-19 lockdowns / Respondent notes that damage to the premises was not entirely caused by them / Respondent states not all damage was done by them, that they could not repair the premises as they could not relet the premise, and that they were not given opportunity to repair the damage / Applicant claims the amount of $21,605.52 for the cost of rent arrears and reinstatement costs / Held: Respondent would pay a portion of rent taking into consideration COVID-19 lockdowns and Applicant not satisfying that there was an agreement to extend the lease / Respondent to pay Applicant for reinstatement costs of power and water / Claim partially approved, Respondent to pay $21,605.52 to the Applicant.

  8. EL v IN Ltd [2022] NZDT 149 (18 August 2022) [PDF, 165 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant engaged Respondent to transport his belongings between two cities / Applicant purchased basic insurance for the transportation / Applicants belongings were placed in a storage facility operated by a third party / Items were then moved to the Applicant's house by another moving company / While unpacking, Applicant found many of his belongings were damaged / Applicant was informed his insurance would not cover the damage / Applicant sought $3,975.00 for damaged and missing items / Respondent claimed contract was at owner's risk as per their terms and conditions / Contract was never signed by Applicant / Held: contract did not meet the requirements of the CCLA / It was a contract for carriage at limited carrier’s risk / Damage occurred while the goods were the responsibility of the Respondent / Missing items were not recorded on the inventory / No evidence that they were on the truck / Applicant entitled to $1,900.00 / Cla…

  9. BE & ST v QD & U Ltd [2022] NZDT 118 (17 August 2022) [PDF, 123 KB]

    Contract / Contra Proferentum / Applicants booked accommodation at holiday park owned by Respondents through third party website / Applicants cancelled accommodation and asked for full refund of $397.70 / Respondents denied refund as outside 14-day cancellation period / Whether Respondent is party to contract / Whether Applicant entitled to refund / Held: Respondent party to contract / Third party website not party to contract made clear in terms and conditions / Applicants not entitled to full refund of $397.70, but are entitled to partial refund of $228.70 having subtracted cancellation fee of $169.00 from total / ambiguity around cancellation to be interpreted against interests of party that created it / Claim partially granted.

  10. TT Ltd v TG Trust [2022] NZDT 136 (17 August 2022) [PDF, 152 KB]

    Building contracts / Building Act 2004 (B Act) / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent was converting a residential dwelling into a commercial premises / Respondent engaged Applicant to install a fire alarm system and emergency lighting / Applicant completed fire alarm system and was paid by Respondent / Respondent sent Applicant building consent number via text message / Consent had not yet been approved / Council advised Respondent that consent was refused due to contravention of B Act / Respondent then carried out work for emergency lighting under the same consent number / Applicant served two infringement notices of $1,000.00 from the Council for breaching B Act, which they paid / Applicant sought $2,000.00 from the Respondent in reimbursement of the fines paid / Held: Applicant's responsibility to check validity of resource consent for installation of the fire alarm system / Not sufficient to rely on its clie…

  11. LG v IU Ltd [2022] NZDT 124 (16 August 2022) [PDF, 165 KB]

    Contract / Applicant purchased a farm from the Respondent / Horse walker was listed as a chattel / Applicant found it did not work after settlement and claimed $27,000 to repair / Under the sale agreement the chattels must be in reasonable working order / Applicant carried out a pre-purchase inspection and informed the agent that he was not happy with its condition / Electrician was engaged to carry out repairs / Horse walker was then witnessed to be in reasonable working order / When the horse walker was checked after settlement it was found to be too dangerous to use with horses / Held: Respondent did not breach the vendor warranty in regard to the horse walker / Evidence showed it had been working shortly before settlement / No valid claim for compensation / Claim dismissed.

  12. KB & PB v VI Ltd & OQ Ltd [2022] NZDT 144 (16 August 2022) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Warranties / Building Act 2004 (BA) / Applicants purchased property with various building and plumbing works done / Applicants discovered water leaking from bathroom to lounge ceiling / Previous owners put them in contact with Respondent 1 who had done the work / Respondent 1 agreed to fix leak but was unable to arrange a contractor to do work / Respondent 1 offered to pay for repairs if Applicants arranged contractor / Applicants claim Respondent 2 as a subcontractor for Respondent 1 is also liable / Applicants claim Respondent 1 did not carry out work with reasonable care and skill as per BA s 362I(1)(d)(i) / Held: Respondent 2 was not party to original works so not liable / Work was not up to BA standard / Applicants are entitled to $8226.74 as cost of getting repairs done / Claim partially upheld.

  13. LJ Ltd v DS Ltd [2022] NZDT 147 (16 August 2022) [PDF, 206 KB]

    Contractual relationship / Negligence / Damage to property / Respondent was moving Applicant’s belongings by truck / Driver of truck hit a shed belonging to Applicant / Applicant claims $4,370 from Respondent for cost of repairs to shed / Respondent estimates cost of shed repair to be $3,392.50 / Held: truck driver breached duty to exercise reasonable care / Truck driver caused damage to shed / Held: Respondent is vicariously liable for cost of repairs to shed / Respondent agreed relationship was nature of employer employee and truck driver was acting in course of duties / Held: Dispute about quotes noted / Reasonable assessment of cost to repair shed reached by taking midpoint between Applicant’s quote and Respondent’s estimate / Respondent ordered to pay $3,881.25 to Applicant / Claim upheld.

  14. LT Ltd v ON & NN [2022] NZDT 137 (15 August 2022) [PDF, 142 KB]

    Contract / Respondents rented a storage unit from Applicant company / Applicant company made three claims / Firstly, Applicants claimed Respondents breached the contract by not paying the fee due / Secondly, Applicants claimed Respondents were responsible for damage to  storage units caused by a third party / Lastly, Applicants claimed Respondents had abandoned the storage unit / Held: Respondents breached the contract by not paying the fee due / However, Applicant had not taken steps to minimise its loss / Respondents as renters were responsible for damages caused by third parties to their unit and adjoining units / Respondents did not abandon the storage unit, but the Applicants were within their rights to remove and dispose of the goods in the unit / Respondents ordered to pay Applicant $200 in costs to repair storage unit damage / Applicant could not claim the cost of breach of contract as they had breached the contract themselves by not providing the second swipe card / Claim gran…

  15. MT v CE Ltd [2022] NZDT 141 (15 August 2022) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantee Act 1993 / Applicant entered into a 12 month contract with Respondent for internet and phone services / Respondent told Applicant it was shutting down the tower used to provide Applicant's phone services / Applicant declined to switch to another plan with Respondent / Applicant claimed refund of $890.75 for installation fee / Held: service was not fit for purpose / There were connectivity problems and the repeater tower was decommissioned after 14 weeks / Applicant entitled to $421.48, refund plus damages for extra costs involved in setting up with a new provider / Claim granted.

  16. SN v K Ltd [2022] NZDT 117 (15 August 2022) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Fencing / Fencing Act 1978 (FA) /  Parties owned adjoining sections / Applicant built a retaining wall and fence / Applicant asked Respondent to share 50% of the costs, $1656.05 / Respondent only agreed to pay $1000 / Applicant claimed $3,086.30 for the full cost of the retaining wall and $1656.05 for fencing as well as legal fees and interest / Held: retaining wall was only required because of the actions of the Applicant’s builder / Fence was attached to the retaining wall so deemed part of the same structure / Applicant failed to serve the Respondent with a FA notice / Respondent not compelled to pay for the retaining wall/fence structure / Interest and legal fees are only awarded in exceptional circumstances and do not apply here / Claim dismissed.

  17. ND v BC [2022] NZDT 128 (15 August 2022) [PDF, 160 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased a truck from Respondent / Inspection found that truck was in good condition / Deposit was paid and the truck was freighted to the Applicant / Truck arrived with damage / Applicant sought costs to repair damage / He also sought the cost of a mechanical warranty / Held: Respondent breached duty of care as a bailee of the truck / Evidence indicated that a mechanical warranty had been agreed / Misrepresentation by Respondent  motivated the Applicant to enter into the contract / Respondent ordered to pay $10,543.56, $7,428.56 for repair costs and $3,115.00 for warranty / Claim granted.

  18. IU v KI & CI [2022] NZDT 111 (15 August 2022) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was driving her car down a street on a day where there was high wind / A branch from Applicant’s tree fell and hit the bonnet of the Respondent’s car / The vehicle was damaged in the incident and since written off / Applicant claims $4,915 for the car repair and transport costs / Held: Respondent’s were negligent as the tree falling was reasonably foreseeable / Claim allowed / Respondent ordered to pay applicant $3,300.

  19. RQ & TQ v SR & N Trust Ltd [2022] NZDT 127 (11 August 2022) [PDF, 243 KB]

    Contract / Licence to Occupy (LTO) / Applicants purchased a property from Respondents / Funds for purchase were conditional on Applicants selling their properties / Applicants took possession of new property before settlement date under LTO and stated “pre-settlement inspection issues will not be raised” / Applicant claimed LTO signed under duress and were only agreeing liability for any damage during LTO period / Applicant claimed breach of warranties under clause 9 of Agreement for Sale and Purchase (ASP) / Respondent claimed LTO prevents Applicant from claims under ASP / Held: Applicants had legal advice and did not sign LTO under duress / LTO did not state rights under clause 9 (vendors warranties and undertakings) of ASP were waived / Applicants able to claim for issues present at pre-settlement inspection that are in breach of clause 9.3(1) / Applicants able to claim for replacement of a broken switch, other claims not covered by clause 9.3(1) / Respondent ordered to pay $46 to A…

  20. NB v NF Ltd [2022] NZDT 143 (11 August 2022) [PDF, 135 KB]

    Contract / Applicant signed a contract for a wedding reception with the Respondent / Contract stated all payments were non-refundable but event date could be moved due to COVID-19 lockdowns / Lockdown restrictions were enforced / Applicant was advised she would need to reschedule the event / Government then announced the COVID-19 Alert system were being replaced with traffic light settings / Applicant tried to vary her contract by way of telephone call / Applicant claimed the Government lockdown clause became void when the traffic light system was introduced / Applicant claimed refund of $3,000.00 deposit / Held: lockdown clause did not become void when the Alert system ended / Only remedy was to re-schedule the event which the Applicant did not wish to do / Tribunal will not undermine otherwise legally enforcable and binding contract solely on the basis that the contract agreed might be unfair to one party / Applicant did not establish claim for deposit refund / Claim dismissed. 

  21. BD v EX [2022] NZDT 293 (10 August 2022) [PDF, 152 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant claimed Respondent did not build his deck correctly / Applicant claimed refund being amount paid to Respondent and cost of materials / Held: Respondent did not use reasonable care and skill when constructing deck / Deck not of acceptable quality / Respondent had not made any attempts to remedy defects / Failures were of substantial character / Applicant entitled to cancel contract and receive full refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $17,778.00 / Claim allowed.

  22. N Ltd v NU [2022] NZDT 95 (10 August 2022) [PDF, 106 KB]

    Negligence / Car driven by second Respondent collided with the rear of car driven by first Respondent / First Respondent’s car then veered into shop occupied by Applicant / Considerable damage caused / Applicant’s insurer has met the costs of repairs and now claims those costs from first Respondent, their insurer, and second Respondent / Held: second Respondent fully liable for the damage / Impact from behind might have caused first Respondent to react in confused way and accelerate into shop / Claim against first Respondent dismissed / Second Respondent to pay Applicant’s insurer $17,285.20.

  23. NQ v OS [2022] NZDT 109 (10 August 2022) [PDF, 91 KB]

    Negligence / During a cyclone, Respondents' garden shed blew away and hit the Applicants' vehicle causing damage / Applicant claimed $4,378.20 for vehicle repairs / Held: duty of care for Respondent to prevent consequences they could reasonably foresee would result in harm / Duty was not breached as Respondent had secured the shed in excess of the manufacturer's recommendation / Applicant failed to provide any contrary evidence / Cyclone was considered an Act of God / Respondent could not have anticipated or guarded against circumstances, nor foreseen the damage to the Applicant's vehicle / Claim dismissed.