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1866 items matching your search terms

  1. MH v NB Ltd [2022] NZDT 171 (4 October 2022) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant claimed the Respondent performed unsatisfactory repair work on her car / Applicant had left instructions that Respondent was to provide particular mechanical work on her vehicle / Respondent conducted requested tasks but also some additional unrequested tasks / Applicant claimed her car did not drive well after the Respondent's repairs / Applicant went to another mechanic who found several issues with her vehicle / Applicant believed additional repair work was required due to the Respondent's repairs / Respondent claimed that the issues were a result of a blown gasket and not their repair work / Applicant claimed $1,312.84 in compensation / Held: Respondent had not carried out work with reasonable care and skill / Respondent's repair work was not fit for purpose / Respondent had erroneously described work performed /  Respondent ordered to pay $1,028.85 to Applicant / Claim granted.

  2. SN v D Ltd [2022] NZDT 168 (4 October 2022) [PDF, 283 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant saw online advertisement for car / Applicant purchased car from Respondents / Car broke down / Applicant sent car for mechanical report / Applicant claims engine and clutch needed to be replaced, sound system was not premium as advertised and it had dents in boot area / Applicant claims compensation as car was not of acceptable quality and fit for its intended purposes and Respondents had misrepresented it / Held: First Respondent was acting as the Second Respondent’s agent to sell the car / First Respondent was not a registered motor vehicle dealer but is still considered to be in the business of selling vehicles / First Respondent has breached the statutory guarantee to the Applicant that the vehicle was of acceptable quality / First Respondent has misrepresented the odometer reading and condition of the vehicle / Total amount of compensation for damages suffered by Applicant is $42,407.56 but Disputes Tribunal is limited to award a…

  3. HD v BF Ltd [2022] NZDT 183 (4 October 2022) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Contra Proferentum / Applicant entered contract with Respondent for house design work / Applicant had paid $11,040.00 and Respondent had completed much of the work before dispute arose over whether Council fees were included in contract / Applicant claims full refund of $11,040.00 / Respondent counterclaims for $12,000.00, comprising $4,657.50 for partial completion, $2,530.00 for cost of third party resource consent work and $3,000.00 for legal costs, time spent and interest / Held: agreement covered Council deposit fees but not structural design fees / Respondent implicitly accepted Applicant’s interpretation of contract but it is unreasonable to understand contract fees to cover full amount of Council fees / Held: Applicant not entitled to refund / work was already undertaken and it is possible for the work to be continued / claim and counterclaim dismissed.

  4. KH v KL [2022] NZDT 178 (4 October 2022) [PDF, 144 KB]

    Contract / Applicant placed motherboard for sale online / Respondent placed winning bid of $290 but did not complete purchase / Applicant relisted motherboard and it was sold for $160/ Applicant claims payment of $130 from Respondent / Held: As per website’s terms of service, placing winning bid creates legal contract between bidder and seller / Applicant entitled to damages for breach of contract / amount Applicant is entitled to is the difference between contract price and sale price made in the subsequent sale / Respondent is to pay the applicant $130 / claim upheld.

  5. DX v E Ltd & ET [2022] NZDT 170 (30 September 2022) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant discussed laying his driveway with Second Respondent / Second Respondent issued an invoice from First Respondent / Applicant paid $19,665.00 to Second Respondent / Second Respondent not a legal entity / Work was not done / Question of who was the party to the contract / Held: Second Respondent cannot be a party to the contract as they were not a legal entity / First Respondent was a party to contract / Second Respondent engaged in conduct that was misleading or likely to mislead / Legislation provided that if a person suffered loss by such conduct of another person, an order can be directed that person pay amount of the loss to the other / Second Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $19,665.00 / Claim against First Respondent dismissed / Claim against Second Respondent granted.

  6. D K Rentals v TL [2022] NZDT 161 (30 September 2022) [PDF, 181 KB]

    Contract / Respondent entered into an agreement with the Applicant for the long term hire of a caravan / Rent was paid sporadically by the Respondent but then ceased / Applicants tried to contact the Respondent / Applicants went to retrieve the caravan / Caravan was not there / Applicants reported caravan missing and made enquiries with Respondents family and police / Caravan and Respondent have not been found / Applicant claimed $13,500 for the caravan / Held: Term in contract specified that the Respondent was responsible for the security caravan / Respondent had a duty to take reasonable care of the caravan / Claim granted, Respondent ordered to pay $13,500 for caravan minus $82.86 bond credit.

  7. DM Ltd v GD Ltd [2022] NZDT 188 (30 September) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Tort / Contract / Negligence / Contra Proferentum / Applicant had assets located within Respondent’s property / There was an outage in the service provided by Applicant / Applicant investigated outage / Outage appears to have been caused by a fire in Respondent’s premises / Applicants claim that Respondent’s tenants were negligent and caused the fire / Applicant also claims that Respondent, as the landlord, is contractually liable for the damage / For negligence a third party report was used by the Applicant as evidence / Respondent’s tenant’s insurer’s report was also used in evidence / Held: there is insufficient evidence to prove negligence on tenant’s part / For contractual liability the word “cause” is ambiguous in the contract between Applicant and Respondent / Applicant wrote the contract / There is insufficient evidence to prove contractual liability of Respondent / Claims dismissed.

  8. GC v NT [2022] NZDT 184 (30 September 2022) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Contract / Applicant entered into a contract with Respondent to provide live music at her party / Applicant paid non-refundable deposit of $500.00 to Respondent / Applicant then emailed asking Respondent to include ABBA on the playlist and other material the band did not normally play / Respondent replied saying it would be difficult to learn and rehearse new material / Respondent told Applicant he would endeavour to accommodate her needs / Weeks later, Applicant cancelled the contract on the basis that she was not going to get her choice of music /  Applicant requested her deposit back / Respondent agreed to return $250.00 / Applicant claimed for remainder of her deposit / Held: deposit was non-refundable / Respondent did try to accommodate Applicant’s music requests / Applicant not entitled to the remainder of deposit / Claim dismissed. 

  9. AM v BN [2022] NZDT 176 (29 September 2022) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant purchased vehicle online by swapping for vehicle to value of $10,000 with third party / Vehicle repossessed by finance company as there was security interest registered against vehicle in relation to finance owed by Respondent / Applicant claims $10,000 for value of car and $6,000 in other costs incurred on repairs and upgrades / Held: Respondent did not sell vehicle to Applicant therefore there no contract between parties and s135 of the CCLA does not apply / Claim dismissed.

  10. NX & PX v Airline X [2022] NZDT 181 (28 September 2022) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Civil Aviation Act 1990 (CAA) / Applicants booked flights with Respondent / Applicants had to first fly with another carrier to connect with Respondent's flight / Connecting flight was delayed and later cancelled / Due to cancellation Applicants missed flight with Respondent / Applicant tried to contact Respondent / Applicant booked flight for next day / Applicant claims $1,298.20 for cost of rebooking new flight tickets / Held: Respondent is a contracting carrier under the Montreal Convention, schedule 6 of CAA / Respondent remained liable for the acts and omissions of carrier airline as its actions are deemed to be that of Respondents / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $1,298.20.

  11. MO & SO v QC Ltd [2022] NZDT 157 (28 September 2022) [PDF, 142 KB]

    Contract / Negligence / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent completed building work on Applicants' property / After the works were completed the Applicants' pool partially collapsed / Collapse led to a significant amount of water loss from the pool / Applicants claimed Respondents breached its duty of care owed to them / Applicants claimed $30,000.00 in damages / Held: no single cause of the pool's collapse was proven / Insufficient evidence to establish the extent building work hastened the pool's demise / No evidence that the Respondent breached its duty of care / Claim dismissed.

  12. KQ v HDC Ltd [2022] NZDT 153 (28 September 2022) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Negligence / Car collision / Applicant and Respondent were both driving when their motor vehicles collided / Applicant’s vehicle was damaged / Neither party was insured / Applicant claimed for repair costs and associated costs / Held: Respondent breached their duty of care owed to Applicant in their use of a motor vehicle on the road / Respondent was driving the vehicle in the course of their employment / Respondent and Respondent's employer joint and severally liability for costs to Applicant / Repair costs more than value of car / Respondent and employer must pay Applicant for the replacement of the car, as well as the cost of using another car in the interim / Respondent and employer ordered to pay $2,600.00 / Claim granted in part.

  13. USM v Q Ltd [2022] NZDT 291 (27 September 2022) [PDF, 153 KB]

    Contract / Applicant parked vehicle in carpark to attend gym / Applicant parked in neighbouring business carpark rather than gym carpark / Respondent provided parking enforcement services / Respondent sent Applicant notice for $95.00, for parking in business carpark / Applicant contacted Respondent, appealed fee, claimed it was honest mistake / Respondent declined appeal saying vehicle was parked in front of sign identifying carpark owner, which was not gym / Subsequently, Respondent advised Applicant of additional costs, bringing total owing to $320.00 / Later Applicant received email from credit agency seeking $416.71 / Applicant disputed liability / Applicant sought declaration of non-liability for $416.71 / Respondent counterclaimed for $425.35 at hearing / Held: sign in business carpark indicated it was not gym’s carpark / Sign did not constitute offer / Sign indicated unauthorised drivers could incur a fine for parking there / Respondent not providing parking, not offering anythi…

  14. FZ v KU [2022] NZDT 164 (26 September 2022) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant’s pet was taken in for surgery / The pet took a turn for the worse after surgery and had to be put down / Applicant claims that the respondent misrepresented the price of the surgery / Applicant claims the respondent did not use due care and skill during the surgery / Respondent claims that the bill was fairly represented / Respondent’s bill had words “time dependent” next to the quoted surgery amount of $1,500 / The respondent says because of this the higher bill is justified / Held: The respondent did use due care and skill in undertaking the surgery / There was nothing out of the ordinary with the surgery / Held: Respondent’s bill was reasonable / The respondent needed to take longer, thus incurring greater costs / Claim dismissed

  15. EN v KH [2022] NZDT 182 (23 September 2022) [PDF, 110 KB]

    Contract / Resource consent / Applicant, Respondent and third party hold resource consent for proposed driveway / Applicant claims cost of surveying, plumbing, and engineering design work for proposed driveway / Respondent denies liability for these sums on basis she has repeatedly informed Applicant she did not wish to proceed with construction of driveway / Held: signing resource consent application form and paying costs of application did not amount to entering contract to build shared driveway / expenses incurred by Applicant were incurred in situation where there was no reasonable expectation for Respondent to contribute / claim dismissed.

  16. EL v BN [2022] NZDT 156 (23 September 2022) [PDF, 212 KB]

    Contract / Applicant and his ex-partner were preparing their house for sale / Respondent was Applicant’s builder / Applicant was quoted a price for the repair of the home and Applicant agreed to pay half / Applicant was unable to access the home at the time of the repair work so Applicant’s ex-partner liaised with the Respondent about repair work / Applicant claims that ex-partner authorised additional work that was not known at the time of the quotation / Respondent invoiced a greater amount than the initial quotation to reflect additional work undertaken / Applicant claimed $1916.50 for the repair work costs / Held: Respondent’s ex-partner entered into a contract with Applicant / Respondent was not a party to the contract / Respondent was not consulted and did not give authority to give authority to carry out additional work / Claim partially approved, respondent to pay half of initial quotation.

  17. FX & QX v MC Ltd [2022] NZDT 154 (22 September 2022) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Contract / Limitation / Building Act 2004 / Limitation Act 1950 / Limitation Act 2010 / Applicants entered into a building contract with a previous iteration of the Respondent / Dispute over work done / Applicants ordered to pay $15,723.99 in a previous decision / Applicants claimed they should not have had to pay / Applicants claimed for money paid as well as interest, $30,000.00) / Held: Respondent did not assume any of the liabilities of previous company / Previous company had been removed from the Companies Register / Respondent not a party to the original contract / Claim was out of time under relevant legislation / Claim dismissed.

  18. LI v MB Ltd [2022] NZDT 158 (21 September 2022) [PDF, 115 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to auction her painting / Applicant believed painting was an original / Respondent believed it was a copy / Reserve price of $100.00 was set / Applicant observed the auction online / Respondent appeared to be shaking his head at one of the bidders / Painting sold for $250.00 / Applicant believed Respondent told the buyer not to bid as it was not an original / Applicant believed the painting should have fetched $2000.00 / Applicant claimed $1750.00 from Respondent / Whether Respondent failed to provide service with reasonable skill and care / Whether Respondent engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct / Held: Applicant agreed to the reserve price / Respondent confirmed with the bidder that the painting had not been authenticated / Respondent acted with reasonable skill and care / No evidence of misleading or deceptive conduct by the Respondent / Applicant not proved any wrongdoing by the Respondent / Claim dismisse…

  19. T Ltd v M Ltd [2022] NZDT 191 (20 September 2022) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Contract / Respondent contracted Applicant plumber and gasfitter company to disconnect and install new steam and water pipes / job took longer than expected because sole director of Applicant company scheduled for surgery and had to send inexperienced staff instead / Applicant invoiced Respondent $8,438.48 / Respondent claims Applicant provided verbal estimate of $5,000 / Held: estimate given is not a fixed price, however it should not vary significantly unless there are unforeseen issues that arise / Applicant did not complete job at estimated price and did not discuss any extras with Respondents / Claim partially approved, Respondent to pay Applicant $5,750.00.

  20. NT v GD Ltd [2022] NZDT 177 (20 September 2022) [PDF, 111 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant booked international travel with the Respondent / First flight into their transition city arrived late / Outbound flight was overbooked and the Applicant's family were unable to board / No further flights for a few days so the Applicant's family opted to return home / Applicant claimed Respondent failed to carry out their job with reasonable care and skill / Applicant claimed communication was poor with the Respondent / Applicant claimed $18,000.00 in compensation / Held: Respondent was not responsible for the loss the Applicant suffered / Loss was caused by the airlines / Claim dismissed.

  21. HU v UX [2022] NZDT 115 (20 September 2022) [PDF, 198 KB]

    Contract / Applicant bought a campervan off Respondent on Trademe / Applicant had a family friend inspect the campervan and Applicant joined via facetime / Applicant collected campervan but subsequently found various issues in it / Applicant claimed $8,126 in various costs / Held: the respondent had misled the applicant about the condition of the campervan’s fridge and heater / Respondent had not misrepresented matters relating to whether the van complied with gas reticulation and housing gas appliances / Respondent was also not legally required campervan certified before selling it / Claim allowed, Respondent to pay Applicant $1,305.50.

  22. TD v SN [2022] NZDT 99 (19 September 2022) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Respondent was walking her dog down a street opposite the Applicant’s property / Applicant came out of her house with a larger dog than Respondent’s / Applicant leaned into her car to clear some items / Applicant heard someone shouting and saw Respondent’s dog lying on the footpath / Later the Applicant received a phone call from the Respondent saying her dog was at the vet and needed a MRI scan costing $5,000 / Respondent refused to pay for the dog's treatment / Applicant paid for the MRI / MRI revealed there was no sign of a dog bite and that condition could have been caused by other factors / Respondent paid for additional vet bills when informed the dog would otherwise be put down / Applicant claimed $6,000 for cost of vet bill / Held: parties came to an agreement to share vet costs before coming to the Tribunal / Agreement should not be disturbed / Claim dismissed.

  23. TG v NNI [2022] NZDT 139 (15 September 2022) [PDF, 229 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Accident Compensation Act 2001 (ACA) /  Applicant engaged the services of the respondent to colour her hair / Respondent coloured the hair of the applicant / Applicant claims that this colouring caused damage to their hair and a burnt scalp as the work was not undertaken with a reasonable care and skill / Respondent claims that this transaction was not covered under the CGA as it was a “one between friends” / Applicant claims $660.50 in compensation / Held: The colouring caused chemical damage to the applicant’s hair and scalp / Held: The transaction was professional in nature, and not one between friends / Held: Respondent must pay the applicant a total of $550.50 in compensation, including a refund and other expenses that were not covered by the ACA / Claim partially upheld

  24. OI v NJ [2022] NZDT 180 (15 September 2022) [PDF, 124 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was parked in his car on the side of the road when he was hit by another car / Respondent then drove past and parked ahead of the Applicant / Applicant took a video of the damage to his own vehicle and noted damage on the Respondent's car / Respondent denied he hit the Applicant's car / Respondent also heard a crash and saw a white car speed past / Respondent stated there was no damage to his vehicle / Respondent claimed he pulled over as a witness, not because he was liable / Held: onus was on the Applicant to prove on the balance of probabilities that the damage was caused in the manner he described / Claim not proven to the required standard / Claim dismissed.