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1862 items matching your search terms

  1. OB v CM [2024] NZDT 121 (26 April 2024) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased dog collar from Respondent for $72 / Dog collar broke shortly after purchase / Applicant requested a refund / Respondent blamed Applicant for break and begrudgingly offered a partial refund of $25 / Applicant claimed full refund plus cost of replacement collar / Held: evidence showed fraying around buckle, indicating leather was not strong enough / Respondent entitled to a full refund but not cost of replacement collar, as that was not supplied by Respondent / Respondent order to pay $72 / Claim granted in part.

  2. BB v NC [2024] NZDT 127 (16 April 2024) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased house from Respondent / At pre-purchase inspection, Applicant noted water on garage floor / Respondent stated it was caused by a blocked drain which had now been cleared, and that the garage had never flooded previously / After purchase, Applicant discovered flooding in garage and engaged drainlayer to examine site / Drainlayer discovered number of defects in drain installation / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented state of the property / Applicant claimed $16,722.14 for repairs, $11,235.64 for plumbing work and two insurance excesses for damage to property totalling $916.28 / Held: Applicant established that drain laying was defective / Respondent’s statements regarding leaking were incorrect / Respondent’s misrepresentations influenced Applicant, induced her to enter contract / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $28,874.06 / Claim allowed.

  3. SB v LQ [2024] NZDT 128 (16 April 2024) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant purchased motorbike from Respondent, who was 16 years old / Bike suffered mechanical issues after being ridden by Applicant for 30 minutes / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented bike / Applicant claimed $4,000 towards mechanical repairs / Held: it was for the Applicant to ensure bike was of the quality he wanted to purchase, as it was not sold with a guarantee that it would be reasonably durable or of acceptable quality / Applicant therefore failed to show he was induced to enter into contract because the bike was misrepresented to him / CCLA provides that a contract cannot be enforced against a minor unless the court considers it fair to do so / Claim dismissed.

  4. QX v XN Ltd [2024] NZDT 110 (16 April 2024) [PDF, 207 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a second hand motorhome / Year after purchase, motorhome required significant repairs / Applicant claimed motorhome was not of acceptable quality / Applicant claimed $19,245.66 from Respondent distributor / Held: insufficient evidence to establish motorhome was not of acceptable quality / Motorhome had not had a full service since it was supplied new to original owner / Reasonable consumer would expect to have motor vehicle serviced regularly / Had vehicle been regularly serviced, defects may have been detected and remedied before major damage caused / Claim dismissed.

  5. DI v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 114 (10 April 2024) [PDF, 232 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant attempted to book accommodation over Christmas period on Respondent’s website / Applicant received pop-up which he understood to mean booking was unsuccessful, so booked elsewhere / Applicant’s credit card was later charged full booking price of $6390 / When contacted, Respondent refused to cancel booking or relist property / Applicant claimed contract never formed, sought $6873.04 refund, interest and filing fee / Held: not proven that booking resulted from system error as claimed by Applicant / Although Respondent not obligated to relist property, relying on this term was harsh in circumstances, contributed to Applicant’s loss / Respondent agreed to refund $299 booking fee and $206 cleaning fee / Further order of $500 justified to acknowledge that Respondent’s refusal to relist property led to unfair and unjust situation for Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay $1005.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  6. AF & SF v JM [2024] NZDT 122 (8 April 2024) [PDF, 165 KB]

    Bankruptcy / Insolvency Act 2006 / Applicant paid Respondent $5,846.02 deposit to carry out roofing work in August 2023 / Work not done and Respondent has not paid back deposit / Applicant filed claim in the Disputes Tribunal on 17 January 2024 / On 18 January 2024 Respondent was adjudicated bankrupt / Held: Insolvency Act provides the court may allow proceedings that had already begun before the date of adjudication to continue on the terms and conditions that the court thinks appropriate / Applicant has advised she is not inclined to apply to High Court for an order to allow proceedings in the Disputes Tribunal to continue / Proceeding therefore struck out / Claim dismissed.

  7. LU v LBI [2024] NZDT 119 (2 April 2024) [PDF, 203 KB]

    Contract / Applicant employed by a university as a researcher / Respondent was Applicant’s manager / Respondent left university and Applicant began working for Respondent / Respondent promised but failed to pay all of Applicant’s work invoices / Applicant worked for Respondent for a year / Applicant only received $9,175.00, $41,450.33 of invoiced amount remained unpaid / Applicant claimed $30,000.00 in order to bring the claim within jurisdiction of Disputes Tribunal / Held: contract formed between parties / Evidence accepted that Applicant was engaged to work full-time and agreed she would be paid $33.33 per hour / Only reason given why Respondent had not paid Applicant was because she had not received money she had hoped for / Applicant’s payment was not conditional on Respondent being paid / Applicant proven owed more than the jurisdiction of the Disputes Tribunal permitted / Respondent ordered to pay $31,431.93, claim amount with interest / Claim allowed.

  8. BQ v BC [2024] NZDT 120 (12 March 2024) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Loan / Parties were friends / Applicant claimed Respondent asked her for money /Applicant claimed Respondent agreed to repay money but he ultimately refused to do so / Held: evidence indicated money paid to Respondent was a loan not a gift / Applicant provided bank statement evidence of money paid to Respondent totaling $10,470.00/ Applicant claimed addition sum of $16,985.00 for food during their friendship / Parties shared food and no evidence of an intention that money spent on food was a loan / Respondent ordered to pay $10,470.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  9. CL v HG [2024] NZDT 118 (7 March 2024) [PDF, 179 KB]

    Contract / Parties were in an relationship / Applicant planned a trip / Respondent agreed to take Applicant to the airport and look after her pets / Respondent did not take Applicant to the airport and she missed her flight / Applicant claimed for travel costs and kennel costs / Held: social arrangements unlikely to be legally enforceable unless parties demonstrate an intention to be bound by their promises / Promise was made but it fell short of being a contract / Applicant not entitled to sought order / Claim dismissed.

  10. NX v B Ltd [2024] NZDT 84 (4 March 2024) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Negligence /  Applicant engaged Respondent to carry out an assessment of his ducted heating system / Respondent's tradesperson inspected system gaining access through manhole in Applicant's spare bedroom / Applicant discovered carpet in spare bedroom was wet underfoot / Applicant found screw junction between two pipes was lose and water leaked from junction / Applicant claimed compensation for loss / Held: Respondent acted with reasonable care in entering the roof cavity / Applicant not entitled to compensation / Claim dismissed.

  11. QD v B Ltd [2024] NZDT 62 (31 January 2024) [PDF, 86 KB]

    Contract / Applicant signed contract with Respondent for work on development project / Applicant paid $5750.00 deposit / Work agreed to commence when Applicant's funding was approved / Applicant not able to obtain funding / Applicant claimed refund of deposit / Held: written contract did not refer to deposit being non-refundable / No disadvantage of cost to Respondent when project was cancelled / Respondent liable to refund $5750.00 deposit / Claim granted.

  12. HI v B Ltd [2024] NZDT 8 (29 February 2024) [PDF, 231 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Applicant booked accommodation with Respondent / Applicant was not satisfied with cleanliness of room / Following discussion with staff member, Applicant left and found alternative accommodation / Applicant claimed refund of $400 booking fee and $45 Tribunal filing fee / Held: Respondent breached CGA / Applicant's photo evidence showed cleanliness of room fell below standard a reasonable consumer would expect from an accommodation provider / FTA breach not considered / Respondent failed to remedy problem within reasonable time / Reasonable for Applicant to leave based on conversation with staff member / Applicant entitled to refund of booking fee but not filing fee / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $400 / Claim allowed.

  13. HH v NC [2024] NZDT 53 (29 February 2024) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Negligence / Land Transport Act 1988 / Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 / Parties involved in road collision when Respondent tried to move into lane in which Applicant was travelling / Both vehicles were damaged / Applicant and his insurer claimed $2,858.19 from Respondent for cost of repairs to Applicant’s ute / Held: Respondent failed to give way and moved from his lane without due care / Respondent breached duty as driver to take care not to harm anyone else’s property, and was responsible for damage caused / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant’s insurer $2,858.19 / Claim allowed.

  14. SS & YO v SR [2024] 36 (29 February 2024) [PDF, 196 KB]

    Contract / Applicants purchased house from Respondent / Approximately two years after purchase, waste pump began to fail / Applicants claimed $8,472.39 for plumber call outs and pump replacement / Respondent claimed pump failure was due to depreciation and misuse / Held: more likely than not that pump failed due to accelerated wear and tear caused by incorrect installation / Pump was not delivered in reasonable working order, therefore was in breach of vendor warranties / Applicants entitled to compensation for plumber call outs and half cost of new pump installation, less cost of service that would have been necessary anyway / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $5,374.08 / Claim allowed.

  15. TN v KM [2024] NZDT 106 (28 February 2024) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Respondent occupied room in Applicant’s house as a boarder / Agreed Respondent would clean his own bedroom and bathroom / Around time Respondent was moving out, Applicant entered room and found carpet substantially destroyed by carpet moths / Applicant said carpet and walls were covered in moths, cocoons and eggs / Applicant obtained quote for replacing carpet of $1,255.00, spent $67.96 on chemicals to treat room, and engaged cleaners for $230.00 to fumigate house / Applicant claimed Respondent responsible for damage as he had neither kept room clean nor taken action when infestation appeared / Held: damage caused by Respondent’s failure to clean carpet as he was obliged to do under parties’ agreement / Applicant had no choice but to replace carpet / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1,552.96 / Claim allowed.

  16. IX v HO [2024] NZDT 90 (28 February 2024) [PDF, 98 KB]

    Tenancy / Parties were flatmates / Respondent was head tenant and Applicant was subtenant / Tenancy was fixed term but could be terminated early / Leaving tenant had responsibility of finding replacement tenant / Applicant asked for return of bond from Respondent / Respondent refused / Applicant claimed refund of $1,200 for bond and disruption / Held: Applicant had not breached contract and was entitled to the bond refund / Respondent breached contract by not refunding bond / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $1200.00 / No evidence provided for inconvenience claim / Claim allowed in part.

  17. NQ v NM Ltd [2024] NZDT 55 (28 February 2024) [PDF, 83 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought laptop from Respondent for $3,064.75 with a three-year extended warranty / Screen failed after warranty expired / Respondent declined to provide remedy because warranty had expired / Applicant considered laptop should have lasted seven years / Applicant claimed for compensation / Held: laptop cannot be regarded as reasonably durable / Laptop did not comply with consumer guarantee of acceptable quality / Respondent ordered to pay $1,751.28, calculated on estimated expected life of laptop / Claim allowed.

  18. QN & Ors v KN [2024] NZDT 29 (28 February 2024) [PDF, 148 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant claimed vehicle was struck by Respondent causing damage / Applicant claimed $4,995.99 for repair costs and additional compensation / Held: repair costs were reasonable and caused by Respondent's negligent driving / Applicant entitled to be compensated for repair costs / Agreement was between the Applicant and panel beaters / Applicant paid invoice on time and did not incur any interest or late fees / Applicant not entitled to any further compensation / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,223.99 / Claim allowed in part.

  19. DQ v CC [2024] NZDT 22 (28 February 2024) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Damages / Contract / Applicant claimed Respondent damaged Applicant’s soundbar while at her home as a guest / Applicant claimed she had a contractual agreement with Respondent not to touch the soundbar, TV or remotes / Respondent denied liability / Applicant sought $629 for cost of a new soundbar and TV specialist service / Held: insufficient evidence to prove Respondent caused damage / No evidence of contractual agreement, which in any event would be an unenforceable promise / Claim dismissed.

  20. BS v X Ltd [2024] NZDT 70 (27 February 2024) [PDF, 201 KB]

    Compensation / Accident Compensation Act 2001 (ACA) / Applicant claimed she contracted virus and suffered facial nerve palsy while receiving treatment with Respondent / Applicant claimed compensation or exemplary damages / Held: more likely than not that Applicant’s compensation claim against Respondent barred by ACA / Claim for exemplary damages for personal injury outside jurisdiction of Disputes Tribunal, but could be brought in the District Court / Claim struck out.

  21. SX v R Ltd & M Ltd [2024 NZDT 14 (27 February 2024) [PDF, 128 KB]

    Negligence / Contract / Duress / Respondent managed Applicant’s rental property / Applicant alleged Respondent acted negligently by giving her poor advice, resulting in loss of three weeks and one day’s rent / Applicant also alleged she agreed to an early exit for the tenants under duress / Applicant claimed $2495.36 / Held: after Applicant attended property without notice, tenant threatened to bring claim to Tenancy Tribunal / Respondent’s advice to endeavour to mitigate damages through early termination, rather than face potential consequences in the Tenancy Tribunal, was fair and reasonable, not poor advice / Applicant did not agree to early exit under duress / Claim dismissed.

  22. N Ltd v KB [2024] NZDT 101 (26 February 2024) [PDF, 140 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent engaged Applicant to establish new mooring for his boat / Applicant noted challenges due to boat’s dimensions, but agreed / Applicant submitted application for new mooring, Council approved it / Applicant invoiced Respondent $6,704.63 / During cyclone, boat slipped mooring and went aground / Applicant claimed for unpaid invoice / Respondent counter-claimed for repair costs / Held: high risk of boat grounding at new mooring / Applicant met duty to exercise reasonable care and skill by informing Respondent about mooring options and depth issues / Applicant entitled to allow Council to exercise authority to determine whether site and mooring were suitable / Applicant entitled to payment of quoted price / Not proven that Applicant had any liability for damage to boat / Respondent ordered to pay $6,704.63 / Claim allowed and counter-claim dismissed.

  23. SB v QD [2024] NZDT 91 (26 February 2024) [PDF, 95 KB]

    Contract / Applicant operated an art gallery / One of Respondent’s artworks was in Applicant's gallery / Respondent withdrew artwork and subsequently sold it / Applicant claimed $546.66 commission from sold artwork / Held: agreement was Applicant would receive 33% of commission if artwork was sold in gallery / No exhibition and artwork had been promoted by gallery / Respondent could remove artwork from the gallery and sell it / Respondent did not breach contract / Respondent not required to pay compensation / Applicant owed $520.00 from another commission / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $520.00 / Claim dismissed.

  24. AA v BB [2024] NZDT 80 (26 February 2024) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Contract / Parties involved in family dispute / Applicant claimed $19,850 for vehicle purchase, turntable, course registration fee and flight fees for her Respondent son / Respondent counterclaimed $30,000 for rent / Held: Applicant gave money to her son / No binding agreement to repay money / Applicant gifted money as part of mother-son relationship and at the time Applicant was not expecting repayment / No evidence provided to support counterclaim / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.