Please find below the official Ministry of Justice printable booklet (MOJ0058) that will inform you about process and procedures within the Tribunal as well as helpful links to other websites if your claim does not fall within jurisdiction of the Disputes Tribunal.

 MOJ0058 Disputes Tribunal booklet [PDF, 438 KB]

The Disputes Tribunal is a quick and inexpensive way to settle disputes. 

The Disputes Tribunal is less formal than a court. A lawyer can’t represent you in the hearing and there are no judges. Each hearing is run by a referee who will consider whether it is appropriate to help parties reach a settlement on a case by case basis. Where this is not considered appropriate, the referee will make a decision on the dispute.

Useful information to assist your participation in the Disputes Tribunal

Introduction to the Disputes Tribunal

How to Prepare for a Disputes Tribunal hearing

What to expect at A Disputes Tribunal hearing

Laws that cover the Disputes Tribunal

The Tribunal is covered by the:

Disputes Tribunal Act 1988(external link)

Disputes Tribunals Rules 1989(external link)

The Tribunal replaced the Small Claims Courts in 1988.

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