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1863 items matching your search terms

  1. MT v BX [2024] NZDT 85 (16 January 2024) [PDF, 96 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (CCFA) / Applicant lent Respondent $6,000.00 for his medical expenses / Applicant and Respondent drafted an agreement / Respondent did not pay / Applicant claimed $6,400 which included loan repayment, interest and fees / Held: CCFA and its disclosure requirements did not apply / Just for the contract to be enforced in Applicant's favour / Respondent drafted  contract and clearly knew what he was signing up for / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,000.00 / Claim allowed.

  2. DE & XE v SC [2024] NZDT 71 (15 January 2024) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased vehicle from Respondent for $600 / Applicant found evidence of water ingress in vehicle / Applicant claimed refund of purchase price plus costs / Held: Respondent used vehicle as a farm car until an incident where it got stuck on side in an overflowing creek / Respondent conveyed to Applicant no water ingress in the vehicle / Applicant relied on Respondent’s statement when agreeing to purchase vehicle / Applicant induced into contract by misrepresentation / Applicant entitled to damages / Total costs and losses incurred by Applicant comfortably exceeded amount claimed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,000 / Claim allowed.

  3. NL & TG v JN [2024] NZDT 44 (12 January 2024) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Trespass / Applicants lived next door to property co-owned by Respondent and his brother-in-law / Applicants claim related to problems with former occupants of Respondent’s property / Former occupants threw rubbish over the fence onto Applicants’ property / Respondent stated his brother-in-law lived in the property and sometimes allowed friends to live there / Applicants sought $300.00 compensation from Respondent for removal of rubbish / Held: person liable for cost of removing rubbish from Applicants’ property was person who put the rubbish there / Respondent was not that person / Respondent not vicariously liable for that person’s actions / No legal basis to hold Respondent liable to pay compensation / Claim dismissed.

  4. KN & NN v FO Ltd [2024] NZDT 69 (12 January 2024) [PDF, 137 KB]

    Contract / Applicants contracted Respondent to install cable / Fiber cable installed at 100-150 mms below surface / Cable damaged when tree on Applicants’ property fell / Applicants claimed cable should have been installed at 300 mms / Applicants sought declaration of non-liability / Respondent counterclaimed that Applicants breached contract and were liable for damage / Respondent counterclaimed for cost of repair / Held: cable installed at correct depth / No legally prescribed depth and shallow installation necessary for this particular property / Applicants not liable for damage / Terms of agreement did not clearly account for damage caused by falling tree / Ambiguity resolved against Respondent who prepared document and was relying on it / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.

  5. B Ltd v OQ [2024] NZDT 107 (11 January 2024) [PDF, 92 KB]

    Contract / Respondent approached Applicant to develop machine that could cut a block of firewood into kindling in one process / Applicant said he could produce such a machine, but would need to undertake research / After investigation, Applicant unable to construct requested machine / Applicant claimed $5,771.02 for research and development expenses, plus costs related to hearing / Held: claim depended on parties’ agreement and reasonable expectations / Respondent not obliged to cover Applicant’s research and development costs / If parties had agreed Applicant would investigate whether it was possible to develop machine suiting Respondent’s requirements and Applicant had warned it might not be possible, then Respondent would be liable for Applicant’s costs / However, Applicant reassured Respondent that he could develop machine, and Respondent reasonably relied on Applicant’s expertise / Claim dismissed.

  6. CD Ltd v GQ Ltd [2024] NZDT 67 (11 January 2024) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Property / Fencing Act 1978 / Applicant issued fencing notice to Respondent to replace section of boundary fence with single-sided palings in same style as rest of fence / Applicant provided quotation of $13,598.75 / Applicant claimed for Respondent to pay half-share / Respondent issued cross-notice for higher fence with close-boarded palings on both sides at greater price / Held: fence to be built with close-boarded palings on both sides at original height of fence / Applicant to pay $6,799.38 towards cost / Respondent to pay balance / Reasonable for Respondent to improve appearance of their property but Applicant only liable to pay for cost of existing style / Claim allowed in part.

  7. S Ltd v TT [2024] NZDT 66 (11 January 2024) [PDF, 180 KB]

    Contract / Consumer law / Applicant was engaged by Respondent to install insinkerator / Applicant invoiced Respondent $702.54 for the work / Respondent stated payment would be made upon receipt of warranty for the insinkerator / Applicant explained that Respondent needed to register online to obtain warranty, provided information required for her to do this / Respondent requested Applicant come and read serial number from insinkerator for her / Applicant offered times when it could attend, but was booked up by the time Respondent replied / Applicant claimed $702.54 for outstanding invoice / Held: Applicant installed insinkerator with reasonable care and skill / Applicant had provided Respondent with all reasonable assistance to obtain warranty / Applicant was entitled to full payment of invoice / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $702.54 / Claim allowed.  

  8. FC v DN [2024] NZDT 40 (11 January 2024) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant purchased a horse from Respondent / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented horse’s age when advertising him for sale / Applicant based claim on vet’s assessment that horse was born in 2019, was four years old at the oldest / Breeder documented that horse was born in late 2018 / Held: even if the horse was born in 2019 he would not be three and a half years old when Applicant purchased him / Not proven that Respondent misrepresented horse’s age / Horse was approaching five years old when purchased by Applicant / Claim dismissed.

  9. LI Ltd v TC [2024] NZDT 56 (10 January 2024) [PDF, 107 KB]

    Contract / Quantum meruit / Applicant engaged by Respondent for home renovation project / Applicant did not send formal building contract to Respondent until 9 months into preliminary work / Respondent’s bank and solicitor raised concerns with contract / Attempts to amend contract to satisfy all parties were unsuccessful / Respondent engaged a different builder / Applicant claimed, on a quantum meruit basis, $4600.00 costs for preliminary work / Held: parties engaged with each other on expectation contract would be formalised / Preliminary work was never to be charged directly / By not sending contract earlier, or entering agreement for payment for preliminary work, Applicant took risk that contract may not be finalised / Respondent did not simply change her mind, but was prevented from signing contract as bank would not approve it / Respondent not liable to pay any amount towards Applicant’s claimed costs / Claim dismissed.

  10. C Ltd v FE [2024] NZDT 48 (10 January 2024) [PDF, 168 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant provided Respondent with relocation of household items services / Term of contract that goods were carried at owner’s risk / Applicant claimed $1,487.58 for outstanding invoice / Held: Respondent did not keep her promise to pay for services / Respondent disputed payment due to plastic storage container lids being broken during move / Contract was at “owners risk” / Carrier was not liable for loss of or damage to any goods except where loss or damage was internationally caused / No evidence presented to support claim that Applicant intentionally caused any damage / Respondent ordered to pay $1,487.58  / Claim allowed.

  11. NQ & SS v QG & Ors [2024] NZDT 83 (9 January 2024) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant and Respondent owned properties with adjoining boundary / Respondents had fence erected / During fencing work, underground pipe on Applicants’ property was damaged / Applicants claimed tree on their property was also removed / Respondents arranged for repairs to Applicants drains, but Applicants unhappy with work / Applicants claimed $2000 compensation for estimated further plumbing work and cost of replacing tree / Respondents counterclaimed $1,500 for amount Applicants agreed to contribute to fencing work but failed to pay / Held: no evidence that remedial was not done to a professional standard and no compelling evidence that tree was cut down during fencing work / Applicant bound by agreement to contribute to fencing costs / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1,500 / Claim dismissed, counterclaim allowed.

  12. ST P Ltd v D Ltd & R Ltd [2024] NZDT 3 (8 January 2024) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased vehicle from First Respondent / Vehicle had problems with battery headlights almost immediately after purchase / Respondent replaced vehicle's battery and subsequently vehicle had issues with reversing camera and radio screen / Applicant sought to reject vehicle and claimed $15,500 / Held: insurance policy claim against Second Respondent dismissed as policy does not cover failures / Applicant had an accident whilst driving vehicle / Applicant not entitled to reject vehicle and receive refund / Damage to vehicle not related to state or condition at the time vehicle supplied to Applicant / First Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $906 / Claim against First Respondent allowed in part / Claim against Second Respondent dismissed.

  13. GU & OG v T Ltd [2024] NZDT 4 (5 January 2024) [PDF, 195 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants had kitchen cabinets installed by Respondent for $18,500 / Eighteen months later, veneer laminate on cabinets had begun to ripple and lift / Applicants requested issue be repaired under warranty / Respondent determined damage caused by moisture exposure, therefore not covered by warranty / Applicants claimed cabinets were not fit for purpose, sought $4000 for repairs / Held: Applicants did not sufficiently prove claim / Defects did not appear to be from failure of materials used on cabinet doors / Claim dismissed.

  14. HT v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 2 (5 January 2024) [PDF, 197 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent’s cleaning services after being victim of a ram raid / As work was urgent, price was not discussed or agreed in advance / Respondent invoiced $1,552.50 / Applicant disputed amount charged / Applicant claimed $1,086.75 / Respondent counterclaimed $1,552.50 for unpaid invoice / Held: Applicant did not prove she had been overcharged for services provided / Applicant had responsibility to inquire about costs beforehand and failed to do so / Applicant liable for full invoice / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1,552.50 / Claim dismissed, counterclaim allowed.  

  15. C Ltd & HN v G Ltd & GX [2024] NZDT 1 (3 January 2024) [PDF, 251 KB]

    Contract / Applicant provided workshops and coaching for self-development / Respondent agreed to attend workshops and coaching at a discounted price / Respondent could not pay total cost and asked to pay in instalments / Applicant claimed balance owing $2387.50 / Held: Respondent fully informed of programme, accepted offer to participate and made an initial payment / Respondent agreed to participate and to pay total cost / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2387.50 / Claim allowed.

  16. B Ltd v DT [2023] NZDT 741 (22 December 2023) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant provided courtesy car to Respondent's daughter / Applicant claimed car suffered catastrophic engine failure / Applicant claimed $3,612.50 to replace car engine / Held: contract exists between Applicant and Respondent / Courtesy car provided because of original contract between Applicant and Respondent / Original car bought by the Respondent's daughter being repaired / Respondent's daughter did not cause damage to car / Respondent did not breach obligations by failing to return car in its original condition / Claim dismissed.

  17. AA v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 688 (22 December 2023) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Property law / Applicant purchased a new townhouse from Respondents / Protected Pohutukawa tree was situated at the boundary of the property / Applicant claims the location of the tree was misrepresented on the plans when the contract was entered into / Applicant claims damages of $25,000.00 based on loss of usable land, ongoing maintenance issues, and loss of amenity value due to misrepresentation of the tree’s position /  Applicant also claims $15,000 for installation of a butler’s sink in the kitchen / Held: the misleading representation induced Applicant into contract and Respondents were in breach of contract when they substituted the kitchen sink without prior notice to Applicant / Claim allowed, Respondent ordered to pay $15,000 to applicant.

  18. B Ltd v JG & WG [2023] NZDT 770 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Contract / Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 / Applicants loaned money to Respondents for purpose of car repairs / Loan to be paid by monthly installments with annual interest rate / Balance of loan refinanced and additional amount loaned / New loan fell into arrears and Respondents stopped making payments / Held: Applicant did not act responsibly in making loans / Applicant failed to comply with requirements for continuing disclosures / Respondents entitled to statutory damages for Applicant’s breaches / Lenders have responsibility to make reasonable inquiries before entering into an agreement / Applicant cannot recover any of the costs of borrowing on new loan / Claim dismissed.

  19. MK & OC v R Ltd [2023] NZDT 719 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Contract / Applicants paid $7,246.36 for airline tickets / Respondent failed to issue tickets / Applicants rebooked flights through Respondent’s call centre / Respondent claimed not to have received Applicants’ payment due to a systems error, and asked them to pay again  / Respondent refunded the money for earlier payment seven months later / Applicants paid a third time but Respondent issued tickets with an incorrect return date / Applicants had to pay $163.80 to correct return date and had to return on later date / Applicants claimed $18,000.00 from Respondent, comprising related travel costs, compensation for stress and inconvenience, and $22,610 for loss of income / Held: standard of service offered in the booking process was very poor in multiple respects / Applicants inconvenienced by Respondent’s poor service / Claimed $22,610 for loss of income was not deemed to be a true loss / Respondent ordered to pay $4,426.00, $2,600.00 compensation and $1,826.00 for expenses / Claim allow…

  20. TC v N Ltd [2023] NZDT 682 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 243 KB]

    Building Act 2004 / Applicant purchased new-build house from Respondent / Applicant inspected house prior to settlement and discovered multiple issues / Whether each claimed item is 'defective building work' / Whether Respondent given opportunity to remedy the defect / Held: Applicant entitled to damages for defective ceiling, concrete path, poor workmanship on fence, kitchen cabinets, and other basic defects around the property / Respondent liable to pay damages of $22,395.81 / Claim allowed

  21. MK & NK v B Ltd [2023] NZDT 687 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 111 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent to reroof their commercially tenanted house / Reroofing rescheduled due to series of delays / Applicant's tenants present in building when Respondent went to do work / This posed as a health and safety hazard / Respondent claimed it was made clear building needed to be empty for duration of reroofing / Applicant subsequently contacted another roofing company / Applicants claimed $15,456.00 / Held: Respondent unable to prove they had communicated building needed to be vacant / Applicant justified in cancelling contract / Respondent should bear costs of scaffolding and freight / Respondent not liable to pay difference in contract price claimed by Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,748 / Claim allowed in part.

  22. D Ltd v KL [2023] NZDT 684 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 119 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent’s vehicle vandalised / Applicant engaged by Respondent to spray paint vehicle and perform repairs / Respondent unhappy with work and claimed refund and legal costs / Applicant claimed legal costs / Held: some exterior paint work not reasonably fit for purpose and fell short of the nature and quality that could reasonably be expected in the circumstances for repaint / Applicant and Respondent's claims for legal costs dismissed / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1500 / Claim dismissed.

  23. QH & TH v SR [2023] NZDT 696 (21 December 2023) [PDF, 177 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant’s son had collision with respondent / Applicants claim respondent is liable for collision as he entered lane from a give way controlled sideboard but failed to give way / Respondent claims other driver is liable because he failed to drive to the conditions / Held: not persuaded by applicant’s claim that the other driver bears some liability / Not enough to rely on a gap left by another vehicle / No evidence of contributory negligence / Damage consistent with description of collision and cost claimed for repair is reasonable / Outcome: claim allowed, respondent to pay applicants $7,261